As soon as Yang Songgang stepped out of the hall, he suddenly heard the thunder like cheers coming from the front yard, followed by shouts of killing. Although Yang Song is much smarter than his younger brother Yang Bai, one thing is that he has never been to the battlefield. At this time, when I heard the cry of killing, I was stunned.

In the twinkling of an eye, the corridor leading to the front yard suddenly seemed like a flood. Countless soldiers poured out, each armed with sharp weapons, rushed towards Yang Song. Many of the soldiers were also stained with blood. It was obvious that they had just had a fight. In the front row, it was General Yang Ren of Hanzhong and other generals of Hanzhong.

As soon as he saw the look in Yang Ren's eyes, Yang Song immediately knew that it was not good, and turned around to run back. However, Yang Ren, who had already seen Yang Song and others, would let him go. Yang Ren gave a big drink: "thief! Where to run! " The sword in his hand was immediately thrown at Yang Song. However, although Yang Ren was called a general in Hanzhong, his martial arts were not very good. When Yang Ren threw the sword, he did not hit Yang Song at all. Instead, he wiped Yang Song's body and landed at the door of the hall.

However, Rao is so, Yang Song is also frightened by this sword, his legs and stomach soften, and he collapses directly on the ground. Yang Ren and all the officers and men immediately chased up and surrounded Yang Song. A soldier ran to the front and picked up Yang Ren's sword and handed it directly to Yang Ren. Yang Ren took over the sword and put it on Yang Song's neck. His face was ferocious and asked, "thief! Where did you hide your teacher? Say it

Yang Song was timid at first. When he saw all the murderous people around him, he was already pale with fear. Especially when Yang Ren's sword with blood was on his neck, Yang Song didn't want to think about what was going on. He said in a trembling voice: "in, in, in the backyard wing room!"

Yang saw Yang Song's appearance and knew that he was not lying. He immediately raised his sword and cut off Yang Song's head on the neck. Immediately, the blood flew out from the fracture on his neck. Yang Ren was really shot all over his face. However, Yang Ren directly wiped the blood stains on his face, picked up Yang Song's head on the ground, and drank to the soldiers around him: "the traitor has been removed! I'll go to rescue Shijun

"Roar!" The soldiers raised their weapons one by one, and drank with Yang Ren.

Yang Ren took Yang Song's head and took the lead to go back to the garden. There was so much noise in front of him. Where were the servants and maids there? Yang Ren and others had a smooth journey. However, even if some people, I am afraid to see such a group of vicious people also dare not intercept it.

Yang Ren has been to ZhangFu many times. He is still clear about the layout of ZhangFu. Under Yang Ren's leadership, he quickly arrived at the wing room in the back garden of ZhangFu. There were several sergeants at the door of the wing room, but when he heard that Yang Song was beheaded, they all ran away, leaving only the empty back garden.

Yang Ren went straight to the door of the wing room, but saw a big lock hanging on the door. Yang Ren stepped back and handed over the head of Yang Song in his hand to a general behind him. He raised his sword and slashed the lock. He kicked open the door and broke in.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw a thin middle-aged man lying on the couch. His body was bound by ropes, and his mouth was stuffed with a large mass of coarse cloth. As soon as he saw Yang Ren, he began to twist his body violently, and his mouth was still humming.

"Master!" Yang recognized that the middle-aged man was Zhang Lu at any time. Seeing Zhang Lu was still good, he did not mention how happy he was. He immediately helped Zhang Lu untie the rope and took out the coarse cloth from his mouth.

Zhang Lu's mouth was empty and he said to Yang Ren, "what about Yang Song's dog thief?"

After helping Zhang Lu untie the rope, Yang Ren immediately stepped back to Zhang Lu, led the officers and men who entered the room, and worshipped Zhang Luqi: "the end will not be able to come in time, let the Shijun suffer!"

Zhang Lu is still a good talker. Although he was just rescued, his face was full of anger, but in the face of these loyal officers and men, Zhang Lu was more kind. After moving some numb wrists, he immediately stepped forward to help Yang Ren up and motioned other officers and men to stand up.

Yang Ren replied to Zhang Lu with a fist: "that Yang Song dog thief has been killed by the end of the war! Please look at me, sir Then he took back Yang Song's head from the officer behind him and handed it to Zhang Lu.

Looking at the bloody head, Zhang Lu immediately showed a trace of hatred on his face, patted Yang Ren on the shoulder and said, "general, it's hard work!"

Knowing that Zhang Lu didn't want to take the head, Yang Ren threw it to the generals behind him and said, "Shijun! Yang Bai, the younger brother of Yang Song, is now in the Yang mansion. Before the end of the general, he has ordered people to surround Yang's house. As for the other accomplices of the traitors in the barracks, they have been eliminated! Now all the officers and men are on standby. Please order clear opposition to the party! "

Zhang Lu nodded his head. He just wanted to say something. Suddenly, a cry came out from outside: "what are you doing? Want to rebel? eldest brother! eldest brother! move out of my way! Get out of the way Listening to this voice, it seems that it is Zhang Wei, the younger brother of Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu frowned. He was locked into the wing room by Yang Song. He heard Zhang Wei's voice more than once. He thought Zhang Wei could save himself, but he never thought that Zhang Wei was cheated away by Yang Song's rhetoric. Zhang Lu can be said to be angry with Zhang Wei, and now he is reckless to drink outside. It seems that his younger brother is not in the officialdom."Second brother! I'm in there! You come in here Zhang Lu seldom used a very severe tone to drink.

After a while, Zhang Wei carelessly pushed aside the soldiers at the door and walked into the wing room, which made Zhang Lu frown again. Seeing that Yang Ren was covered with blood, and the head of Yang Song in the hands of the general behind him, Zhang Wei immediately changed his face. He immediately drew out his sword and swore at Yang Ren and said, "be bold, Yang Ren! You dare to kill the minister without authorization

"Stop it!" Zhang Lu immediately cheered, but Yang Ren looked at Zhang Wei scornfully like an idiot. Zhang Lu is more and more dissatisfied with his brother.

At this time, another soldier came out of the door, but he was holding a middle-aged scholar in his hand, but the middle-aged scholar was covered with blood and was in a coma. The general cried to Yang Ren with tears on his face: "General Yang! General Yang! Lord Yan, Lord Yan, he... "

Yang Ren turned his head and saw that the middle-aged scholar was not Yan Pu who had cheated Zhang Wei away so that they could do things conveniently. However, he could not even see whether he was alive or dead. Yang Ren hurriedly went to Yan Pu, took over Yan Pu and called: "Lord Yan! Lord Yan! Wake up! Lord Yan

"Hum! eldest brother! That swindler dared to cheat me out of the house. Later, when I found out, he still held my armour and said that Yang Song was scheming and trying to cheat me! I cut off one of his hands, and he immediately fainted, but that's all Zhang Wei said to Zhang Lu with pride on his face. Obviously, he was very proud that he could find out Yan Pu's lie in time. Yang Ren's right arm was empty. Suddenly, Yang Ren's chest burst into grief and indignation, and the two lines of tears could not help but flow down.

Zhang Lu immediately understood what was going on. Yan Pu and Yang Ren should have planned to seize the military power of the Yang brothers and come to rescue themselves. However, seeing Zhang Wei come to the house, I was afraid that the plan would be destroyed by Yang Song's Zhang Wei, especially in order to protect Zhang Wei from accidents. He came forward to cheat Zhang Wei, but he didn't expect to be cut off by Zhang Wei instead. Looking at Zhang Wei's complacent appearance, Zhang Lu's hatred in his heart did not strike a place. He immediately slapped Zhang Wei in the face and knocked him to the ground, covering his face and staring at his elder brother.

"Come on! Put Zhang Wei in prison for me Zhang Lu's face turned red with anger. One finger pointed at Zhang Wei and trembled. He yelled at other soldiers.

Seeing that Yanpu was so badly hurt by Zhang Wei, those generals and soldiers hated Zhang Wei very much. Now they have got the order of Zhang Lu, and even if they go forward to take Zhang Wei into custody. Zhang Lu didn't care what Zhang Wei was like. He walked quickly to Yan Pu and whispered to Yan Pu with tears: "Yan Pu, Yan Pu, can you hear my voice?" However, no matter how Zhang Lu called, Yan Pu did not respond at all, and his face was pale, which was obviously caused by excessive blood loss.

Zhang Lu stood up fiercely and said to the door, "medical officer! What about the medical officer? Don't go to the medical officer Although Zhang Lu learned some medical skills from his grandfather Zhang Daoling, he mainly treated some diseases such as typhoid fever, but there was no effective treatment for this kind of sword wound.

These generals and men responded that they wanted to go to the medical officer. Those who stood outside the door of the house rushed to the outside of the mansion. Yang Ren finally suppressed his excitement and said to Zhang Lu, "Shijun, it's not appropriate for so many generals to gather in the mansion. Please arrange it!"

Zhang Lu arranged for the soldiers to put Yan Pu on his couch. Hearing Yang Ren say so, Zhang Lu is right to think about it. He says to Yang Ren, "everything depends on the general's own arrangement."

After receiving Zhang Lu's instruction, Yang Ren accepted the military order with his fist clasped and said to the remaining soldiers, "all the officers and men, listen to my military order and withdraw from the Palace first!"

"Here it is All the officers and men clapped their fists and cheered. Originally, they were very respectful to Yang Ren. Now they have heard Zhang Lu's personal authorization, and of course they have followed Yang Ren's arrangement. Yang Ren was not vague. First, he arranged for some generals to guard Zhang's house. Then, he personally took people to Yang's house to arrest Yang Bai.