Kuai Liang's words were like waves, which shocked everyone. Deng Xi felt that Kuai Liang's words had some helplessness before. At this time, when he heard Kuai Liang's words, he even felt a trace of something wrong. He immediately held Liu Pan's sword holding arm, looked at Kuai Liang tightly and said, "Kuai Liang, what's the matter? Don't you still want to say it now?"

Kuai Liang shook his head and said, "there is no difference between saying something and not saying it. It is estimated that they are about to fight."

Deng Xi felt ominous and immediately asked, "what's coming? Who's going to call? Kuai Liang! Say it

Just when Deng Xi wanted to catch Kuai Liang and ask questions, Kuai Yue on one side suddenly changed his face and fell back so straightly, and Kuai Liang's smiling mouth slowly shed a bloodstain. Pang Ji immediately exclaimed, "no! They took poison! Call the medical officer

It's a pity that everything is too late. Just when the medical officer arrived, Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue had stopped breathing forever. The two brothers, who were called Jingzhou think tanks, left the world and ended their wonderful life.

Deng Xi looked at Pang Ji. They were not as happy and cheering as Liu Pan and Huang Zu for killing the traitors who planned to plot Jingzhou. From a few words left by Kuai Liang, they knew that what they knew now was only part of a huge plot. They are waiting for the mystery to be solved, and they will soon have a mystery to solve.

After a day of bloody killing, Xiangyang City, which was under martial law for several months, finally recovered its freedom. The rebels cleaned up the streets and the remains of blood stains in the city's streets and the governor's office. In the early morning of the next day, all civil and military officials gathered in the cleaned up prefect's office to discuss the aftermath.

As the people have not come together, the officials are still talking to each other, one after another to tell their colleagues their opinions. Pang Ji saw Huang Zu, who was sitting beside him, frowning all the time. He couldn't help asking, "General Huang, but what's on your mind?"

Huang Zu took a look at Pang Ji and replied, "it's not a big deal. Didn't I ask Chen, my general, to hunt down the traitor Zhang Yun yesterday? He should have come back yesterday, but I haven't seen him back to the city until this morning. I have some doubts in my heart

"Oh! That's it It is no longer a war. Chen is a general under Huang Zu, and Pang Ji is not good at dealing with this matter. He turns to talk to an official on the other side.

After a while, a sergeant came quickly from the door and knelt down in front of Pang Ji and others and said, "my Lord, a horse appears outside the city. He is seriously injured. He claims to be Chen Cai, a senior officer under General Huang's tent."

"What!" On hearing this, Huang Zu suddenly stood up and asked, "is it Chen Jiu? Where is he now? " Huang Zu didn't understand why. He just went after Zhang Yun, who looked like a dog who lost his family. Chen took dozens of elite soldiers to go there. How could he be injured and come back.

The soldier replied, "he said that he had something important to report to you, so the villain carried him over and was right outside the door."

Pang Ji also felt something strange. He was busy and said, "bring it up quickly!"

The soldier was ordered to step back. After a while, he and another soldier carried a man in. Although the man's face was covered with blood and his body was covered with scars, Huang Zu recognized his beloved General Chen at a glance.

"Chen!" Huang Zu hurriedly came forward and asked, "what's going on? Didn't you go after Zhang Yun? How did that happen? Medical officer! Why don't you call the medical officer

Chen saw Huang Zu and said in a hoarse voice, "general, yes, there are enemies!"

"Enemy?" Pang Ji was still calm and asked, "General Chen, what enemy are you talking about?"

Chen tried to raise his head, looked at Pang Ji and said with difficulty, "yes, yes, it is too, it is peace..." Unfortunately, Chen's injury was so serious that he fainted before he finished his sentence. At this time, the medical officer has also arrived, under the command of Huang Zu, he finally carried Chen to the hospital for treatment.

Pang Ji frowned and recalled the sentence that Chen had not finished just now. Taiping? Although Pang Ji didn't want to understand, he still issued an order. Xiangyang City was in a defensive state. The rebels and Xiangyang City had more than 100000 defenders, but they were not afraid of the other side's attack.

On the next day, Pang Ji and other people finally solved the mystery. As the sky shaking drum came from outside the city again, Pang Ji and other officials of Jingzhou, civil and military, boarded the city. However, when they saw the scenery outside the city, they all took a cold breath.

There were at least 200000 or 300000 people outside the city, all dressed in yellow robes and armor, with yellow turbans on their heads and sharp weapons in their hands, heading towards Xiangyang City. Behind these ordinary soldiers, there are countless flags, all of which bear the same two words "peace".

At the same time, all the officials of the older generation in the head of the city recalled the scenes that happened ten years ago. These pictures represent only one thing, that is, the Yellow turban rebellion!Twenty years ago, Zhang Jiao, a giant deer man, called himself a "great virtuous teacher". In the name of preaching and curing diseases, he preached doctrines among farmers and carried out secret activities. In more than ten years, the number of disciples reached 100000, covering the eight prefectures of Qing, Xu, you, Ji, Jing, Yang, Yan and Yu. It was divided into thirty-six sides, with more than ten thousand generous people and six or seven thousand small ones. Each side had a canal commander under his unified command. Zhang Jiao widely spread the prophecy that "heaven is dead, Huangtian should be established, the year is Jiazi, the world is lucky". He also wrote "Jiazi" on the doors of all government offices as a signal to launch an uprising. At the beginning of the zhongpingyuan period, Zhang Jiao ordered an uprising on March 5 at the same time. However, one month before the scheduled start of the incident, Zhang Jiao sent people to inform all parties to advance the uprising because of the traitors' report. So the thirty-six parties all rose up at one time, and the crowd reached hundreds of thousands. Zhang Jiao called himself "Tiangong general", his younger brother Zhang Bao called "Digong general", and Zhang Liang called "rengong general". Within ten days, the whole world responded and the capital was shocked.

The occurrence of the Yellow turban rebellion directly led to the disintegration of the Han Dynasty's control over the local areas, and also led to the current situation in which there were so many heroes. Jingzhou can be said to be one of the earliest areas where the Yellow turban rebellion took place. At that time, Dafang Ma Yuanyi was preparing troops in Jingzhou and Yangzhou. As a result, Ma Yuanyi was cracked by a car because of the traitor's report in Tang and Zhou dynasties. The Yellow turban army assembled in Jingzhou also fell into chaos, but it also brought great damage to Jingzhou.

Although the Yellow turban rebellion was later subsided, the officials who participated in the rebellion never forget the shock they brought to them in their lifetime. In fact, the Yellow turban bandits who are rioting in various places are actually the peripheral forces of the Yellow turban army, and they are all ordinary people who can't make a living. However, the real yellow turban army is an army that has been thoroughly civilized by Zhang Jiao's Taiping doctrine. The spirit of treating death as if returning home has caused great damage to the well-equipped Han army. If Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow turban army, had not died, the Han army would not have been able to pacify the war.

Ten years later, the "peace" flag of the Yellow turban army, which had faded out of people's mind, appeared again in the eyes of Jingzhou civil and military officials, bringing them not only shock, but also panic.

"What's the matter? Where did the yellow scarf army come from? The Yellow turban army has been completely wiped out Pang Ji on the head of the city can no longer maintain his usual calm, pointing to the outside of the city with trembling fingers and shouting.

And Huang Zu is also full of panic to one side of the soldiers in a daze and yelled: "quick! Come on! Blow the horn! Blow the battle horn

The soldiers woke up like a dream and ran to the place where the battle corner was located. The next moment, the melodious sound of the battle horn blew again and cut through the sky.

Outside Pengcheng City, Xuzhou, night had already fallen, and the 100000 new army led by Chen Ren had quietly arrived in the city. From MI Zhen, all the generals have known that the new army is absolutely superior to the garrison in Pengcheng, so many leaders advocate a strong attack on Pengcheng. However, Chen Ren did not want to do so. The reason is very simple. Although a strong attack can easily capture Pengcheng, the troops of the new army participating in the siege must have certain losses. Every new army soldier is Chen Ren's treasure, but Chen Ren is reluctant to give up.

Since the strong attack gave up, Chen Ren had to go to MI Zhen. He didn't believe that the MI family, as a big family in Xuzhou, did not have a secret way to get in and out of Xuzhou. Otherwise, how did Mi Zhen escape from the heavily guarded Pengcheng?

Just after setting up the camp, Chen Ren found Mi Zhen's camp on his own. The two strong men just blocked him symbolically and put Chen Ren in. All of these benefited from Chen Ren and Mi Zhen's good performance of being alone for several times. After entering the camp, Chen Ren directly opened the door and said, "I want the secret way for your mi family to enter the city."

Seeing that the army has arrived in Pengcheng, the people will soon be saved. Mi Zhen is very happy now. Seeing Chen Ren with a smile on her face, she did not expect that Chen Ren would jump out of her mouth and frighten Mi Zhen.

Of course, Chen rentu's is the effect, a smile said: "what's the matter? Don't tell me that you don't know the location of this secret way, and don't lie to me that there is no secret way. We are all smart people and should speak in a smart way. "

Mi Zhen really did not want to cheat Chen Ren. From her contacts these days, she has fully realized that Chen Ren is not just a simple minded Wufu like the rumor said. After thinking a little, MI Zhen looked at Chen Ren and said, "this secret road is the last guarantee of MI family. I can't tell you. In fact, with the strength of the general's army, it's easy to defeat Pengcheng. Why rely on this secret way? "