Before he left, Yu She’s gaze darkened. Using the excuse of getting another cape, he avoided Zhong Wan and offhandedly grabbed someone. He lowly gave that person a few orders.

Time waited for no one. Zhong Wan didn’t make anyone ready a horse carriage. He wanted to ride along on horseback with everyone else. Yu She didn’t dissuade him, instead instructing someone to prepare a fast horse. Meanwhile, he commanded someone to gather his Dali Temple subordinates and some-hundred private family soldiers that were in the capital. Zhong Wan asked how many people there were. After receiving a response, he felt that the amount was probably enough. 

“Not enough,” said Yu She. He tied his cape while ordering a family soldier, “Take my handwritten letter with you to tell the Jingzhao Prefecture to send troops. Have…”

Yu She glanced at Lin Si. With furrowed brows, he asked, “Location of the manor?”

Lin Si hurriedly pulled out a map from his inner breast pocket. He pointed at the circled location on the map. Yu She scanned it and said, “Have these official roads closed and the surrounding hostels completely locked down. As soon as they receive the news, have them detain anybody entering or exiting. They’re not allowed to let a single person leave.”

Lin Si inhaled sharply. Yu She gazed at Zhong Wan. Tone cold, he asked, “Aren’t you worried that this is a trap within a trap as well?” 

Zhong Wan nodded. “Yes…”

But no matter how cunning the ploy, everything was useless in the face of absolute military power.

They didn’t say anything else, only leaving the estate and getting onto the horses. Yu She ordered about a dozen family soldiers to follow them. Everyone else was to stay in the back.

After exiting the city, they got off their horses. The family soldiers used cotton covered in cloth to wrap up the horses’ hooves.

Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan in confusion. Zhong Wan calmly stated, “Yu She wants to hear… what they’re actually going to discuss.”

Lin Si glanced at Yu She in disbelief.

Over a dozen people charged forth on their horses. In less than four hours, they reached the manor Xuan Rui was hiding at.

Tang Ming still hadn’t arrived. 

Everyone else waited outside the manor. Lin Si quietly snuck in alone. He made contact with Yan Pingshan, and working together, the two of them secretly opened a side door. Zhong Wan and Yu She entered through it. On the other hand, the family soldiers silently split up, like ghosts, and covertly hid around the manor. Everyone acted very carefully, cautious not to alert the other people in the manor.

Yan Pingshan didn’t dare to cause Xuan Rui suspicion, so didn’t seek Zhong Wan out. Instead, he only notified Lin Si of a location suitable for hiding. He remained standing guard by Xuan Rui’s side, constantly zoning out.

Yu She and Zhong Wan silently walked into the compartment in the study. Making use of the moonlight, Lin Si signed to Zhong Wan, “I’ll be on top of the building. If anything happens, Master only needs to call for me. I’ll send out a signal to those outside.”

Zhong Wan nodded. The bamboo leaves outside the window slightly shifted. Lin Si had already flipped out of the window and leapt onto the roof. 

In the darkness, Zhong Wan and Yu She leaned against the wall. Neither spoke.

After waiting a whole two hours, a swaying light appeared outside. Yan Pingshan coughed twice and someone walked in.

Zhong Wan suddenly opened his eyes.

On the other side of the wall, Yan Pingshan said in agitation, “If you’re going to say anything, make it quick. Prince… it’s not safe to stay here for too long. You should still…” 

Xuan Rui stuttered out, “G-got it.”

The soft clink of tea cups sounded from outside the wall. Someone walked out, closing the door behind them. It was probably Yan Pingshan.

Someone heaved out a long sigh. Zhong Wan’s pupils dilated… As expected, it was Tang Ming.

Yea bo gfoifz, Itbcu Qjc ibbxfv ja Te Vtf. Te Vtf ufcais rtbbx tlr tfjv. 

Itbcu Qjc kjr tfgf ab mjamt Kjcu Zlcu, yea Te Vtf kjrc’a.

Te Vtf tjv ubcf ab remt ugfja fzafcar pera ab tfjg ktja atlr qfgrbc, ktb Itbcu Qjc tjv rtlfivfv obg rb wjcs sfjgr, kjr ublcu ab rjs gluta cbk.

On the other side of the wall…

Tang Ming lamented, “Prince has been made to suffer.” 

Xuan Rui hesitated. “Has the… Qian An case been resolved?”

“Technically yes, but also, technically no.” Tang Ming sighed. “Young Prince Yu admitted to all the crimes in Guiyuan’s stead, but didn’t say a word in your defense, Your Highness, when facing the emperor. The emperor is suspicious. He no longer trusts Your Highness.”

In a panic, Xuan Rui asked, “Then what should I do now? I can’t keep hiding for the rest of my life! There are people who want to kill me in Qian An, so I can’t return, but my younger brother and sister are still in the capital. I…”

“Has Prince never considered that the two young masters might be used as someone’s leverage over you?” 


Tang Ming sighed. “Has Prince also never wondered how you managed to slowly, step by step, find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place?”

Xuan Rui replied, “How could I not? Everything is because of the emperor’s birthday. If not for the fact that the emperor suddenly wanted us to come to the capital to celebrate his birthday, we originally could’ve safely stayed in Qian An. I…”

“That isn’t so,” Tang Ming lamented. “You’ve been wrong from the beginning. Your Highness was still a child back then, but ought to remember that after Prince Ning’s death, the emperor broke tradition and allowed you to inherit your father’s title without any lowering of rank, right?” 

Xuan Rui was shocked. “Yes…”

Tang Ming asked, “You didn’t make any grave mistakes. How come you’ve become a prince of the second rank now?”

Xuan Rui explained, “It was Zhong Wan who did it for me…”

“He hid it from you, submitted the request for you, saying that you had poor morals and no talent. He said that you couldn’t live up to the title of prince of the first rank, so blindly gave away the title your father had passed down to you!” Tang Ming clutched his wrists in despair. “If not, your situation wouldn’t be so difficult right now! Have you never considered why Zhong Wan would act in such a manner?” 

Xuan Rui’s tone was hesitant. “Maybe because… he wanted to ingratiate us to the emperor, so that the emperor would know that I had no intentions of acting out of line.”

Tang Ming sighed again. He lowered his voice to ask, “Prior to heading to Qian An, who did Zhong Wan rely on to survive?”

Xuan Rui was silent for a moment. “Yu She…”

Tang Ming coldly stated, “That Yu Ziyou is the emperor’s son!” 

In the darkness, Yu She clenched his teeth together. He used all of his self control to stop himself from charging in and breaking Tang Ming’s neck.

On the other side of the wall, Tang Ming sighed. “Does Prince still not understand now that everything was connected? For whom did Zhong Wan force you to give up your prince of the first rank position back then? Can you still not tell?”

Xuan Rui inhaled sharply.

Tang Ming sighed. “Speaking of… Zhong Wan could be considered truly affectionate towards Young Prince Yu. In order to return the favor of Young Prince Yu saving his life, he actually helped him clear all obstructions several years earlier. He took away your qualifications to seek revenge for your father. If you were still a prince of the first rank, today… There’s no reason that you wouldn’t be able to put up a fight against all the other imperial princes.” 

Xuan Rui seemed to have been frightened. He hurriedly stated, “Don’t trick me. How could I fight against the imperial princes?”

“Back in the day, Prince Ning almost managed to ascend to the throne. You’re his eldest legitimate son. Why couldn’t you fight? Besides, how could this current situation be considered you wanting to join the fight? They’re the ones who have forced you to fight,” Tang Ming replied. “Even if Your Highness wanted to live life on the chopping board, that isn’t even possible anymore! The emperor already has intentions to kill. Your Highness has no other options!”

Xuan Rui said softly, “I… I still want to see Zhong Wan again first.”

“I’ve helped Prince lay plans until now. I don’t feel vengeful in the slightest that Prince isn’t thankful. However, if Prince still wants to see Zhong Wan… Forgive me for being unable to stop myself from saying something ugly.” Then Tang Ming asked, “Prince, you and Zhong Wan have accompanied each other for several years. You definitely know better than me if Zhong Wan has other intentions. In all these years… have you honestly never suspected him?” 

In a quiet voice, Tang Ming said, “Back then, when Zhong Wan returned to Qian An… didn’t Your Highness notice that something was wrong?”

Another bout of silence.

“Prior to leaving the capital…” Xuan Rui’s voice was hoarse. “The imperial doctor who had always taken care of us once gave Zhong Wan a bag of poison.”

Tang Ming paused. “What’s that?” 

Xuan Rui was quiet for a few moments. “A bag of poison. After being used, it would take three days to take effect… The imperial doctor told Zhong Wan to use that poison in Prince Yu’s estate, to kill Prince Yu and Yu She. The imperial doctor said that Zhong Wan spent every day with them, making it very convenient to use the poison. As such… he would’ve gotten revenge for my father’s death.”

Yu She’s breathing suddenly got heavier.

Zhong Wan closed his eyes. He didn’t want to hear any more of this story.

Tang Ming slowly said, “Zhong Wan obviously didn’t use the poison.” 

“No,” Xuan Rui answered softly. “Thus, when he first returned to Qian An, I was slightly uneasy… I also didn’t dare to ask whether he had refused to use the poison because the timing was wrong, or whether he couldn’t use the poison because he was worried about getting me dragged into the mess. Or, or…”

Tang Ming continued in Xuan Rui’s stead, “Or if he had long since had a falling out with Prince Ning’s estate, never having the intention of seeking revenge for Prince Ning at all.”

Xuan Rui lowered his head and lowly said, “Everyone says that my father was implicated by Prince Yu’s estate. Back then, I hated them to death… Zhong Wan lived in our enemy’s home for three months. I thought that he had done it for revenge, but later on… He didn’t use the poison. There was no way I couldn’t suspect something.

“B-but…” Xuan Rui became panicked. “But later, it’s true that Zhong Wan actively worked for the benefit of our estate. Thus, I slowly forgot this incident. Only, every time I remember it, I feel like… there’s a knot in my heart.” 

Tang Ming sighed. “Prince is kind. You get that from Prince Ning.”

Xuan Rui said, “Only, after we returned to the capital this time, in only a few days, Zhong Wan had already privately met with Yu She once. So I felt doubtful again…”

Tang Ming was surprised. “He met with Young Prince Yu as soon as he got back to the capital?”

“Yes.” Xuan Rui nodded. Quietly, he stated, “The day we entered the palace. Zhong Wan ought to have been waiting for me and Xuan Yu outside of the palace. But after we exited, we couldn’t find him. I had someone go look. A short while later, he returned; I asked him where he had gone and he said that the hired carriage driver hadn’t known the way so had gotten lost. But I asked the person who went to look for him. That person clearly answered… that Zhong Wan had gone to the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate.” 

Tang Ming paused for a moment. Then he said, “I don’t need to say anything else about this matter. Seeking out Young Prince Yu upon returning to the capital and deliberately hiding it from you. This…”

Xuan Rui said in a low voice, “During the period spent in the capital, Zhong Wan often visited Prince Yu’s estate. I… I didn’t dare to ask at all. I could only pretend that I hadn’t noticed, that I didn’t know.”

“You must know his purpose for visiting, right?” asked Tang Ming. “Who knows if it was Young Prince Yu’s handiwork getting you framed for privately colluding with local officials.”

Xuan Rui’s voice was very soft. “As long as he didn’t try to harm me, I could pretend that I didn’t know anything…” 

Tang Ming replied, “But now you already know. You ought to understand, too, who you can truly rely on and who you can’t, right? All these years, it’s possible that Zhong Wan… might have suspected you before.”

“He’s suspected me before, I know.” Xuan Rui hesitated. “That year… that year…”

Tang Ming hurriedly asked, “What?”

Xuan Rui was incredibly terrified. He seemed to truly have started treating Tang Ming as someone he could depend on. He couldn’t help quickly saying, “That year, prior to the old imperial doctor’s death, he interrogated him… asking… 

“Asking if the true reason he hadn’t poisoned Yu She back then was because he was worried that Qian An would get drawn into the mess, or because he was unwilling to kill his enemy. Zhong Wan said—”

Tang Ming was shocked. “What did Guiyuan say?”

Xuan Rui’s voice trembled as he responded, “Zhong Wan didn’t say anything. He turned around and left. At that time… there were rumors everywhere that said Zhong Wan and Young Prince Yu from the capital were in a relationship. They said that he had lived in a certain manner two years ago in the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate. There are no rumors that start groundlessly.”

A wall away, Zhong Wan leaned against the wall, chest rising up and down. 

“The old imperial doctor felt that Zhong Wan had disappointed my father. Prior to his death, he… he…” Xuan Rui lowered his voice to say, “He added the poison he had previously given to Zhong Wan into Zhong Wan’s food… but fortunately! He didn’t eat too much of it! We managed to save him! Only then did the imperial doctor tell me. It wasn’t my fault! I only found out after! Besides, the old imperial doctor had done it because he was loyal to my father… so…”

Xuan Rui’s voice trembled as he said, “I really didn’t order the old imperial doctor to act in that way. However, I always felt like Zhong Wan seemed to suspect me. But after so many years, he survived and nobody mentioned it again. I thought that it had passed, I thought…”

Xuan Rui said in agitation, “I had no other options! How was I supposed to know that the old imperial doctor hated Zhong Wan even though he was so close to death himself? That he was going to poison him?  At that time, the rumors were everywhere. If Zhong Wan really didn’t have a special relationship with Yu She, why, why, why… did he spread those rumors? If everything was a lie, why would Yu She, who was in the capital, allow all that uncouth gossip to go unobstructed? Zhong Wan himself didn’t explain anything to us either!”

In the compartment, Zhong Wan’s fingers trembled. He attempted to hold himself back multiple times, but ultimately couldn’t. With a loud gasp, he spat out a mouthful of blood. 

Yu She’s expression abruptly changed. He cried out, “Guiyuan!!!”

In only an instant, Tang Ming and Xuan Rui, who were outside the compartment, became shocked. Before they could react, Lin Si had already broken down the door from the outside. The family soldiers charged in as well. Behind them were Xuan Yu and Xuan Congxin. Yu She had secretly ordered them to be brought along.

Xuan Yu’s small face was ghastly pale. Someone pushed him to the front. He stared at Xuan Rui, stunned.

Xuan Rui became terrified by this. For a long time, he couldn’t react. He blanked out momentarily before raspily asking, “How come… you two are here?” 

Xuan Yu’s voice shook. “Elder Brother… What did you say just now?”

Xuan Rui saw that only Lin Si was present, so wasn’t too scared. He couldn’t figure out if these people were the ones from his own estate here to save him or not. He only said in a daze, face pale, “You don’t understand. I’ll tell you later. Why are you all here? Did you bring all these people?”

Xuan Yu gazed at Xuan Rui in disbelief. He continued to ask, “Just now, did you say… that Zhong Wan is here to harm us?”

Xuan Rui furiously stated, “I didn’t say that! I only… Every human has their own selfish desires. You’re still young, so don’t understand. I’ll explain to you later!” 

“You’re right, I don’t understand…” Xuan Yu’s voice was hoarse. “To this day, I don’t know how our father died. But… Zhong Wan only went to Qian An because of us. Isn’t that the truth?”

Xuan Rui glanced at Lin Si guiltily. He knew that Lin Si was Zhong Wan’s trusted subordinate, so feared that he would tell Zhong Wan something. In a moment of panic, he pushed Xuan Yu and lowered his voice to say, “We’ll discuss this later!”

Xuan Yu fell on the ground because of this push. His entire body was shaking. He stumbled to his feet, lowly muttering, “I don’t understand anything. I don’t know anything. But… but all these years, the one who raised me was Zhong Wan… The one who taught me how to read was him; the one who taught me morals was him; the one who taught me hand in hand…”

Xuan Yu couldn’t keep the tears from falling. “…Who taught me hand in hand how to write the five Confucian virtues was him…” 

Xuan Congxin’s eyes were watery. She couldn’t bear it anymore. She took a step forward and grabbed Xuan Rui’s collar. Outraged, she shouted, “Xuan Rui!!! At that time, he had only been sixteen! A year younger than you are now! In these seven years, how many times has he almost died in Nanjiang?! For what? Did he suffer all these years, on the brink of death, just for you to suspect him like this?!”