Tao Qian lost his temper, but all the civil servants did not dare to speak. However, Tao Qian sighed to himself. The favorable weather in Xuzhou has resulted in the weakness of the people. Although there are many civil servants, there are not many military generals. Tao Qian thought of the powerful figure under Sishui pass. If he could come to Xuzhou, why should he be afraid of Cao Ahai!

A white faced scholar at the seat got up and bowed his hand and said, "Lord, according to my subordinates, there is no need to worry about the invasion of Cao Cao. I have a plan. I can break Cao! "

"Oh?" Tao Qian immediately asked, "what's Zizhong's plan? Come on!"

The scholar pointed to the South and said, "although Cao Cao attacked Yanzhou and Qingzhou, there are many heroes in the world! Jiangdong Sun Jian, has swept Jiangdong, the world-famous, more dragon General Chen Ren and other fierce generals. If the LORD had Sun Jian's help, why worry about Cao Cao coming? "

At this time, a young scholar with goatee on the other side immediately stood up, arched his hand and said, "my Lord! Never at this time! Sun Jian, known as the fierce tiger in the east of the river, has great ambition in his behavior in recent years! If the LORD sent a letter to recruit him, Sun Jian must have a name to enter Xuzhou openly. Isn't the front door driving the tiger and the back door the wolf? Mi Zhu's plan is extremely inappropriate! "

The scholar saw that his advice was denied by others. Of course, his face was not good. He sneered and said to the scholar with goatee: "I don't know if you Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong have any tricks to crack down on Cao Cao's army?"

The scholar with goat beard immediately arched his hand to Tao Qian and said, "I heard that Liu Bei, the prefect of Bohai Sea, was a kinsman of the Han Dynasty. He was eager for justice and justice. Under his command was Zhao Yun, the elder martial brother of Chen Ren, the Dragon general! If he does not ask for help from this man, his Bohai Sea is north of Cao Cao's territory. If he sets out to attack Cao Cao's Qingzhou, he will retreat! "

"Yuan Long's words are wrong!" Another middle-aged man stood up and said, "I think Liu Bei only has Bohai and Zhongshan counties. How dare you provoke Cao Cao? My Lord! My subordinates think that Yuan Shao of Jizhou was the fourth generation of the three gongs, and he was the leader of the League of directors. The Lord might as well ask for help from him. With Yuan Shao's troops, Cao Cao will surely be defeated! Then we will send troops from Xuzhou to attack Yuan Shao and share the territory of Cao Cao and Cao Zhou. Isn't it quick

For a moment, three opinions sprang up, and all of them were divided into three groups and began to argue endlessly. Tao Qian had to rub his temples with his hands for a headache. He himself was an old bureaucrat. How could he not understand the thoughts of these people?

The MI Zhu faction who supported Sun Jian's request for help was a new merchant family in Xuzhou. It was always suppressed by the big family in Xuzhou. Sun Jian's behavior of suppressing the Jiangdong aristocratic family in these days had been heard by them for a long time. Naturally, he welcomed Sun Jian to Xuzhou. The Chen Deng faction, on the other hand, represented the aristocratic family in Xuzhou. Naturally, it did not welcome Sun Jian, a vassal with obvious hostility to the aristocratic family. Liu Bei was just a new little vassal. If Liu Bei entered Xuzhou, he would only be controlled by the Xuzhou aristocratic family. Obviously, these two groups have already regarded Tao Qian as an abandoned son and began to find another favorite master.

As for Zhao Yu, who finally advocated to ask Yuan Shao for help, he really wanted Tao Qian. However, Zhao Yu and others were too honest to believe that Yuan Shao was a mean person and wanted to share Cao Cao with Yuan Shao? Don't be eaten by Yuan Shao at that time! That Jizhou former governor Han Fu's end is still there!

In Tao Qian's heart, however, he preferred Sun Jian a little. It was very simple. As the leader of Xuzhou, Tao Qian naturally hated these aristocratic families that hindered his rule. If Sun Jian came to help him, he would certainly be able to help him suppress the family of Xuzhou. Sun Jian himself, just won Jiangdong, although it seems to be smooth sailing, but actually it is in the dark rough. At this time, even if he gave Xuzhou to Sun Jian, Sun Jian did not dare to take over.

Tao Qian was thinking about it for himself, but he had already started to do it. He had to say that it was useless for a scholar. Mi Zhu and Chen Deng started to fight with a shrew with their hands and teeth. It was very ugly. Tao Qian, who had just returned to God, looked at the scene, but was not in a funny mood. He immediately said, "stop it! You are also literate people who have read books. What kind of behavior is it? "

Tao Qian opened his mouth, and the rest of the people who wanted to watch the war were embarrassed to stand by and immediately went to hold them. Mi Zhu and Chen Deng also listened to Tao Qian's reprimand, their faces were red, and lowered their heads.

Tao Qian was so popular that he coughed a few times. He pointed to the people below and scolded them severely. Then he said coldly, "Sun Wentai values love and righteousness. When I was discussing Dong, I knew that he would not do anything mean. Although Liu Xuande and Yuan Benchu were also choices, they were too far away from Xuzhou to provide timely assistance. Mi Zhu

Mi Zhu immediately went forward and said, "my subordinates are here!"

Tao Qian waved his hand and said, "go and prepare for the ceremony. Go south and ask sun Wentai for help."

Mi Zhu was overjoyed, and immediately worshipped him deeply and said, "my Lord is wise. I will go down and prepare for it." Chen Deng and others over there are pale. Zhao Yu immediately comes forward and wants to say something, but he is blocked by Tao Qian's plan.

"All right! It's settled. There's no need to discuss it! "

"Yes Seeing that Tao Qian had made up his mind, Chen Deng knew that it was useless to say anything. He only said, "your subordinate's name is accurate!" Then, looking at the old adversary Mi Zhu, he burst into a fierce smile, which made Chen Deng depressed. Then his eyes turned and his mouth suddenly turned.——I -- is -- y -- D -- of -- cent -- cut -- line --

Chen Yiren looked at Sun Jian with a wry smile and said, "Lord! My subordinates are still recuperating now. I should be a patient! Can't you let your subordinates have a good rest and recuperate, can you bear to let a patient work hard

Sun Jian looked at Chen Ren, who was pretending to be poor. He even imitated his tone and said, "Zici! At present, although Jiangdong seems to be beautiful and windy on the surface, it is actually a turbulent undercurrent. Wenruo and fengxiao are very busy. Can you bear to watch them die while you are happy

Chen Ren's words suddenly stopped. Ever since he knew that the old man who was treating his illness was Hua Tuo, a famous doctor for many generations, Chen Ren asked Hua Tuo for some advice. In addition, he also told Hua Tuo about his understanding of traditional Chinese medicine in later generations. However, after all, Chen Ren came from later generations for thousands of years. In fact, even the little information from later generations has gone through thousands of years of history. In this era, it is very advanced. Just like Tong Yuan's Taijiquan, Hua Tuo immediately took Chen Ren as his own knowledge and worked harder to help Chen Ren heal his injury. The injury that was supposed to be cured in more than a month was less than half a month It's all right.

However, Chen Ren, who has completely recovered, is lazy. He even stays at home and kisses me with Huang Yueying and Diao Chan every day. I get up, but I don't know where Sun Jian got the news of his injury, so he can't wait to catch up on his work.

However, Chen Ren had to abide by professional ethics and continue to perform the duties of a qualified counselor. If I know who told me the secret, I'll make him look good! Chen Ren thought bitterly. At this time, Sun Jian's house suddenly sent out several loud sneezing sounds.

Dressed up, he came to his meeting hall. Sun Jian was sitting at the top of the table to taste tea. Looking at Chen's gloomy face, he passed two brocade bags with a smile. These two brocade bags are not unique to the snake department, but two beautifully decorated brocade bags that Chen Ren has never seen before. After taking over the brocade bags, Chen Ren finds that the seal has been opened, which must have been seen by Sun Jian. At present, he also politely pulls out the silk cloth in one of the brocade bags and opens it for a closer look.

Just looked at the front of a few words, Chen Ren immediately showed interest, unexpectedly is Cao Cao that black fat man sent? Immediately he went on to look down, and Chen Ren immediately showed a contemplative look. It seems that Cao Cao is still obsessed with Xuzhou? Although I don't know why, the event that Cao Cao's father was killed didn't happen, but even if there was no such event, Cao Cao still couldn't bear Xuzhou! However, Cao Cao was ruthless. In order to capture Xuzhou, he was willing to give up the territory of Xuzhou south of Baima Lake to Sun Jian, which included nearly half of the territory of Xuzhou including Guangling, a big county in Xuzhou!

As the saying goes, no matter what is courteous, it is not treacherous or stealing! As soon as Chen Ren's eyes turned, he thought of the secret intention of Cao Cao's plan, but he was not in a hurry to tell Sun Jian. Then he opened another brocade bag. Chen Ren raised his right eyebrow again with the words in front of him. Just after reading Cao Cao's letter to attack Xuzhou, it was a letter from Xuzhou Tao Qian asking for help. Tao Qianxin's words are respectful, and he is looking forward to Sun Jian's going, which has the flavor of sending Xuzhou to Xuzhou. However, Chen Ren does not believe that Tao Qian will really give Xuzhou to Sun Jian.

Yes, in history, after Liu Bei rescued Xuzhou, Tao Qian immediately said that he would cede Xuzhou to Liu Bei. However, if Liu Bei had accepted the seal of the governor of Xuzhou at that time, he would have died in Tao Qian's hands. I'm afraid only the third time of Tao Qian's surrender was sincere. He knew that his son couldn't fight Liu Bei, a hungry wolf. He simply gave Xuzhou to Liu Bei to save his family's lives.

Now Tao Qian is in good health. How can he give up the throne of governor of Xuzhou to others? I'm afraid that Sun Jian's help to retreat from Cao Cao is the second. It's true to suppress the aristocratic family of Xuzhou with Sun Jian's hand.

Chen Ren figured out the key points and said to Sun Jian with a smile, "Lord, do not know what ideas Wen Ruo and others have for these two letters?"

As soon as Sun Jian saw Chen Ren's appearance, he knew that he had an idea, and immediately said excitedly, "Zici has made a final decision, please tell me quickly!"