"Young master, you are really smart The woman praised Chen Ren with a smile. "Even when my concubine had just learned the ropes, it took me several months to understand it. I didn't expect that the young master could teach himself without a teacher. He is worthy of being a master of children."

Chen can not help but get a long face. If he did not learn these climbing skills from the TV programs of later generations, I am afraid he would really not be able to get down. Chen Ren had to turn his head, look around and look right, to clear up his embarrassment. But at this time, Chen Rencai realized that although the rock they were in was only half way up the mountain, the road down the mountain was not so steep, and it was completely possible to walk down the mountain.

The woman in white smiles at Chen Ren and says, "please continue to follow me!" Then he turned around and walked away as he had just been on the top of the mountain. Chen Ren was also in a hurry to keep up. On the way to follow the woman in white, Chen Ren immediately found that the woman in front of her was very difficult. Although the way down the mountain was not so steep. But it's not even. But the woman in white is very clever. She goes down the mountain very quickly through the obstacles of those rocks. Fortunately, Chen Ren's skill is not bad. If he changed into an ordinary person, he would have been dumped by the woman in white.

The way down the mountain is not long. Compared with Chen Ren's ascent, it is much faster. After about three incense sticks, Chen Ren followed the woman in white to the foot of the mountain. Chen Ren looked up at the road up the mountain behind him. He was very depressed. He knew there was such a channel. Why should he climb so hard!

Although she went down the Chaoyang peak, the woman in white did not mean to stay at all. She continued to walk towards the middle of the valley at the foot of the mountain. Chen Ren only followed her closely. Walking into a dense forest, under the leadership of the woman in white, she is more and more confused. Chen Ren can be sure that the place where he is now is definitely not the place that ordinary people can go. It can be well proved by looking at the towering trees around him and the grass as high as someone else.

After walking for a long time, it was getting dark. Just as Chen Ren wanted to ask the woman in white who was leading the way in front of him, the woman in white stopped, turned to Chen Ren and said with a smile: "childe! Here we are

Hearing the woman in white, Chen Ren was busy looking to the front. Unconsciously, they had already passed through the forest. In front of them, there was no cover of trees. It was a very wide open space. However, in such a deserted place, there are still several exquisite buildings. At first glance, it is no less than the most exquisite houses in Jianye city.

Chen Ren looked at the marvelous scenery in front of him with a look of disbelief. Why is there such a beautiful building in this deep mountain and old forest? The next scene surprised Chen Ren. In front of one of the largest houses, a group of people were chatting and laughing around a table.

The woman in white seemed to have guessed that Chen Ren would be so shocked. With a smile, she walked towards the group who were chatting. Walking to one of the old people with white hair, he bowed his head and said something. By the way, he pointed to Chen Ren here. Of course, Chen Ren will not be in a daze all the time. He believes that Tong Yuan will not harm him. Since Tong Yuan asked himself to come to these people, there must be something. Since his life will not be harmed, what can Chen Ren dare not do?

Chen Ren, who had thought about this for a long time, first settled down, then raised his legs and went to those people. The old man, who was listening to the woman in white, looked at Chen Ren coming. He stroked his beard with one hand, then nodded. With a group of people who were just chatting with him, he stood up and looked at Chen Ren.

As soon as these people stood up, Chen Ren was a little surprised, for nothing else, because among these people, Chen Ren saw two acquaintances. After removing the women in white before, there were six of them, old and young. The two people Chen Ren knew, one of them was also a white haired old man, but his face was ruddy. It was Hua Tuo, the famous doctor who treated Chen Ren's injuries! Chen Ren is more familiar with another gray old man. It is Huang Chengyan, the father of Huang Yueying, who Chen Ren has not met for a long time.

The two old men both looked at Chen Ren with a smile. The old man who had listened to the woman in white also said to Chen Ren with a smile: "I can't believe that brother Tong is so lazy that he sent his disciples directly! Chen Xiaoyou! Come and have a rest

Chen Ren, after all, has also experienced great storms and waves, and finally has developed a great nerve of not being surprised. He quickly walks over and salutes Hua Tuo and his lord Taishan, and then salutes the old man and says, "I've come to the appointment on the order of my master!" In addition to these three people, the remaining three are a seemingly simple middle-aged man, a smart looking teenager, and a strong middle-aged man.

"Good! Good! Good The old man said a few good words with a smile and said to Huang Chengyan, "brother Chengyan! You have found a good son-in-law

Huang Chengyan said with a proud smile: "who let you have no daughter! Or I don't mind sharing my son-in-law with you! " As soon as Chen Ren heard Huang Chengyan's words, he immediately had a black line on his forehead. His father-in-law was still as eloquent as before.The middle-aged man said, "you can't go back to him with a smile! Although brother Zuo doesn't have a daughter, he also has a beautiful female apprentice! I see, brother Chengyan's son-in-law can't be saved! Ha ha ha Chen Ren's forehead began to sweat, and people can't be judged by their appearance. This old saying is true as expected. Who could have thought that such an honest man could say such ridiculous things.

On the other side, the woman in white who had been standing behind the old man suddenly had a red tide on her white face. She spat at the middle-aged man, turned and ran into a nearby house. After entering, the sea slammed the door of the room.

"Ha ha ha ha! Brother Ma! You're in bad luck! Even Zuo brother's precious apprentice dare to offend! You don't want to eat good food these days The young man is showing a completely and his age does not match the expression, smile ha ha to that middle-aged man said.

Only the strong middle-aged man looked at Chen Ren carefully up and down, and immediately saw Chen Ren as very comfortable. When the boy saw it, he said with a smile, "what? Does brother Wang have a beautiful daughter or apprentice who wants to share this son-in-law with brother Chengyan? "

The strong middle-aged man did not care at all about the teasing of the young man. He just looked at Chen Ren and said, "I heard that you have made a big name in recent years, and even Nalu Bu has been defeated by you several times, and finally died in your hand, right?"

Chen Ren's heart is a thump, this can't be what Lu Bu's people, want to find their own revenge? However, seeing that Huang Chengyan and Hua Tuo just looked at themselves with a smile, Chen Ren felt more or less at the bottom, nodded and said, "good! I have fought with LV Wenhou several times. A few years ago at the edge of the Han River, LV Wenhou also died in the hands of the younger generation! "

The strong man nodded and said, "good! pretty good! Brother Zuo! If I remember correctly, it should have been the children who tried this year? "

Before that, the old man who talked to the woman in white nodded and said, "yes! It is true that this year, brother Tong should take the test, but he did not arrive. Instead, he sent his disciples. Therefore, the test of brother Tong should also be completed by his disciples. "

"Good!" The man as like as two peas, who took out a piece of jade carving from his arms, looked like the same jade carving that he gave to Chen Ren. The strong man threw it directly to the old man and said, "my wish is to fight with this younger generation! boy! Tomorrow morning! I'm waiting for you Having said that, he turned to find a house and went in.

The rest of them shook their heads at the strong man. The middle-aged man said with a bitter smile: "I can't imagine that brother Wang's competitive heart is still so strong after so many years!"

Chen Ren was so confused by these people that Hua Tuo was still kind. He said with a smile: "Zici has been on the road for a whole day. You'd better take a rest first. You can come with me." Then he waved and motioned Chen Ren to follow him.

Chen Ren had great trust in Hua Tuo. He immediately saluted the remaining people and followed Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo took Chen Ren to the door of a small house. He looked at the room as if he was remembering something. Finally, he took Chen Ren to push the door into the hut and said with a smile, "it seems that I have a good memory. At last, I didn't take you to the wrong house. This is the place where your master used to live No one lives, but people come back to clean them regularly. So it's clean, so you'll make do with it first! "

Chen Ren looked at the objects in the hut. There was only a bed, a table and a Hu stool, but there was a long gun hanging on the wall. The whole house is very clean. It's not like what Hua Tuo said that no one lived there for a long time. Chen Ren naturally said to Hua Tuo with great satisfaction: "please, master. It's very good here."

Hua Tuo laughed. For Chen Ren, from the first meeting, Hua Tuo appreciated the young man very much. Hua Tuo said, "it's hard for you to go all the way. Take a rest early and have a good rest! Tomorrow morning, I'll have to compete with your uncle Wang! "