Chen Ren's eyes are shining again, OK! That's enough. Good wine, isn't it? In this era, who can make a better wine than Chen Ren's? Chen Ren immediately assigned Zhuge Liang a task, that is, after returning to Jiangdong, no matter what method Zhuge Liang used, he would bring Pang Tong to Sun Jian's account!

Zhuge Liang was immediately stupefied. Zhuge Liang knew something about Pang Tong's temperament. On the surface, he was unruly, but in fact he was quite stubborn. If Pang Tong didn't want to, no one would persuade him. Zhuge Liang quickly grabbed Chen Ren and said, "Mr. Chen! Governor Chen! I can't do this task

Chen Yiyi said impatiently, "don't you say Pang Tong likes good wine and delicious food? As long as you can recruit Pang Tong, I will have enough wine in my house! okay! That's it! I have to prepare to leave for Pengcheng tomorrow. There is a lot of work to do! " After that, he opened Zhuge Liang's hand, pushed open the door, and walked out in a big stride, leaving Zhuge Liang alone in the room laughing bitterly.

A few days later, a message began to spread in Jingzhou district that Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou, did not come forward to manage the military and political affairs during this period because Liu Biao had died. It is the Cai family and the Kuai family who are in charge of the military and political power in Jingzhou!

In the conference hall of the governor's office in Jiangxia City, several people were sitting on their seats with gloomy faces. The man sitting at the top of the table, about 40 years old, is a little rich, but his face is full of beard, which adds a bit of ferocity to this man. He is the governor of Jiangxia, Huang Zu.

At the bottom of Huang Zu, there are still three people sitting. On his right hand side are two middle-aged generals, Chen Zai and Deng long. The young man on the left is Huang Zu's only son, Huang Zhe. Although his face is similar to Huang Zu, he does not have as many beards as Huang Zu.

"Father Huang Zhe, Huang Zu's son, first spoke, "now Jingxiang is spreading the news that Liu Jingzhou was killed. It seems that it is not true. His father holds a heavy army in Jingzhou. The Cai family and the Kuai family have been spying on their father's military power. It is the so-called pre emptive, later controlled by others! My father should have made a decision early

Here, Deng long, with a beard and beard, also clasped his fist and said, "my Lord, what you said is true. Our close friends who stayed in Xiangyang in the past were all cut off. Later, none of the people sent to the city could enter the city. If the Cai family and the kuai family are really innocent, why do you want to close the whole city of Xiangyang with a guilty conscience?" Deng Long's opinion was also agreed by Chen on his side.

Huang Zu's eyes burst out a burst of cold light, heavily patted the desk in front of him, and fiercely said, "Liu Jingzhou has the kindness of knowing what he has met with me. How can I not repay his great revenge? Cai Mao! Kuai Liang! I will let them die without a burial place! Order it down! Point Qi Jiangxia all troops, I will personally lead troops to Xiangyang! If Liu Jingzhou has nothing to do with it, if Liu Jingzhou is really killed, I will wash the two families of CAI and Kuai with blood! "

In the Council Hall of the prefect's office in Nanjun city.

"Damn it!" Pang Ji, a middle-aged Confucian with elegant appearance and a long robe, rose to his feet. Pang Ji, the prefect of Nanjun County, said with an angry face: "Cai Mao and Kuai Liang are so bold! Zhang Hu! Chen Sheng! Is what you say true? Is Liu Jingzhou really killed? "

"My Lord!" Zhang Hu, a military general with a face full of flesh and blood, clasped his fist and said, "now Jingzhou is full of rumors. Moreover, the personnel we sent to investigate can't enter Xiangyang. Xiangyang City has been completely under martial law, and none of the garrisons guarding the city wall is the original old headquarters! It can be seen that there is a great change in Xiangyang City! "

On the other side, Chen Sheng, a gentle looking military general, also clasped his fist and said, "there is no fire without wind. My Lord, if it is not true, how can this rumor spread throughout Jingzhou?"

"Newspaper --!" At this time, a sergeant quickly came to the meeting hall and directly bowed down and said, "Sir, Lord Deng, the prefect of Wuling County, has a letter to send to you! Please read it After that, he raised a bag with both hands.

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Pang Ji shook his head and said, "no, it was Deng Xi who also heard the rumor, but he didn't have many garrisons in the city, so he didn't dare to send troops to Xiangyang to investigate, so he wrote to me to ask about the situation. If Liu Jingzhou is really killed, he will do his best to avenge Liu Jingzhou. "

"My Lord!" On the other side, Zhang Hu immediately clasped his fist and said, "since Lord Deng has also heard this rumor, it is quite true. At the end of the day, he is willing to lead the army to Xiangyang to avenge Liu Jingzhou."

Pang Ji thought of Liu Biao's kindness to him, and his eyes flashed with light from time to time. He immediately said, "good! Chen Sheng! You write with Deng Taishou quickly and make an appointment with him to send troops to Xiangyang! Zhang Hu! You and I will go to Xiangyang with two thousand elite soldiers. I will set out on the waterway with ten thousand sailors. I will ask Cai Mao and Kuai Liang to give me an account of this matter! "

Outside Nanyang City, a cavalry force of thousands of people is gathering. The leader of a general, though young, is full of scars, revealing a strong flavor. Looking at the assembled troops, the general said, "we are all Jingzhou soldiers. If Lord Liu, the governor of Jingzhou, is killed, we are just a city governor, but we are also a city governor Know loyalty and righteousness! Lord Liu was murdered innocently. As a subordinate, he should hate xuehen in the main communique! Would you like to join me in killing Xiangyang and eradicating traitors! Revenge for Liu JingzhouThousands of soldiers knelt on one knee one after another, shouting in one voice: "I wish to follow the general! Report loyalty together! Wipe out the traitors! Revenge

Wen pin yelled: "good! Everyone will follow me to Xiangyang! " After that, he took the lead to drive the mount to Xiangyang, and the thousands of cavalry followed, bringing up the dust and smoke.

Jingzhou is really chaotic.

Although Xiangyang is strictly forbidden to enter and leave, it is only aimed at other forces. For the Cai family and the Kuai family, their men and horses can still go in and out as usual. The four counties of Jingzhou have sent troops one after another. Of course, such a great news has reached the ears of Cai Mao and the Kuai family brothers. At this time, all of them gathered in the hall of Kuai's house. They were all anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"What is the matter? Who on earth has leaked the news? " Cai Mao roared angrily and angrily. Now he has got the exact news. The four county armies are gathering in Xiangyang one after another, and all along the way they are absorbing the garrison of each city. Now, in addition to the 50000 water army, there are 30000 people in the four county army. At this time, Xiangyang City, together with the new soldiers, is only 40000 garrisons.

On the other side, Kuai Liang frowned and said, "brother Deyi, don't be impatient. Now is not the time to investigate the responsibility. The four prefectures and generals have already made it clear that they want to avenge Liu Biao. What we should study next is how to deal with this situation."

"Coping? How to deal with it? " Now Cai Mao really regretted his death. How could he listen to that man's advice and give up his little sister's big revenge without even saying that he wanted to cooperate with his enemy. Now he has come to such an end.

And Kuai Yue, who was standing on the other side, also said impatiently, "now that you are so flustered, how can you do great things in the future?"

Strangely enough, as soon as he heard the word "big event" pop up from Kuai Yue's mouth, Cai Mao stopped talking more, just sat there with his head down. Kuai Liang glanced at Cai Mao, who was still pale. He shook his head gently and said, "the top priority now is to control Xiangyang City. Don't let those rumors be known by the civil and military officials in the city. Otherwise, Xiangyang City will be broken before the four counties' Army attacks."

Kuai Yue nodded his head and said, "elder brother is right. Huang Zhong and Liu Pan in this city still control part of * * and are not careless. Huang Zhong, in particular, is highly skilled in martial arts and has a high prestige in Xiangyang garrison. If he knows about Liu Biao's death, he will raise his arms, and nearly half of the garrison in Xiangyang City will rebel with him! "

Kuai Liang also agreed, but he couldn't help sighing. The pressure during this period was too great, but at this juncture, such a big thing happened again. Kuai Yue suddenly got close to Kuai Liang's ear and said, "elder brother, do you think the teacher can give us some help?"

Kuai Liang shook his head and looked at Cai Mao, who was still drooping his head. He also whispered to Kuai Yue: "I'm afraid not. Last time I met with my teacher, he said that it would take at least one month for real action. This kind of thing is not urgent. I don't want the teacher to take action in advance. If there is insufficient preparation, there will be many problems! "

Kuai Yue did not know about this problem. However, Xiangyang is facing great difficulties at present. If there is no foreign aid, Xiangyang may not be able to support him. Although he said that he should control the news and let the people in the city know about Liu Biao's death, on the day when the army attacked the city, he could not conceal it.

Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue looked at each other, bit their teeth, and regained firmness in their eyes. Since they have chosen this road, they must go on like this, because now they have no way to retreat. However, when the Kuai brothers encouraged each other, they did not find that Cai Mao, who had been drooping his head on one side, had been staring at the ground with red light from time to time.

Cai Mao said in a voice that only he could hear: "I will not die. If I want to die, I will ask all of you to bury me with me!" When he said this, Cai Mao's voice was gloomy and full of boundless chill.