And the master he of the seven treasures building, Zhang Xiu also dare not so laissez faire, naturally also included in the surveillance scope. However, since Zhang Xiu solved the question of heaven by Zhang Xiu, he devoted himself to brewing wine in the seven treasures building. Lu Bu sent people to protect him, and no one in Chang'an dared to trouble him.

A few days later, Dong Zhuo held a banquet with his ministers, mostly because of Li Ru's advice, in order to establish his prestige again among the ministers. After all, no matter how nice it is, it can't cover up the fact that Dong Zhuo was forced to go west to Chang'an by the Lords of eighteen towns.

At the banquet, all the ministers were silent, only Dong Zhuo and his subordinates were laughing and drinking. Dong Zhuo is over 50 years old. Compared with the time when he just entered Luoyang, Dong Zhuo is obviously obese now. His fat face is shaking with his hearty laughter. He looks like a rich man. But only a few people can see the cruelty in Dong Zhuo's heart from the cold light in his eyes.

"Gentlemen At the prompt of Li Ru, Dong Zhuo knew that it was time to attend today's banquet. He raised his glass and said to the ministers, "yesterday, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan both accepted the imperial court's conferment and surrendered to me. The princes of the 18th route have now disappeared. You are all important officials of the imperial court. You should serve the imperial court. I will protect you from your glory and wealth

All the ministers rose to worship and said, "I'd like to serve the grand master as a dog and a horse!"

Dong Zhuo looked up to the sky with a long smile, raised his glass and drank it down. However, he said with a squeaky mouth: "this wine is tasteless and tasteless, far less than the fine wine made by master he! It's a pity that I've been drinking too much recently. I've drunk all the wine in my house. Otherwise, I can give it to you. It's just that the wine is really tasteless, so you should add some ingredients. Come on

As soon as Dong Zhuo's voice fell, several sergeants, dragging two men in rags, went straight to the big wine jar in the hall. The sergeants opened the lid of the wine jar and put the arms of the two men above the mouth of the jar. A sergeant pulled out a cold shining dagger with a brush, and cut the two men's arms severely.

All at once, only the shrill screams of the two men reverberated in the hall. Blood flowed into the wine jar along his two arms. Beside him, a sergeant kept stirring with a long handled wine spoon.

All the ministers under the seat were sweating on their forehead and shivering, but they didn't dare to say a word. However, for a long time, the screams of the two men became smaller and smaller, and their eyes gradually lost their vitality. Finally, their heads tilted and passed out. As soon as Dong Zhuo waved his hand, the sergeants dragged the two men down the hall, leaving only a few bloodstains on the mouth of the wine jar and two blood stains on the ground. Another sergeant, holding a wine spoon, directly poured the bright red blood wine in the wine jar into the wine cup of the ministers.

Dong Zhuo ha ha ha smile, one hand did a please action, said: "come on! Gentlemen! Try to see if the wine with the ingredients is better

Although Dong Zhuo said how well, but none of the ministers dared to move. They all looked at the blood wine in front of them. Seeing that his persuasion had no effect, Dong Zhuo changed his face and hummed coldly, saying, "all the princes don't drink. Is it because I think I have neglected them?"

Dong Zhuo said this with a strong murderous spirit, which made the ministers shiver at the same time. A goatee old man sitting on the top of him forced to laugh and said, "how dare you! The lower officials like the fine wine in the taishifu very much. " After that, he stretched out his hands pale and raised the glass tremblingly. He watched the blood on the edge of the glass drop on his hand. The old man tried to hold back the rolling of his throat, closed his eyes and drank the wine in the glass. After drinking, he covered his mouth and nose, and his eyes also pretended to be smiling. He kept saying, "good wine! It's really good wine

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Dong Zhuo laughed and pointed to the old goat bearded man and said, "situ is well-informed! Gentlemen, since all the princes and teachers have drunk, why don't you drink? "

Although the officials knew that Wang Yun was forced to do so, he would take the lead and drink with him. At the moment, he only forced to smile and scold all the women in Wang Yun's family. At the same time, he held up his glass of wine, closed his eyes and drank with Wang Yun. Finally, he praised the good wine.

Seeing that the first step had already worked, Dong Zhuo and Li Ru, who had thin cheeks, looked at each other and laughed at each other. However, after a while, Lu Bu, dressed in a royal robe, walked into the hall with a silk cloth in his hand, and looked around the officials around him as he walked. All the officials who were watched by Lv Bu could not help but shiver again, as if Lv Bu's eyes would kill them.

Lv Bu went straight to Dong Zhuo, whispered a few words in his ear, and handed the silk cloth in his hand to Dong Zhuo. Seeing Dong Zhuo's face darkened, he looked at the silk cloth in his hand, and immediately gave a cold hum, and winked at Lv Bu. Lv Bu slowly went to the center of the hall, where he turned around. Suddenly, he grabbed the back collar of Wang Yun's side who didn't need an old minister. Just like catching a chicken, he directly pulled the old minister out.

But for a long time, only heard a distant scream outside the main hall. Later, Lv Bu and a sergeant carrying a tray came in. Lv Bu pulled the black cloth on the tray, revealing a bloody head. It was the old minister who had just been captured by Lv Bu.

Dong Zhuo laughed and raised the silk cloth that Lv Bu had just given him and said, "don't be surprised! This Wen secretly connected Yuan Shu, intending to murder me. Yuan Shu sent a letter to Zhang Wen. He mistakenly put it in Fengxian, so he killed him! "Now the whole body of the ministers is stiff, and the cold sweat on their foreheads is flowing down like water. Some of the ministers here did not contact those princes. Now they are deeply afraid that the next one will be captured by Lv Bu.

"Newspaper!" A sergeant trotted in and knelt down in front of Dong Zhuo. The officials jumped in their hearts again. Could it be that Dong Zhuo caught something?

Dong Zhuo is a little surprised. Today, we have finished the two sets of tricks of Liwei. Why did he report it again? Looking at Li Ru, Li Ru also looked puzzled and shook his head slightly. "What?" he said? Don't you see me at the party

This sergeant is an old subordinate of Dong Zhuo. He has long adapted to Dong Zhuo's murderous tone. Now he reports: "report to the grand master! Master he of Qibao tower comes to visit with seven jars of wine

Dong Zhuo was very interested in this craftsman he. What's more, he could brew good wine for Dong Zhuo on time. Dong Zhuo laughed and said, "ha ha ha! As soon as he said that there was no good wine, he sent it to me! If you don't hurry, please invite master ho to the temple! " After a look at the wine jar in the center of the hall, he frowned. Dong Zhuo is also a person. Of course, he doesn't really like to drink blood wine. Now that the effect of Liwei has been achieved, he ordered the disgusting wine jar to be moved down, and a seat was arranged for craftsman he among the ministers.

However, the officials who sat down frowned. The craftsman was just a little higher than that of the merchant. Now Dong Zhuo even invited him to the palace, and let the craftsman be equal with himself. Didn't he lose their status as ministers in the imperial court?

However, no matter how many, Dong Zhuo always has a refreshing feeling every time he sees this craftsman, and now he is looking forward to him. However, after a while, craftsman he, still dressed in a short sleeve vest, appeared at the gate of the hall and walked into the hall. Master he saluted Dong Zhuo: "Xiaomin, see the grand master!"

Dong Zhuo touched his beard with a smile and said, "ha ha ha! Why did the craftsman come to me today? "

Dong Zhuo's attitude made all the officials look silly. When did you see Dong Zhuo so kind to a person? What's more, this man is still a humble craftsman! Craftsman he did not have any improper appearance. He still said in an unassuming manner: "Xiaomin heard that the grand master's banquet officials are afraid that there is not enough wine in the grand master's mansion. Last night, he specially made several jars of wine, which are sent to the grand master to enjoy today."

"Well! Good! Good! Good Dong Zhuo said with a smile, "since the craftsman is here today, don't go back. Let's have a dinner together in the old man's house."

Master he's face showed a trace of hesitation, and said, "well, I'm afraid that the identity of the people is humble, and I dare not sit with all the adults." The words of craftsman he made the ministers satisfied, but the craftsman also knew himself.

When the officials were satisfied, Dong Zhuoke was not happy. He said, "I invite you to sit in the seat. Although you are in the seat, I come from Wu Fu family. There are not so many wordy rules in my house!" Say, the eye shoots fierce light to those group minister a sweep, immediately those group minister all did not have a bit of temper.

Now that Dong Zhuo said this, master he was not polite. He said, "thank you very much for your seat." After that, he ignored the disgusting look of the ministers, and sat down directly on the seat arranged by Dong Zhuo. He pretended to be humble before his feelings.

Dong Zhuo also had a long smile. He just liked the character of master he who was not afraid of heaven and earth. This made him miss his days as a knight errant outside the pass when he was young. At this time, a sergeant had brought all the seven jars of wine brought by craftsman he to the main hall. As soon as the seal on the wine jar was opened, the full-bodied aroma of wine floated all over the hall. Even those ministers could not care to hate master he, they all shrugged their noses and sucked the intoxicating wine aroma.

Immediately, under the instruction of Dong Zhuo, those sergeants began to pour wine for the officials. In a short time, everyone who participated in the banquet put a glass of wine in front of them. If it was not for Dong Zhuo's dignity, I'm afraid these ministers would be in a hurry to drink up the wine. Only the old men in the army of Dong Zhuo couldn't bear it. They secretly wiped some wine beads splashed on the table with their hands and put them into their mouths to taste it. Just a few drops of wine, however, let them have endless aftertaste. They were looking forward to the good wine in the glass.