Although he had been boasting of cutting Chen Ren's head before the war, Li Ji, a general of the Yellow turban army, was not a fool. He also knew that Chen Ren, who was able to make such a big name, was definitely not what a second-class general like him could deal with. The Yellow turban army is not an army that is good at fighting in front of the battle. It does not have much reputation. It just attacks the enemy directly according to its formation.

However, Chen Ren naturally guessed this point. With a wave of his sword, thunderstorms on both wings began to rush towards the enemy under the leadership of Zhao Yun. However, the impact was not to show the impact of the cavalry. Just a hundred paces away from the enemy's array, Zhao Yun suddenly waved his spear, and thunderstorm riders began to slide on both sides. Just as the generals of the Yellow turban Army thought that the cavalry was afraid of the overwhelming yellow turban army and retreated. Bursts of black arrows from the hands of the cavalry, directly cut off their laughter.

It's the gatekeeper skill of thunderstorm riding! At this time, the riding and shooting skills of thunderstorm riders were more proficient than those in previous months. After the baptism of Xuzhou war, these cavalry had seen blood, and their arrows were more sharp. After the rain of arrows fell, the square formation of the yellow scarf army suddenly became incomplete, with at least 30000 people missing.

At this time, it reflected the difference of general level. The general of the yellow scarf army looked at the cavalry who were rushing by in a daze. When they responded that they wanted to fight back with archers, thunderstorm riders had already returned with the fruits of victory.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Looking at the fight just now, let the other side eat such a big dumb loss, Chen Ren very lack of temperament to laugh, although more than 30000 people were reduced, for the other side's 300000 army may not be much, but this really greatly hit the momentum of the other side's soldiers. One of the biggest advantages of the Yellow turban army is not its number, but the military's momentum of forgetting life and death. When Chen Ren planned the strategy to deal with the Yellow turban army, he first thought about attacking the momentum of the Yellow turban army. Now it is half done.

"Damn it!" Li Ji, a general of the Yellow turban army, was so angry by Zhao Yun's hit and run tactics that he waved his whip in his hand and roared: "go ahead! Fast forward! They must be broken to pieces

Just as thunderstorm riders had already rushed back to the military array, Ding Feng had already ordered his Feixing battalion to bow and arrow. Now, the formation listed by Feixing battalion is a continuous firing formation, because the range of this formation is much longer than that of salvo formation, and the efficiency of killing each other quickly is much faster.

"Hold on! Hold on Ding Feng's eyes were fixed on the front soldiers of the Yellow turban army. He silently calculated the range in his heart. Suddenly, he said, "shoot!"

With Ding Feng's violent drinking, thousands of arrows flew away behind him, and the several arrows behind Ding Feng simply wiped the cheeks on both sides of Ding Feng and flew out.

The arrows shot at the Yellow turban army in the opposite direction like a meteor, and suddenly thousands of them fell down as if they had been harvested rice and wheat. Besides, when they are close to each other, they can't shorten the distance between the bows and the bows. After all, they can't control the number of archers when they're close to each other. After all, they can't control the number of archers when they're close to each other. After all, they can't control the number of archers when they're close to each other The second sex can only shoot thousands of people. The Yellow turban army has nothing to compare with, that is, there are more people!.

However, the generals of the Yellow turban army did not know that the archer troops in front of them were different. Before the words that they drove the soldiers forward, a row of neat arrows shot at their own troops. In a flash, thousands of soldiers fell down again.

Ding Feng and his flying star battalion did not stop at all. After shooting, a row of shooters quickly withdrew back, and then the next row of shooters was ready. This kind of continuous shooting is different from the continuous firing method of other archers in this era. Archer troops, which have always been regarded as Garrison and ambush arms, began to become an attack weapon no inferior to cavalry in Chen Ren's hands.

Good! Chen Ren clenched his fist tightly. Maybe your yellow turban army can be regarded as an excellent teacher against other armies, but the army trained by Chen Ren will still be weak!

Yan Fei, the general who has been following Li Ji's back, frowned. This situation is not what he wants to see. Although thousands of soldiers are nothing to the 300000 army, there are more than thousands of people who are afraid of losing under this bow and arrow attack. Including the magic shooting skill of the opposing cavalry, now there are more than 50000 yellow turban soldiers lost under the opponent's arrows, which is one seventh of the total number of the Yellow turban army, and it is not close to the other party at all.

Yanfei immediately went to Li Ji's side and leaned over to say a few words in Li Ji's ear. Li Ji recovered from his impulse. After a discussion, they immediately ordered that the Yellow turban army in the center should all move closer to both sides, avoiding the attack of the central Archer, and attacking from both wings.

Obviously, Chen Ren saw the change of the Yellow turban army in his eyes. Chen Ren was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were some talents in the Yellow turban army! However, Chen Ren did not panic because of the other side's change. How could he remain unchanged when he was planning his strategy? Looking at the two wings of the other side because of the excessive concentration of forces, Chen Ren once again showed a cruel smile, raised his right hand and made a gesture."Thunderstorm ride!" As soon as Zhao Yun, who had just set up his formation, saw Chen Ren's gesture, he immediately raised his spear again and cheered. All the cavalry of thunderstorm riding followed the general who ran out, and started to sprint towards each other's crowded wings. And the long Jiang camp, who has been on standby, is also following the horse's hooves of thunderstorm.

"Come on! Come on! Stand by! Hold up the shield! Raise your shield As soon as the ghost like cavalry attacked again, the Yellow turban army, which had intended to call in archers to fight back, found that because the army was too crowded, it could not make effective resistance at all, and only ordered to raise its shield to defend the other side's cavalry attack.

However, this time, the Yellow turban army was wrong in its estimation. What the thunderstorm riders were going to carry out this time was not just the riding and shooting attack. Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, all the thunderstorm riders accelerated their speed and stabbed directly into the formation of the Yellow turban army.

This is the first time that the two sides have handed over short soldiers since the beginning of the war of self-defense. Unfortunately, because of the wrong judgment of the general of the Yellow turban army, the Yellow turban army holding up its shield and the swift and violent cavalry coming from it can only become a one-sided massacre. Although the soldiers of the Yellow turban army have shields for defense, the defense of the shield can be ignored in the face of the impact of the extremely fast cavalry. Countless yellow turban soldiers are trampled by horses' hooves, and many soldiers are directly hit and fly. However, more and more yellow turban soldiers are killed under their long guns.

Of course, the cavalry are not without loss. After all, they are facing those fanatical soldiers who put life and death outside and are brainwashed by religion. In the process of galloping, some cavalry are thrown off their horses by the Yellow turban army. Although these cavalry are good soldiers even when they get off the horse, they do not have the impact of mount and face hundreds of times their own The enemy still lost his life. However, this situation is still a small number. Most of the cavalry successfully broke into the enemy's formation, and under the leadership of the general, before the impact force completely disappeared, they rushed out again from both sides, just like drawing two beautiful arcs on the two wings of the other side.

Those soldiers of the Yellow turban army who escaped the thunderstorm did not mean that they had escaped a disaster. Facing them, it was the strongest force in the new army, the Dragon general camp!

Before the survivors of the disaster, the Yellow turban soldiers looked back at the thunderstorm, and their bodies were again hit by rows of sharp guns. The Dragon divided the battalion into two rows, facing the Yellow turban army. His eyes were red and red, and he repeatedly stabbed, retracted, stabbed, and retracted. The soldiers of the Yellow turban army fell under the gun of the Dragon general's camp when they could not even use the strength of counterattack. The Dragon generals on both sides of the camp were like two huge meat mincing machines, devouring the lives of the soldiers of the Yellow turban army.

"I can't go on like this!" Li Ji and Yan Fei looked at each other, but they didn't look like fighters full of fighting spirit. Instead, they were two gamblers who lost their eyes. Just by visual inspection, the yellow scarf army has lost at least 100000 people, which has shrunk by a third. The other side, however, only paid the price of hundreds of cavalry and some arrows.

"Only retreat!" Li Ji saw that the army was still engulfed by the dragon's camp, and had lost its fighting spirit.

"No! No retreat! storm! Give it back to me Yan Fei, on the other side, was firmly opposed to Li Ji's idea. Now that he retreated, all the sacrifices he had suffered in order to attack the other side's formation were in vain. Moreover, for the yellow scarf army, the morale would drop to a low point. At present, there is only one way to go, that is to rush forward! Although the enemy's gun array is powerful, after all, the strength of the soldiers is limited. Even if they take their lives to fill in, they have to break down the defense lines of the other side.

"Did you just watch the heavenly army being slaughtered by the Han army? no way! I have been appointed as the commander in chief before the Duke of Germany, and I have decided to withdraw! " Ricky roared, with a thick neck.

Chen Ren looked at the two generals in the dispute and narrowed his eyes. It seemed that it was the middle-aged general who made the Yellow turban army temporarily change the array. It was a correct judgment! Chen Ren immediately picked up the iron bodied bow and arrow specially made for him from the horse's back, aimed at the middle-aged general and shot it. It was because he was a rare commander in the Yellow turban army that he was not allowed to stay! This is war, there is no justice and rules to speak of!