"Hum!" Chen Ren shook his hand, his face was still livid, but he did not insist on leaving. He just stood there with his back facing Sima Hui, without saying a word.

"That, filial piety!" Sima Hui looked at Guo Jia in embarrassment.

Guo Jia came over with a heartless smile and patted Chen Ren on the shoulder: "OK, OK! Brother Decao, it's not difficult to do this! Don't blame him. "

With Guo Jia to the steps, Chen Ren is not good, really angry, face slightly slow. Sima Hui was very glad to see this. He was busy pulling Chen Ren and Guo Jia out of the room. As he walked, he said with a smile: "OK, OK! As amends! I'll invite you to drink for you! Drink

Guo Jia heard that drinking wine immediately made him walk faster than Sima Hui: "good! There's a drink! Brother Decao! I remember that you just took some beautiful bars from Zici last time! It must be taken out today! "

Chen Ren was made to laugh and cry: "you two! It's morning! There's no one who drinks early in the morning

The three men were playing here, but they didn't expect that their actions had been reported by the servants of Kuai mansion.

After listening to the servant's report quietly, Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue did not express their opinions. They just waved their hands to let them leave. Then they looked at Pang Degong, who was sitting at the head of the table, and did not even dare to breathe.

"Pang Gong!" He said, "it's really hard to resist the noise of Kungfu."

"Mountain village man?" Pang Dehong smiles and turns to ask Kuai Liang, "how about zirou's view of Chen Ren?"

Kuai Liang pondered a little and replied, "Chen Zici is unfathomable!"

"Oh Kuai Yue was stunned by Kuai Liang's completely different answer, while Pang De Gong was still smiling. "Why did zirou get such an answer?"

Kuai Liang stood up and said, "Sima dexao is very admirable for his high quantity, elegant and arrogant temperament. Chen Ren has a deep friendship with him, which shows that he is extraordinary. One of them is that Chen Zici didn't speak on the state affairs yesterday, but when we told the secret information about he Jinfa's Secret edict, even Sima Decao and Guo fengxiao were surprised, but Chen Zici had no expression Either the city government is very deep, the joy and anger are not in the form of color, or resourceful, have already figured out the situation in Luoyang, so it is not surprising. Both of these two possibilities represent that Chen Zici is not simple. Yesterday, at the gate of the city, only Chen Zici and Guo fengxiao, two unarmed scholars, faced with ten officers and soldiers, were fearless, which shows their courage. Based on these three points, we can conclude that Chen Zici was not as useless as yesterday's hall

Kuai Yue is not a fool. After listening to Kuai Liang's analysis, he realized that Chen Ren was not simple. Pound nodded frequently and said, "good! You can see that your eyesight has improved a lot over the years

"All depends on Pang Gong's instruction!" Kuai Liang said thanks with a trace of complacency.

"As zirou said, Chen Zici is not as simple as he appears. Judging from his appearance, he must not be willing to be ordinary. If you two meet with him, you must pay attention and seize the opportunity to attract him. "

"Yes," the Kuai brothers stood up and worshipped at the same time.

when the Kuai brothers had a secret talk with Pang Dehong, Sima Hui had already led Chen Ren and Guo Jia and his party to the west of the city.

"Brother Decao, how much wine did you have last time?" Guo Jia kept listening to the problem of wine all the way.

"Don't worry! Don't worry Sima Hui replied with a smile, "last time I took six jars of wine from Zici, only when Pang Degong came to visit me, I took out one. Now there are five jars of wine left, enough! "

"Good!" As soon as the amount of wine was guaranteed, Guo Jiale was like something, and Chen Ren on the other side couldn't understand Guo Jia's alcoholic habits.

"Yes Chen Ren seemed to think of something and asked, "brother Decao, why is the Pangde guild so close to the Kuai brothers?"

"Ha ha!" Seeing Chen Ren asking questions, Sima Hui knew that Chen Ren's annoyance had been reduced by more than half, and he was not in a hurry at the moment. He replied with a smile, "Pang Degong is the first scholar in Jingzhou. Although Kuai is a big family in Jingzhou, his reputation is still a little less than Pang Degong."

"I know that, but as far as I know, Pang Degong seems indifferent to fame and wealth. I heard that Liu Jingzhou had also recruited him as an official when he was in charge of Jingzhou, but he declined politely. How could Pang De Gong be closely related to Kuai's personality? "

Sima Hui frowned, shook his head and replied, "I don't know much about this. It seems that Kuai brothers have always been disciples of Li Pang De Gong, but they have never called Pang De Gong as a teacher. I am not very clear about their relationship. It's also this time that Pang Degong proposed to receive you in Kuai's house, and I knew that they were familiar with each other. "

"Oh." Chen Ren quietly answered, then frowned and lowered his head to think of something. Obviously, Sima Hui's answer can not satisfy Chen Ren. In historical records, Pang Degong did not seem to have done anything that had a great impact on history. The only connection was the famous counselor of the Three Kingdoms. Pang Tong, known as "Fengchu", was Pang's nephew."Brother Decao, do you know Pang Degong's nephew?" Chen Ren thought of Pang Tong and couldn't help asking again.

"Nephew? oh You mean Shiyuan Sima Hui just thought for a moment, then called out, "this Shiyuan is quite talented. When he was young, he was very popular with Pang Degong. He often visited Shuijing villa with Pang. But I don't know why, after the scholar Yuan Yuan took the uniform, he gradually became estranged from Pang De Gong. Even Pang De Gong often sighed in front of me. "

Chen Ren's heart leaped. There seemed to be something connected in his head. He was thinking that the three had already arrived at the gate of the west of the city. He was about to leave the city gate, but he saw a troop of cavalry in front of him.

Sima Hui saw the cavalry, and his face changed. He pulled Chen Ren and Guo Jia to the gate of the city. Chen Ren clearly saw that Sima Hui's face had a trace of disdain and disgust.

Just when he wanted to find out the reason, the cavalry had already come. Chen Ren found that behind the cavalry, there were still a large group of men and women in shabby clothes being held by the cavalry with ropes.

"Ah! It's general Zhang! General Zhang is back from victory in suppressing bandits! " The guard of the west gate saw the cavalry and rushed forward with a smile.

The man who was the leader of the cavalry, who had no need of white face, laughed loudly and was somewhat forthright: "my general, just a few gangs of thieves, have not been caught by hand!"

"That is! That's it The guard flattered quickly.

The general ignored the guard's flattery and pulled the rope in his hand. A woman was immediately pulled to the ground behind him. General Zhang yelled and scolded, then led his cavalry through the gate and walked to the center of the city.

"Pooh!" Sima Hui spat at the back of the cavalry in disgust and muttered, "scum!"

"Brother Decao, who is this?" Guo Jia, however, seldom saw Sima Hui, who was mild in temperament, showed such an attitude and asked curiously.

"But a jester Sima Hui said scornfully, "this man is Liu Jingzhou's nephew, called Zhang Yun. He always carries the name of Liu Jingzhou and does evil in Xiangyang."

"Isn't he still involved in suppressing bandits?" Chen Ren pointed to the prisoners in shabby clothes who were following the cavalry.

Looking at the prisoners, Sima Hui couldn't help but say, "what kind of bandit suppression! This promise is just to find a village to ransom some ordinary people to make up for the credit! Pity the villagers. Somehow, they are called bandits and go to labor. If they are beautiful women, they will be captured and humiliated by this promise. "

"Ah! How much money can human life be worth in these troubled times? " Listening to Guo Jia's emotion, Chen Ren's heart seemed to be touched by something. Looking at the numb people around him, Chen Ren shook his fist.

After the gate of the city, the three of them were much less interested. They came to Shuijing villa in the western suburb of the city, and they all drank wine in silence. Among the three, Sima Hui's drinking capacity was the lowest. After a while, Sima Hui fell drunk on the couch. Chen Ren felt that drinking in the room was too stuffy, so he proposed to leave Sima Hui to rest in the room. They went to the courtyard to drink, and Guo Jia clapped his hands.

Each carrying a jar of wine, they came to the courtyard. Although the courtyard of Shuijing villa is not big, it is decorated very elegantly. There is a willow tree and a stone path, which is indescribable elegant. Both of them are not fastidious people. They will sit on the ground cross legged and drink wine one by one.

"Filial piety." Looking at Guo Jia, Chen Ren found his silence different from that of the past. He moved in his heart and asked, "does fengxiao want to become an official?"

Guo Jia was surprised not to be exposed, but nodded silently.

Chen Ren didn't say much. He still drank wine with Guo Jia. He knew that from yesterday's cold encounter with Kuai's mansion, this unruly prodigal son had already thought about it. Today, seeing Zhang Yun's bullying of the people, Guo Jia had already moved his mind to become an official. Of course, Guo Jia was destined to become an official for a long time. Naturally, Chen Ren would not intervene to prevent Guo Jia from becoming an official. However, when he thought of Guo Jia's death and death in his hometown in history and looking at one of his few friends in this era, he always had some inexplicable impulses in his heart.

Forget it! forget it! Chen Ren finally resisted the urge to persuade Guo Jia, and took up a glass of wine. Naturally, he and Guo Jia both fell drunk in the courtyard of Shuijing mountain villa.