As Xu Shu and Zhou Yu joined the debate one after another, Cheng Yu, on the other side, glanced at the red faced people with a smile, shook his head and looked out of the door. All of a sudden, Cheng Yu's eyes narrowed. He saw a figure in the corridor not far from the door, but a person who Cheng Yu had not seen for a long time. Cheng Yu's mouth slightly tilted, even he came out, so it seems that the busy day is not far away.

When Chen Ren passed by the Council hall, he obviously felt a chill on his back. He just wanted to look back, but he was stopped by Sun Quan: "teacher, hurry up! Father must be in a hurry

Chen Ren is still walking slowly, completely ignoring the anxious Sun Quan in front of him. Although Sun Quan was so anxious that he could not help Chen Ren. The short distance from the gate of Wu Hou's house to Sun Jian's study was a long way to go.

When he got to the study, he found that Sun Jian was already waiting at the door of his study. When he saw Sun Quan coming with Chen Ren, he glared at Sun Quan fiercely, and then welcomed him with a warm smile: "Zici! At last, you are expected to come! Come on, come on! Come on in

Chen Ren is still maintaining his calm appearance, let Sun Jian pull him into the study. But Sun Quan, who had to follow in, was caught a glimpse of Chen Ren's eyes and immediately withdrew from Sun Jian: "well, father, I have some things to do for the teacher. I'll leave first."

Sun Jian was stunned, but then he waved his hand and said, "since it's for your teacher's sake, you should go and do it with your heart." Where did Sun Jian think that what Sun Quan wanted to do was to help Chen Ren's baby son buy toys.

After Sun Quan left, Sun Jian closed the door of his study directly. Then he took out the information from his sleeve and handed it to Chen Ren. Chen Ren was not polite. He took it and looked at it. Seeing half of the time, Chen Ren's calm expression finally became surprised. He frowned tightly and continued to look. At last, he still frowned.

Sun Jian saw that Chen Ren had finished reading the information and said to Chen Ren, "Zici, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Chen Ren did not want to directly answer: "no other ideas, soldiers to block, water and earth cover up! This time can not show the slightest concession! Otherwise, the Lord will no longer be qualified to win the throne in the future! "

Sun Jian pondered for a moment and hesitated. Chen Ren immediately continued to say: "don't worry, Lord! In this case, we will show them the strength of Jiangdong, and let them have a good understanding of the fact that our army of Jiangdong, which was a great power to the Central Plains, is still alive! "

"Good!" Sun Jian was also a man of heroic temperament. When Chen Ren said this, he immediately became excited and immediately stood up: "since they want to taste the weapons of Jiangdong army, we will let him have it!" At this time, Sun Jian again returned to the hero who was not afraid of the ground when Chen Liu was in the league.

Seeing that Sun Jian had made up his mind, Chen Ren sprinkled some cold water on Sun Jian: "even so, this matter also needs to be well planned. His subordinates suggest that they should have a good discussion with Xun Wenruo and Guo fengxiao."

Sun Jian nodded and said, "I think so too. I've asked Zhongmou to call them all in the assembly hall. They must have been waiting for a long time now. Let's go quickly!" Having said that, he immediately got up. Although he and Chen Ren had no time to discuss with him in this study, he could not even get half a column of incense. However, for Sun Jian, Chen Ren has strengthened his mind. This is something that no one else can do. This comes from Sun Jian's complete trust in Chen Ren.

Chen Ren also stood up. He had not attended such a formal occasion for a long time. On the contrary, Chen Ren missed this kind of taste.

He followed Sun Jian all the way to the meeting hall. Unlike others, he followed Sun Jian not through the gate of the conference hall, but by the side door for Sun Jian's exclusive use. When Sun Jian and Chen Ren entered the assembly hall, Xunzi and Guo Jia were still arguing, and they did not even notice the arrival of Sun Jian and Chen Ren. Of course, Cheng Yu, who has not been involved in the debate, was the first to find Sun Jian's figure. Just as he was about to get up and make a ceremony, he saw Chen Ren come in after Sun Jian. The corner of Cheng Yu's mouth was tilted, and he bowed his hand and said in a loud voice: "I've seen the Lord! I've met governor Dudu

Fortunately, Cheng Yu's voice was loud enough, otherwise they could not interrupt the argument of the six people. They turned their heads and looked at Chen Ren's appearance. However, they immediately bowed their hands to Sun Jian and Chen Ren. After all, Chen Ren was their superior.

Sun Jian waved his hand to avoid their etiquette, and immediately sat on the top of the throne. However, Chen Ren once again sat in the first seat on the left hand, which had been vacant for a long time. Others also returned to their seats to sit down.

After all of them had settled down, Sun Jian said, "this time I invite you to come here. I need to discuss something important with you. This matter concerns the life and death of the eastern Wu Kingdom. I hope you can come up with a good plan for me!"

Besides Chen Ren and Cheng Yu, all of you are surprised. What strength is Dongwu now? They are the core figures under Sun Jian's account. How can anyone threaten the life and death of Soochow?

Sun Jian no longer betrayed the truth. He took out the intelligence from his sleeve again, held it in his hand and said, "this is the information sent by the snake Department today. Please state in the newspaper that Dong Zhuo of Chang'an died half a month ago. Dong min, Dong Zhuo's younger brother, took over Dong Zhuo's position under the recommendation of the public.""Ah All of them are resourceful people. Previous debates have also mentioned that Dong Zhuo was seriously ill, and there was no surprise at Dong Zhuo's death. As for the position of Dong min taking over Dong Zhuo, the actors at his deathbed a year ago could have guessed that the intelligence of all the people present here was no less than that of the playwrights. Naturally, they could have thought of it. Therefore, they only thought about it for a moment, and then returned to normal He didn't even change his face.

Sun Jian continued: "the first thing that Dong min took office was to declare Dongwu a rebel by the order of Emperor Han! Call on the whole world to come to crusade

"What!" However, the news shocked everyone. Xun Yu, Guo Jia and others stood up and looked at Sun Jian in disbelief. Xun Yu's eyes widened and said, "how can this be possible? The throne of marquis Wu was granted by the emperor of Han himself. How could it become treason again? "

Sun Jian said with a wry smile: "although their paid documents have not been officially announced to the world, they must be fast. It seems to be said in the pay paper that since the reign of Jiangdong, the Marquis has never paid taxes to the imperial court, and he has been innocent enough to attack other states and counties

"Hum!" Guo Jia said with a sneer on her face: "if you want to add a crime, you have no reason to worry about it! Nowadays, there are many disputes in the world. Which princes have paid half of the taxes to the court? Which other vassal did not accumulate troops to try to expand outward? What's more, who didn't know that Emperor Han was abducted to Chang'an by Dong Zhuo at that time. This imperial edict of Emperor Han was actually the meaning of Dong min! "

Zhuge Liang, on the other side, calmed down and said, "even so, the imperial edict was issued in the name of Emperor Han, which can be said to be justified. What's more, in recent years, the development of Soochow has been so rapid that other princes have a sense of hostility towards Soochow. I'm afraid that the princes from all over the world will take this opportunity to respond to this! It's really a poison trick! " When Zhuge Liang said this, everyone was silent. Everyone thought of the possibility and couldn't help being silent.

At this time, Chen Ren suddenly flashed a figure in his mind. That was when he sneaked into Chang'an as a winemaker and glanced at Dong Zhuo's banquet. Poison man, poison man, Dong Zhuo didn't let you work wholeheartedly. What is Dong min's ability to really serve him?

Chen Ren's stupefied effort has already caused a lot of quarrels in this chamber. Most people think that we should avoid the edge for a while, take the natural danger of the Yangtze River as a barrier, and by virtue of the powerful water army of Soochow, no one can attack the Yangtze River. As for Xuzhou, some people think that the new army of Dongwu's trump card army can be placed in the defense of Xuzhou, while others think that sun CE can withdraw from Xuzhou with his army in order to fight again in the future.

Chen Ren shook his head slightly, but as it was, everyone subconsciously thought that it was impossible to win against the whole world. Dong Zhuo used to be a good example. How powerful the Xiliang army and the Bingzhou army were, they were not forced to go westward to Chang'an in the face of the attacks of the princes. Even Guo Jia, who had always been bold, firmly supported the withdrawal.

Chen Ren smiles, because he sees a man who has been silent, that is Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan, known as "Fengchu". Pang Tong has always been fond of adventure chess, so he doesn't know what kind of amazing dangerous moves are brewing in his super large head.

Sun Jian was also confused by the crowd. If Chen Ren had not strengthened his sense of confrontation before, he would not have withstood the bombing of these counsellors at this time and agreed to withdraw his troops? At this time, Pang Tong suddenly raised his head and laughed, making everyone look at him in surprise. However, Chen Ren has a look of disdain. Pang Tong is good at everything. He likes to put on airs. If you have a good plan, you can say it directly, but he has to laugh to attract other people's attention. But when Chen Ren thought so, he didn't remember. It seems that the most pretentious thing here is that he was given by Chen Zi.

As soon as Sun Jian saw Pang Tong's laughter, he knew that Pang Tong must have different opinions. He said happily: "Shiyuan has a clever plan to teach the marquis. Please tell me about it quickly!"

Pang Tong glanced at the crowd, stopped laughing and said, "you are all afraid! Why should we be afraid of anyone because of the prosperity of Soochow

Xu Shu immediately said, "Shi Yuan! If there was only one Marquis, Dongwu would not be afraid of it. But when Chang'an handed in the Wen, it would be the response of the whole world. "