Although the rich man spoke in an urgent tone, the man sitting at the top of the table was still full of hesitation. On the other side, a young man got up and said, "father! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I heard that Sun Jian had sent someone to find Lu Jun! "

Lu Jun? As soon as the name was said, the man in the seat finally had a trace of reaction and said, "hong'er! Are you sure it's Lu Jun? Was he not already dead? "

The young man gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what kind of bad luck he took. He fell from such a high cliff and didn't die. I heard he brought a son back."

"What!" The man at the table finally couldn't help standing up. A ray of light just hit his face, reflecting his appearance. It was Lu Ji, the contemporary leader of the Lu family!

The young man continued: "Lu Jun and I are two years older than me, but in the next generation, there is only his son. In addition, he now has the support of Sun Jian. I'm afraid that the old guys in the family who are at the helm of the wind will turn to Lu Jun again."

Lu Ji frowned, looked at the rich man and asked, "brother Gu, are you sure of your plan this time?"

The rich man immediately patted his chest and said, "brother Lu, don't worry, I've got the best experts. What I'm good at is fighting. Although Sun Jian's masters are like clouds, most of them are killing generals on the battlefield. Different from this kind of swordsman's fighting method, they can't resist the attack of these people! There is no doubt that Sun Jian will die! "

"Good!" Lu Ji slapped his thigh with force. The hesitation on his face was swept away. He immediately bowed his hand to the rich man and said, "it's all thanks to brother gu!"

In the third year of Chuping and the tenth day of September.

The city of Jianye was filled with festivities, especially the newly-built Jiangdong Chenfu. Countless military officials came from all over Jiangdong to celebrate the appointment of Chen, the first general in the world.

Chen Ren is now under Sun Jian's account. Many of the 3000 Jiangdong cavalry he led at sishuiguan earlier have been promoted to officers, and the last 50 Jiangdong soldiers who helped Chen Ren defend the city in Yuzhang city all came to congratulate Chen Ren as his followers. However, most of the officials went to Chen Ren, the most popular favorite general under Sun Jian. Sun Jian personally presided over the marriage. If he performed well at Chen Ren's wedding banquet, he might be noticed by Sun Jian, and an official could be promoted in the near future.

In the Chenfu, although Chen Ren was not happy because he wanted to spend money, but now he saw so many familiar faces to congratulate him. Chen Ren also put the previous unhappiness behind him and stood at the gate of Chen's residence with a smile on his face.

A group of soldiers in new armour carried the congratulatory gifts and directly pushed away the crowd around the gate, and then went to the gate of Chen mansion. Of course, the people who were pushed away were not happy. But when they just turned around and wanted to scold them, they all shut up when they saw that all the soldiers were naturally murderous.

The sergeants came to the gate of Chen's residence in order. The first one was the general who had been guarding the Yuzhang with Chen Ren and Bao Bao Bao, who had been promoted to be governor of postal services. Under the leadership of the two men, a group of sergeants came to Chen Ren with neat steps. The general and Bao Bao had a drink at the same time. They immediately joined the two men, and hundreds of soldiers worshipped Chen Ren on one knee.

"I'll come here to wish you great happiness!" Guard general and Bao Bao said at the same time.

Later, the hundreds of sergeants behind him cheered with one voice: "Congratulations, my Lord!" The sound was loud and broke through the sky. For a time, the noisy gate of Chen's residence became silent.

Chen Ren looked at the hundreds of people in front of him, including the three thousand Jiangdong cavalry and the Jiangdong soldiers who helped him to defend the Yuzhang. Now there are hundreds left. Suddenly thought of Xie evil, Chen Ren's eyes can not help but some moist, busy is to help up the guard and Bao Bao: "sub machine! Yunba! Get up! Ladies and gentlemen! Get up quickly Yunba is the word of Shoujiang. His surname is Wu, and his name is he. However, Chen Ren learned these things later.

It was not until Chen Ren welcomed these soldiers into the mansion that the noise at the gate of Chen's residence was restored. After a long time, Chen Ren returned to the door to welcome the guests. Not long after, a group of dusty black armour soldiers arrived carrying a large number of congratulatory gifts. The first black armour general, with a cold face, clasped his fist at Chen Ren and said, "the last general, Xiliang army, is a special representative of general Yingyang, Zhang Xiu, and salutes General Chen Ren, the Dragon general!"

At the entrance of Chen's residence, the atmosphere suddenly became depressed. Xiliang army! That's Dong Zhuo's army! It seems that Zhang Xiu in Dong Zhuo's army is Chen Ren's master. There can be no mistake.

But the black armor general was not surprising. He continued to clasp his fists and said, "the gifts of General Zhang Xiu are only part of them. These are general Wen Hou Lvbu's congratulations to the general! And the rest of these are all congratulatory gifts from the general! Congratulations, general

There was an uproar around, Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu? Even these two people congratulated Chen Ren? Looking at the emaciated figure at the gate of Chen's residence, everyone was slightly thoughtful. However, Chen Ren did not have any surprise, smiling at the black armored general, he clasped his fist and said, "it's hard for you to be a general. Please go to the mansion and have a rest. Then you must accept Chen's toast on behalf of Taishi Dong and general Lu Bu."Before the general in black armor answered, there was another commotion behind him. A group of soldiers in green armor also carried the congratulatory gifts to the gate of Chen mansion. Although the Xiliang army has always been domineering, but this time it is to give Chen Ren He Xi. The general of black armor immediately ordered to make room for others.

One of the green armour sergeants also came out of the green armour general, but he hugged Chen Ren and said, "the last general is under the account of Liu Cishi of Yizhou. On behalf of General Zhang Ren and Liu Cishi, I would like to extend a congratulatory gift to General Chen Ren! I wish the general and his new wife a happy marriage for a hundred years

Chen Ren still said with a smile: "thank you for your kindness, and please take a rest in the general's office..." Before Chen Ren's words were finished, there was another uproar. A group of silver Knights galloped over with a wine jar in their hands. At the gate of the mansion, the soldiers of green group opened it to them. At the gate of Chen's residence, the knights with silver armour pulled a rein and raised the front hoof of the horse so high that they stopped the horse at the gate of Chen mansion at the same time.

Forced to one side of the green armour generals, full of displeasure, while the other side of the black armour generals is rare to show a trace of appreciation.

"Mr. Liu Bei, the governor of Bohai Sea, and General Zhao Yun, the school captain under the tent, send a congratulatory gift to Mr. Chen Ren, the Dragon general! Congratulations on your marriage The head of a silver armour fell on the horse's back, clasping fists and cheering.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Chen Ren even looked up to the sky and laughed. Chen Ren was not surprised at all. As early as they stepped into Yangzhou and Jiangdong, Chen Ren already knew about it, but he simply welcomed all three groups of people in at the same time. The guard of Chen's residence just wanted to take over the wine jar in the hands of sergeant Yinjia, but he was hidden by the other party.

"But where did my third elder martial brother get good wine?" asked Chen

The silver armour general was somewhat embarrassed to say: "Lord Chen misunderstood. General Zhao said that the world's fine wine can't compare with the good wine made by Lord Chen himself. Bohai Sea is a small place, and there is nothing good to send, so we don't have to send it at all! These wine jars were ordered by General Zhao to come to ask Lord Chen for wine. "

After listening to these words, Chen Ren, who was just about to cross the threshold, almost didn't trip over one of his feet. Looking at the wine jars in the hands of those silver knights with bitterness, I only heard of those who received wedding gifts, but never heard of those who gave gifts outside. Look at how forthright the first and second elder martial brothers are, how can these three elder martial brothers be so mean!

The black armour general who followed behind him also gave a smile when he heard the silver armour general's words, while the green one's general showed sarcasm on his face. However, Chen Ren, who was the host, didn't say anything. After all, this is Jiangdong, not Yizhou.

In the mansion, Sun Jian had already brought a group of old subordinates to eat and drink. With Sun Jian taking the lead, the others did not have much worry and toasted each other. Chen Ren didn't pay so much attention to it. He arranged all three groups of people around Bao Bao and Wu he. Without those soldiers with a bloody smell on their bodies, the civil servants who stood by to flatter Chen Ren gathered around again, congratulating Chen Ren one after another. They kept flattering Chen Ren, and even some of them even showed off their literary talent by the way. Chen Ren didn't say anything, just kept smiling at each other.

All of a sudden, Chen Ren felt a chill on his back and immediately turned his head. In his eyes, it was a group of guests who were drinking. Do you feel wrong? Chen Ren thought secretly. He felt a murderous spirit just now, but he disappeared immediately. Chen Ren shakes his head. It may be because he is busy preparing for the wedding?

"Zici! Come on, come on! You must have a drink with my brother first It was Gan Ning, who was sitting on the seat. When he saw Chen Ren, he immediately came over with two glasses.

Chen Ren grinned bitterly and had to denounce the civil servants around him. Although the civil servants were cruel to Gan Ning and disturbed their good deeds, they did not dare to take Gan Ning as an example, so they had to go away chatting and chatting.

"Ha ha! Zici! Today is your big day! You can't drink less With that, Gan Ning belched a wine, and suddenly his feet trembled. His feet were mixed together and he poured directly to Chen Ren. Chen Ren quickly stepped forward and helped him. This did not make Gan Ning look ugly. Gan Ning's head fell directly on Chen Ren's shoulder. However, no one found that at the moment when Gan Ning fell on Chen Ren's shoulder, Gan Ning's mouth turned up and down a few times, and Chen Ren's eyes were immediately permeated with a cold light, but it was fleeting.