Yu She sat on the little stone stool in the pavilion outside Zhong Wan’s courtyard. As if obsessed, he kept his eyes locked on the doors of the courtyard. He was waiting for Xuan Congxin to exit, waiting for Xuan Congxin to tell him that Zhong Wan wasn’t angry at him anymore.

This way, he would be able to go see Zhong Wan again. 

Yu She firmly believed that after being coaxed by his family to reconcile, Zhong Wan wouldn’t be able to rake up old grievances once more.

Although he had never tested this method before.

Steward Feng placed a cloak over Yu She. Worried, he said, “Heir… No matter how I think about it, I feel like Young Master Zhong will probably become even angrier.”

“Impossible.” Yu She kept his gaze locked on the courtyard’s doorway. He unconsciously asked, “Why would you think that?” 

Steward Feng had no response. Did this question even need to be asked?

Steward Feng did his best to make his words sound less offensive. “Heir, though you didn’t tell any lies just now, anyone could tell that your words were implying that Young Master Zhong was throwing an unreasonable temper tantrum at you. Could it be possible for Young Master Zhong… to not get angry?”

“What else could I say?” Yu She’s tone was calm. His lips barely parted, almost as if he was speaking to himself. “Should I have told that girl that I was the one who went crazy and mistakenly assumed that I had tortured Zhong Wan until his blood puddled? And that while Zhong Wan had been getting acupuncture, unable to move, I had been adamant about putting medicine on a wound I had made up?”

Steward Feng choked on air.

Yu She’s voice became softer and softer as he said, “If I had said that, don’t you think that girl would believe that Zhong Wan was experiencing an extremely difficult time here? And then try to persuade Zhong Wan to move back to Prince Qian An’s estate?”

Steward Feng considered this and realized with shock that it was very possible.

“I don’t want to be like this either, but I’ve already offended Guiyuan. If I allowed them to meet up without getting this one onto my side, the two of them would reach an agreement. The longer their discussion, the angrier they would get—so angry that they would run off together. Then what?” Yu She stared at the fresh new green shoots sprouting from the tree. He shook his head. “Zhong Wan values her greatly. From my brief conversation with her just now, I could tell that she also truly cares for Zhong Wan. Thus, I couldn’t take such a risk…

“She might be here to see what I’m like… Yes, she’s here to test me. She wants to see if Zhong Wan and I are sincerely in love and whether or not we get along well.” Yu She gazed into the distance, guarded. “They’re a true family. I must definitely leave a good impression… This way, she won’t try to convince Zhong Wan to leave me. After she leaves, Zhong Wan won’t blame me anymore.” 

Yu She turned to look at Steward Feng. “I lie and give perfunctory responses to all sorts of people every day. Why can’t I lie to her?”

Faced with Yu She’s flawless arguments, nobody could last more than three minutes.

In a moment of carelessness, Steward Feng almost became convinced due to Yu She’s words.

However, he faintly felt that there was something a bit off about the way Yu She kept muttering on and on. Steward Feng closely observed Yu She’s face in suspicion, then sighed. The other was having another episode. 

This meant that there was nothing to refute. Steward Feng said, “Heir is completely right.”

Yu She nodded. “Right now, all we have to do is wait for that girl to come back out… I’m guessing that Zhong Wan will forgive my identity and the fact that I was rude to him. In the future, even if he gets in another argument with me, I’ll be able to ask Xuan Congxin to come help again.”

Steward Feng thought to himself, I’m guessing that Young Master Zhong might drag his sickly body out and chase you around, trying to beat you. He didn’t dare to speak this out loud, so could only wait alongside Yu She.

The two of them waited a long time. Almost an hour later, Xuan Congxin finally came out. 

Yu She’s eyes lit up. He lowly urged, “Go… Send her out the door nicely.”

Steward Feng left. Yu She straightened out his robes himself and entered Zhong Wan’s courtyard.

In the bedroom, Zhong Wan leaned against the headboard. A mud figurine rested in his hands.

Lf kjr rfflcu rajgr ogbw tbk jcugs tf kjr ja Te Vtf, yea Itbcu Qjc kjr ralii nfgs mjgfoei klat atf wev olueglcf. Lf kjr afgglolfv atja tf kbeiv ygfjx la jujlc jcv tega Te Vtf’r offilcur. 

Itbcu Qjc tfjgv wbnfwfca bearlvf. Lf vgfk yjmx atf yfv megajlcr jcv rjk Te Vtf rajcvlcu ys atf vbbgkjs bo atf yfvgbbw.

Zhong Wan’s teeth itched with anger. He didn’t know if there was anyone behind Yu She; he didn’t want to cause Yu She shame in front of outsiders. He ground his teeth together and said, “You… Come here first.”

Yu She refused to.

Yu She hesitated for a moment. He said, “Speak. I can hear.” 

Zhong Wan was outraged. Was Yu Ziyou scared that he was going to jump up and bite him?!

Zhong Wan forced his voice lower and interrogated, “What did you say to act pitiful to Congxin?!”

Yu She slightly furrowed his brows. He closely observed Zhong Wan’s expression. “Why are you still angry?”

Zhong Wan’s voice cracked. “Heir! Should I be happy right now?” 

Yu She gazed at Zhong Wan in confusion. “Weren’t you the one who said that when couples get into arguments… if they have elders come coax them to reconcile, things will be fine?”

Zhong Wan blanked. When had he said that?

Zhong Wan was speechless. Then he said, “Also, when did Congxin become my elder? Just now, she even asked me if she could call me older brother from now on… According to this, I’m her elder.”

Yu She once again caught onto the focus of the argument. In hesitation, he asked, “Must it be an elder to work?” 

Since young, Zhong Wan had gotten into the habit of spouting bullshit while placating Yu She. He couldn’t remember saying anything about elders coaxing couples into reconciliation at all. Completely confused, he asked, “What elder?”

Yu She had stopped talking.

Yu She stared straight at Zhong Wan. He seemed to be debating with himself about something.

Yu She clutched onto the doorframe. After some struggle, he got out with difficulty, “I need to… ask the emperor, Princess Royal, or Prince Yu to coax you to reconcile?” 

Yu She was entirely against this, but he still said, “I don’t want to talk to any of them, but if you want them to come…I can come up with a plan.”

It was hard for Zhong Wan to imagine Emperor Chongan or Princess Royal Anguo coaxing him like Congxin had just done. He broke out in cold sweat. “Heir, spare me.”

Yu She heaved out a sigh of relief too. He softly said, “So you don’t blame me anymore?”

Zhong Wan decided to just swallow his embarrassment. He shook his head. He didn’t dare to blame the other. 

Yu She slightly relaxed. He walked into the bedroom and sat down at the head of Zhong Wan’s bed.

He took the mud figurine out of Zhong Wan’s hands and stuck it into the bonsai pot nearby.

Yu She glanced at the white gauze wrapped around Zhong Wan’s head. Voice low, he asked, “This is where you injured yourself?”

Zhong Wan smiled. “I was clumsy and bumped into something.” 

Yu She seemed to not have heard what Zhong Wan had just said. He asked again, “Who did you go kowtow to?”

Zhong Wan paused. A sudden realization struck. “I understand what you misunderstood now. You thought that you had…”

Yu She scooted a bit closer. He lifted his hand and carefully attempted to unwrap the white gauze on Zhong Wan’s head.

“Ey, don’t.” Zhong Wan backed away slightly. “It’s really no big deal…” 

Yu She ignored him. In the same cautious manner that he had used to piece the mud figurine back together, he slowly unwrapped the gauze around Zhong Wan’s head.

Zhong Wan’s forehead, originally pale and white, was now a mess of blood and flesh.

Zhong Wan hadn’t been careful while previously sprawled out. The wound had started bleeding again because he had rubbed it against the pillow. This had caused some of the previous medicine to dissipate.

Yu She threw the white gauze off to the side and stood up to retrieve the medicine. He reapplied the medicine on Zhong Wan’s wound. 

Zhong Wan leaned against the pillow and watched Yu She. He softly said, “I went to kowtow to my biological parents. I didn’t know what to say either, so I kowtowed a few extra times in the hopes that…”

Yu She finished reapplying the medicine for Zhong Wan. He grabbed a clean piece of white gauze and wrapped it around Zhong Wan’s head for him. His voice was hoarse. “In the hopes that they wouldn’t blame me.”

Low laughter left Zhong Wan’s lips.

Yu She said, “Guiyuan… I’ll do my best to atone for my sins.” 

Zhong Wan thought about it. He gently said, “If you ascend to the throne in the future, fix up my ancestral graveyard for me. It hasn’t been looked after for many years. When I went to visit yesterday, I saw that many graves had already collapsed. There were weeds everywhere.”

Yu She nodded. “You don’t need to wait for me to ascend to the throne. I’ll have someone go fix it up tomorrow.”

Zhong Wan hesitated. “That’s not appropriate, right? Wouldn’t you suddenly fixing up the ancestral graveyard of the Zhong family cause others to be suspicious?”

Yu She said, “I’ll do it under your name.” 

Zhong Wan thought about it and found this plan acceptable. He drawled out, “In the future, give Xuan Yu the title of prince of the second rank. Don’t send him to Qian An again. In all honesty… I don’t want to go back to that horrible place at all. Maybe it’s because I grew up here, but I’d rather suffer through the cold. I still find this place better. As for Congxin…”

Zhong Wan continued, “Give her a third-rank princess title. Build a private estate for her and let her choose her own groom later.”

Yu She listened silently. He didn’t say anything.

Zhong Wan couldn’t think of anything else. Yu She filled in the missing spots for him, saying, “I’ll gather all possible members of the Zhong family and give them as many noble titles as possible. If there are some that I truly can’t give a title to, I’ll give them money.” 

Zhong Wan laughed. “So generous? Even giving them noble titles? What noble title?”

Yu She said, “Duke Chengen.”

Zhong Wan furrowed his brows. “Are you worried that others won’t find out who your biological mother is?”

This title was often given to the emperor’s in-laws. If Yu She gave this title to members of the Zhong family, this would definitely cause people to start guessing… 

“Start guessing how much I love and cherish you.” Yu She sighed softly. “Heir Consort, what are you thinking? The in-laws are those related to you.”

Zhong Wan paused for a moment. Slightly uncomfortable, he whispered, “Don’t joke around.”

Yu She was unbothered.

“Speaking of my biological mother…” 

Yu She shared his plan with Zhong Wan.

Zhong Wan pondered for a moment. “There can be no victory without danger. It’s feasible, but Ziyou, there’s something I’ve been worried about since early on…”

Yu She said, “Speak.”

Confused, Zhong Wan stared at Yu She. “Why do I always feel like your actions are a bit overly aggressive? There’s always room for error. If Prince Yu doesn’t care about anything else anymore and is determined to fight to the death with you—meaning that he wants to publicize your biological mother’s story to the world or that he has a backup plan that can throw suspicion onto your identity and make others believe that you might be the child of Little Imperial Consort Zhong and someone else… what would you do?” 

Yu She lowered his head and chuckled.

Zhong Wan was exasperated. “I’m asking a question. Have you never thought about these things?”

“I have,” Yu She replied easily. “Wouldn’t that just be everyone throwing away their dignity and shame? Prior to your arrival in the capital… I had originally been planning to cause a huge commotion like that before my death.”

Yu She added, “Relax. Those were merely some thoughts from the past. 

“Right now, I only need to ensure that Xuan Qiong will completely lose the right to inherit the throne. Everything else is irrelevant.” Yu She answered an unasked question. “As long as I take care of Xuan Qiong, everything else will be settled.”

Zhong Wan had a slight inkling that something was off, but before he could think further on this topic, Yu She said something else that was extremely touching. “All in all, I can do all the things that I was once unwilling to do and that I once found disgusting. As long as I’ll be able to protect you.”

Zhong Wan fell into a daze. Yu She had always hated his own identity. Previously, he hadn’t even wanted the title of heir. Now, though, in order to live, he had made so many compromises. This truly wasn’t easy to do.

Yu She said, “If you think it’s feasible too, I’ll have someone give Tang Qin the order.” 

“Tang Qin…” Zhong Wan had just been about to remind Yu She about being careful in case that old eunuch went back on his word and caused trouble when he suddenly reached a realization. He smiled. “Well you certainly know how to use things to their full potential.”

Yu She lightly said, “Didn’t Tang Ming and them want to bring up those stupid old matters again anyways? They want to revolt against the emperor, right? How could what I’m doing be considered forcing him? I’m helping him.”

Yu She had kept those two brothers alive until today simply for this step in the plan.

Yu She stated, “If something’s wrong with his brain and he’s determined to be my opponent, that’s fine too. I’ll cut off Tang Ming’s head tonight and give it to him. I don’t care. Either way, to me, this is the only use they have. If I can’t use them, might as well kill them. I trust that the old eunuch has a good understanding of this too.” 

Zhong Wan nodded. “Okay.”

After discussing official business, Zhong Wan glanced at Yu She. “Did you get a good look today?”

Yu She froze.

Yu She lowered his gaze and said, “Didn’t you say that you weren’t angry anymore?” 

“I wasn’t even angry in the first place…” As he spoke, Zhong Wan’s ears turned red too. He slightly bent one of his long legs and used his knee to rub Yu She’s arm. “Ziyou, when you did that to me this morning… Your gaze made me horny.”