Cheng Pu just helped Sun Jian put on his coat. Of course, he tied Sun Jian's chest tightly, and Zu Mao, with his armor on his back, met him. With a beard on his face, zumao tried hard to put on a lovely smile. He took his armor and grinned to Sun Jian. He scared Sun Jian straight into the corner: "stop! Stop! Soldier armour, I will do it myself

The four glanced at Sun Jian's chest. Good! After being covered up, he handed the armor to Sun Jian. Sun Jian put on the armor in the naked eyes of the four generals, and his face was flat, which restored his old look.

"Cough!" Chen Ren pretended to have just woken up and stretched himself. It was as if he had just noticed Sun Jian's existence. He pretended to be surprised and fell at once.

Sun Jian helped Chen Ren up and said with a smile: "we saw that you were asleep, so we didn't wake you up. What about? Are you sober? "

How do you think of Chen LianJian's head in school

Chen Ren then wanted to understand that although Sun Jian didn't see his kung fu, he took a fancy to his strategy. However, since he has made up his mind to help Sun Jian, he will not hide it like before: "report to the Lord! What I use is a surprise. First of all, let the other side choose weapons. I think they use more plain swords, so they choose the formation of three guns and two knives. When we got to the school yard, another soldier and I blocked the action of the Spearman in the back first, so as not to be found by the other party. Then we entangled the two on the most edge of the other side to ensure that the other side would not interfere with the spearmen. Finally, we should fight more and fight less

"Good! pretty good! Although it is a small sum, it can show great wisdom! " Sun Jian nodded and praised.

"My Lord, I praise you so much." Chen Ren naturally did not dare to be too proud.

"Good!" Sun Jian patted Chen Ren on the shoulder and said, "it's really wrong for you to be a close soldier. I'll appoint you as the leader of the army! Well done Today's appointment was made by Sun Jian after thinking about it for a long time. Originally, he intended to win over Chen Ren first. However, his meeting with other princes yesterday made Sun Jian not confident of success. Therefore, he decided to take the first step regardless of the number of 37 and 21.

Chen Ren was busy in thanking Sun Jian. From this moment on, Chen Ren began the real journey of fighting in this era.

After a simple meal, Sun Jian led Chen Ren and the fourth general into the army's big account. Sun Jian began to ask Chen Ren, "Zici! I will go to the oath making meeting soon. What's Zici's opinion on this alliance? "

Chen Ren straightened out his thoughts, thought for a moment and replied, "my Lord! This time, the Dukes of the eighteen routes were gathered for the great righteousness, and they won the hearts of the people first! When the time is right, the place is favorable and the people are in harmony, our army will have the most crucial head. The Dong bandits occupied Luoyang. They had to go through Sishui pass and Hulao pass. They were both very dangerous in the world. Therefore, Dong had a good place. Although there is a chance of victory, it is not easy to win with people and to attack the land. "

Sun Jian nodded, and Chen Ren continued: "for our army, the most important thing is to occupy the people. For example, all the princes of the 18th route will make concerted efforts to conquer Luoyang! However, there is a gap between Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. It is not easy to say that they are working together. "

Sun Jian could not help nodding when he thought about yesterday's situation, and sighed: "the Han Dynasty was robbed. These people are still fighting with each other. How can the Han Dynasty not be in danger?"

"According to my subordinates' thoughts, the Lord must fight for the vanguard quota today?" Chen Ren remembers that Sun Jian was the first person to take the vanguard in history.

Sure enough, Sun Jian nodded and said, "I really mean it. Is it wrong for Zici?"

Chen Ren patted his thigh with a smile and said, "the princes of the 18th route seem to be at odds with each other, and each has his own mind. If the LORD takes the vanguard position, other princes will surely be envious of the Lord's achievements, which will certainly hinder him!"

Sun Jian was stunned: "I am the vanguard, but I open the way for the allies. I am dedicated to the public. Why do they hinder me?"

Chen Ren shook his head in secret. Sun Jian was still a little simple. To put it bluntly, Chen Ren explained: "although the Lord is a descendant of sun Wuzi, his family is in the middle of the world. Compared with other princes, he is of poor family background. The Lord is known as the tiger of the east of the river. If the Lord broke the two barriers and killed Luoyang, would others not be envious? In order to prevent the Lord from doing this great feat successfully, others will set up obstacles or tackle key problems first. What's more, we cut off our army's grain and grass when we attack the key points... " With that, Chen Ren made a pinch between his hands.

Sun Jian was shocked and looked at Chen Ren's movements. It seemed that his hands were pinching on his neck. Sun Jian murmured: "how dare they do this?"

At this time, a scholar under Sun Jian's tent got up and said, "Lord! Chen Zhubo's words are true! The so-called heart of guarding against people is indispensable! If, as Mr. Chen Bo said, our army would be in danger when it arrived, and my Lord would be destroyed after years of hard work! " He was the only civilian official under Sun Jian, named Zhu Zhi, whose name was Jun Li.

Sun Jian was persuaded by the two men, and his heart was flustered. In this era, with military power, everything would be possible. If Sun Jian did not have soldiers, then there would be nothing: "according to the words given by Zi, I will not do this vanguard?"

"Do it! Why not? " Chen Ren wanted to brush his beard like Zhu Zhi, but unfortunately he didn't have any hair on his chin, so he had to grasp his chin and smile. He looked like a profiteer.Chen Ren's appearance stunned Sun Jian and other generals who were worried and unwilling. Zumao was not used to Chen Ren's transformation from his personal soldier to his own equal. He grabbed his wrist and was almost ready to knock over: "Stinky boy! Don't sell the key! "

Chen Ren didn't care about zumao's rudeness. He said with a smile, "just now my subordinates have said so much about the advantages of being a pioneer. Is your Lord willing?"

Sun Jian was stunned, thinking about the advantages of being a pioneer to enter the customs, but he was really reluctant to give up. He immediately asked, "but Zici didn't mean to say..."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Chen Ren said with a laugh, "my subordinates say that someone will hinder us, but can't we be on guard?"

Eh? Everyone was stunned by Chen's words, right! Chen Ren only analyzed that there are many obstacles, but it does not mean that obstacles will definitely harm Sun Jian.

"First of all, it's about seizing credit? The original Xiliang cavalry under Dong Zhuo's hand is one of the most powerful soldiers. In addition, the Bingzhou cavalry under Ding Zhuo's command is absolutely not weak. If other princes want to take advantage of this, they can't bring more troops and horses. If they have less troops, they are not the opponents of the bandits. Let them take them. They can't help us to consume Dong's forces! "

"As for cutting off our army's grain and grass, this is a better solution. At the beginning of our departure, they were absolutely afraid to cut off food and grass, so we took more and asked for more. In addition, we have been hoarding more grain and grass since today. If he is out of food, let him cut it. As long as we have enough food and grass to break the Sishui pass, we can have as much food and grass as we want when the pass is broken! "

"Yes, yes! We should also prevent them from poisoning and laxatives. However, if we send more people to take care of it, there will be no problem. "

"And more! In case the other party is a spy, he steals the information of our army to the thief Dong. However, we are not afraid. We only decide the action the day before. If we do well, we can give Dong thief a false intelligence to lead the guard general into the trap! "

"And there are..."


All the people looked at Chen Ren's face, including the soldier standing on the side, and immediately thought that there was only Chen renyin in the world, and absolutely no one could get to Chen Ren. This also led to the sun family's troops, from Sun Jian's family to ordinary soldiers, who were very careful when they met Chen Ren, for fear that they might accidentally follow Chen Ren's path.

In this way, Chen Ren's military meeting under Sun Jian ended after Chen Ren had finished 30 or 40 obstacles that might have been set up by the princes and the corresponding countermeasures. Sun Jian ordered all the generals under the tent to prepare according to Chen Ren's words, while he personally held Chen Ren's hand with deep emotion. This is the real strategy! At this time, sun Jiancai believed that Chen Ren was sincere and congenial. With such a subordinate, he could not worry about great things!

Chen Ren looked strangely at Sun Jian holding his hand, and his other hand kept patting on the back of his hand. He got goose bumps all over his body. He seemed to remember that Sun Jian didn't like men? This guy also married a pair of sister flowers. Why is Sun Jian always so strange when he looks at himself?

It was almost noon. Sun Jian directly pulled Chen Ren to the gate of the barracks. He did not release Chen Ren's hand until he was in front of the horses. However, he did not realize that Chen Ren put his hand behind his back and wiped his trousers repeatedly.

Sun Jian's military camp is in the east of the city, so it is very close to the altar of the oath taking meeting. In a short time, he arrived at the altar. This time, the princes from all walks of life came together. Even Yuan Shu came with Liu Dai and Tao Qian. The princes saluted each other and stood in turn. Cao Cao went to the bottom of the altar and cried out to all the princes: "the oath meeting begins! Sacrifice to livestock

As soon as the words came to an end, eight sergeants carrying a sheep and a horse slowly walked to Cao Cao. The two animals were tied to a board with ropes and could not move.

"Lord, please!"

In Cao Cao's cheering, Yuan Shao, with a golden new armour, marched forward majestically, clasped his fist at the people, and then went to the bottom of the altar. He pulled out his sword and put it on his chest and recited a few words. Then he directly cut off the heads of sheep and horses. The soldiers around him took utensils to hold the blood of sheep and horses. Several others put the heads of sheep and horses on the altar.

Yuan Shao took the wine cup full of sheep's blood and horse's blood, and walked to the altar. He said in a loud voice, "the Han Dynasty is unfortunate, and the emperor Gang is out of order. Dong Zhuo, a thief, took advantage of the provocation to inflict harm on the people. Shao and other people were afraid of the loss of the country and united with the righteous soldiers and went to the national disaster. As long as we unite and work together, we will have no ambition. With the alliance of Chongqing, its life will fall, and there will be no inheritance. The emperor and the earth, the ancestors of Ming Ling, all learn from it! "