Zhong Wan gazed at Lin Si’s figure and sighed.

After Lin Si had hidden his tracks, Xuan Jing had practically flipped the entire capital upside down, searching boldly for him through every estate. He swore that he was going to catch Lin Si and bring him back. Zhong Wan refused to believe that there weren’t any ambiguous intentions behind this. He sighed; Lin Si definitely wouldn’t understand his pain of having to stick to someone. 

This was truly… a full man not understanding a hungry man’s hunger.

In only a day, Zhong Wan had felt great joy and great sorrow. Now, he was tired. After sending Lin Si away, he drew his clothes together and lay on the bed. At first, he only intended to rest for a bit, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

Zhong Wan didn’t sleep very peacefully. On and off, he actually started dreaming.

At one point, he dreamed about when he had still been Xuan Rui’s reading partner in the palace. At that time, there hadn’t been any misunderstandings between him and Xuan Rui. They went everywhere together, everyday. Xuan Rui always followed him around. When there were others present, he called him by name; when there weren’t, he called Zhong Wan “big brother.” 

At another point, he dreamed of Prince Ning’s betrayal case. He had been locked up in the prisons and interrogated daily.

At yet another point, he dreamed of when he had been saved and brought out of prison by Yu She and placed in the side courtyard. He had faked illness, finally managing to invite the imperial doctor who had taken care of him since childhood.

The old imperial doctor had taken care of Prince Ning since he had been a child, then had taken care of Zhong Wan, Xuan Rui, and the twins thereafter. He was considered one of the trusted subordinates of Prince Ning’s estate.

After Prince Ning’s death, because of groundless accusations, the old imperial doctor was dismissed from the imperial academy of medicine. At the time, Emperor Chongan had been in the midst of clearing out all the people who supported Prince Ning. It was already extremely fortunate that the old imperial doctor had survived. Back then, Zhong Wan had faked illness so many times just to see him. Through him, he got in contact with Xuan Rui and Old Imperial Preceptor Shi.

Though Emperor Chongan had left Xuan Rui alive, he was still Prince Ning’s eldest son. He was growing older day by day. It was unavoidable that he would become a thorn in Emperor Chongan’s side.

Of the Princes of the First Rank in this dynasty, some had stayed in the capital to be wealthy princes after their brother had ascended the throne. Others had received titles after reaching legal age, and based on the quality of their relationship with the emperor, ended up as either rich or unfortunate local princes. Technically, Xuan Rui didn’t qualify for any of these options. He wasn’t favored or of legal age. However, Zhong Wan hoped that he could receive a piece of territory far away. The land didn’t need to be that great, as long as it was far enough away.

Zhong Wan asked the imperial doctor to ask Old Imperial Preceptor Shi. The old imperial preceptor felt that this was the best plan of action as well. He was also willing to beg the emperor for mercy on Zhong Wan’s behalf, asking the emperor to send Xuan Rui away early on.

After the imperial decree naming Xuan Rui a local prince was issued, young Zhong Wan relaxed completely. He felt like things had finally settled. He counted the days, hoping that the children would be able to leave the capital as soon as possible. 

And after that…

Zhong Wan’s heart felt stuffy. He heaved out a long sigh in his sleep.

In his dreams, he heard the old imperial doctor hatefully whispering into his ear.

“How could His Highness be a traitor?! 

“All these years, Prince Yu has been doing immoral things for the emperor. This person has a venomous heart. This situation is definitely related to him.

“There’s something wrong. Everything was too coincidental, but who knows if this was because the emperor suddenly remembered the fact that he had almost failed to ascend to the throne back then? He’s been hung up over this ever since, so has abruptly acted…

“His Highness has encountered such great trouble because of these people’s hidden plans…

“The children will be able to leave the capital soon. As soon as they do, they can’t be held accountable anymore no matter what happens in the capital. 

“You and I are both greatly indebted to Prince Ning. Are you unwilling to seek revenge for him?

“For His Highness, I’m willing to walk head-on into death. What about you? His Highness was your adopted father! If not for him, would you have had such a nice life these past few years? Would you have been able to stay alive until now?

“I know that you can’t see Prince Yu, but aren’t you able to see Prince Yu’s heir every day? Towards you… he doesn’t seem guarded at all.

“Te Vtf lr Uglcmf Te’r rbif ifulalwjaf rbc. Ktfgf jgf jirb gewbgr atja tf’r atf fwqfgbg’r yjrajgv rbc. Efujgvifrr bo lo atlr lr agef bg cba, Te Vtf lr ralii lcmgfvlyis lwqbgajca ab atf akb bo atfw… 

“Vb ktja lo tf vlvc’a tjgw Uglcmf Rlcu?! Lf’r qlaloei, yea jgf Uglcmf Rlcu’r mtlivgfc cba qlaloei? Ktf sbecu jgf lccbmfca, yea tjnfc’a atfs yffc joofmafv pera atf rjwf?

“You’re making excuses for this too? As long as you act carefully, you’ll be able to keep your own life as well!

“This is the poison…

“This is the poison… 

“This is the poison…”

Beads of sweat appeared on Zhong Wan’s forehead. He wanted to wake up, but the nightmare had him trapped. A ghost-like voice kept hoarsely whispering into his ear: this is the poison.

“In the first place, weren’t you intending on leaving this place anyways? Didn’t you tell me to prepare documents for you and draw a map to Qian An for you so you could escape this place and head to Qian An?

“You’re leaving either way. There’s no need to be scared of anything. Before you leave, use the poison. Watch Yu She take it, then leave… 

“This poison takes a long time to show its effects. There’ll be enough time for you to escape. After you leave the city, the poison will start affecting Yu She. Not only will you have gotten revenge, you also won’t be implicated.

“Even if they wanted to catch you, the sky is high and the oceans are vast. You would’ve been gone long ago. Who could they catch?

“At worst, just don’t return to Qian An first. These people wronged His Highness so much. Don’t you feel hatred?

“If not for the fact that Princess Royal Anguo has set up strict protections, making it extremely difficult to poison or kill Yu She, I would be the one acting! Why would I come to implore you? 

“Yu She isn’t guarded against you at all. He deserves this.

“Don’t forget how well Prince Ning treated you…

“Before you leave, mix the poison into his food. Lure him into consuming it. Remember well, remember well…

“After you leave the city, in no time at all, you’ll be able to hear the news that he passed away because of poison…” 

Yu She passing away because of poison.

Zhong Wan abruptly sat up. His undergarments had already been soaked through with sweat. The sun was setting, but the lanterns hadn’t been lit in the room yet. Zhong Wan temporarily couldn’t remember where he was.

He pinched the spot between his eyebrows and inhaled deeply. He lowly comforted himself, “It’s fine, it’s fine…”

That day, Zhong Wan hadn’t used the poison. 

That wasn’t right either. He had, but not the ones the old imperial doctor had given him. He had used a tiny portion of sleeping drugs.

The night he left, Zhong Wan added some sleeping drugs into Yu She’s wine cup while the other was preoccupied. Yu She had been completely unguarded as he drank the drugged wine.

Every time Zhong Wan recalled that night, he shuddered. What if he had added poison at the time?

Young Ziyou hadn’t suspected him in the slightest. He definitely would’ve swallowed that too. 

How fortunate that he hadn’t added the poison.

Thinking back now, the old imperial doctor’s plan for Zhong Wan to poison Yu She had been quite well thought out. But if he had actually poisoned Yu She, how could the following events possibly have been so simple?

Even if he turned himself in and claimed all the punishments alone, wouldn’t Emperor Chongan still blame Prince Ning’s descendants?

In a fit of anger, Emperor Chongan probably would’ve buried the entirety of Qian An with Yu She. 

But in the face of such great resentment and desire for revenge back then, everyone had gone crazy.

Not long after Zhong Wan exited the city, the old imperial doctor left the capital as well. Additionally, he reached Qian An earlier than Zhong Wan.

To this day, Zhong Wan still didn’t know what that old imperial doctor had told a young Xuan Rui. However, after he had reached Qian An, having braved the weather conditions along the way, Xuan Rui never called him “big brother” again.

Xuan Yu and Xuan Congxin had still been infants at the time. After they grew up, they never learned that Zhong Wan had once been Prince Ning’s adopted son. 

Naturally, Zhong Wan himself had never mentioned it again either.

He was repaying the great grace of Prince and Princess Consort Ning. He didn’t really care whether a child treated him as an older brother, an adviser, or anything else.

In less than two years, the old imperial doctor had died in Qian An. Aside from changing how he referred to Zhong Wan, Xuan Rui was the same as before. Slowly, this old incident became buried in everyone’s minds.

If not for the fact that Tang Ming had caused today’s mess, even Zhong Wan himself would’ve forgotten. 

Zhong Wan offhandedly wiped the sweat from his forehead. Though he didn’t want to admit it, he felt slightly regretful.

Back then, he shouldn’t have been so conceited. If he had explained everything to Xuan Rui as soon as he returned to Qian An, sharing all the pros and cons of the situation, Xuan Rui might have understood.

It wasn’t that Zhong Wan strongly desired to be called “big brother.” However, if there were no grudges between the two of them, many things would’ve been a lot easier.

For example, upon seeing Xuan Rui’s gloomy and irresolute attitude, or noticing when he was timid and had no desire to make progress, Zhong Wan would’ve been able to act like the eldest brother and slap him across the face to clear his mind. 

For example, it might not have been so difficult previously to coax Xuan Rui to drink the medicine and fake being sick.

Or, for example…

Zhong Wan wouldn’t need to worry now that Xuan Rui, who was far away in Qian An, would easily believe Tang Ming’s words.

But Zhong Wan had been too young at the time. Though he had spent three months in the Ministry of Justice’s jail, his arrogance and pride had not yet been smoothed out. The day Zhong Wan reached Qian An was the day of his seventeenth birthday. When seventeen-year-old Zhong Wan saw Xuan Rui call him “Zhong Wan” with his eyes sparkling, when he saw the old imperial doctor gazing at him guardedly, expression screaming “scared of death and unfaithful”, he had pressed his thin lips into a line and swallowed his anger. He hadn’t explained a thing. 

What was there to explain? A loyal heart would naturally be known by the Heavens and earth. In the Heavens, his father and mother could see; Prince and Princess Consort Ning could see too. He wasn’t young anymore. After that birthday, he would be an adult. What was there to explain to a child and an old imbecile?

Zhong Wan scoffed at himself. Who hadn’t once been a bold and arrogant youth?

He couldn’t take any regret medicine. If he really could, the day he returned to Qian An, he would’ve killed that insufferable old imperial doctor first, even if it meant dealing with Xuan Rui’s suspicions. At least then, the later events wouldn’t have occurred…

There was a tickle in Zhong Wan’s throat. He started coughing. 

He touched his forehead. It seemed to be a bit warm.

After running about the whole day, it was likely that he was going to fall sick again.

Zhong Wan didn’t dare to take any chances. He walked out of the bedroom and pushed open the door. Then, he told the servant waiting in the courtyard to tell Steward Feng that he was probably sick.

Zhong Wan returned to the bedroom and lit a small lamp. He lay down in bed, miserably stressing out. It would be best if he could hurry and take some medicine to force the illness away. He had finally managed to smuggle himself into Prince Yu’s estate. He didn’t know how many more days he could stay. If he happened to waste time simply because of his sickness, that would be bad. 

He didn’t know if Steward Feng would allow Yu She to come see him if he got sick… Young Prince Yu was precious and valuable. It wouldn’t be good if he got infected.

Zhong Wan suddenly thought of something. Great hatred rose in his heart.

If he got sick, he wouldn’t get any more kisses!!!

Zhong Wan’s head grew hotter and hotter. In a daze, he thought to himself, two qian for one, three qian for an open-mouthed one… If he happened to live a long life and was able to stay by Yu She’s side for a long time, if he worked slightly harder, he would be able to repay this debt in only a few years. But what about after repaying the debt? Would he still be able to earn money through kissing? 

Two qian was still money…

Zhong Wan started calculating like a miser, when he felt that someone had walked into the room. His entire body had heated up. He did his best to open his eyes; while squinting, he looked… The sky was already completely dark. The lights in the room were dim. Zhong Wan was dazed because of his fever. He couldn’t tell who this was.

Zhong Wan closed his eyes. He could hear the rage in Yu She’s voice as the latter said, “When did you fall ill?”

Zhong Wan started coughing. 

Yu She ground his teeth together. “If you were uncomfortable, why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

Zhong Wan’s mind cleared up a bit more. He smiled. “I didn’t notice either. Stay further away from me. Don’t let me…”

Yu She turned around and walked out. A moment later, an imperial doctor entered the room. He helped check Zhong Wan’s pulse before leaving again. Another small while later, Yu She returned holding a bowl of medicine.

Without waiting for Zhong Wan to speak again, Yu She impatiently said, “Shut up.” 

Zhong Wan could only obediently receive the bowl of medicine and drink it with furrowed brows.

Yu She coldly gazed at Zhong Wan. He took a small cloth bag out of his inner breast pocket.

Zhong Wan was bewildered.

Yu She plucked out a piece of something from his small cloth bag. Before Zhong Wan could clearly discern what it was, Yu She had already stuffed that object into his mouth. 

It was a piece of malt sugar candy.

He didn’t know if it was because of the dream he had just had, but the memories from seven years ago flooded into his brain like a tsunami. Zhong Wan’s heart hurt terribly, causing the rims of his eyes to turn red.

Zhong Wan didn’t want Yu She to notice. He flipped over and buried his face into his pillow. His voice slightly trembled as he said, “What candy is this? Why is it so sweet…?”