Under the leadership of the mountain people, Chen Ren and his army successfully entered the old nest of Poyang Shanyue, and Jiang Qin shot the commander-in-chief of Poyang Shanyue with one arrow. Unfortunately, Chen Ren did not save a few Han people who were plundered here. Most of them were brutally killed by Shanyue. Chen Ren issued an order, all the Shanyue captives were cut down by the soldiers, and then all the food and grass stored in the back of the Shanyue village were burned down.

In two days, they destroyed all Shanyue strongholds outside Poyang city. Although these mountains were more and more united with tens of thousands of people, they were stationed separately. At most, there are only 5000 or 6000 people in each garrison. How can we resist the well-equipped and well-trained Jiangdong elite soldiers.

However, Rao was so. The Jiangdong army attacked many times, and no matter how strong it was, after eliminating the last Shanyue stronghold, more than 2000 soldiers were left in the 4000 Jiangdong army, and all of them were injured. Watching these elite fall, Chen Ren is heartbroken. After a look at Zhou Tai and other four generals who were panting around, he said, "how about it? Do you have any strength? "

Zhou Tai straightened his chest and said, "as long as the Lord guides me, I can kill several strongholds of him at any time." The other three generals also stood up, with firm confidence in their eyes. Although the two thousand soldiers were tired and injured, they all got up and looked at Chen Ren.

"Good!" With this elite soldier, what else can Chen Ren say? He immediately walked out of the valley where he had been fighting for two days and two nights with 2000 sergeants, but left a lot of heroes to sleep here.

When we went out of the valley, we saw the thousand river east army remaining at the mouth of the valley, as well as more than 1000 cavalry who came to support from Poyang. Chen Ren's eyes lit up. It was just when he was dozing off that you brought me a pillow. Immediately ordered the Qianjiang East army to drive down the thousand cavalry directly! Jiang Dongjun's command to Chen Ren is of course unconditional. However, the general of Poyang cavalry just wanted to flatter Chen Ren, but he was robbed of his mount by Jiangdong army. He was surprised, but how dare he resist.

Chen Ren didn't even get off the horse, so he directly took the dry food from the left behind sergeant. While swallowing, he instructed Zhou Taisi to arrange a rest for the 2000 tired division. It was a long time for Bao Bao, Xie Xie Xie and Chen rendai. He could even hear Chen Ren's correct instructions from his mouth full of stuff. Meanwhile, the sergeant also fed Chen Ren's Mount in his spare time.

After several big cakes, Chen Ren's spirit was better, and the Qianjiang East army, which had robbed horses, was ready to go. Chen Ren immediately ordered Zhou Taisi to lead the two thousand Jiangdong army to rest here and prepare to rescue Yuzhang, while Chen Ren had to take the 1000 cavalry who had been refitted in a hurry to rescue.

However, this time, Chen Ren's orders were violated. Bao Bao and Xie He both knelt down in front of Chen Ren's horse at the same time. Bao Bao said, "Lord Chen! At that time, the Lord ordered me to follow the Lord! Since we are ordered, we can't leave your Lord! "

"Yes Xie also said, "since the Lord wants to rescue Yuzhang, I should follow him! It is enough to have general Zhou and general Jiang lead these two thousand troops! "

Chen Ren was silent. In fact, from the beginning, Sun Jian divided the two generals under his account. Chen Ren understood that the two men were specially sent by Sun Jian to protect his safety. With them, Chen Ren had two more lives. When he went to Yuzhang, he was confronted with nearly 100000 mountain Yue. Chen Ren had only thousands of garrison troops and 1000 temporary cavalry in Yuzhang City, which was really very dangerous. They were both shouldering heavy responsibilities. How could any of Chen take risks?

However, without waiting for Chen Ren to answer, Bao Bao and Xie Xie turned up on their own mounts and hit Chen Ren's chest goggles with a crisp crash sound. At the same time, they both said, "my Lord! One thousand Jiangdong troops are ready to go! Just wait for your instructions

At the same time, the thousand cavalry behind him beat his chest and cried out in one voice: "ha!"

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were also infected. The more than 2000 troops in the east of the Yangtze River were also infected, along with the more than 1000 Poyang garrisons who came to rescue. At the same time, he stood up straight, hit his chest vigorously, and called out: "ha!"

Chen Ren's nose is a little sour. These are good men of Jiangdong army! At the moment, he said to these soldiers: "Jiangdong army! Advance with me

"Here it is

Three days later, Chen Ren, with the East army of 1000 rivers, finally arrived outside the city of Yuzhang.

Chen Ren looked at the mountain and Yue army spreading in front of him. His face turned white. He didn't expect that he was still a step late. The mountain Yue had begun to surround Yuzhang city. Fortunately, the Shanyue army has not yet begun to attack the city. Seeing the garrison on the wall of the city in the distance, I believe that the general knows the ferocity of Shanyue and has no intention of surrender at all.

Chen Ren was also secretly glad that Shanyue was obviously not good at regular fighting, and even the basic scouts were not sent. Chen Ren and his followers were hiding in the woods behind Shanyue stronghold, and no one noticed them.

However, Chen Ren was not in a hurry to attack, but ordered Jiangdong army to rest on the spot. At this time, the attack is not the best time. First, the Jiangdong army came for a long time and needed to rest; second, the other side had already formed a camp, so to attack at this time was tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg. Although everyone got off the horse to rest, Chen Ren did not close his eyes and looked at the camp opposite. He is waiting for an opportunity, that is, the moment when the other side begins to attack the city. That is the best time to attack the city.At the moment, in the camp of Shanyue, dozens of Shanyue leaders are enjoying a wine party. At the top of the table is Shanyue Dashuai of Yuzhang City, but he is not a real pure Shanyue person. His father is a Han nationality. Therefore, his surname is Han people's surname. His surname is Lin, and he is called Lin Dashuai by Shanyue.

Lin's appearance is different from that of the ordinary Shanyue. Not only does he have a lot of white skin, but also his body is thinner and weaker. His face is white and his eyes seem to be at a loss. However, none of the other Shanyue generals here underestimate him. Although he was not outstanding in martial arts, he was careful in his mind and cruel in temperament. The Yuzhang mountain Yue He led was also the most powerful among all the mountain Yue. Lin Dashuai was the first to contact Yuan Shu in the plan to attack Sun Jian and Sun Jian.

The generals of the mountains and mountains below toasted Lin one after another, and he was also welcome. As long as it was a toast, he drank it all at once, but he never took the initiative to toast. He just ate the meat in front of him.

"Marshal Lin!" A big bearded marshal was drunk and said to him, "Marshal Lin, you are the smartest person in our mountain. Han people are so cunning. Do you think it's worthwhile for us to send troops to capture the city this time? "

Now that they have stopped drinking, some of them want to stop drinking.

Lin chuckled. In fact, he knew that all the people were not willing to attack the city together. He took the banquet to dispel their worries. He immediately said, "I also know that the generals are hesitant about this attack. But have you ever thought about it? Why do we have to live in the mountains? And those frail Han people can enjoy themselves in the city? It's very simple. It's because we are not united enough at ordinary times! If we are as united as the Han people in Shanyue, and if we have a city like the Han people, we can live as comfortably as the Han people. no It's better than the Han people! "

Lin patted the table hard and continued, "but we don't have the food that we have painstakingly planted in the barren land in the mountains. We can't even eat enough for ourselves. Is it fair that we dug out ores in the mountains and made iron wares at a very low price by the Han people? no So! We should take advantage of this opportunity to build a city belonging to our mountain and Yue, and in the future, we will build a kingdom belonging to our mountain and Yue! Trample on the Han people who have been oppressing us! We want them to be their masters! Let those Han people taste the bitter fruit of being enslaved

"Good!" In fact, in the early years, the contradiction between Shanyue and the Han people was not so deep. Many mountain Yue people still had their own responsibility to exchange daily necessities with the Han people with a small amount of grain they harvested in the field or the iron wares they dug and made. However, in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, most of the local officials were corrupt officials. They were cruel to the Han people, not to mention the barbarians they regarded as uncivilized?

The officials of Han Dynasty not only bought and sold the commodities of Shanyue people, but also imposed high taxes on them. They even acquiesced that human traffickers plundered Shanyue people to sell. It has caused great pain to the people of Shanyue. Most of them have experienced that period. Therefore, they have a deep feeling for what Lin said. Over time, the discontent of the Shanyue people towards the exploitation of the officials of the Han Dynasty gradually reached a limit. Then, the outbreak broke out, and the people of Shanyue began to fight back, but only the ordinary people of the Han Dynasty suffered. In this way, the contradiction between Shanyue and the Han people became deeper and deeper, which finally became the current situation.

However, those Shanyue generals did not realize the meaning of Lin's words: "to establish a kingdom belonging to Shanyue", who would be the king? Lin Dashuai looked at the simple headed Shanyue Dashuai in front of him, and his mouth was slightly cocked up.