"That, Zici!" Sun Jian went to Chen Ren, originally wanted to say with Chen Ren, life, do not take such a unique, their extortion these days is not too cruel ah. Words to the mouth still did not say, directly became, "Zici! Good work! I'm very optimistic about you

"Lord!" Huang Gai Feng rushes into the big tent, worships Sun Jian and says, "just got the news, Dong thief, after learning that Sishui pass has been broken, led his elite soldiers 200000 to seize the pass!"

"Oh?" Chen Ren's eyes brightened and he asked, "do you know if Lv Bu is with us?"

After the first battle of sishuiguan, the four generals admired Chen Ren's resourcefulness. Therefore, Huang Gai replied respectfully to Chen Ren's question: "Dong thief ordered fan hou to be the pioneer, Lu Bu and Li Ru were with the army, Li Fu and Guo Si were stationed in Luoyang, Zhang Ji abandoned Hulao pass and returned to Hongnong."

Chen Ren said with a smile, "Dong thief is timid! How can we be invincible if we have not yet started a war, but have lost the heart to fight? "

Sun Jian quickly asked, "what is the truth of Zici's words?"

Chen Ren came to the drawing in the center of the big tent and pointed to the position of Hulao pass, explaining: "the Sishui pass, Hulao pass and Luoyang are all in a corner. If the thieves don't withdraw the guards of Hulao pass, even if our allies have defeated Sishui pass, we can't attack Luoyang wholeheartedly. We must prevent the guards of Hulao pass from attacking and cutting off our way back! However, Dong's bandits withdrew Zhang Ji, who was in charge of Hulao pass, and transferred to Hongnong. Naturally, it's a retreat for them. Isn't it timid to fight? "

Sun Jian and Huang Gai were suddenly enlightened. Chen Ren used to touch his chin, and the thieves laughed: "but Dong has a certain expectation. He hopes that Lvbu's bravery can defeat the allies. If Lv Bu is defeated, Dong Zhuo will not run fast?"

Chen Ren's thief laughed for a while and immediately said to Sun Jian, "Lord! Please send three thousand cavalry with me to stay at Sishui pass. The LORD sent another ten thousand soldiers to reorganize the troops and supplies that we had obtained from those princes in recent days, and led by general Cheng Pu, we went back to Changsha quietly! The LORD went to ask Yuan Shao for instructions and took General Huang and others to take the tiger prison pass! "

"Hulao pass?" Sun Jian and Huang Gai looked at Chen Ren with mist and water, "isn't that a barrier that nobody guards? What are you going to do with him? "

Chen Ren laughed and said, "I expect Dong Zhuo will fail this time when he comes to seize Sishui pass! Dong Zhuo is defeated here. He will not stay in Luoyang, but will surely go to Chang'an in the West! I want the Lord to take the tiger prison pass, but it's just a cover. The Lord just needs to step up and down in the tiger prison, and then he will kill him directly to Luoyang. But there is no need to confront Dong Zhuo. As long as Dong Zhuo retreats, he will enter Luoyang immediately and win the first prize of attacking Luoyang! "

Sun Jian and Huang Gai understood Chen Ren's analysis, especially Chen Ren's last sentence, which made them passionate. Sun Jian immediately told Huang Gai to go down and prepare. When Huang Gai was about to leave, Chen Ren asked Huang Gai to ask Cheng Pu to come to the big tent. Sun Jian was worthy of being a hero of a generation. He immediately regained his composure and asked, "but Zici, seeing that Dong Zhuo's army is pressing down, how can the alliance leader agree that we should divide our troops to take the insignificant tiger prison?"

Chen Ren shook his head and said, "my lord doesn't know Yuan Shao very well. He is very happy with his achievements, but he is jealous of his talents! Although the former Lord made great achievements in Sishui pass, he would feel a little uncomfortable at the bottom of his heart, although he also had the face of knowing and employing people. At this time, Yuan Shao was already a living photographer, and the LORD made great achievements again. The Lord took the initiative to ask him to leave the main battlefield. He certainly wished that the LORD would leave immediately! "

After listening to the explanation, Sun Jian couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "the court's treacherous and sycophants have not been eliminated. Our allies have already been fighting against each other. When will we be able to return the great man to the glory of heaven and earth?"

Chen Ren did not agree with Sun Jian's feelings. Among the princes of the 18th route, Sun Jian was also considered to have a heart of disobedience, which was earlier than Cao Cao's. Otherwise, they would not want to hide and run away as soon as they get the jade seal in Luoyang. Of course, Chen Ren will not break Sun Jian's mind. Chen Ren still understands the truth of being a minister.

After a while, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang and zumao rush to the big tent at the same time. As soon as he came in, Cheng Pu called to Chen Ren: "Chen Zhu Bo! I don't agree with your arrangement! "

Sun Jian frowned slightly: "demou! Don't be rude

Chen Ren waved his hand and said, "my Lord, it's OK. General Cheng disagrees with my arrangement. Can you give me a reason? "

Cheng Pu also knew that his attitude was too unreasonable. He lowered his voice and said, "Chen Zhubo advocated that the troops and grain should be sent back to Jiangdong, and there will be no comment at the end. However, the total number of our Jiangdong army is only 20000, but Chen Zhu Bo said that he would divide half of his troops to escort him. How can the safety of the LORD be guaranteed? What's more, since a certain independent public has never been absent in large and small campaigns since he started his army, he has to transfer some of his troops away? I don't like it

Chen Ren said with a smile: "general Cheng, don't worry. Listen to me carefully. General Huang Gai must have told the generals about my plan. In my opinion, all the members of the league have two minds. As long as Dong Zhuo is forced out of Luoyang, the League will surely be dispersed. At this point, there will be no more fierce battles in this battle against Dong. It is enough for the Lord to have thousands of soldiers around him. Besides, I want General Cheng to carry out this escort. There is an important thing for general Cheng to do! General Cheng, listen to my explanation. After the general escorts the soldiers to leave here, the general can... " Chen Ren is also an old habit. He puts his arm around Cheng Pu's neck, and his two heads get together to talk about small secrets. Cheng Pu was more than a head higher than Chen Ren. With such a cuddle, Cheng Pu had to bend down and lower his head at the mercy of Chen Ren.Sun Jian and his generals looked at Cheng Pu's bow and bend. With Chen Ren's words, Cheng Pu nodded, said, and nodded. Can't help laughing, but after listening to Chen Ren's words, the sweat on everyone's head came out and looked at Chen Ren's thin figure in front of him strangely.

After hearing Sun Jian's request, Yuan Shao was pleased with Sun Jian's request, but he agreed with Sun Jian's request, and the other princes also showed a relaxed expression. Of course, Yuan Shao would not let Sun Jian leave completely. He asked Sun Jian to leave a military horse in Sishui pass. Sun Jian also left Chen Ren and 3000 cavalry in accordance with Chen Ren's plan. Yuan Shao saw that Sun Jian listened to his words very much, so he assured Sun Jian to take the tiger prison.

When Sun Jian was about to leave, Chen Ren also gave a few words in secret. Originally, Sun Jian considered that Chen Ren was too dangerous to stay here. He planned to take him away and stay here for another person. However, Chen Ren said that he had other plans to stay at sishuiguan. Sun Jian thought that since Chen Ren joined in, all the strategies he had offered were all right, so he gave up. After that, Chen Ren and three thousand cavalry troops were stationed directly next to Gongsun Zan's camp, drinking with Zhao Yun all day long.

At this time, Liu Bei had already known that Chen Ren was the Peach Blossom Fairy he had been looking for. Unfortunately, Chen Ren had been loyal to Sun Jian, and his attitude was very firm. Liu Bei was temporarily dead. Moreover, because of Chen Ren's relationship, Liu Bei also received Zhao Yun such a strong general, which is not nothing. Guan Yu is a proud man. He glances at Chen Ren's thin and frail body. He doesn't even bother to hum, so he turns around and walks away. However, after drinking wine with Zhao Yun and Chen Ren several times, Zhang Fei thought that Chen Ren was quite agreeable with him, but he frequently came to Chen Ren to mix wine. After listening to Zhao Yun, Chen Ren can brew a kind of fine wine, which is hundreds of times better than the most fragrant wine in the plain. His saliva is unconsciously left behind, and he clamors for Chen Ren to bring out the good wine every day.

After a few days of peace and stability, Chen Ren knew that Lv Bu was coming with the thundering drums!

Not long after, a sergeant came to report, and Yuan Shao asked all the princes to discuss the matter. Chen Ren immediately set out to go to the pass. Chen Ren was the representative of Sun Jian, so he also had a seat among the princes. Yuan Shao is sitting in the middle of a row of princes. Close the dense soldiers, constantly beating the ground with guns, or hitting the shield with swords. The leader was a powerful general. Because he was too far away to see his face, he could only see that he was wearing gold armor and riding a red horse. The two long whips on his head looked like two whiskers of a cockroach.

Because Chen Ren often went to and out of Gongsun Zan's camp, he became familiar with Gongsun Zan, so he had the courage to sit next to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan was a martial artist, but he didn't care much about it. However, he didn't notice that Chen Ren, who was usually dressed in cloth, was full of armor and had a steel gun in his hand. However, Gongsun Zan didn't mind, but other princes didn't think so. They pointed to Chen Ren, either ridiculed or ridiculed him. Unfortunately, Chen Renquan should have ignored it.

"What a LV Fengxian! It's also a great general, but it's a pity that the pearls are cast behind the scenes! " Gongsun Zan sighed in a low voice.

"Gongsun Taishou, don't be ambitious! Let's see my generals go and kill this Lv Bu! " It was Wang Kuang, the governor of Hanoi county. He turned around and said, "where is Fang Yue?"

"Fang Yue is here!" he said

Wang Kuang pointed to Lv Bu in front of the pass and said, "go and kill this general quickly."

"Here it is Fang Yue was not vague. He picked up the steel gun, mounted the horse, and went out of the door and went straight to Lv Bu.

Unfortunately, Wang Kuang's wish was good, but the reality was cruel. After five rounds, Fang Yue was stabbed in the chest by Lu Bu, and he immediately fell down and saw no vitality.

"I'll go!" After Zhang Yang, the prefect of Shangdang, a military general with a gun went down and put his horse on. Zhang Yang said triumphantly, "this is mu Shun, a famous general of Shangdang! I will be able to cut off Lv Bu! " Before Zhang Yang's voice fell, he saw that Mu Shun had just rushed forward, and before he got close to Lv Bu's body, he was swept into two sections by Lu Bu's halberd.