When Gongsun Zan didn't touch the sword, Gongsun fan and Yan Gang immediately went to persuade Gongsun Zan. This was to save the soldier's life. Yan Gang asked the sergeant, "say! What's going on? "

The sergeant was not a fool. Of course, he understood that Yan Gang was saving his life. He quickly clasped his fist and said, "back, back, report to the Lord. Cao's army outside the city has begun to attack the city!"

"What!" The three people in the hall were stunned. Gongsun Zan even forgot to kill the sergeant. He took his two generals to run outside. He led the horse in the prefect's mansion and turned over to mount the horse. Then he remembered that he didn't know that the gate was attacked!

"Dong! Bang! Bang Gongsun Zan and his two generals clapped their horses to the north of the city without saying a word.

As soon as we got to the bottom of the city wall in the north of the city, the sound of the impact became more and more loud. Every sound seemed to hit Gongsun Zan's heart. At the gate, hundreds of soldiers were standing behind the gate with their own bodies. It was obvious that the sound of percussion came from outside the gate.

Gongsun Zan took a pale look at the gate, and then rushed to the head of the city. Gongsun fan and Yan Gang looked at each other and immediately followed.

As soon as he got to the head of the city, he saw all the soldiers standing there. Gongsun Zan didn't fight at all. But when he turned his head and looked out of the city, Gongsun Zan could not help taking a deep breath.

Looking out of the city, it is a dense area of soldiers are rushing towards the city wall. Under the city head, there are already many soldiers climbing the wall. A group of about dozens of soldiers are carrying a huge log to hit the city gate.

"What's going on?" Yan Gang and Gongsun fan, who came up from behind, also looked silly, "how can the number of Cao Jun become so many? There must be at least 150000 people here

"I see!" Yan Gang suddenly exclaimed, "it's soldiers! It's a surrender! " It occurred to several people that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had defeated the reinforcements of Daijun and Yicheng. Those extra soldiers must be the Youzhou troops who surrendered.

Gongsun Zan was awakened by Yan Gang's exclamation. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He drew his sword from Gongsun fan's waist behind him, cut down a dazed soldier, and yelled: "what are you doing! Keep the city for me

Gongsun Zan was so angry that the soldiers in the city came back to their senses one by one. Under the command of Yan Gang and Gongsun fan, they began to organize an attack on the Cao army under the city head.

Fortunately, Cao's army was obviously not ready to attack the city. Otherwise, the soldiers of guangchengtou would have been attacked for a long time. So it's not too late for the defenders to start fighting back. On the contrary, because Cao's troops are too dense under the city, the stones and oil from the city's head play a more effective role.

Looking in front of the gate, those Cao troops are still under the shield of the shield carrying the huge wood to hit the gate. Yan Gang hurriedly commands several defenders to attack the gate. Yan Gang saw a pot of boiling oil cooked, quickly drink: "quick! Come on! Bring that pot of oil here! Come on The garrison obeyed Yan Gang's instructions, and lifted the pot of boiling oil directly above the gate of the city and poured it on the head of Cao Jun, who was carrying the giant wood.

"Ah!" There was a scream at the bottom of the city. Although the shield could hold the boulders and arrows, it couldn't block the liquid oil. All the oil flowed down the shield to the Cao Jun below, which made Cao Jun scalded to pieces. They couldn't hold the huge wood at all and rolled on the ground one by one.

"Take the bow and arrow!" When Gongsun fan looked at it, he immediately thought of a way. When the guards handed over the bow and arrow, Gongsun fan first did not take the bow and arrow, but pulled off the hem of his clothes and tied it directly to the arrow. Then he took the arrow and set it on fire in the oil burning campfire. Then he took the bow and aimed the simple rocket at the huge wood under the city and shot it.

The rocket accurately hit the huge wood covered with boiling oil. As soon as the oil touched the fire on the arrow, it immediately burned up. In a short time, the whole giant wood was burned, and even several Cao Jun's bodies were also on fire.

"Third brother! Well done Gongsun Zan looked at it, cheered loudly, and let other soldiers follow suit. They made simple rockets and fired at the places under the city where the oil was spilled. After a while, a fire wall was set up at the bottom of the city, which not only prevented the Cao troops who had just rushed in, but also directly fell into the fire with huge stones and arrows, and the people who were burned by the fire kept screaming.

In Cao's camp not far from the city, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who have been watching the battle, can't help clapping their legs, and Zhang Fei is even more anxious to scold his mother. However, Jia Xu, who was sitting on the side, always kept a smiling expression, as if he had already known about the sudden counterattack at the head of the city.

Although Guan Yu is not as impatient as Zhang Fei, he can't cut the enemy in front of him with his enemy in front of him. Turning to Jia Xu, he said, "sir! Now let's go to the brothers! Within today's time, we will be able to seize this city! " Guan Yu's words also let Zhang Fei completely agree, picked up the snake spear behind him and ready to go.But Jia Xu waved his hand with a smile and said, "general Guan! General Zhang! Don't worry! Gongsun Zan is a hero of a generation. If he can't stop this kind of attack, it will disappoint Jia. "

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were stunned. They turned their heads and looked at Jia Xu. Guan Yu asked, "Sir, did you know for a long time that the attack could not be carried out?"

Jia Xu did not open his mouth to answer, but nodded with a smile. Zhang Fei was in a hurry and said to Jia Xu, "Sir, since you already know that it is impossible to attack, why launch this raid? Isn't that for the soldiers to die? "

Jia Xu still kept smiling, but a cold light flashed from his eyes and said, "don't worry, two generals! I want them to die! Don't the two generals see who is at the front of the line now? "

As soon as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei heard Jia Xu's question, they could not help but look towards the city. Guan Yu's eyes suddenly brightened and turned to look at Jia Xu. His face was shocked and asked, "sir! Are you going to... "

"Good! Two generals, although the Lord is short of troops, the two generals have captured too many soldiers this time! We have only 100000 troops in total, and there are nearly 80000 troops. These 80000 troops are all new Youzhou soldiers. It is a very unstable factor that so many troops are left behind! For the sake of the victory, some of them will be reduced in order to win When Jia Xu said this, although he still had a smile on his face, the chill in his words made Guan Yu and Zhang Fei shiver.

"However, the two generals also have a point. Even if they are making cannon fodder, they can also be used. It's a pity to waste so much money for no reason." Jia Xu stroked his beard, turned to the herald behind him and said, "come on! Pass on my military order that the army in front of us will step back 500 steps temporarily and wait for the fire under the city to extinguish before attacking! "

"Here it is The herald took Jia Xu's order and immediately turned to carry it out.

Jia Xu looked at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and said with a smile, "don't worry, two generals. You'd better sit down and wait. I've been waiting so long. I don't need to be in such a hurry! "

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei finally learned Jia Xu's cruelty this time. This kind of cruelty is much more powerful than fighting with swords on the battlefield. Just a word from Jia Xu, it is estimated that 20000 people will be left after the war.

In Cao's camp here, Jia Xuzheng is leisurely watching the changes on the battlefield, on a highland far away from Renqiu City.

However, Cao's cavalry rushed to the high ground, and the next one of his cavalry's cavalry fell to the ground. The owner of the horse licked the body and came back.

At this time, the horse's head was lifted from the wood to cover up the corpse of the soldier. After a while, calm was restored Here, as if nothing had happened just now.

On the other side of the forest, several people were standing at the highest point of the highland, looking forward to the battle under Renqiu City. These people were sent to Youzhou to help Gongsun Zan resist the Cao army.

Pang Tong frowned and looked at the battle under the city. Shaking his head, zumao next to him said with a smile, "the commander of the Cao army is really a fool. How could he attack the city like this! This is not for the soldiers to die! " Zumao said so, Gan Ning and others around him are nodding approval.

Pang Tong still shook his big head and said, "general Zu! I don't think so! In my opinion, the commander of Cao's army is really brilliant

"What?" The generals did not expect Pang Tong to say so. They all looked at Pang Tong with wide eyes.

Pang Tong frowned and looked at the Cao army who was constantly attacking the city wall and said, "don't you remember the military information we have found before? General Guan Yu and Zhang Fei of Cao army killed the guards of Daijun and Yicheng respectively, and recruited 80000 Youzhou troops from the two cities! In my opinion, it is the 80000 Youzhou soldiers who are attacking Renqiu City now! You can see that although there are more than 100000 Cao troops under the city, it is tens of thousands of people in front of the city who are really involved in the attack, but the people behind are just waving flags and shouting. "