Whether it was on the top of the mountain or at the foot of the mountain, there was silence, and all the people were staring at the two people on the top of the mountain. Chen Ren gasped and looked at the ferocious Lu Bu in front of him. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. His other hand pulled out the Fangtian painting halberd which had been stabbed on his shoulder socket with his other hand. Then he pulled out the steel gun inserted in Chen Ren's neck. Suddenly, a blood arrow spattered out, and Lv Bu, who lost his support, slowly fell to the ground, only turning up a cloud of dust.

With one hand covering the wound on his shoulder socket, Chen Ren looked at Lv Bu's body lying on his back with a lonely face. He could not help but feel a bit sad. From now on, there will be no opponent like Lv Bu who can give him the stimulation between life and death. Raised his head, but saw the soldiers of the mountain sword camp around them all staring at themselves and couldn't help smiling.

Slowly walked to the edge of the mountain, facing the dense Xiliang army at the foot of the mountain, suddenly raised the steel gun in his hand and roared. Those soldiers in Shandao camp behind Chen Ren were immediately called back by Chen Ren's roar, and they yelled after Chen Ren: "the dragon will be invincible! The dragon will be invincible! The dragon will be invincible

Compared with the lively atmosphere on the top of the mountain, the depression at the foot of the mountain is totally different. Looking at Chen Ren's figure on the top of the mountain, all the soldiers in Xiliang show deep fear. Among the generals of the Xiliang army, Li Zhen, Guo Si, Yang Feng and fan Hou all looked with fear at Chen Renna's not tall figure. Xu Huang had a trace of admiration in his eyes, but more of a war spirit. The faces of Dong min and Li Ru were deeply sad. For them, Lv Bu's death was a big blow. Li Ru even doubted whether his decision to let Lv Bu go up the mountain was correct.

Looking at the look on the faces of the soldiers in Xiliang, Li Ru sighed. It was impossible for such morale to attack the top of the mountain. He turned his head and bowed to Dong min and said, "prime minister, the morale of the enemy is now high. It's even more difficult for our army to defeat them. It's better to withdraw."

Hearing Li Ru's words, Dong min suddenly turned his head and looked at him. He roared at Li Ru with an angry face: "how ever has our army in Xiliang ever been so defeated! no way! I must kill this mountain to avenge my ancestors

"Prime minister!" It's obvious that Mr. Li's remonstrance is impulsive! Today, the military morale of the Soochow army has reached its peak. In contrast, the soldiers of our army have no intention to fight because of the death of marquis Wen. If you go to attack the Dongwu army at this point, I'm afraid the gain will not be worth the loss! What's more, the Dongwu Navy will arrive two days later at the latest, and then they will withdraw. I'm afraid that our army will suffer more losses! Think twice to the prime minister

At this time, we can see the use of Chen Ren's troops to retreat. Although the Dongwu water army has not arrived yet, it has put a thorn in the back of the Xiliang army, which makes the Xiliang army have no way to deal with them at all. If Chen Ren had not sent troops to report the news, although Chen Ren would have had a lot more men and horses, the number of Xiliang troops would have doubled. I'm afraid that Li Ru would not hesitate to besiege the mountain peak instead of rushing to attack as he is now.

"Yes For the first time, Li Min supported Li Rulai, clasped his fist to Dong min and said, "what the military Master said is not bad. Chen Renyong is unstoppable. Our army is going up the mountain at this time. It is just for the soldiers to die in vain." At the same time, Guo Si, Yang Feng and fan Hou all stood up and remonstrated with Dong min to support Li Ru's retreat.

Dong min had a complicated look on his face. He did not know what Li Ru said. However, after this plan, he was supposed to kill Chen Ren, but he didn't expect to be killed by Chen Ren, the first general under his command. How can Dong min not be heartbroken. At the thought of Lu Bu, who was killed by Chen Ren, the Qi and blood in Dong min's chest suddenly surged, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Prime minister!" As soon as Li Ru and others saw Dong min vomiting blood, they rushed forward. Li Ru helped Dong min, but they saw Dong min pale. Li Ru said in a hurry: "medical officer! Medical officer! Go to the doctor

Suddenly, Dong min grabbed Li Ru's sleeve and said with difficulty, "pass on my military order! Back! Soldiers After spitting out the last two words, Dong min's head tilted and he fainted. These Xiliang generals were in a hurry again. After a while, they carried Dong min into the big tent.

At the top of the mountain, Chen Ren didn't know that such changes had taken place at the foot of the mountain. In his opinion, the Xiliang army was afraid to turn into anger at the death of Lv Bu, and began to attack with all his strength. Therefore, Chen Ren hastily ordered the whole army to be on guard and ready for the enemy's attack at any time. However, after waiting for a long time, he still did not see a person running up the mountain.

"Governor! Look! The enemy has retreated! " A soldier suddenly pointed to the foot of the mountain and drank to Chen Ren.

Chen Ren had just finished dressing the wound. Hearing the soldier's words, he couldn't even roll on his armor. He rushed to the edge of the mountain and looked down. Sure enough, those Xiliang soldiers at the foot of the mountain had begun to tidy up the camp. Under the command of the general, they arranged their ranks in order and began to retreat towards the entrance of Qi valley.

A soldier on one side asked Chen Ren, "governor, do we want to pursue?"

Chen Ren understood the reason for the retreat of the Xiliang army for a moment, but shook his head and said, "in case of emergency, we should not go down the mountain easily. In any case, given the current situation of our army, it is impossible to pose any threat to the Xiliang army."Chen Ren said this is a big truth. After two days of fighting, although the soldiers in Shandao camp were tough, they were also weak. Now there are only about 10000 soldiers left in the 20000 mountain sword camp. It can be seen how tragic the war has been in these two days. In fact, Chen is very lucky to win this time. First of all, Chen Ren was lucky to feel the murderous spirit of the valley mouth and left the valley mouth in time. Otherwise, even if not all of them entered the valley mouth and were rushed by Lv Bu, the Shandao camp would suffer great losses. Secondly, in the first battle with the Xiliang army, Chen Ren was sure to defeat Lv Bu, but he was not sure that the defense line of Shandao camp would be washed down and defeated Lv Bu. However, Chen killed the red rabbit horse in any lucky killing, which led to Lv Bu's gaffe and the low morale of the Xiliang army, and even more led to Lv Bu's final outburst to challenge Chen Renlai. Thirdly, Chen Ren could find such a mountain in time as a defensive barrier. If it had not been for this barrier, Li Ru would have ordered the whole army to attack it?

It was because of so much luck and coincidence that Chen Ren was able to defend Dong min's attack and kill Lv Bu. He was so lucky that he could even describe the war by escaping from death.

Seeing that the Xiliang army at the foot of the mountain finally retreated to no one left, Chen Ren's big stone finally fell down, waved his hand and said, "the whole army is on guard. We must not relax! We are here waiting for help I'm kidding. What if this is the plot of Li Ru's insidious guy? Maybe it's pretending to retreat and come back to attack the mountain again at night! If you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, you should be careful.

"Here it is The soldier took over Chen Ren's military order and immediately turned to convey it to other soldiers. Seeing the Xiliang army withdraw, Chen Ren's heart is also a loose, a buttock will sit on the ground, but accidentally shocked to the shoulder socket wound, pain Chen Ren that is straight suction air-conditioning.

At the sight of his injury, Chen Ren could not help but look at the corpse of Lu Bu, who had been lying on the ground not far away. Without Chen Ren's command, other soldiers did not dare to deal with Lv Bu's body. Even the soldiers who were going to pass by, they made a special detour. Chen Yiren called in a soldier with a gloomy face, and told him to take some people to tell him that Lv Bu's body was buried, which was to prevent Lv Bu from being exposed to the wild.

They had been resting until now, and the soldiers were full of energy. At any command of Chen, the soldiers found a space on the top of the mountain to bury Lu Bu's body in it, and built a small earth bag. Chen Ren went over and picked up Lu Bu's Fang Tian Hua halberd. He went directly to the small earth bag where Lu Bu was buried. After a moment's silence, he immediately mentioned the Fang Tian Hua halberd and inserted it directly in front of the small earth bag. When the breeze blows, the red tassels on the halberd of Fangtian painting are hung up. I'm afraid that in a few years, no one will know that the most powerful warrior in the world is buried on this ordinary peak.

It seems that Chen Ren's worry has been in vain. Just two days later, those who left Xiliang army never appeared again. Chen Ren and his army stayed here for two days. Until the afternoon of the third day, a soldier saw the Han River in the distance on the top of the mountain. A group of warships appeared, and the flag of the Dongwu navy was hanging on the warship. Chen Ren immediately ordered his soldiers to contact him after he got the news. Two hours later, Chen Ren faintly saw a team coming from the foot of the mountain. Ganning, Lvmeng and Heqi were the leaders in front of him!

However, Ganning's horses were ordinary horses, which could not compare with Chen Ren's dark clouds and snow. They could run directly up the mountain, only to get off the horse to catch up with them. As soon as they arrived at the top of the mountain, LV Meng and He Qi saw Chen Ren and immediately turned red. They rushed to Chen Ren and worshipped him. Gan Ning was also in the moment when he saw Chen Ren. He let out a long sigh of relief, but then he laughed and said, "Zici! How come you, the first dragon general in the world, will also win the prize

Chen Ren had an injury to his shoulder socket. One hand could not move. He could only help LV Meng and He Qi with the other hand one by one. Hearing Gan Ning's heartless words, he couldn't help rolling his eyes and saying to Gan Ning, "how can I come here now? Sure enough, it's better to rely on yourself. If all depends on you, I'm afraid there will be no bones left. "