Emperor Chongan’s face grew purple for some reason. His throat clogged with blood; he could exhale but not inhale. And his eyes didn’t look good. In a flash, the imperial physicians flew into panic.

The imperial physician who had followed them along to the temporary imperial residence was summoned over. He was aware that Emperor Chongan had not been in good health recently. However, never had he expected that it would grow so poor all of a sudden. As he helped Emperor Chongan dispel the blood from his nose and mouth, he blurted, “What happened? What did he eat recently? Did he choke on something? Or was he angered to this point?” 

The old court eunuchs quickly explained the circumstances. Then the imperial physicians worked hard to feed Emperor Chongan a heart recovery pill. They also applied acupuncture to him and discussed what to prescribe to him. Not only that, they rushed people to find Emperor Chongan’s previous pulse records. The resting palace fell into chaos.

“Young Prince! Prince!” shouted the court eunuch who always accompanied the emperor as he stumbled and rushed outside. He kneeled in front of Yu She and cried out, “Young Prince! What should we do? We old slaves wanted to give His Majesty ginseng soup, but the imperial physicians said His Majesty has been angered to the point of having excessive internal heat. Ginseng soup can’t save him. It will only make him die quicker.  But if something happens… Your Highness! Tell us what to do!”

Yu She looked directly at the Emperor Chongan who lay in bed far away. Not a word left his lips.

His eyes were bloodshot. The surroundings noisy until now. However, Yu She could hear the pounding of his heart, pounding in tune with the pulsing of the veins by his temples. 

He tried his best to control himself. Before he could speak, Princess Royal Anguo rushed in with large strides, shouting, “Why are you all standing around here doing nothing?!”

She glanced at Yu She. Once she caught sight of his expression, shock filled her heart. Then she turned to the old eunuch. After she asked him what happened, she hesitated for a long time. Said cold as ice, “Why are you all still listening to the imperial physician? If the imperial physicians were any use, then why has Imperial Brother’s illness grown worse and worse? When the qi and blood of an individual are blocked, they normally cannot have ginseng soup, but does it really matter right now?!

“The northern border is in unrest. The crown prince position is empty. If at this time, something happens to Imperial Brother, can you all shoulder the responsibility?!” Princess Royal Anguo looked toward the interior of the resting palace, her gaze complicated. A good while later, she turned around and said, “Just feed it to him. We’ll preserve his life first.”

The old eunuch feared that if he were uncareful, he’d be buried along with the emperor. What was needed was a person daring to make decisions at this time. Once he had the order, he rushed to spread it. Yu She looked up at Princess Royal Anguo, the corners of his lips rising a hint. Ridicule flashed through his gaze.

Internal strife had immediately begun.

The two shared a look. Princess Royal Anguo averted her gaze, forcing herself to maintain the dignity of a princess royal. Softly, she said, “Was he really angered to this point all of a sudden?”

Yu She nodded.

“Explain to me,” said Princess Royal Anguo in an even softer voice. “Did Imperial Brother write any imperial edict previously? 

Yu She asked, “What imperial edict?”

“What do you think?!” Princess Royal Anguo was truly anxious. “The edict conferring you the position of crown prince! Since Yu Mucheng has already hidden Xuan Rui somewhere, are you still unclear of what he wants to do?! Imperial Brother forced him too much, and now Yu Mucheng has decided that this is a life and death struggle. Before Imperial Brother dies, you must quickly get this crown prince thing settled! We don’t know how many backup plans Yu Mucheng has. If he gets his way, you and I will die!”

Vkfja mbnfgfv Uglcmfrr Ebsji Ccueb’r obgftfjv. Vtf ralii kjcafv ab ajix ab Te Vtf, yea jc fecemt gertfv bea bo atf gbbw ab atfw. “Efqbgalcu ab Tbecu Uglcmf jcv Uglcmfrr Ebsji, Llr Zjpfras mjc ygfjatf cbk! Lf mjc ygfjatf cbk!”

Vemt cfkr mjerfv Uglcmfrr Ebsji Ccueb ab yf bnfgpbsfv. Vtf cb ibcufg qjlv Te Vtf jcs wlcv jcv rkloais obiibkfv atf fecemt lcrlvf. 

Chaos had run rampant for no less than four hours, when Emperor Chongan finally roused.

Before the imperial physicians could breathe out a sigh of relief, Princess Royal Anguo frowned. “What happened? Why can’t the emperor… open one of his eyes?!”

Emperor Chongan had opened his eyes, but one of his eyelids looked like someone was pulling it closed, drooping. No matter what he did, he could not open that eye completely; it was kept half mast.

An imperial physician rushed forward to examine it. Before he could find out the reason for this, Emperor Chongan opened his mouth with much difficulty. And he said a few words. But no one could catch them; the words proved incoherent and hard to make out. 

The imperial physcian’s expression changed. He kneeled before the emperor’s bed. After he had examined Emperor Chongan’s pulse, he lifted his forearm and pressed a few of his acupuncture points. Then the imperial physician switched to the next forearm and did the same. Afterward, he inspected Emperor Chongan’s legs again.

Princess Royal Anguo was full of impatience. “I asked you why the emperor’s eyes are like this, right? Who asked you about his legs?”

The imperial physician kneeled and faced her. Hesitating, he said, “Reporting to Princess, the emperor seems to… seems to…”


The imperial physician kowtowed. “He seems to have suffered a paralyzing stroke.”

In a flash, everyone kneeled with a bang from fear.

“A paralyzing stroke…” said Princess Royal Anguo, the picture of shock. “T-then can he get up in the future?”

The imperial physician remained kneeling. Shook his head. 

It was unsure whether or not Emperor Chongan, who was lying on the bed, had heard these words. From his throat came a hoarse sound.

Princess Royal Anguo glanced at him. Hesitation in her gaze, she said, “Then can he… still speak?”

The imperial physician paused, before saying, “When someone first gets a paralyzing stroke, we can’t say for sure yet. We have to wait a few days before we can see. Right now, the best case scenario is that His Majesty can make a clear sound after a few days. After that, if we take care of him properly, he might be able to speak with much difficulty. But it’s also possible that…”

It’s also possible that he would only be able to make hoarse and soft sounds for the rest of his life, stuck in bed with half his body paralyzed, becoming a cripple. 

After hearing this, Emperor Chongan twitched then threw up a mouthful of blood.

Then the room fell into chaos once more.

Yu She stood the farthest away from the emperor’s bed compared to everyone else. With indifference, he looked at the Emperor Chongan who lay in bed; Yu She did not even move an inch.

Emperor Chongan had fainted again. Because Princess Royal Anguo wholeheartedly wanted to give herself a life-saving talisman, she sincerely took care of Emperor Chongan this time. She herself was still injured, but she did not care for it at present. Instead, she personally fed him medicine and wiped clean his lips. Even when her own wounds started to bleed, she could not spare time to care for them. 

The empress was in poor health. After hearing what had occurred, she also fainted. All the imperial concubines wept as they paid the emperor a visit. Yet, Princess Royal Anguo shooed them all away.

“Imperial Brother.” Princess Royal Anguo slipped her finger with red painted nails into Emperor Chongan’s mouth. She pried open his lips and fed him medicine. “Don’t die. Don’t let everything fall into chaos. Don’t die…”

A few types of medicine and six hours later, Emperor Chongan finally fell asleep.

Princess Royal Anguo’s hair was in disarray, and she was physically and mentally drained. She didn’t care about anything else anymore and collapsed onto a chair by the side. 

Then she lifted her head. Looked at the Yu She who seemed like an outsider. In a hoarse voice, she said, “You… can’t leave…”

Expressionless, Yu She glanced at her. “Xuan Jing came a few times, but he’s left now. Imperial Consort Yu, Xuang Qiong, and their people made a huge fuss for no less than six hours. They left just now, probably to find the other imperial clan members. If I still don’t leave, they might rush into the palace.”

“Who dares? Do they want to revolt?!” Princess Royal Anguo fixed the messy hair on her temples. “In a few hours, court will resume. You need to pacify the court ministers. In any case… you can’t leave. Who knows when the emperor will awake? Once he wakes up, he will definitely… definitely…”

Definitely hand down an imperial edict. At that time, those who were by his side would have the highest chance of success. 

Princess Royal Anguo had long since sent away the palace servants. Yu She no longer avoided the topic, and said, “You’ve already done what Yu Mucheng instructed you to do. Are you not going to think about joining hands with him?”

Princess Royal Anguo laughed in ridicule. “Can I really trust him? He makes it sound very good to me because he knows that only I can do this task.” Then, she said in a low voice, “I am a princess of the first rank. As long as he has me to connect him with the other imperial clan members, to promise my paternal relatives benefits, they would be willing to take a risk. And when the emperor’s health declines, they would turn around and support Yu Mucheng.

“Wasn’t that the reason he married that day?

“I’ve already done what I ought to do for him. I’m the same as those imperial clan members; when the emperor’s health is truly in decline, I would think about helping Yu Mucheng.” A light flashed in her eyes. “But right now, nothing is certain. As long as the emperor still has the energy to hand down an imperial edict to have you as crown prince, I will not go down that path.” 

Low laughter left Yu She’s lips. “Mother, you won’t even pretend in front of me anymore?”

His usage of the word “mother” angered her to the point where her face grew pale. She looked away. Said in a cold voice, “Wasn’t this what you said? That you were tired of me pretending, and that you would rather I interact with you honestly?”

Yu She nodded. “Yes. I prefer this.”

When Yu She looked at Princess Royal Anguo now, he felt this was a lot better. 

Four hours later, at the first glimmer of light, Emperor Chongan once again woke up.

The old eunuchs carefully fed him tea. Dazed, Emperor Chongan opened his eyes. Looked outside. He couldn’t speak. An old eunuch supported him and said, “It was all Princess Royal Anguo. Thankfully, she took care of you for the whole day and night. While injured, she tended to your honored self without even changing clothes. That’s right! Young Prince also never left, and has been guarding your bedside since the start!”

Emperor Chongan could not feel his right arm at all. He used a lot of energy to lift his left hand. Gestured a little and whimpered. He thought, what about the others? What about Our other two sons? The empress? The imperial concubines?

The old eunuch listened carefully, yet was still unable to understand what he meant. In a timid manner, he asked, “Your Majesty, what did you say?” 

Emperor Chongan whimpered again, face purple and swollen. He shoved away the old eunuch and struggled a bit, almost falling back onto the bed.

Princess Royal Anguo rushed forward to support him. Blurted, “Imperial Brother mustn’t be impatient. The dragon body is important. Lie down…”

Fearfully, Emperor Chongan looked at her. He lay back down. And with much difficulty, moved about the eyes that could still be considered nimble. He took in his surroundings. Recalled everything that happened before he fainted. Then, he remembered hearing the words “paralyzing stroke” while he had still been out of it. And he tasted blood.

Did he become a cripple now? 

Then what about Prince Yu? What about Xuan Qiong? Why was there only this aunt-and-nephew pair in this resting palace? What did these two do to the others?

Just now, Emperor Chongan had heard the palace servant say they were here all day and night. Such a long time had passed. Just how was it outside now? Everything should be turned on its head, right?

Terrified to the extreme, Emperor Chongan thought, did Yu Mucheng, that old viper, already expose what had happened all those years ago?

Beside himself, Emperor Chongan leaned against a pillow, heart completely chilled.

Originally, he thought he could hold on for another two to three years.

Originally, he thought he could securely take care of Yu Mucheng, Princess Royal Anguo, and Zhong Wan… Afterward, he would use the position of emperor as a bargaining chip, grasping Yu She in the palm of his hand until he died of old age.

But in just one day, how could things have fallen to this state?

Emperor Chongan’s gaze moved back and forth from Princess Royal Anguo and Yu She for a good while. 

Neither too far away nor too close, Yu She looked at Emperor Chongan. Silent, he appreciated the near-death scent drifting from Emperor Chongan’s body.

A long time later, Yu She saw Emperor Chongan howl in an unresigned manner. Then he struggled to point at Princess Royal Anguo.

Yu She sneered. He understood.

Currently, Emperor Chongan was already out of options. If not the princess royal, then he could only choose Yu She. 

He chose Princess Royal Anguo.

Yu She didn’t really care. From the start, he and them would not be on the same path.

A wave of relief washed over Princess Royal Anguo. She rushed forward even closer. Grabbed Emperor Chongan’s hand anxiously. “Imperial Brother, do you have any orders? If so, just let me know.”

Ciatbeut Swqfgbg Jtbcujc kjcafv ab rqfjx, joafg ojlilcu j ofk alwfr, tf ujnf eq. Ktfc Uglcmfrr Ebsji Ccueb gertfv ab rmbiv atf qjijmf rfgnjcar, bgvfglcu atfw ab yglcu bnfg qjqfg jcv j kglalcu ygert. 

Uglcmfrr Ebsji Ccueb reqqbgafv tlw eq. Swqfgbg Jtbcujc tfiv atf kglalcu ygert klat tlr ifoa tjcv. Lf kgbaf bc j yijcx ybbxifa, tlr tjcvkglalcu cfjgis liifulyif. Zfjcktlif, Uglcmfrr Ebsji Ccueb rajgfv ja la klatbea yilcxlcu, ilxf j rajgnlcu kbio rajixlcu lar qgfs.

Emperor Chongan took no less than thirty minutes to finish writing in that booklet.

Hesitating, Princess Royal Anguo asked, “Imperial Brother?”

Emperor Chongan shook his head. He pushed the booklet toward her chest, then picked up the writing brush again. And spent a lot of energy writing directly on the blanket, “If he doesn’t follow this posthumous edict, someone naturally would…” 

“Imperial Brother doesn’t want to think it over again?” Uneasy, Princess Royal Anguo glanced at Yu She. “Ziyou…”

Emperor Chongan waved. Then he picked up another blank booklet. Wrote on it for a long time. This time, he did not give it to Princess Royal Anguo. Rather, he looked at Yu She.

The old eunuch rushed to take the imperial edict and presented it to Yu She with both hands.

Yu She kneeled, expressionless. He received the edict and read through it. 

This wasn’t an imperial edict that established a crown prince. Actually, it wasn’t even for Yu She. The edict wrote that the new emperor was young, and that Emperor Chongan feared that he would covet political achievements and be rash, among other things. After a slew of nonsense, the imperial edict ordered the new emperor that before ascending the throne, he must tell everyone in the world that before thirty years from now passed, he must not disobey the late emperor’s orders.

Yu She’s thoughts were in a mess. What did the imperial edict Emperor Chongan had given to Princess Royal Anguo say? Yu She had a guess. Why did he give it to her but not Yu She? This, Yu She also understood. However…

Momentarily, Yu She did not understand why Emperor Chongan gave out this specific imperial edict.

He raised his head and looked at Emperor Chongan. Emperor Chongan glanced at him in a cold and disappointed manner, before waving. 

The old eunuch took back the imperial edict that had been in Yu She’s hands. Then Emperor Chongan used all his energy to pick up the imperial seal, stamping both of the imperial edicts. Following that, he pushed everything together toward Princess Royal Anguo. And afterward, he picked up the writing brush and wrote onto the covers, “Once it’s daybreak, order the high-ranking ministers to enter the palace. We want to personally show these two imperial edicts to those ministers. After that… these imperial edicts will be looked after by you.”

Emperor Chongan gripped Princess Royal Anguo’s hand, frightening her. He wrote on her hand, “If he ascends the throne smoothly, the rest of your life will be lived in glory. Anguo, watch him carefully for Us…”

Never had Princess Royal Anguo anticipated that Emperor Chongan could still control the situation at this point, controlling Yu She and herself in such a rapid manner. Scared witless, she nodded, gripping the two imperial edicts.

At last, Emperor Chongan felt relieved. He beckoned for Yu She to approach. 

Emperor Chongan seemed to both pity and fear Yu She as he looked at him. A good while later, he took Yu She’s hand. Wrote in his palm, “Don’t worry. It’s your name on that imperial edict.”

Emperor Chongan was on the brink of total exhaustion. He rested for a moment, then continued to write on Yu She’s hand, “Help Us take care of Prince Yu, so that Our reputation can remain clean. Only in this way can you maintain the power of this imperial edict. Otherwise, this country will belong to Xuan Rui. Do you understand, my child?”

Yu She kneeled. At that moment, he understood what that other imperial edict was for, a chill penetrating his bones.

For a moment, the room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. 

Yu She’s eyes widened so much that they almost split open. In a hoarse voice, he said, “Your Majesty, even now… you can’t let go of Guiyuan?”

Emperor Chongan glanced at him, cold and detached. He wrote, “We already gave him a chance.”

Outside the palace hall, Old Imperial Preceptor Shi had kneeled for a long time…

The scent of something that had burned in the carriage… 

The disappointment, frustration, and relief in Zhong Wan’s eyes…

In a flash, Yu She had understood everything.

He pressed his head against the side of the bed and could not help but laugh.

Originally, he thought he had been stabbed so many times in the heart these many years already, so he shouldn’t be able to feel bitterly disappointed anymore. 

Shouldn’t he have long since been used to this?

Wasn’t it the most usual thing for people to scheme against him and frame him?

So why did he suddenly find it unbearable?

Once Princess Royal Anguo had heard his frightening laughter, she anxiously said, “Ziyou! Don’t go crazy!” 

Yu She choked, then coughed a couple times. He smiled. “Stop putting on an act…”

With a lot of difficulty, Yu She supported himself to a stand using the side of the bed. Softly, he said, “Enough. I understand what these two imperial edits mean…”

Suddenly, Emperor Chongan felt uneasy. He stared at Yu She, his lips twitching.

Yu She looked disdainfully at Emperor Chongan and Princess Royal Anguo. He said in a low voice, “What do you people think I want?” 

Fear struck Emperor Chongan’s heart. Before he could write anything else, Yu She dully said, “I won’t play this game anymore.”

And he turned around and left without ever looking back.

Emperor Chongan’s heart pounded.

Xuan Qiong had colluded with another country, so he could no longer ascend the throne. 

Xuan Jing would not be able to win against Yu Mucheng.

And Yu She didn’t want to take part in this anymore…

He only had three sons. Who could he give his throne to? That Xuan Rui whose life-or-death condition was not even known?!!!

Moreover, let’s not talk about the heir apparent to the throne right now. If he didn’t have Yu She, who could deal with Yu Mucheng, who’s eyeing the throne covetously, for him? Did he have to rely on the indecisive Anguo? Wasn’t she willing to help him now so that she could be the future empress dowager? If Yu She would not become the next emperor, how would she continue to help him?! 

He had been too greedy. In the end, he could not have anything.

In a flash, Emperor Chongan felt regret.

Everything had happened too quickly. After sitting on the Dragon Throne for decades, he did not have many bargaining chips anymore.

Never had he imagined that Yu She would actually fall out with him because of this matter. 

Anxious and perplexed, Emperor Chongan looked in Princess Royal Anguo’s way. Then he used all his energy to shove her away. And Princess Royal Anguo understood. She cursed Emperor Chongan in her heart for being too greedy and for not understanding he was already useless. At this time, he actually still had the desire to control Zhong Wan.

He had fallen within sight of success, infuriating Yu She due to this trivial matter at the end.

Princess Royal Anguo forced herself to say, “Imperial Brother mustn’t be anxious! I’ll look for Ziyou. He just became angry for the moment. Imperial Brother knows that once Ziyou is angry, he’s capable of saying anything. It’s alright, it’s alright… What can’t be discussed between blood-related father and son?”

Princess Royal Anguo was both consoling Emperor Chongan and herself. “Don’t worry, Imperial Brother. Ziyou just has a bad temper. If he doesn’t ascend the throne, does he not want his life?! I will persuade him. He’ll come to his senses quickly.” 

Emperor Chongan strove hard to nod. Princess Royal Anguo couldn’t care about him anymore, and ordered the palace servants not to allow others to enter this resting palace. And quick as lightning, she went to find Yu She.