"Well done!" Chen Ren cheered and yelled at the soldier who was still blowing at the scalded palm: "from today on, you are the team leader!" Chen Ren was very happy and immediately made a decision to promote the soldier's military position. The soldier was happy to laugh, but the scald on the palm of his hand made his face twisted. It was really strange.

With this soldier's example, all the soldiers in Shandao camp followed suit. Of course, some of them failed to grasp the proper measure and broke the pot. But overall, it's much better than before. Gradually, the foot of those Xiliang army was covered by the fire from the pot, and there was no place to settle down. And the number of those Xiliang soldiers was getting smaller and smaller. When the last Xiliang army was blown to pieces, it meant that Li Ru's attack ended in failure again.

Li Ru stomped his feet fiercely. Although he had been prepared for the defeat of the attack, he didn't expect that he had not caused much damage to the Dongwu army on the top of the mountain. He could not help feeling angry. He turned his head and looked at the herald in the rear and roared, "the whole army will rush to me! We must rush down the hill! " That crazy appearance, completely did not have the usual calm.

"Master!" A thunder like roar sounded. The generals turned their heads and saw that on one side, a general with red eyes came over. It was Wen Hou Lvbu!

After missing for a whole night, Lv Bu's appearance was not different at all, except that his eyes were covered with blood because he had not slept all night. Lu Bu changed into a new pair of purple and gold armor. He wore the golden crown of his favorite hair on his head, and behind him he wore a colorful Cape, on which was embroidered a ferocious tiger's head. Although Lv Bu's calm face did not show any expression at all, but vaguely, a chill was emanating from Lv Bu's body, and all the people present could not help being shocked by Lv Bu's murderous spirit.

It may be because Lv Bu was so murderous that Li Ru calmed down his anger and began to calm down. Lu Bu came to the generals with a big stride. He hugged Li Ru and said, "master! Please allow someone to take the army up the mountain! "

As soon as Guo Si and Li Pang were about to make a remark to satirize Lv Bu, they saw that Lu Bu glanced at them obliquely. The chill in the corner of his eyes immediately made them feel cold, as if they were frozen. The words that reached the mouth could not be said in any way.

Looking at Lv Bu's appearance, Li Ru knew that Lu Bu must have been mad because of the death of the red rabbit horse, but Li Ru did not want Lv Bu to lead his troops up the mountain. Although Lv Bu was brave, he couldn't give full play to his superior martial arts in the battle to capture the mountain top. Although Li Ru wanted to persuade Lv Bu, he knew that what he said was useless.

"Wen Hou!" Li Ru opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Li Ru's friendship with Lv Bu is pretty good. Naturally, he knows that Lv Bu's feelings for the red rabbit horse are very deep. But yesterday, the red rabbit horse was shot dead by Chen Ren. How can Lv Bu not feel heartache? He must go to Chen Ren for revenge.

However, Lv Bu did not give Li Ru any chance to persuade him. He threw a fist at Li Ru, turned away and walked out of the camp directly. He took Fang Tian Hua halberd from his own soldiers standing at the gate of the barracks, and swept those soldiers in Xiliang coldly. Just waiting for Li Ru's military orders, it seems that as soon as Li Ru's military orders arrive, he will rush to the mountain road at any time.

At this time, Li Ru's military order also arrived. In Li Ru's opinion, since Lv Bu was determined to go to Chen Ren for revenge, even if Dong min came in person, he would not be able to stop him. It's better to let Lu Bu take the army to kill him. At least, Lv Bu needs to be much safer, but this interrupts a series of attack plans designed by Li Ru last night.

With the commander's order, Lv Bu immediately said to those Xiliang soldiers waiting for the order: "the whole army! Follow me Those Xiliang soldiers followed Lv Bu and killed them on the mountain road. On the top of the mountain, Chen Ren saw that Lu Bu had brought a large number of Xiliang soldiers to the mountain. However, he did not dare to let the other party rush up the mountainside to start the attack. He immediately ordered all the soldiers of Shandao battalion to start fighting back against the enemy on the mountain road.

Blocks of stones and burning logs all flew out of the mountain in an instant and fell directly towards the Xiliang soldiers on the mountain road. Lu Bu was the first to ignore the obstacles in front of him. When a stone hit him, Lu Bu just swung the halberd of the square sky painting in his hand, and then stabbed at the stone and smashed the stone in an instant. However, although Lv Bu didn't have any damage, he suffered from those Xiliang soldiers behind him. They were not as good as Lv Bu and could break stones. What's more, the stones smashed by Lv Bu were shot at the soldiers behind Lv Bu at a faster speed because of Lv Bu's strength. These poor soldiers were immediately beaten to the head and blood, and even several were directly hit in the forehead and killed on the spot.

"Ah A cry of surprise sounded, and he saw a burning log hitting Lu Bu. However, Lu Bu did not hide or dodge. He drank a lot. The square halberd in his hand drew a white light in front of him and chopped the log in half. As soon as Lu Bu collected his halberd, no matter how much damage the two logs caused to Xiliang soldiers behind him, he still walked to the top of the mountain.Facing the countless stones and logs falling in front of him, Lu Bu rushed up one by one. However, the Xiliang soldiers behind him were in chaos and could not keep up with Lv Bu.

At the foot of the mountain, when Li Ru saw this, his face suddenly became gloomy. Lu Bu did this just like a man! Although the friendship between Li Ru and Lv Bu can tolerate Lv Bu to do some wayward things, Lv Bu's current behavior has obviously exceeded Li Ru's bottom line. Li Ru snorted coldly, turned his head to the herald behind him and said, "Mingjin! Get the army back

"Ah?" Not only the generals were stunned by Li Ru's order, but also the herald. From Lv Bu's attitude just now, it can be seen that Lv Bu would never come down unless he rushed to the top of the mountain. If the army withdraws at this time, it is not to leave Lv Bu alone on the mountain!

"No! Master! Wen Hou is still on the mountain, so we can't withdraw our troops like this! " Yang Feng immediately stood up and clasped his fist at Li Ru. Although he was not satisfied with Lv Bu all the time, he even held a grudge because Lv Bu despised him at Hangu pass that day. But now everything should be based on the overall situation. Lv Bu can be said to be the only general who can hold Chen Ren down. Without him, no one here can stop Chen Ren.

"Hum!" The cold light in Li Ru's eyes made Yang Feng shiver. Li Ru said, "since Wen Hou wants to revenge Chen Ren, we should support him and not disturb him! Yes? General Yang, do you have any comment on my order Li Ru's words were so gloomy that everyone in the audience could not help but sweat from their backs. Yang Feng shook his head and waved his hand in a hurry. He didn't dare to give Li Ru advice.

"No opinion is good!" Li Ru nodded and turned to the herald who was still standing there. He said, "go to Mingjin soon!"

"Ah? Ah! Yes The herald did not dare to look up at Li Ru. The voice of his reply was trembling. He turned his head and ran away. It seemed that he wanted to stay away from Li Ru.

Li Ru looked at Lv Bu, who had already climbed up the mountainside like a poisonous snake. In his heart, he snorted: "Fengxian, Fengxian! If this is your last chance! Then I won't stop you! You don't blame me for not reading my old feelings! "

Lu Bu didn't know what happened at the foot of the mountain. Just as he waved his halberd, he picked up a huge stone and threw it away to move on. All of a sudden, there was a clear sound of gold from behind, and Lv Bu's body trembled. Lu Bu looked behind him in a complicated way, but saw that the soldiers in Xiliang who had been closely following him were retreating like the tide. Lv Bu was not stupid at all. To be able to practice such good martial arts, he not only needs physical talent, but also needs a high level of understanding. So Lv Bu soon realized that Li Ru was expressing his dissatisfaction with himself, but when Lv Bu thought of the red rabbit horse that was shot dead by Chen Yi gun, he felt like a fire burning in his heart. As soon as Lu Bu bit his teeth, he no longer paid attention to the soldiers in Xiliang behind him. He continued to brave rocks and logs and set out toward the top of the mountain.

Chen Ren on the top of the mountain immediately understood Lv Bu's idea. With a big wave of his hand, he stopped the attack of the soldiers of Shandao camp. Now there is only Lv Bu on the mountain road. This kind of attack has no meaning at all for Lv Bu. Chen Ren said to the soldiers guarding the mountain crossing: "don't stop him! Put him up

Although some of the soldiers were confused, they still faithfully carried out Chen Ren's orders. Seeing Chen Ren stop the attack, Lu Bu did not respond at all, and still went up in a sullen head. Chen Ren smiles. He still has some respect for Lv Bu in his mind. Although I don't know why Lv Bu became like that in history, now Lv Bu is a real hero! A warrior who concentrates on martial arts! For such a person, Chen Ren can only show his respect by letting go of a war with him.

Without the interception of the soldiers of Shandao camp, Lv Bu would climb the mountain very quickly. Of course, since those ordinary soldiers didn't mean to kill them, Lu Bu didn't want to kill them. In his eyes, there was only one target, Chen Ren!