While Sun Jian was celebrating for the vanguard troops along the huanggai Road, the right vanguard army led by Cheng Pu in the South was not so lucky. When they marched to Lingling, they met with fierce counterattack from Lingling garrison.

Cheng Pu anxiously turns around in the tent, but Guo Jia beside him drinks the wine that he secretly brings in the kettle, while Xu Chu on the other side is rubbing his hands and ready to attack at any time.

"Mr. Guo, isn't it time to attack?" Cheng Pu went to Guo Jia again and asked.

Guo Jia blinked and said, "don't worry, general Cheng. It's better that the garrison of Lingling refuses to surrender.". If we can win this battle well, the next battle in Guiyang will be easy! "

Cheng Pu said: "it's not easy to win a great victory. Someone will take a large army to attack. We can celebrate in the biggest pub in Lingling city tonight."

"No, no, no!" Guo Jia shook her head and said, "general Cheng didn't understand the Lord's intention!"

Cheng pudun was stupid. Sun Jian asked him to come to fight Lingling and Guiyang. What else could he do? Cheng Pu was not a famous veteran. He didn't have so much pride, so he asked Guo Jia to ask him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Guo jiayangtian said with a smile, "yes, I think this strategy of the Lord must be the idea given by Chen Zi. It's not surprising that general Cheng can't figure it out! Let's go down and tell general Cheng to know it! "

Although Guo Jia clearly said that Cheng Pu was not as smart as Chen Ren, Cheng Pu didn't care so much. He squatted down to Guo Jia to listen to him. Xu Chu, on the other hand, was also intrigued by Guo Jia and squatted behind Cheng PU.

Guo Jia took another sip of wine, shook her head with satisfaction and said, "did general Cheng forget that the LORD said yesterday that he wanted general Cheng to take down Lingling and Guiyang counties first and join the army. When the Lord arrived, he had another task to entrust to general Cheng?"

Cheng Pufei quickly shook his head up and down and said, "how could you forget that it was the Lord who said that he had a task to hand over to our army. I was in such a hurry!"

Guo Jia waved her hand and said, "general Cheng, don't underestimate this mission. This time, it's only to pacify Lingling and Guiyang counties. It's enough to have a general of 3000 troops! Why did the Lord send ten thousand troops to the general, and I followed Xu Chu? Obviously, the purpose of the Lord is not just these two counties! "

With that, Guo Jia took another sip of wine, stood up and went to the map in the middle of the tent and said, "look, general, after our army takes down Guiyang, there will be Jiaozhou area. Although Jiaozhou is poor, it is an important way to take Xichuan from the West in the future. After the Lord asked our army to go to take Guiyang, he joined the Lord's army. It was a long way to go and gave up halfway. Why? I guess this is the first purpose of Chen Zi's offering advice to the Lord! Let other forces think that general Cheng's ten thousand troops are on the offensive in the south, and then transfer our troops to the north to play an amazing role! "

Cheng Puda patted his forehead and suddenly realized it. However, he said, "according to what Mr. Chen said, our army should speed up its speed and not delay the Lord's affairs."

Guo Jia said with a smile, "general Cheng, don't worry. I haven't told you the second purpose of Chen Zici's plan. It must be the intention of sending me and Xu Chu to the general's army."

"Oh Cheng Pu is really fed up with Guo Jia's betrayal. He grabs Guo Jia's arm and says, "my Mr. Guo Da! Don't let me guess. Tell me what I'm giving you! "

Guo Jia's eyes flashed a trace of admiration, and then returned to normal. He said: "I think the Lord has two major threats this time. One is Liu Biao of Jingzhou, but the Lord has already allocated 5000 military horses to Han Dang general, and Chen Zi has given him an opportunity. There is no need to worry about this road; the other is the army of Yangzhou, but Liu you, the governor of Yangzhou, is the only one who defends the city It is Yuan Shu who just captured Yuzhou! Yuan Shu had great ambition and would continue to invade Yangzhou. If Yangzhou lost, the Lord's plan to sweep Jiangdong would be affected. It must be that Chen Zici asked the Lord to appoint our army in such a way that he wanted our army to sneak into Yangzhou, help Yangzhou resist Yuan Shu's invasion, and even take Yangzhou as his own. This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone! However, Yuan Shu's army is not easy to resist. Therefore, when attacking Lingling and Guiyang, our army must try its best to reduce its consumption and retain its strength! "

After Guo Jia's analysis, Cheng Pu kept cheering, and Xu Chu over there gave Guo Jia a thumbs up.

In the face of their praise, Guo Jia sighed in a low voice: "in fact, I thought about the connection between Yuan Shu's move and the Lord's plan after I heard the Lord's arrangement. From this point of view, Chen Zici is really better than me!" Guo Jia sighed with emotion, but he didn't want to get Chen Ren, but he opened his golden finger and didn't know how to make such an arrangement.

"But if our army does not move, it will not delay the Lord's plan?" After some praise, Cheng Pu raised his own doubts.

"General Cheng, don't worry! Liu dujun wanted to resist our army, but he had to do some strange moves. According to my judgment, Liu Du will attack at night! As long as our army makes such and such arrangements, Liu Du will never return, and he will be able to win Lingling city successfully! " Guo Jia spoke to Cheng Pu and Xu Chu in a low voice, and they all burst into laughter.At night, a large group of people and horses set out quietly from Lingling city and came to the grove beside Chengpu military camp. One of the senior generals was riding a horse with a big axe. Looking at the dark barracks ahead, he whispered, "what scholar?"

Then the soldiers pushed a small man to the general. The general glanced at the man and said, "you said that this journey is a long way from here, but it is true?"

The scholar was just an ordinary scholar who was captured by Lingling garrison general. Seeing what he said, the general forced him to give advice for the garrison to defeat Cheng PU. The scholar was unable to do so. He said with a tearful face: "general Xing, according to the students' view, Cheng Pu is no more than a martial arts man. Now he is leading a large army and will certainly not be on guard against it The general's night attack is the reason why they delayed the future attack on Lingling. The students are sure that the night attack will be a success

"Good!" This general is Xing Daorong, the first general under Liu Du's command. When he danced with a big axe, he almost hurt the scholar around him. He waved to the Chengpu military camp and drank: "kill He immediately headed for the barracks.

However, after taking Xing Daorong and his soldiers into the barracks, they found that the camp was still quiet and there was no one to meet the enemy. Xing Daorong was also a senior general. At the moment, he understood that he was in the middle of the scheme. Just as he was about to leave, a firelight reflecting the sky suddenly lit up around the camp. Countless army horses rushed around the camp. The leader was Xu Chu, a fierce general!

"Enemy general! Take your life The weapon in Xu Chu's hand was different from the long handled weapon held by other generals, but it was a big one handed sword. When Xu Chu attacked Xing Daorong, he chopped it with a quick knife. The sword was so fast that Xing Daorong had to raise his axe to block it. I saw a flash of cold light, the blade directly across Xing Daorong's axe, from top to bottom in Xing Daorong's body. Xu Chu drove his horse's hooves and kicked Xing Daorong, who was stunned there. Xing Daorong fell down from his horse, but even with the big axe, he directly fell into two pieces!

Xu Chu took a knife, cut off half of Xing Daorong's head, pointed it up with the tip of his knife, held it high and drank: "the general is dead! Those who fall will not kill! "

All the blood and brains in Xing Daorong's head poured directly from Xu Chu's head, making him a bloody man. In the light of the fire, he looked ferocious, just like the Shura coming out of the underworld. With the half of Xing Daorong's head, the Lingling garrison lost his weapons and knelt down directly.

At this time, not far away from Lingling city also spread the sound of killing, Xu Chu looked at the faint light of fire, grinning, the Lingling city took!

In fact, Guo Jia's strategy for seizing Lingling city was similar to that of Chen Ren's SEI Shuiguan. However, Cheng Pu's military strength was much stronger this time. Guo Jia simply omitted Chen Ren's plan to cheat the city and divided his troops into two places. Xu Chu's enemy's garrison attacked the city, but Cheng Pu attacked Lingling City, which lacked soldiers. Naturally, it goes without saying that before dawn, Cheng Pu caught the dishevelled Liu Du and his son in the mansion of the prefect.

Faced with the situation of destroying the dead city, Liu Du and his son had to ask for surrender. Under the instruction of Guo Jia, Cheng Pu accepted Liu Du's request on behalf of Sun Jian, but it was not in the same way as Liu Bei in history. Cheng Pu directly sent Liu Du and his son to Changsha, and sent an accompanying official to take the post of prefect. In this battle, Cheng Pu did not lose dozens of soldiers and soldiers, but directly sent thousands of garrison troops to Lingling, and his military strength was even stronger.

After learning that Liu Du had only listened to a scholar's words, he made the decision to send troops to attack Cheng Pu at night. At that time, Guo Jia almost fainted. He had to say that the scholar had misled the country and only talked about empty talk and used military force on paper. However, it was also Liu Du's perplexity and his own destruction. Later, he found a disgraced scholar among the soldiers who surrendered. Guo Jiahao praised the scholar, but he almost wanted to hit the wall and commit suicide. Of course, Cheng Pu would not be difficult for the scholar. He gave him some money and sent him home.

After that, Cheng Pu reported the military information to Sun Jian, and at the same time reorganized the army, and was ready to leave for Guiyang!