Two days later, in the palace of Chang'an City, as always, the garrison of Xiliang army was stationed.

However, different from the previous time when Dong Zhuo was alive, when Dong Zhuo was alive, he would sleep in the palace every night, and nearly half of the garrison in Chang'an City would be stationed in the palace. When Dong min took over Dong Zhuo's position, Dong min did not like Dong Zhuo's nostalgia for women. He always lived in the prime minister's office. As a result, the number of garrisons in the palace was much less, and even could be described as rare. Moreover, in order to facilitate the guards, the residence of the ministers was also forced to be arranged around the palace, which was guarded by the garrison of the palace.

Although this garrison may be a little less, Dong min is very relieved. After all, Yongzhou is his world, and no one dares to make trouble in his land so far.

This night, it seems to be prepared for something special. Don't talk about the moon in the night sky, even the stars can't be seen. The palace is dark except for the lights that are bright and dim.

In today's palace of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie and empress Fu are not the only ones. There are also several ministers standing in front of them. These ministers stood in front of Liu Xie in a row. They were Dong Cheng, a member of the imperial family, Yang Qi, Yang Mi, Yang Mi, Yang Biao, and Zhu.

Liu Xie is now an 18-year-old young man with beautiful appearance, but he is somewhat similar to his biological mother, Wang Meiren. No wonder he was loved by his father, Emperor Hanling, and his grandmother, Empress Dowager Dong. It may be that staying in the court all year round, Liu Xie's face showed some morbid pale, but tonight, Liu Xie's face is rare to have a trace of flush.

"Captain Yang! Is that true? " After all, Liu Xieyu's face is more calm than that of many years old.

Yang Biao arched his hand and said, "reply to your majesty! The news is true! The Bingzhou generals were dissatisfied with Dong min because of Lv Bu's death. Later, Dong min sent them to Qishan to guard them. Therefore, these Bingzhou generals decided to betray Dong min, and they were willing to take his majesty away from Dong min's hand! "

"Great! Great Liu Xie is now an adult, but his dignity as the son of heaven gradually makes him very dissatisfied with Dong min, who is the ruler of the court. He is always eager to get rid of Dong min's control. Now I'm very happy to hear Yang Biao say that I really hope to leave Chang'an.

The big Si Nong Zhu Chu immediately went forward and said, "your majesty! Although the Bingzhou army did not care for his majesty wholeheartedly, it was still necessary to take advantage of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I have made an agreement with the generals of Bingzhou that they will set off secretly tonight. Please prepare your Majesty's things. As soon as the Bingzhou army arrives, your majesty can leave Chang'an with you! "

Compared with Yang Biao and others, Zhu Zhen was the main general who led the troops to encircle and suppress the Yellow turban rebellion. He had been on the battlefield. In this regard, Liu Xie trusted him more. Liu Xie nodded in a hurry. He just wanted to open his mouth and call for help, but he was stopped by Dong Cheng.

"Your majesty! Never Dong Cheng quickly stopped Liu Xie and Fu's empress, and said, "Your Majesty, the palace police are everywhere in the eyes of the Dong thief. Your Majesty must not be vocal. If you leak the wind, you will be caught by work not completed by the Dong thief."

Liu Xie was also a smart man, but he was dazed by the good news. After Dong Cheng reminded him of this, he realized that he took empress Fu to clean it up in person. Some of these things were close to empress Fu. Yang Biao and others were men. Naturally, it was not easy to help. They had to stand at the door to guard for Liu Xie and empress Fu.

Not after a while, all of a sudden, I heard Zhu Chu in the door whispering: "who?"

"But Mr. Zhu? Zhang Liao, the lower Bingzhou army A dull sound sounded outside the hall, but it was the voice of Zhang Liao.

As soon as he heard that it was the Bingzhou army, Zhu Jian opened the door of the hall immediately, and several generals in heavy armor rushed in from outside the hall. They were all full of murderous spirit and stained with blood stains on their armor. The first one was Zhang Liao.

"Lord Zhu! Ladies and gentlemen Zhang Liao was in charge of contacting Zhu Zhu before, so he knew him well. He immediately clasped hands with Zhu, then saluted several other ministers, and then asked, "Your Majesty, are you ready?"

On hearing this, Zhu immediately turned to Dong Cheng and said, "please come in and see if your majesty is ready." Dong Cheng is a relative of his country. He has less worries than others. He also knows that this is the critical moment. Without much refusal, he turns around and walks quickly into the inner hall.

Zhang Liao was a little anxious and said to Zhu: "Lord Zhu! Now most of the garrison in the palace has been cleaned up by our Bingzhou army, and the palace gate has been occupied by us, so we should speed up! Otherwise, it will be discovered by Dong thief for a long time! "

Yang Biao suddenly asked, "General Zhang, what about the ministers around the palace?"

Zhang Liao nodded and said, "the last general has sent someone to invite him, but some ministers refused to go. In order to avoid leaking information, the last general has killed all the ministers who refused to leave." When he said this, Zhang Liao's murderous spirit could not help but gush out. It seems that he has killed many people this evening."What!" Yang Qi on one side glared at Zhang Liao and cursed: "you, you, how dare you kill the minister? How dare you

Zhang Liao didn't even look at Yang Qi, but he could see the contempt on his face. Zhu immediately stopped Yang Qi, frowned and said, "Mr. Yang! General Zhang did nothing wrong! The primary purpose of everything is the safety of your majesty. These ministers use the salary of a great man, but now they are greedy for life and afraid of death. What's the use of them? " Although he was not satisfied with Zhang Liao's practice, he was a man who had been on the battlefield and was not weak in killing.

"Hum!" Seeing that Zhu Ju was also on Zhang Liao's side, and what Zhu said was also reasonable, Yang Qi gave a cold hum and shook his sleeve. He did not look at Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao looked at the inner hall, frowned and said, "how come you haven't come out yet?" As soon as the voice fell, Dong Cheng came out of the inner hall with Liu Xie and empress Fu. When Liu Xie and empress Fu saw that they suddenly came out, several generals were shocked. Especially when Queen Fu saw the blood stains on Zhang Liao and others, she immediately shrank behind Liu Xie.

Just looking at their clothes, Zhang Liao also knew that they were the emperor and Empress of today. He immediately took his men behind him to worship Liu Xie and empress Fu and said, "please see your majesty! Mother

Dong Cheng, who was close to Liu Xie, also introduced to Liu Xie and empress Fu: "don't be surprised, your majesty and your mother. This is general Zhang Liao of Bingzhou army!"

On hearing that he was a general of the Bingzhou army, Liu Xie also knew that he was coming to meet him and escape from Chang'an. He did not care about Zhang Liao's bloodstain at the moment. He raised Zhang Liao and said, "general, help the Han Dynasty! We can't help it! "

"I dare not!" Zhang Liao stood up with Liu Xie's hand, bowed his head and clasped his fist and said to Liu Xie, "please leave the palace quickly! The Bingzhou army has taken over outside the palace! "

"Good! Good When Liu Xie heard that he could finally leave the cage, Liu Xie couldn't help but feel a little excited. He took empress Fu behind him and walked quickly outside the hall. Zhang Liao, Zhu Ju and others were all around Liu Xie's side, protecting Liu Xie from leaving.

Walking in the palace, and Liu Xie's side Bingzhou army more and more, Zhu Jian looked at the body of the palace in surprise. Before they had been in Liu Xie's bedroom, but they did not hear a sound outside. Unexpectedly, the Bingzhou army killed all the guards, eunuchs and maids in the imperial palace. This kind of fighting capacity really made Zhu Shua's tongue, and he could not help but expect more about his plan to escape from Chang'an.

All the way to the palace gate, the palace gate is already full of people, not only the Bingzhou army, but also a group of ministers with their families. As soon as these ministers saw that Liu Xie came out, they bowed down to Liu Xie one after another, saying long live. The generals of Bingzhou, who were stationed outside the palace gate, could not help frowning. They were obviously dissatisfied with the red tape.

Zhang Liao walked quickly to Gao Shun and said, "General Gao! It's ready! "

Gao Shun nodded, waved his big hand, and said, "Your Majesty, please drive!" The soldiers of the Bingzhou army did not have so many generals. They put the emperor and empress on the ready-made carriage, and their rude actions made Zhu Ji and other ministers frown. Yang Qi and Yang Mi couldn't help but wanted to yell, but they were stopped by Zhu Jian and Yang Biao with bitter faces. Now the Han Dynasty is in the hands of this group of Bingzhou army. If you annoy these soldiers, they will make trouble.

"Hou Cheng!" Gao Shun suddenly called Hou Cheng aside and whispered to him, "if we can't get out of the way when we meet the obstruction of Dong thieves, we will kill both the emperor and the queen!" When he said this, Gao Shun's eyes twinkled with cold light, which made Hou Chengdu shiver.

Hou Cheng was obviously shocked by Gao Shun's words. He looked at Gao Shun with wide eyes. Gao Shun said grimly: "even if we die, we won't let Dong thief live well. Once the emperor and empress die, the Dong thief will never be able to get rid of it! At that time, we will be avenged for Wen Hou! " When Hou Cheng heard Gao Shun say this, he immediately clasped his fist at Gao Shun, turned around and walked to the carriage. He turned over and got on the carriage and drove himself.

"Drive!" As Hou Cheng drove the carriage, the Bingzhou army also drove the ministers and drove them to the east gate of Chang'an city. The Bingzhou army was good at riding, so the Bingzhou army had always prepared many horses. At this time, they were in good use. The ministers' horses and carriages were closely following Liu Xie's, and they were not behind.