Liu Bei couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard the second general's words. In his opinion, Guan Yu was too busy. Yuan Shao only sent Zhang Ying and Qu Yi, but others, such as Yan Liang and Wen Chou, did not come. After a moment's thinking, he must have been sent to Zhongshan.

Guan Yu's character, Liu Bei, was too clear. Chen Ren's attack at sishuiguan made him a little more restrained. Later, he became famous in the first World War of Panhe river. His arrogant character came out again. If the Jizhou army divides its troops to attack Zhongshan state, he will certainly go out of the city to meet him according to his temper. At that time, depending on the strength of the garrison, he will be the opponent of those elite Jizhou soldiers. Even though Guan Yu's force is even more powerful, he will not be able to defeat thousands of troops!

However, Liu Bei did not dare to say this in front of the soldiers. The garrison, which had no morale at all, might be even more lacking in fighting spirit. Liu Bei nodded and looked at the enemy troops outside the city. He pulled out his double swords and yelled at the soldiers at the head of the city: "soldiers and soldiers! Behind you is your home! Behind you is your hometown! There are your parents there! Have your wife and children! Have your family! What you have to do is to take up the weapons in your hands and guard your home

Liu Bei's ability to win over people's hearts can be described as the top level of this era. A group of timid recruits, who were said by Liu Bei, stood up one by one, and their hands holding weapons no longer trembled. They roared with Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and other veterans.

Liu Bei saw that the morale had been raised a little bit. When he was about to point his sword out of the city, he said, "Archer, prepare!"

All the archers, under the command of their team leaders, climbed to the wall one after another, bent their bows and put their arrows at the Jizhou army under the wall. After the battle the day before yesterday, these archers were able to wash away the inexperience of the recruits, and the arrows were not so floating.

"Hold on!" Zhang Fei yelled loudly. It was better for Zhang Fei to do the work of roaring loudly. Liu Bei had just yelled and his throat began to dry.

"Hold on Zhang Fei stares at the Jizhou soldiers at the forefront outside the city, silently calculating the range of the archer. Although Zhang Fei is not good at archery, he has been fighting for so many years. He is quite proficient in calculating the range of the city.

Seeing that the Jizhou army had begun to slowly approach the range, Zhang Fei's eyebrows became more and more tight, his fist was also tightly held, and he roared again, "ready!"

In the front of a Jizhou soldier stepped into the range of range, Zhang Fei's originally big double ring leopard eyes suddenly opened a few minutes, and yelled: "shoot!" While Zhang Fei's words were still in his mouth, an arrow shot out of the corner of the city like stars and the moon, and directly hit the forehead of the first Jizhou soldier who stepped into the range. The Jizhou soldier fell down with excitement on his face. At the corner of the city, Zhao Yun's bow, which was like a full moon, was empty. Obviously, this arrow was shot by Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun's arrow, like a signal, drove the arrows on the head of Bohai city to fall like rain. This momentum was not the bow and arrow shot by the Yuzhang garrison led by Chen Ren on that day. There were at least 3000 archers shooting at the same time, not including the 7000 archers prepared behind them. Because Yuan Shao did not besiege the city but attacked only the south gate, Liu Bei transferred all the archers of the city to the south gate, vowing to block the Jizhou army's attack.

Seeing that the front row of Jizhou soldiers were almost all shot on the ground, Zhang Ying immediately felt that the defense of Bohai Sea today was much stronger than that of the day before yesterday. After thinking about it, Zhang Ying also hit Liu Bei by surprise the day before yesterday. The defenders in the city were not fully deployed. After two days' rest, the defense strength of Bohai Sea is of course necessary Much better than the day before yesterday.

However, Zhang Ying had no fear at all. The day before yesterday, Liu Bei's attack force had already made Zhang Ying see the hope of winning. As long as the soldiers rushed to the city, Zhang Ying was fully confident and would completely reverse the trend at the head of the city and under the city. Zhang Ying waved his spear and yelled: "go! Capture Bohai Sea! A thousand taels of gold

When he led Jiazhou to the side of the city wall, the archers of Jizhou and Jiayi began to attack. However, because of the height of the city wall, the archers under the city must be closer to the city wall if they want to shoot to the head of the city.

"Swordsman! Cover the archers near the wall He ordered his soldiers to defend each other and quickly rushed to the wall. Although the arrow attack at the head of the city was fierce, the number of Jizhou soldiers was large, and after a while, they were close to the city wall for many distances.

With the sound of brushing, a few defenders who were originally focusing on the enemy under the city were suddenly hit by the arrows from the bottom up and directly turned over and fell down the wall. Then, more and more arrows came up from under the city wall, and more and more archers were shot at the head of the city. However, every time an archer fell, the reserve team behind would rush to fill the gap. Zhao Yun opened several arrows in succession, pointed his long gun into the air in front of him, and drank to the archers who served as the reserve team behind him: "in this direction! ShootThose archers had received Zhao Yun's training. Naturally, they understood Zhao Yun's military orders. They bent their bows and set up arrows in front of the city's upper sky. The arrows broke away from the bowstring and flew into mid air. Although they were flying very high, they were exhausted and fell down. Because of the heavy end of the arrows, the arrows were all facing down, as if it were really raining, falling into the ranks of the Jizhou army outside the city. Although the arrow did not break away from the bowstring at this time, its own weight, the speed of the arrow falling from high altitude and the sharp arrow still caused considerable damage to the Jizhou army. Many archers of the Jizhou army were hit by these arrows and fell directly to the ground.

"Don't be afraid! Keep going! Those who retreat without permission, kill Although Zhang Ying and Ying Yi were startled by the sudden attack of the city's archers, they still drove the army to launch a fierce attack on the city wall.

Although Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun at the head of the city had a good grasp of the timing of bow and arrow shooting, they could not keep up with the number of Jizhou army like sea water. With the first ladder successfully built on the city wall, then countless cloud ladders hit the city head one after another. Seeing this, even Yuan Shao, who had been in charge of the rear army, waved his horse whip and cheered.

As soon as he saw that the ladder had been successfully erected, he began to direct the archers to make the final round of suppression, while Zhang Ying was shouting: "go up! Rush up

Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and Liu Bei looked at each other and knew that the archer's suppression had not played a significant role. Liu Bei nodded to them. Zhang Fei beckons to the archers standing at the edge of the city wall and starts to retreat slowly. Meanwhile, Zhao Yun, the archers of the reserve team, still shoot into the air while retreating. As for Liu Bei's wave to the city behind him, countless swordsmen began to run towards the city.

Finally, the first Jizhou soldier climbed to the top of the city, but before he could be happy, it was Zhao Yun's silver gun that met him. "Come on! Come on! Make it up Facing those who were on the city, they raised their swords to those who were on the city.

At this time, the two armies at the head of the city and under the city both had a tacit understanding and pulled off the archers and started the most cruel white-edged war.

"Kill!" The bright sword was raised high and cut off at the heads of Jizhou soldiers who came out of the city. For a time, the city's head was covered with blood. Countless mutilated limbs fell from the air with blood flowers and hit the heads of those Jizhou soldiers under the city. The soldiers wiped off the blood of their compatriots on their faces and rushed towards the wall like wild animals Strike.

After all, compared with the new soldiers of Jizhou, they could not take advantage of a new garrison in the battle. After all, they could not kill more than one garrison. Although Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei are highly skilled in martial arts, they only represent their three corners. However, the city wall is too wide for them to take into account the whole defense line.

This time, different from the attack the day before yesterday, the Jizhou army was determined to take the city head. At this time, Yuan Shao, who was in the rear of the town, saw that his soldiers had already attacked the city head. He looked up to the sky with a long smile, and immediately called in a private soldier. He announced, "I will give you 3000 liang of gold if you open the gate of the city! Seal the school captain! Those who kill the enemy general will be rewarded with 5000 taels of gold! A thousand Marquises! Liu Bei will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold! The Marquis of all households

"Here it is Yuan Shao's award was so amazing that his family members could not help but feel uneasy. He secretly made a plan to see if he would not come back in the battlefield. Maybe he would get some credit!

"The Lord has orders! Three thousand taels of gold will be awarded to those who open the gate! Seal the school captain! Those who kill the enemy general will be rewarded with 5000 taels of gold! A thousand Marquises! Liu Bei will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold! The Marquis of all households

After a while, all the soldiers of Jizhou who heard the message suddenly became red in their eyes and rushed to Bohai city as wild animals. Liu Bei, on the head of the city, heard Yuan Shao's reward order. His voice was like a talisman, which made him feel cold on his back. Especially when he heard the sound of reward reward for catching him alive, Liu Bei obviously felt that he was under greater pressure, and the knife edge brushed his cheek several times.