Zhong Wan was shocked. “Is he joking with me? He could actually say such things?”

“Heir had truly said these words to His Majesty. And many people had heard them,” said Steward Feng shamelessly. “Heir probably didn’t make it sound that bad, but the rumors are unpleasant to hear. They said you were very finicky; once you grew jealous, you’d cry and yell incessantly, and it would be difficult to coax you. In the past, Princess Royal Anguo tried to settle a marriage for Heir. And your honored self made a huge fuss. Afterward, your honored self cried as you ran away, all the way until seven years had passed, following along two rivers as you sobbed. Wherever you passed by, moving and sorrowful storybooks would be written about you…” 

Zhong Wan was speechless. Then he said, “So I just cried and ran for seven years? Even if I were an animal, I would have died running like that!

“Also, back then this father went through the rigors of living in the wilderness as I struggled on my journey to Qian An for Prince Ning!” Zhong Wan was angered to the point that his head rang. “Why is Yu Ziyou placing so much importance on himself?! What’s me going to Qian An got to do with him?! When did this become his business?! And he even said that I cried as I ran! Running and crying on a three month journey! I’d like to see him run the whole three month journey while crying!!”

Steward Feng rushed to placate him by saying, “Heir wasn’t the one who said these things. These were rumors. Who would have expected that after being spread for a while, they would…”

Zhong Wan was so furious, his five viscera and six bowels hurt. “He… What else did he say?” 

Steward Feng hurried to say, “Heir didn’t say anything else that was unpleasant to hear. He said you didn’t want him to take on concubines. If he did, then at that time you would keep clinging to him, not letting Heir attend morning court and inconveniencing him greatly…”

“Alright, alright, stop talking.” Zhong Wan felt a headache coming, breaking down. “I suddenly don’t feel like seeing Xuan Jing for him.”

Steward Feng feared that if Yu She returned, he and Zhong Wan would quarrel. So he quickly said, “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry. Isn’t Heir just doing this so he doesn’t have to take a concubine? Right now, you are Heir’s advisor. You must be very tolerant. Wasn’t this what you said before? Your honored self is an advisor and is willing to do all the humiliating things for Heir. So your honored self should just go along with this matter. It’s righteous to the extreme! It’s the loyalty you have for Heir!”

“Motherf*cker, I’ve never heard of this before…” Zhong Wan was angered near death. “Which family’s advisor would take on such a bad reputation for their master?”

Steward Feng could only smile in a dry manner. “It’s the most capable people who have to do the most work…”

To which Zhong Wan cried inwardly. He buried all of his suffering at the bottom of his heart.

He forced himself to eat breakfast, then had someone prepare a carriage. He would meet with Xuan Jing himself.

Once Zhong Wan had arrived at Xuan Jing’s estate, he encountered Xuan Jing just as the other party had returned from morning court. Xuan Jing was very unhappy when he saw the carriage with the symbol of Prince Yu’s estate. However, he was polite as he invited Zhong Wan inside. 

After the tea was served, Xuan Jing dismissed all the servants in the room. He smacked the table. “Where is Lin Si?”

Before Zhong Wan could respond, Xuan Jing said, enraged, “Don’t try to lie to me anymore! After Prince Qian An had returned to the capital in secret and Yu She came to capture them, many people saw Lin Si! He definitely ran to your side after leaving my place! I can’t believe I actually believed your lies!”

Zhong Wan was shocked. It’s been so long, but Lin Si’s actually still avoiding Xuan Jing? 

He didn’t know what Lin Si had planned. Although he didn’t really approve of Lin Si’s continuous avoidance of Xuan Jing, he did not want to make decisions for him. Zhong Wan paused, before saying, “Yes, Lin Si indeed had come to me. But you should also know that after that, I fell ill until now. I never once stepped foot outside the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate. I really don’t know where he is right now.” 

Xuan Jing’s gaze was gloomy. Hesitating, he said, “He… Does he still blame me?”

Zhong Wan absolutely did not know what had happened between those two. He could only say, “He doesn’t. I’ve asked him about this before, and he said that he felt ashamed. That he didn’t dare to see you.”

Xuan Jing spat out a curse.

Then he said with impatience, “If you came to find me, that means Yu She has something to tell me, right?” 

“Yes. But it’s also my own desire to do this,” said Zhong Wan, serious. “You should know already that the chief of the Beidi tribes has been disturbing our borders over and over again, right?”

Suspicious, Xuan Jing looked at Zhong Wan. “Yes, I do. So what? It’s just that they’re temporarily unable to make ends meet from a lack of food. That’s why they’re plundering the frontier like usual.”

Zhong Wan sighed in his heart. Indeed, no one had loved or cared about Fourth Prince. Neither the court nor those foreigners paid him any attention.

Frowning, Xuan Jing asked, “What is it?” 

“Nothing. I’m just here in Heir’s stead to give you some advice,” said Zhong Wan. “In the future, if it seems like the court wants to wage war on the Beidi tribes, you must not be tricked by others and accompany the troops to battle.”

Yc atf jifga, Wejc Alcu rjlv, “Qtja jgf sbe qfbqif atlcxlcu? Lbk wjcs qfbqif jgf fnfc lc atf Dflvl aglyfr? Lbk lr atja kbgat kjulcu j kjg?”

“Pa’r kbgat la.” Itbcu Qjc tlv atf ojma atja atbrf rqlfr ogbw atf Dflvl aglyfr tjv ibbxfv obg Te Vtf. Pcrafjv, tf lcobgwfv Wejc Alcu bo atf mbcrqlgjms yfakffc Wejc Hlbcu jcv atf mtlfo. Ktfc tf rjlv, “Pc atf mbega atfgf jgf akb lwqfglji qglcmfr. Vlcmf atf mtlfo bo atf Dflvl aglyfr vlv cba mbcajma sbe, atfc atlr agjq kjr wjvf obg sbe. Po lc atf oeaegf, kjg rffwr lwwlcfca… atlcx bo j qijc. Mfluc jc liicfrr bg ulnf sbegrfio jc lcpegs. Pc rtbga, vbc’a jmmbwqjcs atf agbbqr ab yjaaif.”

After he had heard those words, Xuan Jing grew dumbstruck. A long while later, he understood. And he was furious. “That motherf*cking chief is a piece of sh*t! Why didn’t he partner up with me to trap Xuan Qiong?!” 

Zhong Wan was speechless.

Then, although he was very unwilling, Zhong Wan consoled Xuang Jing by saying, “He probably knows that Your Highness Fourth Prince is magnanimous to all things. And he foresaw that your honored self would not cooperate with him.”

Once Xuan Jing had heard that, he grew stumped for words. Zhong Wan had scratched his itch. In an uneasy manner, he coughed twice. “Naturally that is the case.”

Xuan Jing picked up his teacup. Then set it back down. Suspicious, he said, “Why would Yu She be this kindhearted to advise me?” 

“Your Highness Fourth Prince,” said Zhong Wan calmly. “If your honored self wouldn’t cooperate with the chief of the Beidi tribes, does that mean Heir would?

“If it’s just our own people competing in the court, then fine. But is colluding with foreigners to turn what was supposed to be a small disturbance at the border into a large war something that should be done?”

Xuan Jing frowned, deep creases where his brows were. After thinking for a good while, he sneered. “You don’t have to ingratiate yourself with me… The chief of the Beidi tribes did not contact me. But if he did, I would find a way to have Xuan Qiong go to Beijiang… Whoever wants to die can die. Xuan Qiong has the large tree that is Prince Yu’s estate behind him. If he doesn’t fall, then I can never pass my days in peace.”

Xuang Jing turned to look at Zhong Wan. “Yu She isn’t afraid of Xuan Qiong? I’ll tell you the truth. I heard of some news on my side… Xuan Qiong is more afraid of Yu She than he is of me. Since Yu She unexpectedly has the conscience to warn me out of kindness, then I’ll also inform you of something. Recently, Prince Yu has been very displeased about Yu She’s actions. You people…” 

Zhong Wan furrowed his brows. “What do you mean? What does Prince Yu want to do?”

“How should I know? Prince Yu’s estate is known for being hard to spy into. It was difficult for me to even find this out. In any case, you people should fend for yourselves,” said Xuan Jing. “Yu She should not delude himself anymore or have any groundless hopes. Prince Yu is the most clear about what Yu She is. He wholeheartedly wants to help Xuan Qiong ascend the throne. At present, Yu She is obstructing his goal. You people… need to consider carefully. This news came from Princess Royal Anguo’s side. If you people want to know more, you should start there.”

Zhong Wan fell silent for a while. Then he nodded. “Thank you.”

“You…” Xuan Jing wanted to say something, but hesitated. “Since you want to thank me, then… when you see Lin Si, tell him to come back soon. And tell him, tell him…” 

Agitated, Xuan Jing said, “Tell him I don’t blame him. If a mute is blocked by someone, they can’t make a sound. So what is he hiding for?!”

A smile spread across Zhong Wan’s lips. He rose to his feet. “Alright.”

Preoccupied with his thoughts, Xuan Jing sent Zhong Wan off. Then he returned inside full of worry.

Zhong Wan knew well that Xuan Jing would not believe everything he had just said. 

But that wasn’t important. As long as Xuan Jing knew Xuan Qiong’s plan, he wouldn’t impulsively follow the army to Beijiang in the future.

Furthermore, if in such circumstances, Yu She requested to accompany the army, Xuan Jing would know Yu She had the intention to compete for the throne. And Xuan Jing would definitely obstruct his path.

And he’d try his best to do so.

What would Emperor Chongan think? 

Two imperial princes. One that kept silent and one that tried his utmost to obstruct Yu She. In the future, when Yu She presented the letter written in blood that the spy from the Beidi tribes had given him, what would Emperor Chongan think then?

Once this situation occurred, Emperor Chongan would be thoroughly disappointed in Xuan Qiong.

A light sigh escaped Zhong Wan’s lips. He hoped that in the future, Xuan Jing wouldn’t blame him too much.

If worst comes to worst… when Lin Si comes looking for himself, he’d give him some sleeping drugs and have Steward Feng send Lin Si to Xuan Jing. 

It was still early when Zhong Wan had exited Xuan Jing’s estate. The family soldiers escorting the carriage asked him whether he wanted to return to the estate or go somewhere else. After hesitating for a moment, Zhong Wan said, “Nevermind. Let’s not go.”

The family soldier stared blankly. “Where does Young Master Zhong wish to go? Heir said that as long as your honored self does not leave the city, your honored self may go anywhere.”

“No need.” Zhong broke into a smile of disappointment and frustration. “He and I… don’t have anything else to say to one another.”

Probingly, the family soldier said, “Young Master is talking about the former Prince Qian An? He is still in the capital. It’s convenient to see him.” 

Zhong Wan shook his head. Dropped the curtain.

Come evening, the Yu She who had listened to politics all day finally returned to his estate.

Yu She did not make a stop at the forecourt. Instead, he directly made for Zhong Wan’s courtyard, a bag of something in hand.

Zhong Wan was in the middle of reading. They met gazes. In a flash, Yu She looked somewhere else. 

Zhong Wan definitely knew that he started a rumor in front of Emperor Chongan, one that branded him a jealous person.

And Yu She felt somewhat apologetic about it. On his way back after morning court had ended, he passed by a store selling light refreshments. And he deliberately disembarked from his carriage to buy a bag of candy for Zhong Wan.

“This is for you.” Yu She placed the neatly-wrapped bag of candy on top of the desk. “Eat one when you’re taking your medicine in the morning and night.”

A sigh left Zhong Wan’s lips. Was Yu She coaxing him like a child? 

He was already in his twenties. He’s not lacking a dick, so he had sexual urges. Was candy what he really needed right now?

Lowering his head, Zhong Wan played with his jade medallion. All of a sudden, he said in a soft voice, “Today, Xuan Jing laughed at me.”

At that moment, Yu She felt somewhat guilty.

In a pitiable manner, Zhong Wan said, “As I was returning to the estate today, I felt like everyone was pointing at me… calling me a jealous person.” 

Yu She’s gaze grew evasive. He hesitated, before pushing the bag of candy on the desk forward.

Zhong Wan was angered to the point of smiling. After he ate the candy, then things would be considered settled?

It would be time for dinner very soon. According to the rules, the little servant girl would come to light the lamps and wait on them. Zhong Wan said softly, “Heir… Shouldn’t I repay a debt?”

Outside, the sole servant girl of the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate was in the middle of putting away the cups. Behind the divider screen of the inner chamber, Yu She pressed Zhong Wan against the bedhead, hiding from the servant girl, secretly kissing him. 

Zhong wan was not at all fond of halfhearted light kisses. Yu She was also clear on this fact. He seemed to be compensating and also seemed to be apologizing, kissing him fiercely. Considering Zhong Wan’s preference for “that aspect,” he carefully and forcefully twisted Zhong Wan’s hands behind him.

Zhong wan was kissed slightly breathless by Yu She, so scooted back a bit. Yu She wrapped an arm around Zhong Wan’s waist and tugged him forward again.

Then Yu She gave Zhong Wan a break, saying in a soft voice, “You don’t like sweets, but do you like this one?”

Yu She had kissed him to the point where Zhong Wan’s breathing was hurried and brief. He grunted softly, agreeing. 

And Yu She once again kissed him.

The lamps had yet to be lit in the inner chamber. The little servant girl thought the room was empty, entering with a candle. The moment she had caught sight of the two people, she was so scared that her braids stood up on end. She rushed outside.

Yu She released Zhong Wan, sitting at the side.

Although Zhong Wan wished to keep going, he was too embarrassed to cling to Yu She. He picked up the bag of candy Yu She had brought. Ripped open the bag. One glance, and he couldn’t help but say, “Heir… How did you feed me the candy in those story books?” 

Zhong Wan pursed his lips, his intention self evident.

They’ve already kissed. So the most Yu She could do was feed him the candy by mouth.

Yu She looked down, gaze dark and gloomy. “You really want to know?”

Zhong Wan cleared his throat. Pushed down the bit of embarrassment in his heart. “You read so many of those books… You ought to know what they say about this.” 

Yu She tilted his head. Suddenly, as if sighing, he laughed.

He truly had no concept of death or danger.

If he didn’t teach him a lesson, Zhong Wan would truly become uncontrollable.

Yu She rose to his feet. Walked in front of Zhong Wan. He pinched and picked up a piece of candy, muttering, “Do you want to know how I fed you this candy in those story books? 

“In those books, I’d take this candy,” said Yu She in a tranquil manner as he looked at Zhong Wan, “and put it in your other mouth… Then ask you if the candy is sweet or not.”

Zhong Wan’s face flushed. “You!”

Yu She simply did not pay him any mind, shifting his gaze a hint at his lower body. He said into Zhong Wan’s ears near whisper, “If you dare to say it’s not sweet, I’d slip in another two. Until you can’t take it anymore and say that they’re sweet, say that you like to eat them like this…”

Zhong Wan’s legs went soft. Tilting his head, he said, “B-be quiet…” 

Yu She’s ears glowed red. However, he could still endure it. He took advantage of the fact it was nighttime so that Zhong Wan wouldn’t notice. Grabbed and tilted up Zhong Wan’s chin in warning as he said in a cold voice, “Understand? It’s not that I don’t want to or am incapable of doing such a thing… If you can’t stand it now, then don’t tease me again regardless of the severity.

“What can a virgin like you endure?” Yu She looked Zhong Wan up and down. Incredulous, he said, “You still like being tied up, but if I actually tie you up all night, would you still have a life?”

Just when Zhong Wan wanted to retort, outside, Steward Feng saw the little servant girl run off. Thinking that those two had scared off her due to quarreling, he rushed over. And the two immediately shut up.

Once Steward Feng saw that Yu She and Zhong Wan weren’t quarreling, he felt very grateful. He approached to clean up the teacups, smiling as he said, “Ah! Why did Heir buy candy from the outside? What kind of candies offered as tribute does our estate not have?” 

Without thinking much of it, Steward Feng asked, “Is it sweet?”

Zhong Wan choked.

Yu She looked in a different direction, the corners of his lips tilting upward a shade. With indifference, he said, “He’s asking you.”

Zhong Wan held back his emotions so hard that his face went red from the effort.  A good while later, he said, “It’s sweet.”