Cao Cao's side was gloomy, but in Hangu pass, it was a lot of laughter, but the source of people's laughter was very rare, Chen Ren.

At that time, Chen Ren was confident enough to lead a large army to capture Hangu pass, and let the world know the strength of the new army. But he didn't think about it. He only sent a few boulders and scared Lv Bu away. This made Chen Ren feel very shameful. It seems that every time Chen Ren wanted to attack the city seriously, he would have some problems, as did the last battle of Nanjun.

"Zici! I don't think the Lord needs to train any new army. Every time he goes to attack the city, he will take you with him to ensure that the enemy will surely lose without fighting! " Tai Shici is the only one who can be honest and frank about Chen Ren.

Chen Ren was not angry and said nothing. Now taishici is an old general under Sun Jian's account. Chen Ren is not good at fighting with him. He only has a blue face and sits on the seat and is sulking.

Those generals sitting in the first place all covered their mouths and laughed secretly, but they didn't dare to laugh too loud. Chen Ren heard them, and they all turned red. Chen Ren is not blind. How could he not see? He became more and more depressed. He secretly made up his mind. Next time he saw Lv Bu, a coward, he must be cut off!

However, Lv Bu had a long mind this time. He didn't want to rely on Tongguan. On the contrary, he destroyed Tongguan when he left. The destroyed ruins of Tongguan completely blocked the originally not spacious passage. It is easy to damage and difficult to repair. Chen Ren doesn't want to repair the Tongguan pass, but at least he has to clear the debris stuck in the road. But even so, it took a lot of time.

However, it is just as well. Although the new Jiangdong army won the battle a few days ago, there were still many casualties, especially in the Shandao camp. The wounded soldiers had to slowly recuperate, and some seriously wounded soldiers had to be sent back to Jianye for medical treatment. However, Chen Ren didn't care too much. The Jiangdong new army was damaged, while the Xiliang army and the Bingzhou army lost more.

"Newspaper --!" Just when Chen Rensheng was sulking, a sergeant quickly walked into the big tent, clasped his fist at the crowd and said, "report to the general! Tongguan has been cleared! "

Chen Ren nodded, but he didn't rush to Chang'an. He waved the sergeant down and said to the generals, "next, what do you think?"

"What else? Of course, it is to kill Chang'an directly and fight with Lu Bu and Dong min! " The first speaker was LV Meng, who suffered the most in the last war. He was very angry with Lv Bu. However, LV Meng also said the wishes of most generals, and they all nodded in agreement.

Chen Ren looked around, but found that one of them was frowning and thinking about something. It was Bo Wenci, the new army leader promoted by him. Chen Ren couldn't help laughing and said, "Yuan Qing, do you have any opinions?"

When Chen Ren suddenly names him, Wenci is also in a daze. When he looks up, all the generals focus their eyes on him, but he is very uncomfortable. But when she turned her head and saw Chen Ren's encouraging eyes, Wenci could not help but calm down again. She arched her hand at the crowd and said, "my subordinates think that our army should withdraw to Jiangdong."

"What?" Everyone was surprised to see Wenci. No one thought Wenci would put forward such a proposal. Even Wenbo, Wenci's eldest brother, looked at his more and more stable brother with a puzzled look.

Chen Ren smiles. Wen CI is more and more unexpected. He says to Wen Ci, "Yuan Qing, what's the reason for your proposal? Let's talk about it. "

"Yes Tai Shici also said in a loud voice, "we worked hard to defeat Hangu pass and lost so many soldiers. Now you want to say withdraw? In that case, those Jiangdong Erlangs who died in vain? "

Wenci bowed his hand again and said, "I understand the feelings of the generals. But do you still remember why the Lord asked us to attack Dong min? It was because of that announcement that the influence of this proclamation has been completely eliminated, so the reason for our army to attack Dong min does not exist. Today, there are many heroes in the world, not just Dong min. Cao Cao was in charge of Qingzhou, Yanzhou and most of Jizhou. Now he took advantage of our army's expedition against Dong min to invade Bingzhou. Although Bingzhou is not rich, its people are strong, and it is also the horse producing place of the Central Plains. Bingzhou's iron cavalry is not much worse than the thunderstorm riding of our new army. Cao Cao was a traitor in the world. If he had captured Bingzhou, he would have become the enemy of Jiangdong. Although Dong min's 300000 army was severely damaged by our army in Hangu pass, there are still a large number of troops in Chang'an and Xiliang. If our army wants to win, it will certainly lose a lot. This will be detrimental to the future development of Jiangdong. "

Ding Feng frowned and said, "but if you let Dong min off like this, I'm always a little reluctant. Besides, has the LORD sent a letter to the world to eradicate Dong thief? If we withdraw our troops in this way, will it not be a bit of a blunder, which will damage the prestige of the Lord! "

Wen CI said with a smile: "general Ding's worry is not good. After the battle of Hangu pass, Dong thief has lost the qualification to compete with Wu.". Now let Dong min go, but he can't die now. The Duke's foundation is in the south of the Yangtze River. If the South can not be completely pacified, then the North must maintain the current situation, and the existence of Dong min is very necessary. As for the question of the contribution, it's not a problem at all. People all over the world know that it's just a form. Moreover, our army has already defeated Dong's army in Hangu pass, which is an explanation to the people in the world. "Chen Ren suddenly said, "good! What yuan Qing said is just what I want! If the northern army doesn't shut down, I won't get it this time? Without the barrier of Hangu pass, Chang'an has no barrier for us. When we want to attack Chang'an, we can drive in at any time. "

With Chen Ren's words, all the generals have sat down again. It can be seen that although Chen Ren has been silent for two years, his position in the minds of the new army generals still exists.

"Governor!" This time, it was Ling Cao who rarely spoke, "since we don't fight Dong min, where are we going to attack?" After listening to Ling Cao's words, Chen Ren couldn't help but feel a sweat in his heart. Although Ling Cao usually looks like a sultry gourd, his belligerent nature doesn't need LV Meng Shao!

Chen Ren shook his head: "this time, we directly went back to Jianye for recuperation. This time, the new army suffered too much, so we need to return to Jianye to replenish. However, the Hangu pass is too important for our army to arrange guards. I want to keep the Dragon general camp and Feixing camp here to prevent Dong min from sending troops to attack

When Chen Ren said that he would return to Jianye for a rest, all the generals were disappointed. However, when he heard that Chen Ren wanted to leave the Dragon general camp and the Feixing camp, the eyes of the generals of the two battalions flashed with light. The importance of Hangu pass is well known to all. Dong min will not willingly give it to Jiangdong. When the new army of Jiangdong withdraws, he will surely lead troops to capture it. As long as I can stay here, I'm afraid there will be no war!

Even Huang Zhong and Tai Shici were very happy. Chen Ren kindly reminded them: "General Huang, you and General Liu have been out for a long time. It's time to go back to Xiangyang. Ziyi is the same. Clean up and go back to Jianye with me

"Ah?" Huang Zhong and Tai Shici suddenly suffered. Huang Zhong was OK. He was quite honest, but Tai Shici stopped. In recent years, Tai Shici has been playing jokes with Chen Ren and Guo Jia every day. He has already developed a pair of thick skin, bowing to Chen Ren and saying, "Zici! Governor Chen! Governor Chen Dudu! You will hold your hand high. When I fight a few more battles in Hangu pass, I will return to Jianye immediately! You can give me a few days' forgiveness. " It looked like he owed Chen Ren a lot of money. He asked Chen Ren for a few days to pay back the money.

At this time, Chen Ren's heart is dark and cool. Can he still remember what Tai Shici laughed at himself before? Chen Ren's heart is very small. How can he not take advantage of this opportunity to revenge. Chen Ren immediately shook his head like a rattle: "no! no way! You follow me to Hangu pass. I will take you to Hangu pass when I leave! In this way, I can give an account to the Lord! "

"Oh Now taishici was addicted to fighting outside. When he thought of going back to Jianye to live a peaceful life, he felt goose bumps all over his body, and did not care about his image being damaged. He immediately went to Chen Ren and said, "Zici! Who doesn't know that the Lord is the one who listens to you most, so you can tell him and transfer me to your new army? "

When Chen Yiyi looks at Tai Shici, he can't help but think of his good martial arts. He is a capable man. If he is recruited into the new army, he will not have a more capable man? Thinking of this, Chen Ren began to move, but still shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not. Your position in Jianye is too important. The Lord won't let you go."

Tai Shici saw Chen Ren's hesitation at a glance and immediately said, "it's OK! don't worry! I've been in office for so many years, there's nothing wrong with me! Besides, didn't the second son of the Lord leave the school from the son? My work can't be handed over to the second young master! A rough man like me is not suitable for this kind of work at all. It's better for me to fight on the battlefield! "

"Zhongmou?" Sun Quan appeared in Chen Ren's mind, but he nodded with approval. This Sun Quan was quite suitable for the governor's work, but? I'm afraid it's a pity to let go of Tai Shici? Chen Ren had a plan in mind, so he began to put his mind on Tai Shici.