Chen Ren nodded and Zhang Zhen was right. In history, sun CE relied too much on force and directly killed Xu Gong, the leader of the Xu family. As a result, Zhang Zhao and others fought against sun CE in a unified way on the following issues. In the end, sun CE was forced to die in depression. This is a reference.

The only way to solve the problem is for Zhang Shijia and Zhang Shijia to solve it thoroughly! The best way is to stir up division! The Zhang and Xu families are fighting with each other all the time! If the Lord didn't appoint Xu Gong, the head of the Xu family, to take on a heavy responsibility, but he put Zhang Zhao aside. Zhangjia has always claimed to be the head of the four aristocratic families, which will inevitably lead to discontent. If the two families fight each other, the threat of Jiangdong aristocratic family will be half gone! "

"Good!" Chen Ren and Sun Jian clapped their thighs at the same time. Chen Ren continued to ask, "what about Lu and Yu?"

Zhang Zhen stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I heard that the leader of the Lu family was Lu Kang, the father of Lu Ji. However, Lu Kang was unpopular in the Lu family. It was only with the support of the families affiliated to the landing family that he ascended the throne. If the Lord did not secretly win over the children of the Lu family and wait for the opportunity to move, the Lu family would have no worries. As for the Yu family, their influence was mostly under the rule of Wang Lang of Kuaiji. As long as the Lord took Kuaiji and used the excuse of Yu family to assist the tyranny, the Yu family could also be removed. If the four families go, the east of the river will be completely owned by the Lord! "

"Good! Good! Good Sun Jian clapped three cheers. He was so excited that he grabbed Zhang's shoulder and said, "you Zi Gang's plan, this time will surely calm Jiangdong!"

However, Zhang Zhen had a faint smile. He did not show any conceit and complacency. He just bowed his hand and said, "where! There are a lot of capable people under the master's account, but my subordinates are just icing on the cake! "

"Zi Gang! Don't be modest Sun Jian was very happy in his heart, and the problem that had been bothering him for a long time has finally been solved.

Chen Ren immediately hugged Sun Jian and said, "my Lord! this matter should not be delayed! My subordinates think that this matter should be handed over to the snake Department of Zhongde as soon as possible! "

It was the first time for Zhang Zhen to hear that there was a snake department under Sun Jian's account. He knew that it must be a secret department under Sun Jian's account. Now Chen Ren said it in front of his own face, which showed that he had entered the core of Sun Jian's subordinates, and his heart was also very happy.

Sun Jian is also anxious to go to this matter, busy is said: "so good! Zici can directly inform Zhongde to do it! "

"Farewell, subordinate!" Chen Ren left immediately, leaving Sun Jian to talk to Zhang Zhen enthusiastically. He walked out of the banquet hall directly and settled the matter that had occupied his mind for many days. Chen Ren felt very light and walked fast.

"Gongjin, come on! My father often talks about you and uncle Zhou these days Just after walking for a short time, I heard a noise in front of him. Sun CE took a white faced young man and walked quickly towards this side. While walking, they were still chatting with each other.

Chen Ren's eyes narrowed and called out: "Bofu! What do you want? "

Hearing Chen Ren's voice, sun CE subconsciously shook his shoulders, stood still, turned his head and saw Chen Ren. He immediately saluted Chen Ren with both hands and said, "students have seen the teacher! The student's family friend came to visit him and wanted to take him to find his father

Chen Ren nodded, but his eyes were looking at the young man who saluted Chen Ren with sun CE, and the corners of his mouth slightly tilted. The man is about the same age as sun CE, but he is not inferior to Lu Bu, who Chen Ren once met. He is really a little cream student. Just different from Lv Bu, Lv Bu always erupts a cold and murderous atmosphere, but the man's body is able to make people have a warm current of intimacy.

Chen Ren said to sun CE, "your father is having an important discussion with Zhang Zigang. It's inconvenient for you to disturb him. You'd better take your friend to the wing room and have a rest first."

Sun CE showed a trace of regret, but still respectfully said to Chen Ren: "thank you for your advice! Students quit After that, he took the young man and looked at the back garden and said, "Gongjin! You will sleep with me tonight! I haven't talked at night for a long time

Chen Renyao looked at the back of the young man with a strange smile on his face and said softly, "Zhou Lang, Zhou Lang!" After that, he turned around and went on to find Cheng Yu.

Sun CE took the young man and walked for a while. He secretly looked behind him. He didn't find Chen Ren's figure again. Then he stopped. He made a movement of wiping sweat on his forehead with one hand. His friend could not help laughing and said, "Bofu, why is this so?"

Sun CE whispered, "Gong Jin doesn't know. What we just met is the teacher of our three brothers."

The young man raised his voice and laughed: "ha ha ha ha! Bofu, you must be joking! At that time in Shucheng, uncle sun invited many teachers for your brother, which was tossed away by your brother. Now you have to tell me that you are afraid of a teacher to death? Are you not sun Bofu, but Sun Zhongmou, the second son of the sun family? "

Sun CE was immediately blushed with shame, but he had nothing to talk about with his good friend. Naturally, he didn't want to cover up his shame. He said, "Gongjin, you don't know. This teacher is different from the teacher his father asked before. Do you know the God of war in Bingzhou

The young man still said with a smile, "Lu Bu, the God of war in Bingzhou? Of course I know! Regardless of his moral character, his martial arts are worthy of the title of the God of war in Bingzhou. He has been outside the pass for many years and has never been defeated. It's a pity that even though the Sishui pass will be majestic, it's a move that is defeated by... " Speaking of this, the young man suddenly stopped, looked at Sun CE with wide eyes, and said in surprise, "Bo Fu! Is it possible that the man was Chen Renchen, the Dragon general? "At this time, sun CE was quite proud, thinking that although the teacher was a bit fierce, his reputation was loud enough to frighten people everywhere. However, if Chen Ren knows sun CE's idea, he will be punished for running more than 20000 laps around the city.

Looking at the direction of Chen Ren's departure, the young man said, "Bo Fu, you don't want to deceive me. How can the invincible dragon general be so weak?"

Sun CE laughed a few times. He took up his good friend and went on walking. As he walked, he said: "Gongjin, you are also deceived by the teacher's appearance. Although the teacher is weak, he is gifted and powerful, and his shooting skills are as good as God. I think of my school field outside Changsha at the beginning..." As he walked along, sun CE began to tell his companions about his understanding of Chen Ren.

A few days later, Chen Ren was anxiously waiting outside the renamed Jianye City, and zumao on one side said with a smile: "Zici! How long has it been since I touched a woman

Chen Ren turned his eyes at the bad uncle, but kept saying, "how come you haven't arrived yet? Why haven't you arrived yet? "

Zumao laughed and continued: "Zici! Don't blame me for not reminding you! This time my sister-in-law is coming, I will plant it! Men, as long as they have children, they will naturally be more calm. "

Chen Ren was filled with resentment. Zumao's words actually meant that Chen Ren was not calm enough, which was also a disguised warning to Chen Ren. However, Chen Ren had no conscience and said in his heart: "you have three sons. Why don't you become more calm when?"?

When Chen Ren was secretly arranging that zumao was not right in his mind, Xie evil, the school captain who had been around Chen Ren, suddenly pointed to the distance and said, "Lord Chen! Look! Is that team? "

Chen Ren turned his head and fixed his eyes on it. At the end of the official line, a group of men and horses were coming slowly. Chen Ren looked carefully and saw that the leading banner was written with the word "sun"!

Chen Ren was overjoyed. He immediately left sun CE and zumao, who were waiting with him, and other old officials of Sun Jian. He turned on his horse and drove to the team. There was a wife he had not seen for nearly a year! Of course, in Chen Ren's mind, not only Huang Yueying's face, but also a figure of unique elegance.

When he got close to the team, Chen Ren saw familiar figures. At the front of the team was Han Yigong, the general who stayed in Changsha and defeated Liu Biao! But in Han Dang's side are Xu Shu and Sun Yi, who were left by Chen Ren Wuliang to study sand table deduction.

"General Han!" Although Chen Ren was anxious to see the beautiful woman, he could not forget the etiquette, and immediately presented his fist to Han Dang.

"Ha ha! Zici! But wait for a moment Han Dang chuckled, and Xu Shu and Sun Yi, who were around him, also saluted Chen Ren at the same time. However, the difference was that Xu Shu held the ceremony of later generations, while Sun Yi did the great ceremony of his disciples.

Chen Ren only exchanged greetings to Han Dang and others. Seeing sun CE and zumao and others coming after him, he rushed directly to the back of the team. Then there were several carriages in succession. On the first carriage, there was a big word "sun", which must be Sun Jian's two wives. Chen Renke did not dare to disobey the etiquette. He immediately got down from his horse and said, "Chen Ren, please see your mother!"

The carriage stopped at once, but there was a slight hum coming from inside. Chen Ren knew it was Sun Jian's wife's voice. He was still angry about his corporal punishment of Sun Quan. Another tender female voice rang out: "master Chen, we are so grateful to meet you! I haven't seen you for a year. I think Chen Zhubo is also worried about his wife. Mrs. Chen is in the carriage behind! Chen Zhu Bo, just go there! "

Chen Ren knew that this must be Sun Jian's second wife, also known as Wu Guotai in history. He immediately expressed his thanks and ran to the second carriage without even paying attention to his horse. As soon as he saw that the driver was the sergeant who had been guarding the Xiaoxuan where he lived, he knew that it was the carriage. Before the sergeant saluted Chen Ren, he rushed into the carriage of the carriage and said, "madam! But I want to die