Although Bao Bao and Wu he both explained their fate to the guests, several celebrities in Jianye city did not seem to believe that these low-level officers dared to do anything, and went directly to Bao Bao Bao and Wu he. At the same time, Bao Bao and Wu he had a flash of killing intention in their eyes. When these fat bellied officials rushed to their side, they saw their hands rise and fall. A total of five well-known officials in Jianye city immediately fell at their feet and were not angry.

Bao Bao held up his bloody knife, lifted his face which had been splashed with blood. Then he coldly pointed to the frightened guests behind him and said, "if there is any defiant, this is an example."

No one thought that these two ordinary low-level officers would dare to do it, and all the officials who yelled and yelled all stood still. The black and silver generals on one side looked at the ferocious Bao Bao and Wu he. They both nodded slightly and fell into thinking.

Not to mention Bao Bao and Wu he temporarily suppressed the situation. Although Sun Jian was subdued by Gan Ning, two figures suddenly jumped out of the crowd driven by Cheng Pu and other generals. They also held a dagger with blue light in their hands and stabbed Sun Jian, Gan Ning and Xu Chu who were sitting on the assassin.

It's Xu Chu's turn to be angry this time. Although Xu Chu was not a knight errant like Gan Ning, and was familiar with small Kung Fu, there is a saying that he once made a great effort to conquer all kinds of skills. When Xu Chu met the two new assassins, he grabbed them down with both hands. He even put two wine tables in front of his seat which were the size of Xu Chu himself. He lifted them up with one hand and yelled, "here He threw it to the two assassins.

Although the two assassins were dexterous, they couldn't hold the two tables. They couldn't avoid them. They were directly hit by the tables. At the last moment, they rolled up in the air, and the power of the table was on their hands and feet. Rao is so, Xu Chu's strange force is not easy to remove, the table hit two people, hit a smash, two people are also hit by the power on the table fly out, completely lost the opportunity to assassinate Sun Jian.

However, these two assassins are in bad years. They are so undecided that they fly out in the direction of Chen Ren. At this time, although Chen Ren was a suit of joy, but his face was black. He directly stretched out his hands at the two assassins flying to him, and accurately held their collars. Chen Ren's feet span, hold two people and directly turn around. The poor two assassins, who were thrown sandbags by Chen Ren, were flying around in the air. Their legs still collided with several pillars in the middle of the hall from time to time.

Chen Ren turned faster and faster. After more than ten circles, he drank: "up!" Throwing his left hand up and then his right hand, he threw the two assassins directly into the air, and then he jumped, even jumping higher than the two assassins. The poor two assassins have been completely turned dizzy at this time, and have not yet responded. Chen Ren's one leg and one punch have fallen on their bodies, directly hitting them to the ground. The solid floor in the hall has been smashed into two human shaped holes.

Chen Ren, who fell to the ground, was looked at as if he were a monster. He was still livid and showed everyone my angry attitude. At the same time, the public made a decision in their hearts, absolutely not to anger Chen Ren.

Angry return angry, Chen Ren or turn to Sun Jian and worship: "subordinate guard is not good, resulting in the Lord's misfortune, please surrender the Lord!"

How could Sun Jian give up blaming Chen Ren and quickly said: "Zici, get up quickly, today is your great day of joy, but it is because of some reason that Zici started on the day of great joy. It is the fault of some!"

Sun Jian's actions are very common in the eyes of Sun Jian's generals, but they are different in the eyes of those guests. It's very good that the master doesn't blame the master when he is assassinated in his servant's house. It's unprecedented for him to take the fault on himself like Sun Jian. It can be seen that Chen Ren's position in Sun Jian's mind is so high, and the three generals, black Jia, green Jia and silver Jia, are watching this scene thoughtfully.

In fact, the three men not only brought the blessing of Chen Ren's three senior brothers, but also brought the secret orders of their respective Lords. They wanted to take advantage of this trip to Jiangdong to destroy the relationship between Sun Jian and Chen Ren, and to dig Chen Ren under their own banner. After all, Chen Ren's role in Sun Jian's account has been obvious. However, at the same time, the three of them realized that they had little hope of completing the task.

Gan Ning pulled the unconscious assassin and threw him on his two companions. He went to Sun Jian and said, "Lord, how do you deal with these assassins?"

Sun Jian didn't answer directly, but looked at Chen Ren. Chen Ren looked at the three Assassins' eyes and said, "I sincerely ask the Lord to give them to me for interrogation."

Sun Jian nodded and agreed to Chen Ren's request. Looking at the officials who were hiding in the middle of the hall shivering, Sun Jian's eyes were also cold. Although these people were loyal to Sun Jian on weekdays, they would leave him and run for his life at a critical moment. And Sun Jian is not a fool. He can almost be sure that the people behind the scenes are among these assassins!However, Sun Jian was no longer the impulsive Sun Jian before. Sun Jian, who was much deeper in the city, did not turn against these people on the spot. Instead, he changed his smiling face and said to the civil servants and celebrities in the city: "the princes are shocked. It's all Sun Jian's fault."

Most of those civil servants and celebrities were powerless. They had never seen such a bloody scene, and had been frightened by Bao Bao and Wu he before. Now, how dare they blame Sun Jian, shake their heads and bow down and flatter Sun Jian.

Sun Jian helped LU Hong up one by one. However, he noticed that when he helped up Lu Hong, the representative of the Lu family, Lu Ji's son, LU Hong, this guy obviously avoided Sun Jian's eyes. Sun Jian kept LU Hong's reaction in his mind. Meanwhile, Bao Bao and Wu He, the two general killers, let go of the gate at the Beck of Chen Ren, and those who were approved by Sun Jian fled for their lives.

Chen Ren said to his sergeant, "pull these three assassins down, so that you can take care of them!"

"Here it is The sergeants took orders with their fists in their fists and dragged the assassins. The assassin captured by Ganning was ok, but his chest was injured. The two assassins who were knocked down by Chen Ren were pitiful. When the sergeants went to pull the assassins, the two who had already fainted in pain were awakened again. They found that the limbs of the two assassins were smashed, needless to say, the hands of Chen Ren. The sergeant had to carry the two assassins down with one holding his head and the other with his buttocks.

Chen Ren glanced at the black, green and silver generals who were still standing next to him. His indifferent face revived his smile again and said, "the three generals are frightened!"

The three returned the salute in a hurry. The general in black armor clasped his fist and said, "the general is worthy of being a dragon general. How can a small assassin pass the general's pass! At the end of the day, I will admire you

The general of silver armour also clasped his fist and said: "the general is not only excellent in martial arts, but also skillful in military training. The general's subordinates are all powerful teachers." After that, his eyes drifted to Bao Bao, Wu he and the soldiers standing at the gate.

"That is! That's it The general of green armour also came up, "the last general in Sichuan often heard General Zhang Ren say that the general was versatile in literature and military, and he was a genius at that time! My lord often sighs. It's a pity that he can't work with the general. "

As soon as the green general said this, the black and silver generals looked at the green generals with the eyes of idiots, and thought in their hearts: if you want to dig corners, you can't dig in front of the Lord? Isn't it hard to find yourself happy?

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the general of green armor, Sun Jian came over with a group of civil servants and military generals. Sun Jian said with a face of iron green: "Oh? I can't imagine that Liu Lingjun is also a talent who admires his son? That's easy to do! I'll take Zici to visit Liu Junjun then! "

Visit? You want to take the army to Yizhou to visit? Sun Jian's words are not obscure at all, but the meaning in the words is very clear. Although Sun Jian said this is arrogant, no one in the world will doubt the authenticity of this sentence.

The black and silver generals were not dissatisfied with Sun Jian's arrogance. On the contrary, they both looked at Sun Jian with full appreciation. If they had not already had a lord, they would have worshipped Sun Jian. As for the general in green armour, his face turned white with the words of Sun Jian. In addition, all the generals behind Sun Jian looked at him with murderous eyes. The general of green armor immediately knelt on the ground, but could not say a word.

Seeing that the effect of Liwei had already been achieved, Sun Jian gently waved his hand backward to stop Cheng Pu and others from scaring the poor baby. He said to the green armored general who was kneeling on the ground and was sweating: "please tell Liu Junjun when you come back to Xichuan. Sun has admired Liu Shijun for a long time, and has heard of Xichuan's scenery for a long time, but he is looking forward to Xichuan."

"The last general, the last general, will definitely tell the Lord!" The green general felt Sun Jian if there was no pressure, even did not dare to lift his head, can only lower his head bitterly said.

Sun Jian looked scornfully at the green general kneeling on the ground. He had already made a decision in his heart: the Yizhou generals are so cowardly that it is easy to take Yizhou!

How does the general know that his performance has brought disaster to Liu Yan in Yizhou? Now he just wants to deal with it.