In Cheng Yu's smiling eyes, Chen Ren seems to have a bright brain, and all of a sudden he has figured out what he didn't think of before. Yeah! At the beginning, Chen Ren didn't want to pull Zhao Yun to his side. How come now that Zhao Yun's master is dead, how can Chen Ren not think about that?

What does Zhao Yun want now? Isn't it just to kill Yuan Shao and avenge Liu Bei? Sun Jian just has the strength to defeat Yuan Shao? Chen Ren was so little by Cheng Yu that he solved a problem that bothered him for a long time. He really wanted to hold Cheng Yu for a kiss. Immediately Chen Ren came up with several ways to persuade Zhao Yun, but the first thing was to bring Zhao Yun to Jiangdong.

Chen Ren is still thinking about how to bring Zhao Yun back. Suddenly, there is a noise outside the hall. Cheng Yu looked out of the hall slightly surprised and said, "it seems that the competition is over, but it's really fast!"

After a while, Sun Jian led a group of generals into the hall. Sun CE, with a triumphant face, followed by Zhou Yu, who still kept a faint smile. A group of generals filed into the hall, Chen Ren looked carefully, but he did not find Xu Sheng, but everyone's expression seemed very strange. Finally, Chen Ren finally saw Xu Sheng at the back of the crowd. However, when he saw Xu Sheng's present appearance, Chen renhan's tea almost didn't come out.

It's no wonder that Chen Ren has lost his manners. It's really that Xu Sheng's appearance is so funny now. The helmet that had been on his head is no longer known where it is, and Xu Sheng's bun has been completely removed. It looks like those Taoists in Maofang. The armor on his body is also crooked. Two holes were caught in front of him at two points, which is worthy of the name of revealing two points. Xu Sheng's trousers also became like the hole clothes that were popular for a period of time. Even the shoes had a big hole on the left and right, showing two big feet.

As for Xu Sheng's appearance, it can be described by the head of some kind of national treasure class animal. There are big black and green circles on both eyes, and there are two tear marks at the corners of his eyes. On his left cheek, a big black shoe print is printed on it, but two nosebleed are on his nose.

"Poof!" Cheng Yu over there has been no image of a mouthful of tea, and then, full of laughter, smile Xu Sheng, red face, eager to drill down to the ground.

Chen Ren smiles and shakes his head. Wu and this guy are not sons of man! It's too much to do! Chen Ren thought so, but he didn't remember. It was Chen Ren who let Wu he teach Xu Sheng a lesson. Chen Ren got up and said to Xu Sheng, "General Xu, you'd better go down and find a medical officer to cure the injury."

Xu Sheng didn't want to. But after the contest, Sun Jian waved his hand and went back to the palace directly. Xu Sheng didn't let him heal his wounds. How dare he leave without saying goodbye? Only in this way, he followed Sun Jian and others all the way back to the government office. However, Sun Jian chose some of the busiest streets in Jianye. When he returned to the government office, Xu Sheng was already numb with ridicule. Hearing Chen Ren's words, Xu Sheng looked at Sun Jian pitifully. Sun Jian could not help smiling and nodded a little. Xu Sheng immediately bowed to Sun Jian, turned around and left. Before leaving, he also looked at Chen Ren gratefully.

The poor child, at all, did not expect that he would be like this. It was all caused by the man he was grateful for. It was so simple.

Sun Jian coughed a few times, and all the laughing people in the hall suddenly calmed down. Sun Jian said, "since Wen Xiang lost to Gong Jin, the candidate for Xuzhou this time has been determined. Sun CE, Zhou Yu, listen! "

"The end will be there!" When they heard Sun Jian's voice, they immediately stepped out of the line, kneeling on one knee in front of Sun Jian, clasping fists and answering the way.

Sun Jian took out a tiger amulet from his arms and said, "I'll give you 30000 elite soldiers. Everything will come according to the strategy set before. Go to Guangling first, and then seize Baima Lake." Then he handed the tiger amulet forward.

"Here it is The two men should say at the same time. Sun CE comes forward to take the tiger Fu and clasp his fist again. Then the two men in the eyes of the admiration of the general directly back out.

"Zici!" Now that the sudden crisis in Xuzhou has been solved, Sun Jian began to formally discuss what was to be discussed today.

"My subordinates are here!" Although Chen Ren is usually careless, he is quite serious in the face of business, and immediately comes out to hold hands.

Sun Jian picked up a piece of silk cloth from the table and said, "this is the planning book of Jiangdong military power submitted by Yuanzhi yesterday. Zici might as well have a look and have any opinions." However, Sun Jian's tone seemed to blame Chen Ren for his military planning, which should have been done by Chen Ren, the Governor General of the army, but Chen Ren directly gave it to Xu Shu.

Chen Ren grabs the back of his head with some embarrassment. He takes the silk cloth handed by Sun Jian and looks at it carefully. It has to be said that Xu Shu is indeed worthy of being a great God level figure in the future. This plan is very detailed, and even the number of troops that should be displayed in counties like Linchuan and Luling in the hinterland of Jiangdong is clearly marked.

Chen Ren stood there and looked carefully, while Sun Jian and others were not in a hurry. On the way back from the military camp, the new civil and military officials had been warned by Xu Chu and Tai Shici. In addition, Xu Sheng, who was following him, made a typical negative teaching material. All these originally defiant guys were obedient to Chen Ren. About half an hour later, Chen Ren took a long sigh of relief and put away the silk cloth.Chen Ren hugged Sun Jian, then turned to Xu Shu and said, "Yuanzhi, I have some questions to ask."

Xu Shu quickly arched his hand and said, "governor, please tell me, but I dare not ask for advice."

Chen Ren smile: "Yuanzhi do not have to be restrained, I just don't know about your plan." After that, Chen Ren opened the silk cloth again and read: "100000 new navy soldiers are stationed in Chaisang water village, 30000 old water troops are stationed in Chaohu Lake, and 20000 troops are stationed in Dongting Lake. I don't know why Yuanzhi will make this arrangement? "

Xu Shu spent a lot of energy on the military planning this time, so Xu Shu opened his mouth and said, "100000 new soldiers are stationed in Chaisang water village and trained by General Huang and general Gan. Thirty thousand Elite Water troops were stationed in Chaohu to guard against Yuzhou. Although Yangzhou was temporarily subject to Dongwu, it was not completely owned. Moreover, the Yangtze River has a long water line. Therefore, I will arrange more troops here. There are 20000 troops stationed in Dongting Lake to guard against Jingzhou. But after all, after the last battle, Jingzhou's troops have been greatly reduced. 20000 water troops are enough! "

Chen Ren frowned suddenly, and then continued to ask, "Yuanzhi, why is Jianye's military force as high as 100000 elite? But such important towns as Changsha and Yuzhang are only 5000 to 10000? "

On this point, Xu Shu immediately got a little tongue tied. This is not because Xu Shu didn't know the reason, but because Xu Shu arranged it in order to safeguard Sun Jian's ruling point of view. Which King of all dynasties did not firmly grasp the military power! But we all know this kind of thing. Who will bring it out again.

Chen Ren's brow was even tighter. Although Xu Shu didn't answer, he immediately guessed the answer from Xu Shu's appearance, which made Chen Ren a little dissatisfied with Xu Shu. However, when he thought that Xu Shu was still young, he could be forgiven for some problems. However, Chen Ren made up his mind to correct Xu Shu's thoughts.

Thinking of this, Chen Ren immediately hugged Sun Jian and said, "Lord! My subordinates do not agree with the military plan made by the Lord Bo Xushu! " Chen Ren did not address Xu Shu as usual, but directly used his official position. This shows that Chen Ren attaches great importance to this proposal, and Sun Jian also plays up his spirit and listens carefully.

"Oh?" Sun Jian thought it was a little unexpected. Sun Jian had read the plan yesterday and thought it was good. Why would Chen Ren disagree? He immediately asked, "what's your opinion, I'd better say it and listen to it."

Chen Ren was not polite, and immediately replied, "first of all, the allocation of the Navy! All the 100000 recruits are stationed in Chaisang. Although it is convenient for General Huang and general Gan to train, the navy is different from the infantry. Only by operating in various waters can we understand the characteristics of various waters and the power of the navy can be more powerful. His subordinates believe that the 100000 recruits should be divided into 12 teams, leaving one team to train in Chaisang every month, and the remaining 11 teams should be distributed to the cities and counties along the river. Moreover, since general Gan abandoned the secret and turned to the light, there have been a lot of water thieves on the Yangtze River. This new soldier can patrol the Yangtze River and increase the actual combat experience of the new soldiers! "

Sun Jian nodded slightly, while Xu Shu was lost in thought. Chen Ren's method of mobile training from later generations of the army was more useful than staying in one place. Chen Ren continued: "there is also the problem of the garrison of the water troops in Chaohu Lake and Dongting Lake. Xu Zhubo's concern is not unreasonable. However, even if Yangzhou is rebellious, Yuzhou and Yangzhou are good at land warfare, and they are not familiar with water warfare. With the natural danger of the Yangtze River, ten thousand water troops are enough! However, Jingzhou is different. Although the strength of Jingzhou has been greatly weakened, Jingzhou people are good at water, and Jingzhou's water army is famous all over the world. Although the main reason for the defeat of Jingzhou was the military plan of Han general, it was that Liu Biao did not use the water force, and the Jingzhou Navy did not shake the root. Therefore, we should arrange the troops on the Dongting Lake properly! "

After Chen Ren's analysis, Sun Jian kept his head on. Xu Shu was already blushing, but he didn't mean to resent Chen Ren at all. What Chen Ren said was indeed a matter. Xu Shu didn't consider the problem of Jingzhou water army when he made the plan, which made Xu Shu regret.

Chen Ren stopped for a moment. What he was going to say was the key point. He had to think about it carefully and organize his words to say it again.