Chen Ren left Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu naturally useful. After leaving Sun Jian, Chen Ren directly took Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu to Xiaoxuan. In front of him, it is Sun Yi who is carrying the book of songs. Sun CE and Sun Quan are carrying a roll of bamboo slips with their heads shaking.

"All right, all right!" Chen Ren directly interrupted Sun Yi's endorsement, waved to sun CE and Sun Quan and said, "put down the books and follow me in!"

In fact, Chen Ren asked the three brothers of the sun family to endorse during this period of time, not to let them learn anything from these four books and five classics. It was very simple to temper their patience by endorsements. After more than a month, the three brothers became much more calm. Next, they would start the next plan.

He took the three brothers of the sun family and Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu into the hall on one side of the building. There was no furniture in the room, but a sand pit was dug in the middle of the room, and some colorful sticks and squares were placed in the bunker gang.

"Good!" Chen Ren went to the sand pit and said, "for more than a month, you can say that you have recited all the books I bought. Now my request is that you forget all the things you have carried during this period of time."

The three brothers of the sun family suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Chen Ren. For more than a month, they had spent a lot of effort in order to endorse. They could not recite them, but they were also ridiculed by song'er. The sun brothers had a strong sense of self-esteem. In order to fight for a voice, they all carried a book when they went to the pit. So hard to memorize, now Chen Ren even want them to forget, they really want to die heart.

Chen Ren gave a bad smile, but did not explain his intention. He pointed to Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu and said, "these two are my friend's students. Since you are my students, you should have a discussion with them."

Before Chen Ren finished this, he saw sun CE rush out immediately, picked up a gun and ran in quickly. Chen Ren immediately raised the word "well" on his forehead, and roared: "I didn't say it was a martial arts contest! Put it back for me

Watching sun CE put the gun back to the yard, Chen Ren felt that he had been idle for more than a month, and his head began to ache again. He pointed to the sun family brothers and cursed, "how many times have I told you! Your teacher, I am a counselor! Do you understand, counselor? Every day I think about martial arts competition. Are you good at it? Any of you who has beaten me, stand up now

Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu looked at Chen Ren, sun CE, and Sun Quan and Sun Yi, who were wronged by their brothers. Suddenly, sweat broke out on their foreheads. When I was in Shuijing villa before, I didn't find that Chen Ren was so fierce.

Maybe he noticed that his image was damaged. Chen Ren coughed a few times and continued with the topic just now: "that, let's continue! These are the senior brothers who will accompany you to practice your strategy during this period of time. " He pointed to the sticks and squares and said, "this is where you practice your strategy. These sticks and squares represent soldiers. One stick is a hundred people, and a square is a thousand people. This bunker represents the battlefield. Every day, I will give you homework. The three of you will match two of them. However, each of you can only have nine diamonds and ten sticks, that is, 10000 soldiers. Of course, you can exchange diamonds and sticks at any time. Every day the terrain will be different. You will fight in this bunker

This bunker is naturally a simple sand table for Chen Ren to copy later generations. In order to train the strategy of the sun family brothers, Chen Ren specially brought Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu to accompany him in order to train them into excellent successors. As for Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu, they are still too young. They need to be quiet for a while, and then they can shock the world when they are mature.

As for the sand table, the five people present showed a strong interest and surrounded the sand pit to point. Chen Ren picked up one of the sand pits around him and pushed it. He said, "today's task is very simple. This is a plain with a radius of ten miles. Two armies are against each other, and each side has 10000 infantry. Let's start!"

Chen Yiyi finished, the five people took out the corresponding sticks and squares, and began to line up in the sand pit. Chen renyin measured the ground to sun's brothers and said with a smile: "listen, if you lose, all of you will run around Changsha City for 100 laps."

Chen Ren's words made the three men shrink their necks. They had already laid down half of their troops. After thinking about it, they all took it back and gave it a good consideration.

Chen Ren didn't care about them either. He turned around and left the other hall. He first went into the wing room and whispered with his wife. However, he didn't linger in his wife's boudoir as before. Instead, he left Xiaoxuan directly. When he left, he explained to the soldiers at the door and asked him to arrange the accommodation for Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu. Then he went directly to Sun Jian's study and had a rest for more than a month. It was time for Chen Ren to work hard.

When he came to the study, he was reporting his work to Sun Jian. When he saw Chen Ren come in, he said in a strange way: "isn't this our Lord Chen? It's not dark yet. Why did Mr. Chen get up? " Obviously, Xunzi was very dissatisfied with Chen Ren's behavior of leaving everything to him to enjoy himself.

Chen Ren was ridiculed by Xunzi, but he held the back of his head and pretended to be stupid. Then he said to Sun Jian, "Lord, now that the army has been fully trained, it's time for us to start!"During this period of time, Chen Ren didn't really do anything. Every day when Guo Jia went to Chen Ren for a drink, he would tell Chen Ren about the situation in the barracks. Now Sun Jian is much stronger than in history. Originally, Sun Jian had nearly 30000 troops. This time, he attacked Dong with 5000 elite soldiers in Xiliang. Later, he cheated 6000 troops from various princes. Although he met Liu Biao in the middle of the way, the loss was not great. In other words, Sun Jian now has a total of 40000 troops.

Before that, Chen Ren had not put forward the proposal of expanding to the east of the Yangtze River, because he had not absorbed these forces completely. When Guo Jialai a few days ago, he had told Chen Ren that these foreign forces had been fully integrated into Sun Jian's original 30000 army. With the return of Cheng Pu today, in history, sun CE borrowed 3000 troops from Yuan Shu, plus Zhou Yu's more than 1000 help to achieve the situation of Jiangdong separatism. Today, Sun Jian naturally has this force to sweep Jiangdong.

Chen Ren's proposal immediately attracted Sun Jian's eyes. He immediately came to the map placed on the side of his study and asked, "according to Zici, what should our army do?"

Chen Ren also followed him to the map and pointed to a small point on the map and said: "I think you can take Yuzhang county first! Then go up along the tributaries of the Yangtze River, and then take firewood and mulberry trees, and go eastward along the river. "

Sun Jian carefully looked at the route Chen Ren pointed to, and then looked at Xun Yu on the side. Although Xun was not angry with Chen Ren's behavior before Chen Ren, he always put justice first in business, so he bowed his hand and said, "what Zici said is good policy."

"Good! Come on Seeing that they agreed, Sun Jian was overjoyed. He called in the soldiers at the gate and said, "go to the barracks and give us our military orders. In the future, we will send troops to Jiangdong."

"Here it is The soldiers took over the military order just written by sun Jiangang and left.

"Lord!" Chen Ren also said, "I heard that Yuan Shu took the opportunity to invade Yuzhou after the dissolution of the alliance. The Lord has old resentment with Yuan Shu, so we can't help it!"

Remembering Yuan Shu's slightly gloomy face, Sun Jian asked in a hurry: "my Lord, after getting Chai sang, divide up an army to wait near Yangzhou. I expect that after Yuan Shu took over Yuzhou, Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, was a clan of the Han Dynasty. When the Lord arrived, he could defend his royal relatives and send troops to Yangzhou. After helping Liu Yao beat back Yuan Shu, the Lord elevated Liu you. In this way, although Liu you is still the governor of Yangzhou, the Lord of Yangzhou is the Lord! "

After listening to Chen Ren's plan, Sun Jian looked at the map carefully and said with a laugh: "Zici Zhen came to my ovary! If I have a son, why should I fear the heroes of the world? "

Sun Jian was such a boast, Chen Ren would be a little embarrassed, said at the moment: "the Lord praise falsely!"

Sun Jian laughed and looked at Jiangdong and Yangzhou on the map. He seemed to see a big "sun" written on it. He was even more proud.

Here, Chen rensun Jian is planning Jiangdong. In another corner of sun's house, Zhu Zhi and Cheng Yu are selecting candidates to go to various places for detailed work.

"Huang Pu Cai tou?"

In the dark room, Zhu Zhi and Cheng Yu are sitting above, looking at the man in front of him. The man was about seventeen or eighteen years old. He had no white face. He was very handsome. He had a strong body. He held up his chest and was quite manly.

"My subordinates are Huang Pu Cai tou!" Said the man, not haughtily.

Cheng Yu nodded slightly to see the life of the man recorded on the bamboo slips in his hand.

"How many years have you been in the army? Are there any family members in the family? " With Zhu Zhi's questions getting faster and faster, the man answered them one by one without any discomfort.

After more than a dozen questions, Cheng Yu nodded and made eye contact with Zhu Zhi. Although Cheng Yu only met Zhu Zhi for a short time, Zhu Zhi already knew that Cheng Yu was superior to himself. Although Cheng Yu is still a subordinate of Zhu Zhi, Zhu Zhi respects Cheng Yu's opinions. Seeing Cheng Yu looking over, he nodded.

Cheng Yu took out a token from the square table around him and threw it to the man. He said coldly, "from today on, you will no longer call Huangpu caitou! Take this token and go to Xianghe rice shop in the city to find Luo's family. He will arrange it for you

"Here it is The man made a salute and then retired. After discussing with Zhu Zhi for a while, Cheng Yu wrote down two bamboo slips in his hand.
