Although these people had a lively discussion, Chen Ren, Xun Yu and others were silent. They had just talked with Sun Jian in Chen Ren's study for a long time. They had discussed the suggestions put forward by these civil and military officials. All of them are true, but none of the solutions has been implemented.

Pang Ji's analysis is very reasonable, with Cao Cao's ability, maybe it is really possible. The discussion in the hall became more and more heated, but there was still no concrete and feasible way. Sun Jian sighed slightly. Looking at today, he couldn't think of a good way to deal with Cao Cao. Although Cao Cao has no choice but to take Dongwu as an example, it is bound to become a huge obstacle for Sun Jian to unify the country in the future. As early as when he had just unified Jiangdong, Chen Ren set a basic direction for Sun Jian to move forward, that is, to keep the north in a state of war, while Sun Jian was developing in the south. Finally, he won the north at one stroke and achieved hegemony.

However, if Cao Cao were allowed to unify the north, he was afraid to give him a period of time to develop, and then the two realms would be separated. Sun Jian didn't want to see this. Sun Jian sighed again and said, "it seems that I can only hope that Gongsun Zan can hold on for a while, and don't be defeated by Cao Cao so easily."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener does. Chen Ren's ears moved and his eyes lit up when he heard Sun Jian's whispering to himself. When he called out to the hall, "go and get my map! Come on

Any one of the soldiers who ran to the front door of the room immediately followed the orders of the sergeant Chen. Chen Ren's family is no match for the special conference hall in the residence of marquis Wu of Sun Jian. However, there is no habit of hanging maps in Chen Ren's hall. After a while, the sergeant took a leather map from Chen Ren's study and, under Chen Ren's command, displayed it directly in the corridor in the middle of the hall.

Chen Ren quickly got up from his seat and walked quickly to the map to watch carefully. Meanwhile, all the civil and military officials who were arguing on both sides also stopped and looked at Chen Ren. While looking at Chen Ren, he kept on drawing on the map. Sun Jian, who was sitting at the head of the table, was also in front of his eyes. Looking at Chen Ren's appearance, he must have an idea. He quickly motioned to the civil and military officials on both sides not to disturb him. For a moment, the noisy hall suddenly quieted down. Everyone watched Chen walking around there.

After a long time, Chen Ren finally straightened his back and let out a long sigh of relief. When he looked around, he found that everyone was looking at him. Chen Ren smiles and turns back to his seat. Looking at Chen Ren's expression, Sun Jian immediately asked with expectation: "Zici! Have you come up with any good idea? "

Chen Renxian nodded, then immediately shook his head, and immediately confused Sun Jian and civil and military officials. Is this right or not? Chen Ren immediately explained, "my Lord! In fact, my subordinates have thought of a way, but this method is too difficult, just don't know whether it can be realized

Sun Jian was so anxious by Chen Ren's behavior that he immediately said, "Oh! Can't you tell me about it! If it is really a good way, we can also find a way to do it! "

Chen Ren cocked his mouth slightly and said to Sun Jian, "in fact, what the Lord and all of you are worried about is that Cao Cao will quickly unify the north and expand his strength after welcoming the emperor. But we can't stop it. We can only watch Cao Cao expand, right? "

When Chen Ren asked this question, everyone nodded. Chen Ren continued to ask, "if Cao Cao wants to expand his power, the first thing he has to deal with is Gongsun Zan of Youzhou. Only by removing Gongsun Zan, can Cao Cao concentrate on Dong min without any worries. Although Gongsun Zan is brave and good at fighting, he is inferior to many of Cao Cao's powerful generals. Cao Cao is good at using the army, so Gongsun Zan is absolutely unable to defeat Cao Cao! "

"Oh Cheng Pu couldn't stand Chen Ren's betrayal of the truth here. He immediately murmured, "Zici! We have just said all that you said! Just tell me what you're doing

Chen Ren also gave Cheng Pu a very bright smile and said to Sun Jian and others, "so to prevent Cao Cao from unifying the north, the first thing is to stop Cao Cao from defeating Gongsun Zan and seizing Youzhou! In this case, it is up to us to help Gongsun Zan defend Youzhou and resist Cao Cao's attack! As long as we send out a large army that Cao Cao has never seen before, and then select a commander-in-chief whom Cao Cao does not know to help Gongsun Zan resist Cao Cao's attack in Youzhou! "

Sun CE on the other side frowned and said to Chen Ren, "teacher, but there is no way for us to pass through because of Cao Cao's influence between Soochow and Youzhou! Besides, Cao Cao now has the most advantageous weapon, the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Before dealing with Gongsun Zan, he will definitely declare Gongsun Zan a traitor in the name of the imperial court! If Mao rushes to help Gongsun Zan, isn't it helping the traitor? "

Chen Ren shook his head and said, "Bofu! When did your teacher say I was going to Youzhou by land"Not by land?" This time, it was not sun CE who asked questions, but all the civil and military officials including Sun Jian stood up and looked at Chen Ren, even Cheng Yu, who had always sat steadily in the corner.

Chen Ren smiles, but he is still sitting on his seat, pointing his hand to the map on the ground. People all look at Chen Ren's finger and see that the direction on the map pointed by Chen Ren is just a large blank on the far right side of the map.

Zhou Yu's voice trembled and asked, "old teacher, you should not be, you mean to walk from the sea?"

Zhou Yu's question again aroused the public, especially Huang Gai and Gan Ning, who were in charge of the Dongwu water army. They both left their seats at the same time, and quickly rushed to the map and looked at it carefully on the right side of the map.

After a long time, Zhou Yu came to his senses, but shook his head vigorously and said, "teacher! You can't do this! Although our Dongwu Navy is powerful, it can only be on the Yangtze River, if it goes to sea. The ships of the Dongwu navy are still too small to handle the impact of the sea water for a long time Zhou Yu, who grew up on the edge of the Yangtze River since childhood, was very clear about this point. Even Huang Gai and Gan Ning did not refute this.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Chen Ren suddenly looked up at the sky with a smile and said to Zhou Yu, "Gongjin, Gongjin, your thinking is still too rigid! I mean, if you want to go to Youzhou by water, why go to sea for a long time Chen Ren simply stood up again and walked to Huang Gai and Gan Ning.

Sun Jian, Zhou Yu and other civil and military officials all stood up and went to the map to see how Chen Ren solved the problem. Chen Ren pointed to the end of the Yangtze River in the mainland on the map and said, "the Dongwu water army went out of the Yangtze River from Shatou Town, but didn't have to go to sea. They just had to go north along the edge of the mainland." With that, Chen Ren's fingers slid upward along the dividing line between land and sea, and finally stopped at the position of Donghai County.

"The only difficulty is here! During this voyage, although there is no need to go to sea, it is also necessary to keep a certain distance from the land for a long time, and can not be found by the garrison of Qingzhou! After bypassing Qingzhou, you can land between Bohai Sea and Liaoxi! Set foot on the territory of Youzhou Chen Ren said his own ideas in the eyes of everyone's surprise, and immediately shocked everyone.

In this era, the sea is still strange. The waterway people in this era have mastered is only the inland waters of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. To go out to sea, we must prepare very large ships, and there are also great risks, so no one thought of Chen Ren's way to transport the army. When Chen Ren said this, everyone was stunned, but Huang Gai and Gan Ning, the two commanders of the water army who used to fight with water, were even eager to try.

After a short period of thinking, people have to admit that Chen Ren's method has great feasibility. Chen Ren then frowned and said, "in fact, the most difficult thing about this method is not the transportation process, but after the army landed in Youzhou! This army could not expose the whereabouts of Soochow in Youzhou, and this mode of transportation also made it impossible for this army to obtain long-term supplies. Therefore, this army will certainly encounter many difficulties in Youzhou, and may be attacked by Gongsun Zan and Cao Cao on both sides. "

After hearing Chen Ren's words, they could not help being silent. Chen Ren's words were correct. It would take at least two years for the voyage to come and go, and there was no way to provide supplies. This army may encounter various situations in the strange environment of Youzhou, which greatly increases the risk. Naturally, it is much more difficult than crossing Qingzhou along the coast. What's more, Chen Ren just said that this army must be led by a general not familiar with Cao Cao. However, the more capable generals of Soochow have already made a reputation. If the generals like Chen Ren or Zhao Yun were to lead, they would be safer at least. If an ordinary general is allowed to be the commander-in-chief of this army, then the possibility of the army's failure is very high.

"In fact!" Chen Ren suddenly opened his mouth to Sun Jian and said, "the candidates for this army have just been chosen by his subordinates, but it is really hard to find the candidates for this commander."