The black faced golden armour general was ridiculed by He Jin for a while, and his face became more gloomy, and even his companions all showed a sneering smile. He Jin didn't care. He turned to the eunuch and said, "don't lead the way."

He Jin went into the palace gate with his head held high under the promise of the eunuch, and then the palace guards closed the gate. The black faced gold armour general saw, opened his mouth, and finally did not speak.

General Jinjia, who yelled at the eunuch before, patted the black faced general on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don't be like this, mengde. We've brought 5000 elite soldiers here this time. We dare not act rashly."

The black faced general returned with a smile that was even worse than crying, but in his heart, he was disdainful: "if there is something wrong with these eunuchs, how can they be afraid of the elite soldiers who are at the end of the palace. In the eyes of the eunuchs, as long as they control the emperor and the empress dowager, everything will be fine. " The black faced general wanted to return, but looking at the hypocritical smile of his companion, he closed his mouth and said nothing.

As time went by, there was no response in the palace. All of a sudden, the black faced general's ears trembled, and he was busy asking his companions, "the beginning! What can you hear? "

The so-called original general Jinjia was talking with the other generals behind him. He turned around and said with a little displeasure, "what did you hear?"

The black faced general turned his head and listened attentively, but there was no more sound. He frowned and said, "I seem to have heard a scream."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Benchu and other golden generals looked at each other and laughed, "Mende! You are too thoughtful

The black faced general didn't pay attention to the ridicule, and suddenly shrugged his nose and changed his face: "no! It smells of blood! " At the moment, he ignored other people's reactions, rushed to the palace gate, patted the palace gate with force, and kept shouting: "please return to the palace! Please return to your home

"Mende..." Ben frowned and felt a little uneasy in his heart. When he just wanted to say something, he saw a dark shadow flying down from the top of the palace gate and was falling between Ben Chu and the black faced general.

The black faced general turned back and looked carefully, but it was he Jin's head who had just entered the palace gate, and there was still blood in the incision.

"He jinmou has been killed! All of you are followers. Let's let bygones be bygones There was a shrill sound from the inside of the palace gate.

The black faced general and Benchu looked at each other. The original eyes turned, and immediately pulled out his sword and yelled to the soldiers behind him: "how dare the eunuch kill the minister! You can follow me into the palace! Kill the eunuchs With that, he waved his sword towards the palace gate.

The black faced general also immediately pulled out his sword and yelled: "kill!" Take the lead and rush up.

With two people taking the lead, the rest of the people set fire to the fire, and those who hit the palace gate hit the palace gate. For a time, the sound of killing inside and outside the palace was shocking.

At this time, a large group of cavalry was coming to Luoyang more than 100 miles northwest of Luoyang.

"Lord!" A scholar with a blue robe and a goatee rode to the front of the team.

"Li ru? What's the matter? " In the front of the team, he was a middle-aged strong man with golden armour and a fat body. His face was full of flesh and his eyes showed fierce light.

"My Lord! Look Obviously, the scholar was good at riding. He easily controlled the mount, stopped behind the fierce man, and pointed to the direction of Luoyang in the East. Looking along the direction of the scholar's finger, there was a faint red light rising in the sky.

"Is this?" The fierce man looked at the scholar doubtfully.

"My Lord! Luoyang has changed! It can speed up the journey! " Said the scholar.

The ferocious man also changed his face, waved his big hand, and said to him, "boys! Run for me After that, the whip in his hand was hurled down towards the horse's buttocks. The horse whined and ran quickly towards the front.

Chen Ren had a very comfortable life these days. He either talked with Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu and enjoyed the worship of the most intelligent people in history, or drank with Guo Jia. However, the Kuai brothers who occasionally came to Shuijing villa made Chen Ren feel a bit sorry.

It's not that Chen Ren has any aversion to the Kuai brothers. It's just that the Kuai brothers are so enthusiastic that Chen Ren feels a little uncomfortable. To be exact, it should be the fiery eyes of Kuai brothers that made him feel a little scared.

In the past, the Kuai brothers only stayed for an hour or two before leaving. Although Chen Ren's eloquent mood was damaged, there was nothing wrong with a few drinks. But today, the arrival of the Kuai brothers completely interrupted Chen Ren's leisurely days.

"What? Luoyang turmoil? Dong Zhuo went to Beijing? " Hearing the news from Kuai Liang, Guo Jiateng stood up. All the people looked at Kuai Liang in surprise, except Chen Ren. Kuai Liang takes a look at Chen Ren, who drinks himself, and keeps it in mind.

"this is the latest news that we have arranged for the eyeliner in Luoyang. Dong Zhuoyu, Wen Ming Yuan, deliberated on the abolish of the emperor and broke up with the part of Dingzhou. Kuai Yue is another heavy news, smashing everyone stunned, of course, this still does not include Chen Ren."This, this, this, Dong Zhuo is so brave!" Xu Shu angrily patted the table.

"This is the end of the day Sima Hui sighed bitterly on his face, and other people also felt.

Chen Ren coughed and stood up and said, "brother Decao, brother zirou, brother BIDU, I have been in Xiangyang for many days. It's time to go back."

Chen Ren's sudden words, so that the public did not respond to over, wide eyes at Chen Ren. But Guo Jia didn't care. He stood up with Chen Ren and said, "in this case, I'll go back with Zici."

"Ah? Zici, filial piety, is it not the moral conduct of the reception is not good, wronged the two? " Sima Hui's face flushed with anxiety, and he was busy pulling Guo Jia by his side. However, the Kuai brothers did not know what to do.

Chen Ren said with a smile: "brother Decao has misunderstood me. After a while, it will be my master's birthday. Zici will go back to pray for the master's birthday. Now there is chaos in the north, and if you don't go back, it will not be peaceful on the road. " Guo Jia shrugged her shoulders to show that she and Chen had any meaning.

Chen Ren moved out of respect for his teacher, others are not easy to say anything, Sima Hui had to order his servants to pack Chen Ren's luggage. Kuai's brother was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Kuai Liang's eyes turned and winked at his younger brother. He said to his brother in a hurry: "strange degree, please go back to your house and get some wine to send to Zici and fengxiao to drink on the road."

Chen Ren naturally saw the small action between Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue, but he didn't care. Guo Jia touched his shoulder quietly, and Chen Ren just nodded, but motioned Guo Jia to ignore it.

Brother for so many years, Kuai Yue naturally understood Kuai Liang's meaning, pretended to be suddenly enlightened and left. Chen Ren also ignored what their brothers were doing in Mingtang and drank a farewell wine with Sima Hui and others. Although Kuai Liang constantly dissuades Chen Ren from waiting for a moment, Chen Ren still takes over the burden handed by his servant, pulls Guo Jia, and leaves Shuijing villa, all the way to the north.

Along the way, they didn't speak. Guo Jia looked around from time to time, and then looked at Chen Ren around her. She opened her mouth several times but didn't say anything. Guo Jia's action Chen Ren naturally saw in the eye, but also did not say anything, just the corner of his mouth slightly tilted.

After a while, a roaring sound of horse's hooves sounded behind them. Guo Jia's face changed and murmured: "here it is!"

Chen Ren didn't respond. The incident had already been predicted by him. Kuai Yue's return to the city would not bring any good wine. Instead, he should report the news that he was going to leave to the master behind them. However, Chen Ren is very interested in the identity of their master son. It is obvious that it will not be Liu Biao, the current herdsman of Jingzhou. After all, Liu Biao has just established himself in Jingzhou, and has not the great ability to drive the Kuai brothers to do so many things for him. Although there is still a dark impression of Chen in his mind, there is no such thing as Chen's identity.

Chen Ren is thinking about things here, but the pursuers behind him are not slighted. They quickly catch up and surround Chen Ren and Guo Jia without saying a word. Chen Ren looked at the pursuers in front of him. All of them were black armored knights on good Xiliang horses. The first one was a big man with a beard and a steel gun in his hand.

"I don't know what you're going to do if you stop me?" Chen Ren did not have the slightest panic, glanced at the steel gun and said in a loud voice.

"The master of my family hears that he is a talented man and wants to invite him to my villa." The first man spoke in a cold tone, looking at Chen Ren as if he were looking at an object.

Chen Ren grinned and said, "it's a pity that Chen has something to do. I can only ask a strong man to thank you for your kindness."

The man's eyes narrowed, shot a fine light, hummed: "that will offend!" Two legs a clip, the horse rushed to Chen Ren, in his view, Chen Ren is just a weak scholar, not reach for capture. Although it was said that Chen Ren seemed to have some kung fu skills when he came here, his thin and weak appearance was just some fancy things that he could not see and use.

Although Chen Ren knew for a long time that the other side would use force, he could not help but feel cold when he saw the man rushing over.