As for the promise of the playwright, Ju gave no answer. He just asked him to take him down. When Cao Jun released Yuan Shao's family, he would recognize Cao Cao as the main one. It is not difficult to teach, so he has to rest with him. Since Tian Feng had promised to surrender to Cao Cao, Xi Zhicai sent someone to send Tian Feng back to Yanzhou. The next thing was to see if Cao Cao could make Tian Feng admire him. However, Xi Zhicai was very confident in Cao Cao.

In this way, Xi Zhicai's goal of attacking Jizhou this time has been fully realized. As for Yuan Shao's reaction, Xi Zhicai is not worried at all. As long as Yuan Shao has a little consciousness of being a vassal, he will not risk being attacked by Gongsun Zan and raise troops to attack. Moreover, after that, the dramatists would release Yuan Shao's family members, which was a step down for Yuan Shao, waiting for Cao Cao to consolidate the newly occupied territory of Jizhou, and the rest was to eat Yuan Shao step by step.

When he saw the big "Yuan" character on the wall behind the upper seat, he kept sneering.

As spring goes by and autumn comes, the four seasons rotate. Suddenly, a whole year passes, and the Central Plains usher in the autumn of the sixth year of Chuping.

In the west capital of Chang'an City, there is a chill atmosphere, and there is no prosperous scene of people coming and going on the streets. Instead, there are empty streets, the autumn wind blowing slowly, blowing up many dead leaves on the street, adding a few depression.

In the largest prime minister's office in the city, countless armored soldiers guarded every corner of the house. Their weapons were emitting cold light, which made the domestic servants and maids running around the mansion with their heads down and did not dare to speak more.

In the meeting hall, Dong Zhuo's important figures at all levels were gathered, including Li Ru, the son-in-law of Dong Zhuo, the first think-tank of Dong Zhuo's account, Niu Fu, another son-in-law of Dong Zhuo, Lv Bu, the God of war, Xu Rong, Dong min, Dong min, Dong Huang, Zhang Ji, Zhang Xiu, Yang Feng, Guo Si, Li Su and fan Cong and others are important subordinates of Dong Zhuo's account. Now they all gather together, but only because of one thing, that is, Dong Zhuo is in critical condition.

Although Dong Zhuo was very strong in the past, he had not joined the army for a long time since he entered Luoyang, and his body gradually became fat. In addition, Dong Zhuo indulges in wine and lust every day and consumes a lot of energy. Since moving his capital to Chang'an, the princes of all walks of life have dispersed. Dong Zhuo has no threat and is even more unscrupulous. Now his body has been hollowed out by wine and lust. He fell in the garden last month and has been in a coma.

Niu Fu walked around the hall anxiously and looked outside from time to time. They were all men. It was not good to enter Dong Zhuo's backyard. Although Niu Fu and Li Ru are Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, and Dong min and Dong Huang are Dong Zhuo's blood relatives, they are not convenient after all, so they wait here. Among these people, the most anxious one is the cow.

Niu Fu was an orphan brought up by Dong Zhuo when he was a child. Dong Zhuo betrothed his eldest daughter to him. Niu Fu was like a biological child to Dong Zhuoshi. Now he heard that Dong Zhuo was critically ill. How could he not be in a hurry. Li Ru, who was equally anxious with him, was in the same situation. However, Li Ru was always soft-natured. Although he was as nervous about Dong Zhuo's illness as Niu Fu, he did not show it. He just sat quietly on his seat.

"General Niu Fu!" Dong Huang, sitting on the other side, said, "don't walk around here. It's annoying to watch." In fact, among people, if you really want to say happy, I'm afraid it's Dong Huang. He is Dong Zhuo's eldest brother, Dong Tuo's son. Dong Tuo died early. Dong Huang was brought up by Dong Zhuo since he was a child. Dong Zhuo had a son, but he was killed in the war, leaving Dong Zhuo with only one granddaughter.

Dong Zhuo's younger brother, Dong min, has no intention of power. Both of his sons-in-law can only be regarded as outsiders. As for Lv Bu, everyone knows that the name of the adopted son is just a means to win over. And Dong Zhuo treats Dong Tuo as his own child. If Dong Zhuo dies, then Dong Huang is likely to succeed him. At the thought that he could replace Dong Zhuo as the overlord in the pass, Dong Huang was very happy in his heart, but he had to put on a sad look on his face.

Being said by Dong Huang, Niu Fu's hot temper was about to break out. He immediately widened his eyes and said, "Dong Huang! How dare you talk to me like that? You don't believe me

Under the protection of Dong Zhuo, Dong Huang has never seen blood, let alone go to the battlefield. Where can he compare with Niu Fu's fighting with foreigners every day in Xiliang, he has a strong smell of blood on his body. Once he drinks it, he becomes murderous. Dong Huang was immediately frightened by the murderous air on Niu Fu's body. He trembled all over his body, and his face was pale. He did not dare to say a word.

"Niu Fu, don't make trouble!" A soft voice came. After hearing this, Niu Fu obediently put away his murderous spirit. What can make Niu Fu so obedient is Li Ru, except Dong Zhuo. Li Ru frowned and looked at Dong Huang, whose face was slightly better. What was in Dong Huang's mind? How could he not know. But Li Ru didn't say anything. If Dong Zhuo really couldn't stand it, it would be dong Huang who could take over Dong Zhuo's position. Although Li Ru didn't want Dong Zhuo to die, as a counselor, he had to take all the circumstances into consideration. However, Dong Huang's performance just now disappointed Li Ru.In terms of force, there are so many powerful generals on the scene, but they are not first-class heroes. In terms of wisdom, Li Ru thought that he was not inferior to all the counsellors in the world. If Dong Huang takes over the position of Dong Zhuo, there is no need for him to have outstanding performance in both aspects. However, Dong Huang must have a certain courage and color. If he does not have courage, he may not be able to control these rebellious generals. Don't even frighten him to death if he's scared to death!

Li Ru shook his head slightly. This Dong Huang can't stand! Just when Dong Huang was still dreaming about his prestige after he ascended the throne of Dong Zhuo, he did not know what he had just done. Li Ru had already excluded him from the list of successors. Li Ru raised his head and looked at the same anxious Dong min, but he shook his head again. Although Dong min was Dong Zhuo's brother, he was totally different from Dong Zhuo in character. He always did not like power. He only liked fighting from the soldiers. He never looked for a house in the city like other generals. He still lives in the military camp.

But in Dong Zhuo's line, after removing these two men, there will be no more males. Do you want to support cattle? Li Ru still frowned and shook his head. Niu Fu was brave and brave, but like himself, he was an outsider. If you support cattle, I'm afraid there will be chaos in this pass!

Li Ru had a headache all at once. When Dong Zhuo was ill, all kinds of problems could not be solved. While Xu Rong, who was also sitting opposite Li Ru, looked at Li Ru's frown and kept shaking his head. When he thought about it, he knew what Li Ru was having a headache. But he did not have any way. Xu Rong was also concerned about Dong Zhuo's successor in case of death.

However, different from Li Ru's direction, Xu Rong, as Dong Zhuo's most capable general, thought about military issues. Today, there are two main factions under Dong Zhuo's tent: the Bingzhou Army Faction under the command of Lv Bu and the Xiliang Army Faction under the command of Xu Rong and other generals. Since the Bingzhou army joined Dong Zhuo with Lv Bu, it has always been incompatible with the Xiliang army. Only by Dong Zhuo's personal ability can the two factions be suppressed. Even in the Xiliang army, they had different ideas. If Dong Zhuo's successor did not have Dong Zhuo's courage, then Dong Zhuo's powerful military force would collapse immediately.

Moreover, a year ago, Sun Jian of Jiangdong had unified Jingzhou, and his power began to be adjacent to Dong Zhuo's current power. Sun Jian, the fierce tiger in the east of the Yangtze River, is the only vassal in the world who can match the strength of Dong Zhuo. Moreover, Chen Ren, the Dragon general under his command, is even more powerful than Lv Bu. With him, the greatest advantage of Dong Zhuo's army over other princes will be lost. In recent years, Dong Zhuo is content with pleasure, but he has missed the best opportunity to expand his power. If he is replaced by a strong successor, he may be able to fight with Sun Jian, but if he is replaced by a person like Dong Huang, it will be miserable.

Like Li Ru, Xu Rong is not optimistic about Dong Huang. Dong Huang is not so bad among Dong Zhuo's ministries. In this hall, the most peaceful one is Lu Bu. For him, he turned to Dong Zhuo because he was so powerful. If Dong Zhuo's successor was not as strong as Dong Zhuo, Lv Bu would not hesitate to leave with the Bingzhou army or replace him. In his opinion, among Dong Zhuo's subordinates, Xu Rong is the only one who still has some skills. In his opinion, the others are just a bunch of rice bags. In this world, there is only one person who can be his opponent.

Thinking of this, Lv Bu's mind came up with that thin figure, Lv Bu's hands could not help but tightly grasp. Chen Ren Chen Zici! At the beginning of the war in Wang Yun's mansion, Lv Bu could feel that Chen Ren's strength had improved again. However, Lv Bu believes that as long as he can continue to catch up with Chen Ren, sooner or later, he will be able to catch up with or even surpass Chen Ren! Lv Bu has this confidence!

At the end of the hall, there are Guo Si and Li Zhen. These two friends are getting together and talking about something. Opposite them, Yang Feng and fan Hou saw their furtive appearance. Fan Hou secretly said to Yang Feng, "you see, I always think these two guys didn't mean anything. Now the Lord is seriously ill, these two guys are ready to move!"