"Look at the gun!" Just as XiahouDun was shocked, a thunder like roar was heard, and a long gun was stabbed directly at XiahouDun with lightning speed.

Who was Xia Houdun? At a glance, we could see that this gun was not in the same order as those of the soldiers who had been fighting with him. This was the real general of the enemy, who immediately took up the spirit of twelve points and waved his gun to meet him.


There was a clear crash, and the two guns were fired at the same time, and XiahouDun clearly felt that the strength of the gun was not much less than that of himself. At this time, the soldiers around Xia Houdun had already retreated to look for other defenders to fight. In front of Xia Houdun, a general came slowly with a gun in his hand. His face was dark, and there was a long scar on his left cheek. It was Ling Cao, the leader of the Dragon general camp.

Ling Cao's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at XiahouDun and asked coldly, "XiahouDun?"

Xia Hou Dun tightly grasped the steel gun in his hands, nodded to Ling Cao and asked, "who are you?"

Ling Cao danced the spear in his hand and directly put on an offensive posture. He said, "Ling Cao, leader of the Dragon general camp of the new Dongwu army!"

"Ling Cao?" Xia Houdun remembered the name, and from his posture alone, we could see that Ling Cao was not much worse than himself. A military general who has never heard of such a powerful force. What about Ganning, taishici, xuchu and other famous generals of the eastern Wu? What's more, there is an invincible dragon General Chen Ren on top of them! Xia Houdun could not imagine the strength of Dongwu. Originally he was determined to survive with Pengcheng, but now XiahouDun is ready to keep his life. He must return to Cao Cao alive and tell him all this.

However, Ling Cao didn't think of Xia Houdun's small calculation. Although the shot just showed that Xia Houdun's strength was better than himself, as the leader of the Dragon general camp, Ling Cao was not so simple as to admit defeat.

"Look at the gun!" Ling Cao shouts again, his spear stabs at Xia Houdun like a dragon. Xia Houdun's spear is one of those very strong. Facing Ling Cao's spear, he simply blows the gun against each other. The two spears collide again, and even a spark is made in the dark. Soon, these isolated sparks become a large area, at the same time, dense percussion sound also sounded. In just such a blink of an eye, the two sides met more than ten times.

Ling Cao's expression seems more excited, even the scar on his left cheek is slightly reddish. On the contrary, Xia Houdun, who had already retreated in his heart, was becoming more and more dignified. There were more and more shouts and screams around him. XiahouDun did not think that the screams would be made by the soldiers of the other side. After seeing the soldiers' strength, XiahouDun had no expectation of his own soldiers. Obviously, in a short period of time, I don't want to defeat Ling Cao, who is more and more brave in Vietnam. It seems that he has to strike the battle and escape. Otherwise, when the other side has completely eliminated the defenders, he will not be able to escape even if he has great ability.

Xia Houdun, who had made up his mind, suddenly shot out his gun, but only made a false stab at Ling, and turned around and left. How did Ling Cao think that a general like Xia Houdun would shrink back in the face of the battle. He was stunned, and immediately ran after him with his gun. However, he was so stunned that he was mixed into the fighting crowd by Xia Houdun. With the dim night, he lost his sight in a blink of an eye. Ling Cao was so angry that he took out his anger at Cao Jun around him.

With Xia Houdun's escape, Cao's army had begun to show defeat. There was no way to deal with the number of people, the number of soldiers, and the quality of individual soldiers. Before dawn, those Cao troops had been killed and defeated. However, this time, it was different from the last time Zhao Yun captured Huaiyin City. Taking Pengcheng meant taking Xuzhou, and Ling Cao did not take care of the fleeing Cao army. He ordered to open the gate to welcome Chen Ren's army into the city.

In October of the fifth year of Chuping, the Han Dynasty, which had just turned into tranquility, was once again shaken.

First of all, a hundred thousand new army led by Chen Ren, the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty, marched into Xuzhou and captured several counties in Xuzhou. This not only reminds people of the Dragon general who is known as the first general in the world, but also shows the power of the Jiangdong army, which has been silent for a year. In this war, Chen Ren's calculation of the damage to the new army was negligible. After losing Pengcheng, Cao Cao simply recalled his Garrison in Xiaopei and xiapi, which was tantamount to giving up the whole Xuzhou.

Of course, the war in Xuzhou was just a small episode. The change in Jingzhou was the first to shock the world. The Yellow turban rebellion is on such a large scale that those who participated in the rebellion recalled the earth shaking battle ten years ago. However, compared with ten years ago, the Yellow turban rebellion only took place in Jingzhou, and it happened more suddenly than the previous one. No one knows who the leader of the Yellow turban rebellion was, nor what the relationship between the Yellow turban army and the Yellow turban army led by Zhang Jiao was.

However, the Yellow turban rebellion happened at the right time. Before that, great changes took place in Xiangyang, the capital of Jingzhou governor. Liu Biao was secretly killed by his subordinates Cai Mao and Kuai Liang, leading the four Jingzhou prefectures to go to Xiangyang as the garrison of Jingzhou. However, after the Jingzhou garrison general successfully removed the anti thieves who murdered Liu Biao, the Yellow turban rebellion took place, because the garrison troops of all cities and counties were transferred away, and the attack of the Yellow turban army was very smooth. In Jingzhou, except Changsha, Lingling and Guiyang, which were occupied by Sun Jian a few years ago, the other four counties were occupied by the Yellow turban army.Although Xiangyang, the capital of Jingzhou, was severely attacked by the Huangjin army, because the forces of the four prefectures gathered before, Xiangyang City could be said to have concentrated all the troops of Jingzhou, and finally kept the last isolated city for the Han Dynasty.

Half a month after the outbreak of the Yellow turban rebellion, Dongwu, which was adjacent to Jingzhou, finally started again. First, Huang Gai, the commander of the Dongwu Navy, led the Dongwu navy to directly attack Jiangxia, the important town of Jingzhou. Because the Jingzhou water army had been transferred away by Huang Zu, the governor of Jiangxia, the Yellow turban army left behind in Jiangxia was no more than tens of thousands. How could it be Huang Gai's opponent“ Sun ce of "little overlord" once again showed that he was as brave as Sun Jian at that time. He cut off the head of Jiangxia yellow turban army and made his first merit, which makes people sigh that tiger father has no dog son.

Yuan Shu, who wanted to invade Jingzhou with the help of the Yellow turban rebellion, had just sent troops to fight back by Huang Gai's navy. He told the other princes in the Central Plains clearly that the affairs of Jingzhou were under the control of others, so others should not interfere! Then, Huang Gai went up along the Yangtze River and directly captured Nanyang County, which showed everyone the sharpness of the Dongwu water army. At the same time, he also warned all the princes in the central plains that they would be surnamed sun from now on along the Yangtze River!

At the same time, Cheng Pu, the prefect of Changsha, sent troops from Changsha to take Wuling for the first time. In the first World War of Wuling, Cheng Pu led his army to lure the snake out of the cave, luring the remaining generals of Wuling city. With a single fire, tens of thousands of Huangjin troops were killed and Wuling was captured successfully.

The two battles of Dongwu in Jingzhou were very beautiful. In addition to the first battle in Xuzhou, all the princes in the world had a feeling that Sun Jian, the domineering tiger from the east of the Yangtze River, was about to come out again.

The Yellow turban army, which had been attacking Xiangyang for a long time, also saw the power of Sun Jian's army, and drew back hundreds of thousands of troops back to Nanjun. It also relieved the defenders of Xiangyang City, which had been besieged for half a month. Since then, the small Jingzhou City has occupied three major forces.

In Dongjun city of Yanzhou, in the meeting hall of the official residence, Cao Cao and a number of civil and military officials all sat down in the first and second place. Among the civil and military officials, Xia Houdun tied his hands and knelt down directly in front of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao looked at Xia Houdun with some amusement and said, "Yuan rang, what are you doing?"

Xia Hou Dun replied in a dull voice, "my Lord! At the end of the day, there will be no hope of the owner. Xuzhou, who is the main bus to the general, has been lost by the end of the bus! Not only that, but also defeat the enemy at the expense of the enemy, and at the end of the day, he deserves to die! "

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Yuan rang, Yuan rang! You are still so straightforward! Get up, this battle in Xuzhou is not a mistake! Chen Ren personally led a hundred thousand troops, and the MI family took over. No matter who was there, it was impossible for anyone to stay in Xuzhou. In fact, when Chen Ren led the army into Xuzhou, I was going to send someone to call you all back, but I still didn't have time. "

Although he had been comforted by Cao Cao, Xia Houdun was still full of shame, but Cao Cao still let Xia Houdun untie and let him go down to have a rest. One side of Cao Ren stepped out of the line, his eyes were red and he said, "Lord! Please allow the last general to go out and take back Xuzhou! "

Cao Chun, who was shot dead by Zhao Yun in Huaiyin City, is Cao Ren's brother, which is the reason why Cao Ren is eager to fight. One of the actors immediately got up, arched his hands and said, "general Cao, don't be angry. Although general Cao Chun's death, we are all very sad. But now the Lord's army can't compete with Chen Ren's army in Xuzhou. I hope general Cao can think twice about it

Cao Cao also advised: "Zixiao! Sir, you have a point! We can't report Zihe's hatred for the time being, and it's just a white sacrifice if we go. But it doesn't mean that we won't take revenge. Let's just remember that sooner or later, we'll have to repay Dongwu a hundred times! "

Cao Ren also knew that Cao Cao was telling the truth, and that the fight just now was just his impulse. Cao Ren was also a wise general in Cao Cao's Ministry. How could he not distinguish between the strong and the weak. Now, Cao Cao and the playwright's advice is just to give Cao Ren a step down, and Cao Ren angrily returns to his seat.