Hearing this, Chen Ren was temporarily relieved. How could he say that he had appeared in the Jiangdong army many times. As long as an old man came, he naturally recognized himself. Then Chen Ren continued to stand there and enjoy the scenery of the water village.

"Don't look!" Seeing that Chen Ren was still watching the water stronghold, Chen Ren was suspected to be a traitor. He immediately made a voice to stop him. Chen Ren couldn't help laughing bitterly. Who did I recruit? I proposed the scheme for the establishment of the water stronghold. As a result, I didn't even have the right to look at it? But Chen Ren didn't want to start, so he obediently obeyed the warning of Han.

What's more, Chen Ren's obedient behavior is another phenomenon in the eyes of the big man. Han thought, how could an officer be obedient when he was drunk by such a small pawn? Han thought that Chen Ren was a spy in his heart. Now this is estimated to be a delay in order to get rid of himself. Immediately, he gave a color to his subordinates. All of them followed the Han for many years. Naturally, they understood the meaning of the big man and moved quietly, forming an encirclement on Chen Ren.

Where did Chen Ren think that he was obedient and even more suspicious of the big man. If Chen Ren knew what the big man thought at this time, he would be angry and spit blood.

After a while, we heard a group of horses running from the direction of the water stronghold. From a distance, we heard the leader shouting: "Youping! You Ping! Where did the spy come from? "

Hearing the cry, the big man immediately looked at Chen Ren with more vigilance. He opened his mouth and said, "Gongyi! Come on! Let's see if you recognize this person? "

Chen Ren also sat upright, and even put out a poss who thought he was very handsome, ready to let the other party recognize him. He kept YY in his heart. When the other party knew his identity, he was surprised and admired.

There is a big beard that Chen Ren doesn't recognize, but Chen Ren doesn't care. There are tens of thousands of Jiangdong army. This beard should be just a leader of the team. How can he recognize it? As long as the other party recognizes himself.

The big beard and the old man first clasped hands with each other. The big man pointed to Chen Ren and whispered a few words in his ear. The big beard looked at Chen Ren suspiciously. Chen Ren immediately showed his front face to the big beard, so that he could recognize him. But the next sentence of big beard almost didn't let Chen Ren down: "who are you? I have never seen you

Can't you? New man again? Chen Ren at this time called a grievance, God, I did not offend you, you have nothing to do with so many new people out?

The big man could ignore Chen Ren and cry in his heart. He had already classified Chen Ren into the list of spies. He even said, "I knew you were not a good man! Little ones! Don't take down the spy yet

The soldiers around him responded. Chen Ren didn't want to get upset with Huang Gai and Gan Ning's men. He said in a continuous voice, "stop it. I'm Bo Chenren, the leader of the army. I'm a subordinate of Wu Cheng Hou!"

However, Chen Ren didn't say anything. Chen Ren immediately made the big man and big beard laugh. The big man looked at Chen Ren contemptuously and said, "as a weak scholar, you dare to pretend to be a world-famous dragon general?"

Shit! Chen Ren's heart secretly scolds a, still really has the temper not to send, the stature is weak? It's called standard figure in later generations. Do you know? Can't you grow up as big as you, where can girls like it?

The archer on one side didn't know what Chen Ren was scolding in his heart. The arrows in his hand shot out mercilessly. At one time, seven or eight arrows ran directly to Chen Ren. Chen Ren came in a hurry. He didn't even have a sword on his body. He had no choice but to lie down and do a handstand on his horse. His legs were flying in the air and shot down all the arrows. Then he turned around and sat firmly on the horse's back.

The big man and big beard were both bright in front of their eyes, and the big beard directly drank: "good skill!" The big man pulled out his long knife and rushed directly towards Chen Ren. He raised his sword and wanted to see it.

After many years, this great man has become a famous general in the world. When he recalled his first meeting with Chen Ren, he could not help but throw his ear scrapes. He said that the reason was completely the sequelae of his impulse at that time. And if the beard is around him, he can't help but shake the big man's ear shaving. The big beard's saying is, who let this pig's brain implicate me!

To get to the point, when the big man saw Chen Ren's skill and couldn't help raising his sword, he rushed to cut Chen Ren. How could Chen Ren be so easy for the big man to cut him? He put one hand on the horse's head, and his body was already away from the horse's back and jumped directly on the horse's head. His feet were aimed at the Han's sword, and the second foot was on the big man's chest.

How powerful is Chen Ren? How can the big man live? The first foot kicks the big knife in his hand directly, and the second foot kicks people directly. Chen Ren grabs his wrist and falls back on his horse again. He doesn't even breathe in the atmosphere, as if he hasn't moved at all.

It's not a good lesson for Chen mang to take over his body. However, it's not good for him to catch up with the big man Chen mang. But if he doesn't have the strength to catch up with him, it's not good for him to take over Chen's body.After all, the rest of the strength of the man was not so easy to catch. As soon as he caught the man, he felt a tremendous force coming from his body. Raoshi was also a strong man and could not bear it. He stepped back several steps until he reached the edge of the mountain.

Moustache and Han looked at each other, and they were surprised and disbelief in each other's eyes. Who could have thought that such a powerful force could exist under such a thin body? Subconsciously, they seemed to have accepted the fact that the other party was Chen Ren, a dragon general.

"What are you doing here! No need to stand guard? " A burst of drinking came from the direction of Chen Ren Lai. Everyone turned their heads and saw a group of people riding their horses leisurely. However, it was Huang Gai, Gan Ning and Tai Shici, the administrators of the water village.

It turns out that after Chen Ren left for an excuse, Sun Jian was so angry that he didn't want to drink. He went back to the mansion early, leaving only a group of martial generals who drank in a wild way. At last, Tai Shici still remembered to train the navy in the afternoon, and the three of them came back drunk.

Huang Gai's drunken eyes glared. He didn't see Chen Ren for a while, but he recognized that these sergeants were newly fleeing water thieves. They were temporarily arranged to be guards. Now they all stay there. When Huang Gai is drunk, his temper follows him. Even if he says, "where are your heads? Zhou Tai! Jiang Qin! Get out of here

As soon as the big man and big beard changed their faces, they knew that they were going to suffer. They immediately trotted to huanggai horse, clasped hands and said, "see the three generals!"

Huang Gai didn't drink too much. He immediately pointed to the two men and said, "the army has military rules. It's not as lax as before. Since you've come to join our Jiangdong army, you should obey the military rules of our Jiangdong army! I come to ask you, why are you all gathered here since I ordered you to guard the entrance of the water stronghold? "

The great man, Zhou Tai, immediately said, "general! I'll catch a spy! " Although he already knew that Chen Ren would never be a spy, he was wrong. He had to continue to make mistakes. Jiang Qin, a big bearded man on the other side, also knew Zhou Tai's idea, but there was no other way.

"Spy?" Huang Gai and others waited for drunken eyes to look around. Finally, they saw Chen Ren sitting on his horse. Huang Gai immediately said with a smile: "Ouch! This is not Zici! Don't you rest at home? How did you come to me? "

As soon as Huang Gai said this, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin secretly complained in their hearts. It turned out that the weak scholar was really Chen Ren, the Dragon general. They were just new people. Now they offended the red man in front of Sun Jian. They will have a hard time in the future!

After chatting with Huang Gai and others for a while, Chen Ren looks at Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin who are kneeling on the ground. He can't imagine where Chen Ren was going to find them a few months ago, but now he has delivered them to the door. Chen Ren narrowed his eyes immediately and looked at Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin with great interest.

That look not only made Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin kneeling on the ground suddenly feel a chill wind, which makes Huang Gai, Gan Ning and Tai Shici wake up more than half of their wine. They all look at Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin with pity. Although they don't know how they provoked Chen Ren, they have to ask for more happiness.

Later, Chen Ren did not mention Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin's blocking him. He said hello to Huang Gai and asked about the establishment of the water stronghold. Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were relieved at the same time. They still thought that the Dragon general was worthy of being a dragon general and had a broad mind!

However, only Huang Gai and other people know that this is just Chen Ren's strategy of delaying the war. First, they should reduce their vigilance and attack again at an appropriate time to ensure that they are hit. If Chen Ren were to find trouble with them now, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin would not have any problems, but Chen Ren had to wait until autumn to settle accounts. The consequence is to see sun CE, who is still hungry and runs around Chaisang city.

Of course, Huang Gai's three people are naturally not so kind as to expose Chen Ren's small tricks. It would be bad to direct the disaster on themselves. At the same time, he had a fight with Chen Ren. He ignored Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin at all. Several of them left behind stunned soldiers and walked to the barracks.