Dong Zhuo turned his head and looked at Dong Huang, who was shaking all the time. There was a glimmer of disappointment in his eyes. He did not know that Dong Huang had been preventing others from visiting him. But Dong Huang, after all, is the only blood left by Dong Zhuo's elder brother, and Dong Zhuo is not willing to deal with him. He turned his eyes to his two sons-in-law, who were the only two who felt gratified.

"Niu Fu!" Dong Zhuo looked at the big cow and asked, "has anyone ever forgotten my husband in Liangzhou?" Although Dong Zhuo's voice is very small, it is full of chilly.

Niu Fu bowed his head and clasped his fists and said: "father in law, please rest assured that there is a son-in-law in Xiliang. Even if it has been more than 100 years, the reputation of father-in-law is still spreading."

"Well!" Dong Zhuo turned his head and looked at Li Ru and asked, "Li Ru, is the court stable recently?"

Li Ru also bowed his head and bowed his hands and replied, "recently, the emperor and his majesty are very concerned about his father-in-law's body. However, his son-in-law has already explained to everyone that although his father-in-law can take care of his illness at ease, there is nothing wrong with the court."

Dong Zhuo nodded. Maybe he felt that it was too hard to sit so that he directly leaned on several concubines beside him. Dong Zhuo's body is broad, and the weight is not light. Those concubines are just thin women. It's very hard to resist Dong Zhuo's body. However, some of them dare not avoid it. The only thing to do is to support Dong Zhuo with his back. Dong Zhuo looked at me and said, "I don't care if I'm still working. Come on, you must have something to do today! "

Li Ru bowed and said, "yes, father-in-law! Recently, my father-in-law is not feeling well. Although the court hall is peaceful, it will change in a long time. My son-in-law is here to ask his father-in-law to point out a person who will handle affairs on behalf of his father-in-law during his illness! "

After listening to Li Ru's words, Dong Zhuo's eyes suddenly opened, and his little daughter's face suddenly changed. Of course, she knew that Dong Zhuo wanted to kill people. She was busy winking at her husband. Unfortunately, Li Ru didn't seem to see it. She was still standing there with her head bowed and hands arched.

After a long time, Dong Zhuo finally closed his eyes slowly and said slowly, "it's not necessary to say so nice! I know my body! Isn't it just to find someone to pick me up when I'm dead? Just say it! If you have any candidate, you can tell me the truth. "

At this time, even Dong Huang, who was shivering at the door, raised his head and looked closely at Li Ru's weak body. Not only was he, but the whole room was watching him closely. Of course, except for little Dong Bai, the girl is looking at her grandfather with big eyes. I don't know why everyone is staring at her little uncle.

Li Ru was gazed at by so many people, but he did not feel uncomfortable at all. With a smile, he said, "isn't the person in my son-in-law's mind the same as that of my father-in-law?"

Dong Zhuo smiles and says to Dong min, "I'm a little tired today. Take them all down. Bai'er will stay with me these days. If you have anything to do, you can come here directly."

"Yes! Second brother Dong min held his fist to see the ceremony, and then turned away. Li Ru and Niu Fu also followed Dong min after seeing the people in the room. Dong Huang looks at Dong Zhuo and Dong min's back, but he doesn't know what to do.

"Juan'er!" All of a sudden, Dong Zhuo called out Dong Huang's name. Dong Huang was stunned at first. Then he immediately went to the bed and said to Dong Zhuo, "uncle, do you want me to do something?"

Dong Zhuo's slightly open eyes flashed a cold light, and then disappeared again. Dong Zhuo said powerlessly, "you are too old. Well, you can follow Xu Rong to Bingzhou for some exercise tomorrow."

Dong Huang is stunned. At this time, will he be transferred to Chang'an? He quickly came forward to say something, but Dong Zhuo tilted his body and directly lay on the couch. He waved to Dong Huang and said, "that's it today. I'm tired too. Please step back!"

"But, uncle!" Dong Huang said quickly. However, Dong Zhuo looked at him askew and asked, "how? What else can I do for you Dong Huang was shocked by Dong Zhuo's glance. He remembered that although the old man in front of him was seriously ill, he was the most ruthless person in the world. He quickly waved his hand and said, "no, it's nothing. Uncle is resting. Nephew is quitting!" Then he turned and left.

"Grandfather! Why does uncle sweat so much on his forehead? It's not hot now Dong Bai strangely looked at Dong Huang's back and asked.

"Ha ha!" Dong Zhuo gently stroked Dong Bai's small head with his hand and said with a smile, "your uncle wants to sweat a little. It's good for him to sweat a little. At least, it's better than bleeding!" Speaking of the last words, Dong Zhuo was staring at Dong Huang's back.

Dong Zhuo lowered his head and saw that Dong Bai was still full of incomprehensible looks. He couldn't help laughing. He told a girl how they could understand him. He patted Dong Bai's little head and said, "Bai'er, grandfather is tired and wants to rest. Bai'er, please come and sing to your grandfather and coax him to sleep?"

Dong Bai understood this sentence and happily agreed to it. Seeing Dong Zhuo close his eyes slowly, Dong Bai began to sing a children's song. The clear song spread out of the wing room and reverberated throughout the prime minister's office.Chu Ping six years, destined to be a troubled autumn, Chang'an Dong Zhuo was seriously ill in bed. And in Yanzhou, Cao Cao regarded as a generation of prodigies, counselors and playwrights have come to the last stage of life.

In the residence of Xi Zhicai, all the generals under Cao Cao's tent were waiting anxiously outside the wing room of Xi Zhicai. In the wing room, Cao Cao is sitting alone in front of the couch of the dramatists.

Today's dramatists do not have the look of seizing Xindu with laughter that day. That face is skinny, and even the hair is withered and yellow. The whole person is too weak to be human.

Cao Cao felt that was a heartache. Although a year ago, Xi Zhicai had already explained to Cao Cao that Tian Feng and Ju Xue were used to replace him to give advice to Cao Cao. However, when it came to the end of his career, Cao Cao was still reluctant to give up. Cao Cao held on to the hand of the playwright and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Xi Zhicai opened his eyes slightly and opened his mouth. However, he could only speak with the sound of mosquitoes. Cao Cao gently patted Xi Zhicai's hand and said, "Sir, don't have to say more. Have a good rest. I'm waiting for my husband to continue to advise me after he is well."

The playwright's face was a little ruddy, and he seemed to have a lot of spirit, but Cao Cao saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. Although Cao Cao had never studied medicine, he also knew that this situation was called huiguanghuizhao, which showed that the life of Xi Zhicai was not long.

Xi Zhicai opened his mouth again, but his voice was much louder this time. Xi Zhicai said, "I know that my life is not long, but I can be appreciated by the Lord in this life, and I have made modest contributions. Fortunately! When I leave, I have a few words. Please listen to them. "

Mr. Cao said, "I can't help but follow my eyes."

The face of Xi Zhicai turned ruddy again and said, "my Lord, the situation of Jiangdong is very sharp now. You can't compete with him in the past few years. Sun Jian has many counsellors and powerful generals under his account. However, the Lord must pay attention to one person. I have seen this person for a long time, and I am afraid that all the people in the world have been concealed by him. This is Chen Ren, the Dragon general known as the first general in the world! "

Cao Cao wiped his tears and listened carefully to every word that Xi Zhicai said. Xi Zhicai continued: "people all think that Chen Ren is a martial arts man, but according to his subordinates, he is not. Sun Jian was originally called a fierce tiger in the east of the Yangtze River. However, since Chen Ren got Chen Ren, everything was expected to take the first step. This must be Chen Ren's plan for Sun Jian. Just looking at the battle of Sishui pass, we can see that Chen Ren was deceiving, but there were many changes. If you want to meet this person in the future, you must be careful After a series of chatting, the playwright's face began to turn white. Cao Cao quickly let the actor rest.

However, Xi Zhicai waved his hand and said, "the only thing that can fight with Jiangdong now is the inner Dong thief. My Lord, it's better to put up with Jiangdong for a while and persuade Sun Jian to attack Dong thief. The two men are of equal strength. If they fight, they will both lose. The Lord also took advantage of this opportunity to seize Jizhou and Youzhou and manage it wholeheartedly. In less than five years, the Lord will be better than the two sides! "

Cao Cao once again shed two lines of tears and said, "Sir, Cao must keep it in mind."

The playwright's face turned pale again, and his voice began to fade: "recently, I heard that Dong Zhuo was ill in bed, and his life is not long. Dong Zhuo has no heir, so he must establish Dong min, the place where Dong Zhuo lives. In my opinion, although he is not well-known, he is a man who can't be inferior to Dong Zhuo. If he accepts the position of Dong Zhuo, he is afraid of action. The Lord must be careful. There were many talented people in Hebei, but yuan Benchu could not use it. The Lord could not make the same mistake. Although Tian Yuanhao and Ju Gonghe are too upright, they have real talents and practical learning. I hope the Lord will listen to them. Gongsun Zan... " The voice of the actors became smaller and smaller. In the end, they could not be heard at all.

Suddenly, the actor suddenly widened his eyes, opened his eyes, and looked closely at the roof directly above. Finally, he inhaled, and his neck was tilted to one side. Cao Cao's eyes widened and he said, "sir!" He threw himself on the playwright and began to cry.

All of a sudden, the crowd outside the wing room heard Cao Cao's cry, and they all trembled. Xia Houdun and others looked sad, and lejin even wiped his eyes. Although Tian Feng and juxu said that they were cheated to Yanzhou by the dramatists, they deeply admired the wise man who was much smaller than them and couldn't help sighing secretly that they were jealous of the talents.