Outside the city of Changsha, a coach is coming towards Changsha City. Driving is a thin scholar in a blue robe. From time to time, I was driving a carriage and humming a tune.

"My husband! How come I haven't heard the music you sang all the way A woman's tender voice came from the carriage of the carriage.

"Ha ha!" Chen Ren can't say some music. All of them came out after two or three thousand years. She has to pretend to be silly, but Huang Yueying still eats this set. Along the way, Huang Yueying found Chen Ren's oddities. When Huang Yueying asked, Chen Ren pretended to be stupid, and Huang Yueying would hum a "silly look" with shame I won't mention it later. Chen Ren sighs with emotion every time. No wonder that the intelligence quotient of a woman in love is zero, even Huang Yueying is no exception.

After this period of time together, Chen Ren fully realized Huang Yueying's intelligence. No wonder some people in history said that Zhuge Liang was not as good as Huang Yueying. In fact, Huang Yueying was responsible for a lot of attention behind the scenes. However, smart people also have some strange things. Along the way, Chen Ren also learned that Huang Yueying did not look like this before. What Huang Chengyan said was not bragging. Huang Yueying had fair skin and could really be called a beautiful woman.

Unfortunately, Huang Yueying was too curious and fond of strange food. Knowing that there was an endless sea in the south, Huang Yueying took her on a journey to the south. Later, Huang Yueying and Huang Chengyan were separated in the sea because of a storm. Huang Yueying and Huang Yueying lived alone on a deserted island, relying on the fruits and springs on the island When he was saved, he became like this. After this, Huang Yueying was also restrained, and stayed at home honestly. This time, she went out to pay homage to Huang Chengyan.

When I told Chen Ren about this experience, he almost didn't laugh him to death at that time. Chen Ren had no idea that the fairy like Huang Yueying would go on an expedition and become a female version of Robinson Crusoe. At last, Huang Yueying was so ashamed and angry that she threatened to go back to her mother's house. Chen Ren gave up.

Huang Chengyan left Zhaojia village alone on the second day of the wedding banquet. Chen Ren and his new wife lived in Zhaojia village for a few days, and then left with Zhao Yun. When he left the village, Chen Ren looked back from afar. He seemed to see Tong Yuan standing at the entrance of the village looking at him.

"I will come back again!" Chen Ren said secretly, his eyes full of firmness.

When passing through the plain, Zhao Yun went directly to Pingyuan county. Chen Ren hired a carriage and asked the boy to accompany Huang Yueying to sit in the car, while he drove the carriage all the way to the south. To Chen Ren's surprise, the road went smoothly and directly to Changsha.

"Step on step!" A sound of horse's hooves sounded from behind the carriage. Chen Ren turned his head and saw that several horses were galloping towards Chen Ren in the same direction from far to near.

The other side's horse is much faster than Chen Ren's carriage. In a flash, those several horses pass by. Chen Ren's sharp eyes, see clearly a total of four riding, it seems that the front is a master, the back is an entourage. What attracted Chen Ren's attention most was the Red Knight who was the leader. Although Chen Ren was in a hurry, he could see clearly his appearance, which seemed to be quite similar to Sun Jian.

"Is it Sun Jian's relative?" Chen Ren thought silently.

The riders soon did not enter the city of Changsha in front of them. It seemed that there was no one to stop them. Chen frowned.

When he entered the city, Chen Ren did not state his identity, but lied that he was coming to join his relatives. Fortunately, the soldiers guarding the city did not ask him much, so he let Chen Ren into the city.

The landscape of Changsha is different from that in Xiangyang. It seems that the residents in Changsha have the vitality that Xiangyang City residents do not have. Sun Jian, as the prefect of Changsha, can easily find his residence in Changsha. Stopping at the gate of sun's mansion, Chen Ren was just thinking about how to talk to the gatekeeper of sun's mansion, but he found that the soldiers guarding the sun's house were the family soldiers who had held the big tent for sun.

"Ah! Chen Zhu Bo Naturally, he remembered Chen Ren and immediately fell in front of him.

"Get up! You've saved me a lot of effort here. Can the LORD be in the house? " Chen Ren raised the soldier with a smile.

However, the soldiers did not dare to look down on Chen Ren. When they thought of those strategies designed by Chen Ren outside the big tent, they shuddered and respectfully clasped their fists and answered: "the Lord is in the mansion! Mr. Chen, please follow me into the mansion! You! What are you doing? Do you want to help Mr. Chen lead the carriage? And you go in and report to the Lord, and say that Lord Chen has arrived! " This personal soldier seems to be a leader, commanding his men to get busy.

"Not busy, not busy!" Chen Ren was very helpful, "wait for me to welcome my family down first!" Chen Ren turns to the carriage and takes Huang Yueying and tong'er wearing silk scarves and hats down.

"See you, little lady!" Knowing that this was Chen Ren's wife, his family members did not dare to neglect them. They were busy visiting and did not dare to aim at them. For fear of offending the sinister Lord Chen, they turned around and led Chen Ren and others into the house.

As soon as he stepped into the gate, Sun Jian led Cheng Pu out. Seeing Chen Ren from a distance, he called out: "Zici! Zici! oh dear! I'm looking forward to your coming at last

"Lord!" Chen Renke did not dare to disobey the etiquette, and worshipped Sun Jian.

"Oh! Don't be so polite! Don't be too polite Sun Jian is busy to speed up the pace, rushed to Chen Ren and helped Chen Ren, but saw behind Chen Ren Huang Yueying and Tong Zi song Er, "Zi Ci, are these two?""Oh! This is Huang's newly married wife. This is songer, a boy given by Zi. " Chen Ren is busy introducing.

"I'll see the Lord!" "Song'er, see you, my Lord!"

"All right! okay! Don't be too polite Sun Jian said with a smile that Chen Ren had brought all his family members, which meant that he had wholeheartedly wanted to help himself. The smile on his face became stronger when he thought about it.

"Ha ha ha ha! Zici! I said, what are you running home for? I want to get married! Why don't you tell me, I want to have a cup of wedding wine! " Chen Zhipu and other scholars are not polite enough to make fun of him.

"General Cheng joked that this marriage was decided by the master, and Zici didn't know about it in advance! Ah! by the way! I don't know about Zici's request to general Cheng... " Chen Ren suddenly approached Cheng Pu and asked.

"Ha ha! I work for old Cheng! You have a hundred hearts! " Cheng Pu laughs and pats his chest.

Sun Jian is very satisfied with Chen Ren's work attitude. He just got into the work and said with a smile, "Zici! Don't worry, this all the way, quickly take your wife down to rest! Somebody! Clean up the yard next to me! Take Chen Zhubo and Mrs. Chen to rest! " Sun Jian told his servants.

"Yes After Sun Jian's death, several soldiers took orders. A maid came to Chen Ren and said, "master Chen, madam Chen, please!"

Chen Ren shook his hand and said to Sun Jian, "Lord! Business matters! Just let my wife rest! "

Sun Jian nodded with satisfaction. Chen Ren turned his head and said a few words in Huang Yueying's ear. He let her and the boy go down under the guidance of the maid. Chen Ren and Sun Jian went to the meeting hall.

When he came to the assembly hall, sun Jianxian said, "the chief is an official position in the army. Zi gives me a plan. It's not enough to have a position in the army alone. I'm just a prefect now, and I can't give him too high an official position. I can only temporarily appoint Zici as the county magistrate to be in charge of all matters in Changsha, and keep the original master's position. Don't despise the small official position given by Zizi! "

"Thank you, Lord!" Sun Jian has said so. What else can Chen Ren say? He has been granted a county magistrate, and his principal position in the army is still reserved. This does not mean that Chen Ren has grasped Chen Ren's military and civil affairs affairs affairs in Changsha. This shows Sun Jian's respect for Chen Ren.

Next, Sun Jian told Chen Ren about the situation after Chen Ren left Luoyang. As expected, as Chen Ren expected, when the other princes arrived in Luoyang, they learned that Dong Zhuo had ransacked Luoyang and fled to the West. They were all silent. Only Cao Cao rose to pursue him. Unfortunately, he was ambushed by the Dong army and lost nearly half of his troops. After returning to Luoyang, he lost a temper at a banquet and ran back to Chenliu.

Next, it was Sun Jian's turn to get angry. First, Sun Jian asked Yuan Shao for Chen Ren and 3000 cavalry. Obviously, Yuan Shao didn't expect Sun Jian to be beaten down. After learning that Chen Ren and 3000 cavalry disappeared, Sun Jian took the opportunity to make a big noise according to Chen Ren's previous plan. All the princes had their hands on Sun Jian. They didn't dare to take Sun Jian for granted. Yuan Shao didn't expect that this would happen. He had to return the 3000 horses Chen Ren had left at sishuiguan to Sun Jian. Sun Jian was overjoyed in his heart, but on his face he accepted the three thousand horses that had been lost and recovered, and he took the army of Jiangdong to run away that night.

After hearing Liu Shaojian's letter, Liu Shao Jian immediately sent a letter to sun. Although I don't know why, Liu Biao followed Yuan Shao's instructions and sent troops to stop Sun Jian's southward journey. At this time, Cheng Pu suddenly appeared behind Liu Biao's army with his troops that had been secretly sent to the south. The two armies attacked each other, and Liu Biao's army was defeated. Liu Biao, who was hard to fight, almost died on the battlefield. Even so, Liu Biao was directly shunned back to Nanjun, and the territory south of Wulin was returned to Sun Jian. So Sun Jian returned to Changsha triumphantly with his winning division.

"Is Zici back?" Just as Chen Ren was going to ask Cheng PU for details, a familiar voice sounded outside the assembly hall.

Hearing this voice, Chen Yiyi laughed: "good, Guo fengxiao! Come in now