The first one was Gan Ning. With the momentum of rushing thunder, his left fist directly hit Chen Ren's chest. Chen Ren stretched out his right hand on Gan Ning's left fist wrist and drew back along his fist. His body also leaned to the right at the moment when Gan Ning's fist was about to hit. His right hand turned to grasp Gan Ning's wrist and turned around to kick back. The two fists and feet, a time to fight up and down.

Tong Yuan, Chen Ren's master, was originally practicing gun art. His martial arts were mostly used in the battlefield. Therefore, all the three apprentices taught by Tong Yuan before were not famous generals on the battlefield. However, when Chen Ren saved Tong Yuan, he was besieged by several enemies who were good at making small and fighting Kung Fu. He was defeated and seriously injured. After that, Tong Yuan also began to study this kind of chivalrous fighting Kung Fu. Chen Ren, who had just been admitted to his family, learned Kung Fu completely different from his three elder martial brothers. Ganning, however, was one of the few masters who was good at fighting Kung Fu during the Three Kingdoms period.

It's just a pity that the boat where they are located is not a hole punched by Gan Ning, but a hole by Chen Yiyi. However, Ganning had given the boatman a ingot of gold before, but the boatman didn't have any heartache. He just felt that it was not safe on the boat, so he climbed onto the boat of the Jinfan thief early. It was Guo Jia, who was drunk or not, still stayed on the deck. She drank wine from time to time. When she saw the highlights, she would clap her hands and yell.

Finally, the boat could not bear the two people's destruction, and began to sink slowly. Seeing this, the Jin Fan thief immediately threw the rope in the direction of the two men.

"Big brother! Grab the rope

"This man! Grab the rope

"This young man! Grab the rope

Jin Fan thieves also admire men. Chen Ren is able to fight with their big brother, and naturally he admires his skill. As for Guo Jia, it may be because he was fearless in the face of danger. The Jinfan thieves also threw the rope to him.

Including Guo Jia, the three people all grasped the rope at the same time, but Guo Jia and Gan Ning did not forget to bring their wine jars. Along with the boat brocade sail thieves pull together, three people were pulled on Ganning previously in the ship. What's different is that Chen Ren and Gan Ning both landed steadily on the deck, but Guo Jia couldn't, but Guo Jia turned around at the last moment, preferring to hit his back on the deck, but he still had to protect the wine jar in his hands. Fortunately, the fall was not heavy, but he also threw Guo Jia, a real weak scholar, into a grin 。

All the men who mix up on the Yangtze River are all alcoholics. Seeing Guo Jia's appearance, they all have a look that is deep in my heart, and they all burst into laughter. Chen Ren couldn't cry or laugh at Guo Jia, who was sitting on the deck drinking. It seemed that the fight could not be started.

Gan Ning also had the same idea. He put down the wine jar in his hand and said with a loud voice: "it's Ganning of Bajun, Gan xingba! Friends on the river give face, give someone a nickname, Jinfan thief! "

Chen Ren adjusted his robe and returned to the original scholar's appearance. He arched his hands and said with a smile: "under Chen Ren, the word Zi Zi is given. He is from the plain." The title of Peach Blossom Fairy was given to Chen Renqi by Guo Jia after he heard the Peach Blossom Temple song written by Chen Renxian. Chen Ren has never boasted of himself.

Then, Chen Ren introduced Guo Jia. Gan Ning looked up at the sky and laughed and said, "today, I am very happy. I not only drink such a good wine, but also get to know such a hero as Zici brother!" Although the appearance of Guo Jia's drunkard won Ganning's appreciation, Guo Jia was a kind of weak scholar at first sight, and Gan Ning, such a savage, naturally would not deliberately get to know each other.

Chen Ren also said with a smile: "where! It should be a great honor to meet a hero like brother xingba! "

"Ah! What a pity that ship's wine! It sank to the bottom of the river Ganning a happy and want to hold up the wine jar to drink, but it is a pity that he drank so much that the wine jar has reached the bottom. Think of that sink into the bottom of the river several jars of wine, Ganning is a face of heartache and chagrin.

"Brother xingba! Do as you please Chen Ren explained with a smile, "those jars of wine have been sealed under the seal, can not enter the water."

As soon as Gan Ning listened, his eyes brightened and he roared: "boys! Do you hear me! Go down and fish for me Ganning's voice had just settled down, and then dozens of plopping sounds were heard.

for several days on the Yangtze River, Gan Ning insisted on sending Chen Yixing to Xiangyang in person. Of course, Chen Ren returned his favor by giving all the jars of wine he had taken out of the water to Ganning, which made Guo Jia complain for a long time.

On the dock, Ganning knew it was a water thief, and his identity was not good. He had to break up here. At the time of parting, Gan Ning was also reluctant to say goodbye and made an appointment with Chen Ren.

After staying on the ship for several days, he stepped on the land suddenly. Chen Ren was very good at it, and he was also a little flustered under his feet. Guo Jiana was even more unbearable. Fortunately, the dock is not far away from Xiangyang City, so they come to Xiangyang City gate.

"You! And you! What do you two do? " Perhaps it is to see Chen Ren and their eyesight, just arrived at the gate of the city, they were stopped by the guard of the city.Guo Jia just wanted to open her mouth, but she came up in one breath, squatted on one side and vomited. Chen Ren couldn't help it. After a few jumps, he felt less empty than before. Then he went to the guards and said, "gentlemen, the students are scholars from the north. They come here to visit friends at the invitation of others."

"Visiting friends?" The head of the group is like a Wu Chang, who looks suspiciously at Chen Ren's going up and down. "Now that the Yangtze River is up and down, the water thieves are suffering. Since you are from the north, you must have come across the river. How can you avoid the water thieves and cross the river safely

Hearing such a question from the officers and soldiers, Chen Ren naturally would not say his relationship with Gan Ning, so he had to laugh: "maybe it is the protection of saints!"

"Bullshit!" "I think you two are really suspicious. Maybe you are the spies sent by the water thief!" he said

As soon as Guo Jiagang stood up, she immediately raised her finger at the woodman. As soon as she was about to speak, her face changed and she turned to squat on the ground and vomited.

"Come on! Tie them to me The commander was not polite. He immediately called on his subordinates and immediately surrounded Chen Ren.

Chen Yiyi smiles bitterly. Seeing this posture, it is impossible to use force. If you can move your hand, Xiangyang City will not be able to enter. It's dark now. Where can I find the mirror villa of Sima Hui.

"Stop it!" Just when several officers and soldiers were ready to put the rope on Chen Ren, a voice was not loud, but rather dignified.

The captain turned his head and saw a carriage stopping inside the gate. The sound came from the carriage of the carriage. As soon as Wu Chang saw clearly the style of the carriage, his face changed. He was busy stopping his men's movements. He ran up to the carriage, bowed his hands and said, "I don't know if you're here. I'm so rude."

"You may as well do it. This official is also devoted to his duties." "But these two are guests invited by me. They are not thieves."

Wu Chang was also happy. He bowed his head and replied, "since Mr. Wu has proved it, it must be a misunderstanding. The villain will let him go immediately." After that, he waved back, and the officers and men who had surrounded Chen Ren immediately scattered.

Chen Ren is a little curious. He and Guo Jia don't seem to recognize people with such authority in Jingzhou? The only one I know is Sima Hui, who is the idle cloud and wild crane. But the name of Sima Hui's water mirror is only known by a few literati and scholars. What's more, the voice in the carriage is definitely not Sima Hui's voice.

Chen Ren was thinking about it. The coachman on the other side of the carriage gently shook the reins and drove the carriage slowly to Chen Ren and Guo Jia. A well maintained hand reached out and opened the curtain of the carriage. A man jumped out of the carriage slowly.

The man was only in his early twenties. His face was white and bearded. He was gorgeous. He looked at Chen Ren with a pair of bright eyes and a smile. The man saluted Chen Ren and asked, "this gentleman is a peach blossom fairy?"

Chen Ren busy is a reply: "immortal do not dare to be, in Chen Ren Chen Zici, this is Yingchuan talent Guo Jia Guo fengxiao." After introducing himself, Chen Ren didn't forget to introduce Guo Jia who was lying beside him and retching.

At this time, Guo Jia also stood up pale and wiped the corners of her mouth. Then she turned around and said with a forced smile, "I'm going to let my brother laugh!"

"You may as well do, as you may." The man waved his hand and said, "Brother Guo is a northerner. He can't adapt to the floating of the Yangtze River. That's normal. In Jingzhou, Kuai Liang, the character zirou, is entrusted by Mr. Shuijing to meet you. "

Kuai liang? Chen Ren's eyes brightened, but he didn't expect that during his trip to Jingzhou, he met celebrities of the Three Kingdoms one after another. Kuai Liang is a wise man like Chen Gong and Cheng Yu. Although he is not as good as Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and other top-notch advisers, he is definitely not much worse. In this way, the attitude of those officers and soldiers can be made clear. The Kuai family belongs to a large family in Jingzhou, and it is not something that can be disobeyed by a district commander.

To return to think, Chen Ren's action did not stop at all. He quickly exclaimed in surprise: "it's brother Kuai. Chen Ren has heard of his name for a long time! Good to meet you Chen Ren didn't lie. It's a long time to study these historical celebrities in his previous life.