v7 Chapter 56: Political show and trouble

The New York election is coming. For the entire United States, the position of mayor of New York is an extremely important position. In terms of attention, the attention of the New York mayor election in the United States should be second only to the presidential election.

The editor-in-chief of the Horn Daily is also one of the candidates. This was something Li Jie had not thought of before. Because the list of candidates for the mayor of New York City was announced today, Li Jie had no idea who those candidates would stand for.

In the moment when he saw James's picture, Li Jie immediately wanted to understand everything. Why the horn daily newspaper is chasing Peter's news bite, and why the whole event is enlarged.

Why is the lawyer named Lukal repeatedly able to enter the media's field of vision and continue to speak loudly.

Why James should personally write a social commentary, criticizing the lack of legal supervision in New York City and questioning and criticizing the New York City police.

All this is creating momentum! The ultimate goal of the election is to allow voters to vote for themselves, so that they can be elected. And why should voters vote for you? He knows who you are!

Therefore, in the election campaign, speech lobbying, television speeches and various debates are particularly important. You have to let voters know you first! Otherwise, you have never heard of your name, who will vote for you.

In order to gain the support of the voters, the candidates are not the first to make various pie speeches in TV speeches. There have also been endless political shows of various bloggers.

For example, there is a mayor in the United Kingdom, because polls show that its support rate is extremely low. The mayor made a bold decision. If the city ’s football team can reach the top 16 of the Premier League, he will jump into the lake and wear a football team ’s mascot costume to swim 100 meters.

He pretends to be like a person who extremely supports sports in this city. At this point he seems to be just like other ordinary citizens. When people have common hobbies, they will soon draw closer to each other.

Because you will think: Hey! You see, that guy also plays the same game as me!

Especially when the person doing this is still a superior, it can capture people's hearts even more. Especially the mayor finally fulfilled his promise and jumped into the lake to swim in a mascot costume.

People always like to watch others do stupid things, and then gloat on one side. Especially when the mayor is doing this stupid thing, they will let go of their guard, and some people will think that the mayor is actually not bad.

This kind of political show actually circulates every day all over the world, but voters just eat it. Was n’t it interesting to see the boss Bo smile?

And the crazy Black Spiderman like James is also a show. That's right, Spider-Man is indeed very popular among New Yorkers.

Such a hacking of a superhero seems to run counter to the public opinion. But James naturally has his own ideas. If Spider-Man has the same reputation as Captain America, James will not say a bad word when he is killed.

Just look at what the Horn Daily reported about Captain America and the military lawsuit. James fell headless and captain Rogers. why? Because Rogers's appeal is too great, the people almost support Rogers. Moreover, things like the black government are almost a political correctness for the general public.

The same superhero, Spider-Man, has also been liked by New Yorkers. But it's not as deep-rooted and unshakable as Captain Rogers.

When everyone said that Spider-Man was good, a sudden refutation of Spider-Man's language really caught the eye. Especially James, an old journalist, has a very good writing style. He can always find other special angles to attack Spider-Man.

Maybe some Spider-Man fans will be angry at first, thinking that this person is hacking their idols. But as mentioned earlier, Spider-Man has not yet become a national idol like Rogers. There are still many people in New York City who do n’t like him, like George Stacy.

People who do n’t like Spider-Man will think that James actually makes a lot of sense, and they will spread this idea to their friends around them.

In this way, many neutral passersby's attitude towards Spider-Man may turn black. This was a huge blow to Spider-Man, who was hit twice by media and public opinion.

And what did he pay for James? He just moved the pen, and he didn't need much effort to attract a lot of popularity for himself.

As for what he might have said wrong, this is not important, right? This is a political show, a political show. The word "show" originally meant performance. Isn't fiction and exaggeration a part of the performance?

Like the lawyer Lukar, who is currently fighting against McMahon, he is also making a show. Anyway, someone paid him to do it, why didn't he do it.

This is a good thing for him to expand his popularity. You know, the profession of lawyers also emphasizes the star effect. Well-known lawyers can receive more and more well-paid cases.

And fame is almost expected by every lawyer. Just like Matt, the lawyer who is currently litigating for Rogers, he has become a well-known American barrister from an unknown little lawyer in Brooklyn.

As long as his lawsuit is successful, Lucar is almost certain Matt will fly into the sky in the future. This made Lucar very unbalanced. Matt had only achieved such achievements just a few years after entering the law firm.

It took more than ten years for him to become a senior student graduated from Yale University. So when someone finds him and expects him to take the Mark McHon case. After Lukar wanted to understand the key, he immediately realized that this was his opportunity, a chance to fly into the sky.

Anyway, attorney fees will be paid, and the lawsuit is not difficult to fight. Just give a sum of money to the convenience store staff not to talk nonsense. For Lukar, he knew this kind of thing. In the legal profession for more than ten years, he has already been as good as himself.

This is a matter of fame and fortune, why not do it. As for whether he would hurt Spider-Man or the New York police, I'm sorry, he doesn't care.

Lucar ’s New York apartment is located in the Manhattan area and is a high-end apartment operated by a Hilton hotel. As an elite lawyer, Lukar does n’t have much time to take care of his own house, and staying in a hotel apartment managed by someone is the best choice.

Hilton Hotels Group is an international five-star hotel chain. They have launched a full-service apartment in the Manhattan district dedicated to the elite class in New York City.

From helping book airline tickets to taking the admission ticket to the Madison Garden Stadium nba game. To car rental services, as well as professional laundry and ironing services, their services are meticulous.

It meets the needs of business elites who are busy with their work and demand high quality of life. Of course, the rent here is not cheap. An apartment of 150 square meters, the annual rent is as high as 250,000 US dollars. And the various services provided are subject to additional charges.

Lucar lives on the fortieth floor of this hotel apartment, which has a wide view. Being able to see the bright lights of New York City at night and overlooking the night view of New York City will give him a sense of superiority as a man.

He likes this flat, so he is not planning to buy a house or move to another place. You know, other places will not have such good service and security as the Hilton Hotel.

The security system at the Hilton is very good ~ www.novelhall.com ~ There have never been any cases of theft here. This will not happen even if you forget to lock the door.

At least until tonight, Lukar always thought so.

"Mr. Lucar, good evening. I think I need to talk to you about your ridiculous words and deeds, and the slander of Spider-Man." The man in the gray pullover sat in Lucar's hall waiting for his Return.

His tone was dark, and he seemed to hide his anger. Lucar wanted to escape his room, but another strong man in a black skull logo uniform blocked his way.

Although there was no violence, Lukar understood. I seem to be in trouble. Spider-Man is a cheerful and kind hero, he will not attack ordinary citizens who have no criminal tendency. Even those who are hostile to him.

So he didn't care how he slandered Spider-Man, because Spider-Man wouldn't trouble him because of this.

But his friends are not like this, at least the two who appear in front of their eyes are not. The key to the door in Lucar's hand slipped silently.