Chen Ren has been very happy since he met his family on that day. Even when he faced the three brothers of the sun family, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, he was full of laughter. This abnormal performance made Chen Ren's students have nightmares for several days.

On that day, the relationship between Chen Ren and Diao Chan took a big step forward in the carriage. Although Huang Yueying, who was full of acetic acid, finally destroyed it, Chen Ren was sure that Diao Chan had no aversion to his closeness. Chen Ren was so excited that he couldn't sleep for several days. Huang Yueying couldn't get up all day. Chen Ren was energetic all day long. The relationship between cattle and farmland had a subversive change between them.

Looking at Chen Ren's silly smile, Sun Yi, who is practicing deduction, pushes the two elder brothers around him and whispers, "big brother, second brother, do you think this gentleman is, yes, is it funny?" Sun Yi thought for a long time, and finally came up with a word that he had learned from Chen Ren.

Before sun CE and Sun Quan had time to answer, they saw a black line across it. A stone hit Sun Yi's skull accurately, and immediately hit Sun Yi with a red envelope on his forehead. The two brothers look at Sun Yi like a fool. Dare you speak ill of him in front of Chen Ren. Are you stupid?

Chen Ren also came back from YY and looked at the three brothers with a smile. Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu had already returned them to Sun Jian. After all, Sun Jian was short of staff at this time. Chen Ren had to teach the sun brothers himself, but it seems that this was Chen Ren's responsibility.

"All right?" Chen Ren was in a good mood, and his tone of speaking to the sun brothers was much better than before, "if you reflect on the failure just now, you can go around the city and run for 100 laps." Chen Ren's tone is really gentle a lot, but the punishment, Chen Ren will not be polite.

After more than a year's training of Chen Ren, the three brothers have all improved their physique to varying degrees. Even Sun Quan, the weakest of them, now runs 100 laps with ease.

After the sun brothers left, Chen Ren simply lay on the slate in the backyard, basking in the sun and sleeping.

"Ha ha! Zici! Good luck A long laugh wakes Chen Ren up. Chen Ren opens his eyes and sees Sun Jian.

Chen Ren immediately stood up to salute Sun Jian, but Sun Jian immediately held him up and did not let Chen Ren kneel down. Sun Jian said, "originally Zici was resting here. I didn't want to trouble Zici, but now there are some troubles and I have to come to Zici."

Chen Ren quickly welcomed Sun Jian to the conference hall where he lived, and asked song'er to serve tea. Then he said to Sun Jian, "where does the LORD say? It's my duty for me to serve the Lord. If you have anything to do, please tell me!"

Sun Jian took a sip of tea and said, "well, recently, Yuan Shu secretly contacted Shanyue in Yuzhang, Poyang and other places to attack the city frequently. I wanted to capture it. However, the more cunning the mountain is, the more treacherous it is. If the army follows the mountain, it will be plotted by them. We have no good way, so we have come to Zici for help

Chen Ren's eyes brightened and he said, "Lord, let's put down Shanyue for the moment. If Yuan Shu contacts Shan Yue secretly, it can be seen that he has already had a heart of aggression, so we can't help it!"

Sun Jian waved his hand: "don't worry about this idea. I've ordered taishiziyi to lead ten thousand troops to garrison Yangzhou, and write a letter to Shucheng, Zhou Yi, to guard against it. Yuan Shu doesn't have to worry about it here!" Sun Jian said that Chen Ren just remembered. Now Sun Jian's account is full of talents. I can say that he doesn't need to think about such a small problem.

However, the problem of Shanyue is really a thorny problem. At present, Sun Jian has not completely wiped out Jiangdong. He must first prepare to weaken the power of the Jiangdong aristocratic family, and finally wipe out the Jiangdong aristocratic family by attacking Yan Baihu and Wang lang. there is no way to raise a large army to wipe out Shanyue like in history. However, Shanyue is proficient in Mountain Warfare and can only send fewer troops It's a waste of manpower and food.

After thinking about it, Chen Ren decided that it would be better to go there in person, so he clasped his fist and said, "if the Lord can trust my subordinates, I will take 5000 soldiers and horses to sweep away the mountains in Yuzhang and Poyang."

In fact, Sun Jian came to Chen Ren for this purpose. Although Sun Jian has many powerful generals under his account, which one is better than Chen Ren in terms of bravery and tact. Moreover, Chen Ren has always been able to surprise Sun Jian, and Sun Jian also hopes that Chen Ren can bring him some unexpected joy.

Chen Ren thought about it or decided to take some helpers. He told Sun Jian the idea. Sun Jian laughed a few times and waved his hand and said, "you can choose who you want."

After getting Sun Jian's approval, Chen Ren chuckled and turned all the men in the army around in his head, and then he selected two men. At the same time, two people in the army suddenly and inexplicably sneezed two or three times, wondering whether they had caught a cold in their sleep last night.

I am Y-D's-cent-cut-line-about 200 li away from Poyang City, looking at the mountains standing in front of him, Chen Ren could not help feeling a little. He just wanted to sing a few poems to express his impassioned mood, and a voice cringed around him."That, that, that, Lord Chen, this, this, this is the front, is where Shanyue stationed, stationed!"

Jiang Qin behind him was very upset. He took up his long knife and knocked on the helmet of the leading sergeant. He frowned and said, "tell me clearly! What kind of wine is the place to stay. " On the other side, Zhou Tai's eyes flashed with cold light. He slowly drew out the long knife on his waist, and immediately frightened the sergeant to the ground.

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were just told that they would go to Poyang to pacify the chaos, but they were very happy. If there was a war, they could make contributions. But when they heard that the commander-in-chief was Chen Ren, they were a little hesitant. There was no way. Chen Ren brought them too much psychological shadow. However, the temptation of meritorious deeds still drove them to join Chen Ren's army. However, Chen Ren had always been affable during this period, which made Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin feel relieved.

"Youping, Gongyi, don't scare him." Chen Ren's mood has always maintained a very good standard, because before leaving, his wife, Huang Yueying, had already agreed to marry Diao Chan into the house. As long as he returned to Jianye after the war, he could marry her.

Chen Ren turned his horse's head and said with a smile to the trembling Sergeant: "don't be afraid. Talk about it. Which direction is the mountain more in?"

Seeing that Chen Ren, who took the lead, had a kind attitude, but his fear was much less, the sergeant pointed to the mountain ahead and said, "Lord Chen, we only know that Shanyue comes out of this pass every time, but we don't know exactly where it is."

Chen Ren turned his head and looked at the towering mountains in front of him. He was speechless. In such a large place, was he not looking for the dead? However, if the local army had known the exact location of Shanyue, it would have been a long time before they had wiped out Shanyue. So they gave up and asked, "do you know how many people and horses there are in this mountain Yue after fighting with Shanyue all the year round?"

However, the sergeant still shook his head and said, "my Lord, the mountains are sometimes thousands and sometimes tens of thousands. I really don't know how many people and horses there are in this mountain."

Chen Ren is really a little helpless, thinking in his heart what is the garrison doing here? After fighting for so many years, it's just that I don't know where the enemy is stationed, and I don't even know the number of the enemy. If Chen Ren had been in the past, I'm afraid that the first time he did was not to go into the mountains to exterminate Shanyue, but to go back to Poyang city to withdraw the garrison generals of that city, and then pull them down to fight the twenty big boards.

But there is no way, Nai can't help the man is happy now, Chen Ren directly waved his hand, let the sergeant directly back to Poyang city. Chen Ren's generous performance surprised Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, as well as Bao Bao and Xie He behind him.

Looking at these mountains, Chen Ren kept secretly calculating the time he would take to walk through these mountains. Fortunately, all the soldiers he brought were the elite swordsmen in Jiangdong army. If he brought cavalry, he would immediately turn back to Jianye.

Chen Ren ordered to leave all the excess supplies and materials, and to leave a thousand soldiers to meet them. The four thousand soldiers only took three days' grain and went to battle in light clothes. He ordered Zhou Tai to guard the left army, Jiang Qin to guard the right army, Bao Bao and Xie Xie to suppress the rear army. Chen Ren himself went to the front of the army, so he led the army and marched into the mountains.

As soon as we entered the mountain pass, we found that there were several corpses hanging at the entrance of the pass. Judging from the clothes, they should be the local garrison. The flesh on the corpses has almost rotted, but we can see many wounds on their bodies, which shows how much pain these sergeants have suffered before they died. At the bottom of the corpse, a few big characters were written with blood askew: "Han dog can't enter!"

Chen Ren smiles, not bad! Do you know how to use psychological tactics? It seems that these Shanyue people are not barbarians like the local garrison general said. Moreover, Chen Ren remembers that the Shanyue people in history were recorded in this way: "agriculture is the main industry, grain is planted; copper and iron are produced from the mountain, and soldiers are made by themselves. They were scattered in large areas and lived in small communities. They were good at martial arts. Relying on the mountains, they formed an armed group. Their leaders were called "Shuai", and they were in a semi independent state for the feudal central government

It can be seen that the mountain and Yue people still have a certain foundation of civilization, but because they lag behind the Han nationality, they will be called barbarians by the Han nationality. It seems that the task of exterminating Shanyue this time is not so simple! Chen Ren felt his chin and thought.