Wang Yue took a look at the old man and said lightly, "Wang has always been going all out against the enemy in his life, no matter who the opponent is!" Wang Yue said this sentence is sonorous and powerful, there is no room for turning around.

Several people familiar with Wang Yue knew that Wang Yue would not change his decision. The old man sighed and turned to the woman in white and said, "Yan'er, go to the Tong Shi's room and bring that gun."

The woman in white made a salute and immediately went to the hut where Chen Ren stayed last night. After a while, she took out the long gun hanging on the wall and handed it to Chen Ren according to the master's instructions. But at this time Chen Ren was still wolfing down his breakfast, but judging from the posture of the people around him, it was impossible to wait for Chen Ren to finish his breakfast. Chen Ren had no choice but to nibble at the pastry with all his strength. He wiped his mouth, clapped his hands and took over the gun handed over by the woman in white.

When the woman in white handed the spear to Chen Ren, she suddenly whispered, "be careful!" The tone is full of care, but it sounds like a wife caring about the husband in the battlefield. The woman in white immediately realized her gaffe, and immediately blushed, but her flushed face was a little more charming, which almost made Chen Ren stand still.

At last, Chen Ren did not forget that Wang Yue was waiting to have a competition with him. In order to cover up his embarrassment, he coughed a few times and weighed the weight of the spear in his hand. This does not matter, but let Chen Ren find out that the long gun in his hand is unusual, because although this gun looks similar to other guns, its weight is far more than all the guns Chen Ren used before. Chen Ren could not help looking down. Yesterday, he was too tired, so Chen Ren didn't look at the gun hanging on the wall carefully. Now he realized that the gun was different.

The total length of this gun is about the same as other long guns, but actually the length of the barrel is much shorter. On the contrary, the length of the gun head is very long, accounting for about one fifth of the whole gun body. The whole gun is made of metal, but Chen Ren can't see what kind of metal it is, and even if it is made of pure steel, the weight of the long gun is definitely not so heavy. The body of the gun is silvery white with the same color as the tip of the gun. There is no other tassel between the body and the tip of the gun. The body and the tip of the gun are integrated. It looks dazzling in the sunlight, and the edge of the gun tip is even more chilly.

However, Chen Ren was most satisfied with the weight of the gun. The best gun Chen Ren used before was the steel gun he had taken from Pang Degong. However, after these battles, the gun was already damaged. Later, Chen Ren simply built dozens of steel guns at one go and kept them for standby. He would change a gun after a battle. And the weight of this gun is just right for Chen Ren, who is born with divine power. Moreover, it gives Chen Ren a strong feeling, which makes him feel at ease to exert his full strength.

Hua Tuo said to Chen Ren with a smile: "this is the gun that your master left here at that time. It's also a precious gun of Xianmen's martial arts. It's called Xuanhua gun. When your master used it once, he admitted that he could not use it. He just didn't know if you could use it. If you can't use it... " In Hua Tuo's words, it seems that he doesn't have confidence in Chen Ren's gun, but Wang Yue's sword seems to be very powerful. If you don't use this gun, it will not be easy to deal with.

Chen Ren is a little smile, a single hand mention of the dazzle gun, directly in the air to play a few gun flowers, look at Chen Ren's appearance, seems very relaxed. But let one side of Chen Ren is not optimistic about the immortal descendants, see is in front of a bright. In Chen Ren's hand, it seems to have a spirit. The sound of breaking through the air is like a joyful call. It's probably for so many years that someone can finally use it.

Wang Yue looked at Chen Ren's ability to easily use this long idle gun, which had always been a cold and merciless face, and finally showed a trace of movement. As a descendant of martial arts, Wang Yue naturally knows more about the dazzle gun than Hua Tuo and others. When he and Tong Yuan first started, they both learned the art of gun. However, Wang Yue couldn't make use of this dazzling spear, so he gave up learning gun and changed to swordsmanship. But Tong Yuan has never given up. Every time he comes back to Xianmen, Tong Yuan will try his gun. Until Tong Yuan, who had reached the peak of his life, lost again to this gun, which completely cut off the idea of using the gun. Unexpectedly, several decades later, Tongyuan has taught a disciple who can successfully use the flashgun. And this dazzling spear is not only a treasure handed down from Xianmen's martial arts, but also a symbol of the inheritor of the martial arts. Wang Yue gave up learning gun, that is to say, he gave up the status of inheritor of martial arts.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue couldn't help but feel confused. Elder martial brother, is this what you sent this disciple for? Is this disciple the real successor of our martial arts? All of a sudden, Wang Yue's eyes changed from confusion to firmness, and from time to time sent out the essence of light. If I want to admit the identity of this younger generation, it is not so simple!

The more Wang looked at Chen Ren, his original posture of holding the sword changed. His hands fell down naturally, but his left hand held the scabbard tightly. His whole body began to emit a strong sense of war.

Chen Ren also began to stop the flashgun in his chest, showing an offensive and defensive posture. From the rumor that Lu Bu was defeated by Chen in the war, he could feel the defeat in the hands of Chen Shuibian. Although Lv Bu is a general on the horse, if anyone thinks that Lv Bu's fighting is not strong, then the person's head is not broken, that is a born idiot. To defeat Lu Bu completely, Wang Yue was afraid that he would not be much worse than Tong Yuan. Although Chen Ren has a dazzling flower gun in his hand, he has no confidence to win in the face of Wang Yue.Around the immortal family descendants are very conscious to get out of the way, leaving enough space for Chen Ren and Wang Yue. Chen Ren clenched his flashgun and said to Wang Yue in front of him: "Uncle Wang! Offend Since Chen Ren has confirmed from Hua Tuo that Wang Yue is his martial uncle, Chen Ren dare not be arrogant in the face of his elders, and he takes the lead in fighting against his elders according to the rules of the younger generation.

The silver light in Chen Ren's hand drew a straight line and stabbed Wang Yue's chest directly. The sharp sound of breaking the air made everyone around him frown involuntarily. But time can't make them take time to lift their hands and block their ears. In a flash, the silver light of the dazzling guns has reached Wang Yue's chest.

Wang Yue faint smile, this level of stabbing gun nature has not been put in his eyes, has not seen how Wang Yue's hand moves, saw a snow-white light curtain suddenly appeared in front of the dazzling guns. Although the dazzling gun came fiercely, it hit this layer of light curtain, but it directly bounced into the air.

"The mountain lacks sword!" All the disciples of Xianmen all drank with one voice. I saw that the light curtain in front of Wang Yue had disappeared. At this time, Wang Yue's body was slightly bent forward, and his right hand was raised upward. In Wang Yue's right hand, he held a long sword with simple decoration. However, at the top of the sword, it was not as sharp as the ordinary long sword, but a straight sword point, as if the front of the long sword had been cut off and a small piece was missing.

Wang Yue's sword is not simple. Otherwise, those immortal disciples would not change their face when they saw Wang Yue take out the sword, and the old man would not rush out and give Chen Ren a dazzling spear. Wang Yue's sword is called shanque sword. It's also a sword handed down from Xianmen's martial arts. The sword is in the same place as Chen Ren's flashgun. When Xianmen martial arts vein was just established, its founder searched for raw materials everywhere in order to find the weapons he used. However, he did not expect to find a piece of extraterrestrial stone, which is also known as meteorite, in the bitter and cold place in the far north. After getting the meteorite, the founder found that the meteorite was different from any metal seen before, and it was very strong, and its weight was much heavier than that of the same size metal. Therefore, the founder decided to use this metal to make a long gun he used to use.

The immortal gate was formed by the combination of Taoism and Mohism. In those years, Mohism gathered talents from all over the world, naturally including many skilled craftsmen. Therefore, there was no shortage of blacksmith masters in Xianmen. After the ancestor transported the meteorite back to Xianmen, he handed it to the blacksmiths of Xianmen to make it. Only then did Chen Ren have the dazzling lance in his hand. However, there are still a lot of meteorites left. It is a pity to waste such a meteorite. So with the permission of the founder, the blacksmiths made a sword out of the remaining meteorite materials, but in the end, they found that the meteorite materials were not enough to make a complete sword. The texture of this meteorite is also very strange. No matter how the blacksmiths exercise, they just can't blend with other metals. In the end, they have no choice but to create such a mountain lacking sword. However, when the founder got the sword, he was very satisfied. Although the Xuanhua spear looked perfect, it was too heavy. Although the sword was just right in weight, it was missing a corner, which was in line with the saying of "Yueying" in Xianmen Taoism. Therefore, these two kinds of weapons were handed down in the same vein of Xianmen's martial arts, and became the treasures of the martial arts.

When Wang Yue abandoned the gun to learn sword, Wang Yue's master passed the shankui sword to Wang Yue when Wang Yue left school. After Wang Yue got the shanque sword, he never met any enemy except the battle with Tong Yuan. Among them, the convenience brought to Wang Yue by the lack of sword in the mountain also accounts for a large part of the reason. When other weapons encounter the lack of sword in the mountain, they will be broken as soon as they are touched, so they can't compete with them at all.