As soon as sun CE heard this, he knew that he had been surrounded by Chen Ren. All the officials and generals in this era attached great importance to reputation. If sun CE challenged a civil servant, no matter how powerful the civil servant was, he would be ridiculed if his reputation spread out.

On this side, Cheng Pu and others are also sweating. It is really a terrible thing to be enemies with Chen Ren. Just think about it. It's not a painful thing that we can't fight, we can't scold, we can't say we have to guard against the conspiracy that comes at any time.

Sun CE thought for a while, then turned around and left. Before leaving, he left with a sentence: "I'll ask my father to be a captain and a military officer like me!"

Chen Ren was completely speechless. Although he had known sun CE's one track mind from historical records, he did not expect that 20% of them would be like this. Also ignore that sun CE this big silly elder brother, and Gan Ning say hello. He is not afraid that Sun Jian will agree with sun CE. Since the first battle of Sishui pass, Sun Jian has gradually become a city government. Therefore, Chen Rencai confidently asks Sun Jian to persuade Xunzi by himself. Let Sun CE go to his father instead of being blasted out with a broom.

"Zici, Zici! I am looking at your face this time! How much good wine to thank you, brother Gan Ning said with a smile.

Cheng Pu, who passed through Guo Jia in sun's mansion, is full of sweat. How come all the talents introduced by Chen Zici are of this virtue?

Chen Ren is very adapted to Ganning's drunkard appearance, patting the thin breast meat said: "don't worry! There are still seven days, the next batch of wine will be brewed, when your brother drink enough! We'll go to the restaurant in the city to have a drink tonight. Fengxiao has already made a reservation in the restaurant. "

Although Guo Jia was also a weak scholar who always looked down upon by Gan Ning, Gan Ning had a little sympathy for this fellow who was as addicted to alcohol as he was. He immediately said with a smile, "OK! Good! Yesterday, I wanted to get fengxiao drunk. Unfortunately, he ran away. Today, I have to look after him! "

Chen Ren chuckles. Does Guo Jia run on the wine table? That's a big joke. It's estimated that Gan Ning, a big drunkard, was unconsciously planted in the hands of Guo Jia, a little drunkard who was drunk. When he woke up, he found that Guo Jia was not there, so he mistakenly thought Guo Jia had escaped.

Of course, Chen Ren is not so kind to explain to Gan Ning. With the help of Gan Ning, a big drunkard, he will surely be able to intoxicate Guo Jia tonight!

At this time, it was already the light of the day. Cheng Pu and others urged Chen Ren and Gan Ning to go to the restaurant in the city on horseback. When Guo Jia was sitting at the table, they were all drinking.

"Ha ha! Zici! Why don't you call me when you have a drink A voice rang out from the door. When they saw it, it was Sun Jian who came in with a stiff face. Chen Yiyi sees this posture, know Sun Jian convinced Xun Yu, busy is welcome two people into the door.

At this time, everyone had not drunk much wine, and they were still very sober. Sun Jian was their top boss. Facing Sun Jian, naturally, he was much more restrained, including Guo Jia, a prodigal son.

"Oh! Why are you doing this? Don't be restrained Sun Jian immediately picked up a jar of wine and poured it into his mouth. After that, he wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve and said with a smile, "this is a good wine! If you don't drink it, you'll take it all! "

With Sun Jian's open head, everyone also let go, although not as casual as before, but also very lively. At this moment, Chen Ren quietly sat down to Xun Yu, who was drinking a small drink, and said with a smile, "brother Wen Ruo, don't you get angry with me? Come on! Here's to you, little brother

Xun gave a glance, but it was not easy to refute Chen Ren's face. He touched Chen Ren's wine jar with his glass and drank it. Chen Ren knew that Xunzi had forgiven himself, but for a while he couldn't put his face down. At the moment, he also frequently worshipped Xun's wine.

"Zici!" At this time, Sun Jian also came to me and said, "well, Bofu came to me just now and mentioned the matter of fighting with you. I want to ask you something, too

Looking at Sun Jian's appearance, Chen Ren widened his eyes and asked, "my Lord, you should not have agreed with the little Lord. Are you really going to appoint me a captain?"

"No, no, no, no!" Sun Jian quickly waved his hand and denied it. Then he said with embarrassment, "it's just that my eldest son has been addicted to martial arts since childhood. I know Zici must be very busy on weekdays, but I only need Zici to spare a little time to teach Bo Fu."

Chen Ren is very depressed. He really wants to shout at Sun Jian. I'm a counselor! Think about it or forget it, why do you have to do the useless work? Then he said powerlessly, "tell me what you want! As long as the subordinates can do it, they will obey the orders! " Seeing Chen Ren so simple, Sun Jian was overjoyed and immediately said, "Oh! That's true! I have four sons. The eldest son is sun CE, Sun Bo Fu. Zi CI has met him. My second son, Sun Quan, is Zhongmou. My third son is Yi. My fourth son, sun Kuang, and my daughter, sun Ren, are still young. I would like to ask the son to spare no pains to teach my three sons well! "

Although he had already guessed Sun Jian's idea, he was surprised to hear that Sun Jian had given all his three sons to him. Chen Ren quickly got up and said, "Lord, my subordinates are not talented. How can you shoulder the heavy responsibility of teaching the young master? I hope the Lord will take it back!""Oh! Zici, don't be humble! Let's not talk about the literary talent given by Zi, but talk about the martial arts. Under the Sishui pass, we can only challenge Lv Bu. What a hero! If the dog can get the guidance given by Zi, his future will be boundless! Ha ha Sun Jian put a big hat on Chen Ren's head.

Chen Ren now regretted his death. Why did he challenge Lv Bu at that time! Now the tail is too big, and the trouble is one by one. Is it so difficult to be a counselor in my life? As soon as he saw Sun Jian like that, Chen Ren knew that he couldn't get rid of it any more. In the heart vicious thought, you are not three sons to me to teach? Good! I'll let the three of them know what hell training is. When you see their sons suffering, do you feel sad.

Unfortunately, Chen Ren's plan was wrong. Sun Jian is a very special father in this era. I'm afraid that even if Chen Ren tortured sun CE, Sun Jian would only clap his hands and applaud him. Sun CE and Sun Yi are both military generals. It's OK, but Sun Quan is a scholar. When he meets Chen Ren, the hell teacher, he can only seek more happiness for himself.

Chen Ren, who was forced to be a teacher by Sun Jian, is very depressed. When he is depressed, he gets drunk quickly. Soon, Chen Ren, who has always been known as the immortal in wine, became the first person who fell drunk on the wine table. When Chen Ren woke up again, it was the next morning.

When Chen opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful face of wheat color in front of him, and his big eyes were flickering at himself. Unexpectedly, Huang Yueying, who suddenly opened her eyes, felt a burst of shame. Even if she wanted to leave, she was held directly in her arms by Chen Ren's ape arm.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Ren and Huang Yueying's status changed for a while, Chen Ren looked at Huang Yueying's eyes closely.

Facing Chen Ren's fiery eyes, Huang Yueying whispered with some fear: "I, I'm looking at the way you sleep!" That kind of submissive appearance made Chen Ren's heart feel a burst of love, a burst of fire from the lower abdomen rushed up directly into Chen Ren's head, and exploded with a bang. Chen Renmeng sinks his head and gnaws at Huang Yueying's small mouth. The tip of his tongue opens the woman's mouth. After a burst of bombing, Huang Yueying suddenly felt that she was flying into the sky.

Chen Ren raised his head and looked at Huang Yueying's red and swollen lips and blurred eyes. He could no longer bear to take off the clothes of the woman and himself and head forward.

"Ah! my husband! no way! The master's son is waiting for you in the yard outside! Not now! Ah Huang Yueying shyly said, but the body is not to be asked to twist.

Thinking of Sun Jian's order yesterday, Chen Ren is still a little depressed, but now he can't stop. He looks up to see the door of the room is closed. There are several rooms in the wing room and the courtyard. Chen Ren doesn't have to worry about the leakage of Chunyin. At present, he lifts the quilt and directly covers him and the woman.

"Let them wait! Now even the king of heaven has to wait for me


Sun Yi is very depressed today. He was originally only seven years old. He was picked up by his father early in the morning to learn from his teacher. However, after standing for half a day, he didn't come out. However, when he saw his majestic elder brother and his serious second brother standing there honestly, Sun Yi could not say anything more. He just murmured in his heart that he must look good at that time!

Sun Yi saw a thin man waddling out with a yawn. The boy who had been reading in the hall came to bow to the man and called him "Sir".

"No? Do you want to teach us that virtue? " Sun Yi looks at his elder brother and second brother, but he doesn't see that they despise him at all. Instead, he shows more respect since the man came out.

Heaven! What's going on today? It doesn't matter whether the second brother is sultry or not. The elder brother is arrogant on weekdays. Even in front of his father, he can't see his expression! Who is this man?