Lu Bu, who was sitting in the military array, was already very blue faced when he entered Beijing. After years of painstaking efforts, he finally lost to Chen Ren, whether in a single fight or in the army. This made Lv Bu's mood somewhat depressed.

"Wen Hou!" Yang Feng was also able to use troops. Seeing that the previously powerful trapped camp had been killed and retreated, he immediately said to Lv Bu: "now that the enemy is powerful, we have to retreat to Hangu pass for the time being, and wait for another battle in the future."

Lu Bu bit his teeth, and his face was unwilling. Did he retreat again? Is it the same as Sishui pass? no This is worse than last time! Ren was completely defeated by Chen Di this time. Lv Bu didn't want to admit defeat, but the current situation has shown that there is no possibility for his side to win. And Lv Bu also knew that he could not fight today, let alone that his left hand was not healed. Even if Lv Bu was not injured, if he rushed out, he would only let Chen Ren, who had been on the other side, come out, which would not help at all.

Lu Bu seemed to be over ten years old at once. The cut left hand swayed weakly, indicating that he agreed with Yang Feng's opinion. If Lv Bu asked himself to withdraw his troops, he would be killed.

"Hurry up and withdraw!" After getting Lv Bu's approval, Yang Feng quickly cheered to the commanding Sergeant around him. Now the trapped camp has begun to show a losing trend, and the other three Jiangdong army troops are still resting on the side. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late to withdraw into the pass.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding When Gao Shun heard the clear sound of gold for the third time, he knew that it was a signal to ask the whole army to withdraw. The spear that Tai Shici stabbed at Gao Shun's side was held up with a big shield. Then Gao incidentally aimed at taishici's body, with a big shield, he pushed taishici out of a distance. Then he waved a big knife and said, "fall into the camp and retreat!" As soon as the words were finished, he turned around and ran back. He got into the crowd without a trace. He was so angry that he even stamped his feet and began to kill the trapped soldiers around him to vent his anger.

Although he was defeated in the hands of the Dragon general camp and Jiangdong generals, the trapped camp was not lost as a rare elite. Although it was still suppressed, it did not panic at all. He still fought with the Dragon general camp orderly and retreated slowly at the same time.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding At this time, at the other end of the battlefield, there were shouts of gold in the Jiangdong military formation. Those generals who were killing so much were stunned. Looking back, they could see Chen renzheng standing at the front of the array, fighting against the generals and colluding with the army.

Although all the generals thought that it was a good opportunity to kill the enemy, Chen Rencai was the commander-in-chief of the new army. They had to comply with the order of the commander. Immediately, he watched the other party withdraw like the tide and disappear in the door of Hangu pass in the distance.

When all the generals returned to the army, they saw Chen standing there with a smile on any face. Tai Shici was a straightforward temper, and he had known Chen Ren for a long time. He immediately asked, "Zici! Why order a withdrawal? At present, the enemy troops have been greatly defeated. As long as we continue to cover and kill them, even if we can not completely annihilate the enemy forces, we can also cause them great losses. If we attack the city in the coming day, we can save time

Chen Ren pointed to the sky with a smile and said, "this is not a place to talk. Besides, it's getting late today. You'd better go back to your camp and have a rest. We'll discuss it after we've eaten."

People follow Chen Ren's fingers and look at the sky. They see that the sky has begun to darken. In the mountains in the west, the sun is slowly sinking. The generals responded to this. Unconsciously, the battle had been fought for a whole day. When Chen Ren said this, everyone's stomachs began to rumble.

Chen Ren, with a smile and a big wave of his hand, left the siege camp, which had been resting from the beginning to the end, cleaned up the battlefield, and returned directly to the barracks with the generals and soldiers of the Fourth Battalion. The generals were all groomed. After eating, they rushed to Chen Ren's big tent. Although he knew that Chen Ren ordered the withdrawal of troops for certain reasons, the generals could not think of any reason for Chen Ren to give up the fruits of his victory.

By the time the crowd entered Chen Ren's tent, the night had come to the earth. Chen Ren was talking with Wen Ci and Xu Sheng and Chen Wu, who had finished cleaning the battlefield. As soon as he saw the crowd coming in, Chen Ren motioned for them to take their seats. After all the people were seated, taishici asked Chen Ren again, "Zici! Why did you order the withdrawal? "

Chen Ren frowned and motioned for Wenci to distribute some silk cloth in his hand to the public to watch. Then Chen Ren said slowly, "this is the result of today's World War I that I ordered yuan Qing to count. The casualties of the other side can't be known for the time being, only our casualties. First of all, there were 70000 thunderstorm riders. In the first World War, 18000 people were killed and more than 20000 people were injured. The second was Shandao camp, which suffered the most serious losses, with a total of 100000 people and 30000 people killed in the war! More than 40000 people were injured; Feixing camp also had casualties, originally 80000, 5000 died and more than 10000 wounded; although the Dragon general camp only went out in the last battle, it also killed nearly 10000 people and injured more than 20000 people. Ladies and gentlemen! This time, our battle was not easy. More than 63000 soldiers died! More than 90000 wounded soldiers! "

Tai Shici just opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Chen Ren: "Ziyi! I know what you want to say is that the other side is also an excellent teacher, and the enemy's losses must be above our army. However, I would like to remind you that this new army is an important tool to help the Lord achieve his great cause. We have to deal with not only Dong min, but also Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Liu Zhang in Yizhou and scholar families in Jiaozhou. Just after the enemy retreated, do you really think that the enemy has no capacity to resist? If we have wiped out the most powerful army of the Lord in this battle, how can we have the face to go back to Jiangdong and give an account to the Lord? "Chen Ren took a look at all the generals with a look of shame. Obviously, they didn't notice that Gao Shun was trapped in the camp and retreated orderly. However, at that time, people were all red eyed and wanted to fight with each other to the end. Now Chen Ren said that, everyone was full of guilt. Chen Ren continued: "as for the capture of Hangu pass, you can leave it to the siege camp. Although Hangu pass is called the world's dangerous pass, the Sishui pass and Hulao pass in those years were not inferior to the reputation of Hangu pass! Are they still defeated by our Jiangdong army? Now the strength of the other side has been greatly damaged. In my opinion, the other side's 300000 troops have lost at least 200000 in the first World War. It is no longer a worry. Besides, the morale of the other side is low, and our army has won a great victory, but the morale has risen to the peak. Tomorrow, we will certainly be able to forge ahead and take down the Hangu pass. Why should we consume more troops today? "

When they were analyzed by Chen Ren, the confusion in their minds disappeared. All of them immediately hugged Chen Ren and said, "governor Mingjian! I'll be ashamed of myself! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Although Chen Ren was in a low mood when he got the result, he was flattered by Zhao Yun and other historical celebrities. Chen Ren still laughed happily.

Compared with the laughter and laughter in Jiangdong new barracks, Hangu pass is gloomy. Outside Zhang Liao's camp, Lv Bu and a group of military generals were waiting anxiously outside the tent. Although the medical officer once said that Zhang Liao's life was in good condition, but now he has been treated in it for such a long time, there is no news, which makes people worried. Among the people, Hou Cheng, who was injured and sent back to the gate, was hanging his arm and looking at the tent nervously.

After waiting for a long time, several medical officers came out of the camp with tired faces. As soon as they saw the waiting Lu Bu and others, they quickly arched their hands at Lv Bu and said, "Marquis Wen, general Zhang's wound has been treated, but there are not enough herbs in the pass. It's not suitable for general Zhang to recuperate here. It's better to send general Zhang back to Chang'an for recuperation."

Hearing that the wound had been dealt with, Lv Bu and others put down more than half of their heart. Listening to the doctor's advice, Lv Bu waved his hand and said, "you can make up your mind about this kind of thing. What you want is to save Wen Yuan! Do you understand? " The last question, with a cold intent to kill, how could these weak medical officers bear the murderous spirit of Lv Bu, immediately broke out in cold sweat and did not dare to move on the ground.

Lu Bu nodded and took back his murderous spirit. Now he did not believe that the medical officers would try their best to cure and measure them. He turned to the people and said, "let's all go. I think we're all tired from this fierce battle today. Let's have a rest early. Tomorrow's Jiangdong army will come to attack the pass. Let's keep up our spirits for tomorrow's war. "

"Here it is The generals clasped their fists and cheered in unison. Today's World War I was really exhausting for them. All of them were mentally tired. They turned back to their own camp to rest.

Lu Bu did not go to rest. Instead, he went directly to the city of Hanguguan. In the moonlight of the rising moon, he looked at the white dome in the distance, which was the camp of Jiangdong new army. Lu Bu looked down at his tightly bound left hand and couldn't help laughing bitterly. He lost again. Chen Ren, was Chen Ren really the enemy sent by heaven?

Lu Bu had just finished listening to the Chinese officers' counting of the war. As Chen Ren estimated, the 300000 troops led by Lv Bu lost 200000, and most of them were Lu Bu's Bingzhou army. Although Lv Bu is still guarding Hangu pass, the war has started since Chen Ren ordered Ming Jin, which means that the battle of guarding the pass has ended.