Thinking of the place of happiness, Li Shan couldn't help but smile. However, the smile affected the wound on his body, which made him show his teeth in pain. As soon as Li Ying was in pain, he threw his temper on the small captain who was smiling at him and yelled at him in a low voice: "what are you still laughing at there! Get me the medical officer! Do you want to see me in pain? "

That small team leader is also flattering to clap on the horse leg, immediately nodded and bowed, then turned out to prepare to call people for Li Li. Before the captain came to the door, he saw a silvery light shining through the darkness and directly penetrated the captain's throat. The little captain didn't even have time to hum, so he fell to the ground directly.

On the other side of the couch, Li Ju just turned his head and didn't see the amazing scene. When he heard the plop, Li even scolded the team leader: "asshole! What are you arguing about! Go out and find a doctor soon

This time, however, Li Ying didn't hear the reply of the captain. He frowned and turned his head to curse. But when he turned his head, he saw a bigger and bigger gun.


The silver head of the gun pierced into Li's forehead without any suspense. He only had time to shake it, and then his whole body was soft. Through the light of the candle, the figure at the other end of the gun was gradually revealed. It was not Chen Ren or anyone else.

Chen Ren took back the dazzle gun directly, and the bloodstain suddenly flew out and sprinkled on the couch everywhere. Chen Ren looks at the corpse of Li Zhen coldly and smiles. He can't believe that Li Lin even takes the lead to kill Guo Si, which saves Chen Ren's hands and feet. Chen Ren turned to fight the team leader who had fallen in the pool of blood. Looking at the crack of the door, there was a group of soldiers guarding outside. However, the number of soldiers was not large. The guard's line of sight must have loopholes. Chen Ren resisted a corpse, but he still jumped lightly and flew on the beam of the house. There was a gap that he had sneaked in before. Chen Ren went out from the gap. On the roof of the house, Chen Ren looked left and right, and finally found a corner that the guards could not see. He jumped lightly and disappeared into the night.

A few days later, a startling news came from Chang'an. Li Min and Guo Si, two generals under Dong min's account, were assassinated. However, what is puzzling is that Dong min, the leader of Chang'an, even handled the two people's affairs in a low-key manner, and did not see him arrest the murderer, which actually made the people around Chang'an feel relieved.

Although Dong min deliberately blocked the news, the news spread quickly, and soon it reached Cao Cao, who was eyeing Dong min's territory.

After getting the news, Cao Cao immediately summoned civil and military officials to discuss in his house. Cao Cao just told the news, first of all, the generals of Bingzhou who had surrendered laughed one by one. When they were in Chang'an, they were not less angry with Li and Guo Si, especially after the death of Lu Bu in the war. They did not treat a group of soldiers in Bingzhou as their comrades in arms, and they held high spirits all day long. The news of the two men's death this time gave them a bad breath.

It seems that Cao Xucao is thinking about something. Cao Cao looked at it and asked, "Sir, what's the problem?"

Jia Xu nodded: "my subordinates also stayed under Dong min's account for a period of time before they went to the Lord. Li Min and Guo Si were arrogant and arrogant, which offended many people. Apart from that, it's not surprising that they killed Gongqing even if they were assassinated! What's strange is Dong min's reaction after the death of Li Min and Guo Si. Although Dong min is not as smooth as his brother Dong Zhuo, he is extremely protective of his weaknesses. Although Li Min and Guo Si are of average ability, they follow Dong Zhuo's old subordinates. Now that these two people have been assassinated, Dong Min has no reason to deal with their affairs in such a calm and low-key manner! "

After Jia Xu said this, not only Cao Cao, but also the jubilant generals of Bingzhou were all quiet down. They also followed Dong min for a period of time. Naturally, they knew Dong min's character. Before that, the generals of Bingzhou were all happy about the death of Li Min and Guo Si, but they didn't expect how abnormal Dong min's reaction was. Now when Jia Xu said this, they all remembered that Dong min's reaction was not like the protective Dong min they had seen before.

"What Mr. Jia said is not wrong!" Zhang Liao frowned and said, "I heard from Wen Hou that when Dong Zhuo died of illness, Dong Zhuo's old headquarters were talking about who would inherit Dong Zhuo's position. It was Wen Hou, Li Ru and Xu Rong who recommended Dong min to the top, because of his character of protecting the short. Wen Hou, Li Ru and Xu Rong believed that Dong min's character of protecting the short will certainly make Dong min win the support of the whole army in a very short time. According to Dong min's character, it is not Dong's style to deal with the death of Li Min and Guo Si in a low-key way! "

Xia Hou yuan pouted and slapped Zhang Liao on the shoulder beside him with a smile and said, "Oh! Wenyuan! Why think so much! Let me say it! Even if there is any famous place in Chang'an City, it is also between them! We just need to watch the fun! I hope they will fight harder and harder! It's better for them to solve the problem by themselves, and then we will take their territory without any effort. Isn't that a good thing? " Zhang Liao's forthright character was welcomed wherever he was. He stayed under Cao Cao for a few years and immediately won the friendship of Xia Houyuan and other veteran Cao Cao generals.At the end of what Xia Houyuan just said, he made a joke, which made everyone here laugh uncontrollably, which also swept away a little dull atmosphere.

"Newspaper --!"

Just as the crowd laughed, a sergeant ran into the meeting hall with his brocade in his hands and handed it directly to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao picked up the brocade bag, waved the sergeant down, then untied the sealed brocade bag and took out a piece of brocade and silk from the brocade bag. After a look, Cao Cao's face immediately changed. He raised his head and said to Jia Xu, "Sir, this is the information just received from Chang'an. Li Ru, the military adviser under Dong min's account, was seriously ill and died suddenly."

"What!" Rao was always calm, and Jia Xu couldn't help but exclaimed. Cao Cao handed the brocade and silk in his hand to Jia Xu. Jia Xu looked at it in a hurry, but his brow was getting tighter and tighter.

"Good! Good death for this thief After hearing the news from Cao Cao, the generals of Bingzhou all stood up and cheered, even Gao Shun, who was always silent.

No wonder they were so excited. They had already determined that although Lu Bu died in Chen Ren's hands, he was actually killed by Li Ru. Lv Bu had always been the leader of their army, and he was killed by Li Ru. Naturally, they wanted to kill Li Ru to avenge Lv Bu.

However, when these Bingzhou generals couldn't help cheering, Jia Xu said to Cao Cao, "Lord! There's a lot to it! "

At that time, Li Ru was famous for his resourcefulness at Dong Zhuo's side. I don't know how many sinister and sinister strategies Li Ru had offered to Dong Zhuo. Cao Cao, who had been a minister under Dong Zhuo's hand, had a deep understanding of Li Ru's wisdom. Of course, Cao Cao was very clear about the significance of Li Ru's death to Dong min and the whole Xiliang army. For Li Ru's death, Cao Cao's heart was no less happy than Gao Shun and Zhang Liao, but Cao Cao didn't reveal his feelings. However, at this time, he heard Jia Xu jump out such a sentence, but Cao Cao was scared. Cao Cao quickly asked, "Sir, what do you say?"

Jia Xu bowed his hand to Cao Cao and said, "my Lord! My subordinates believe that there must be a connection between the death of Li Ru and the assassination of Li Ju and Guo Si before that! "

Cao Cao quickly motioned to those Bingzhou generals who were still cheering to be quiet, and then said to Jia Xu, "Sir, please tell me what you think!"

Jia Xu nodded and said, "didn't my subordinates say that before? The reason why Dong min was assassinated by Dong min was that he had not been assassinated by Dong min! Now Li Ru died so suddenly, which immediately reminds his subordinates that there was a deep contradiction between Li Ru, Li Ju and Guo Si when he was in Chang'an. Moreover, the generals of the Bingzhou army also said that the Xiliang army was actually divided into two opposing factions, Li Ru, Li Ju and Guo Si. Li Ru is still under 50 years old. He has always been in good health. It is impossible for him to suddenly die of illness. If his subordinates have not guessed wrong, he died at the hands of Dong min, but in order to avoid affecting the morale of the Xiliang army, he pretended that Li Ru died of a severe illness! "

Cao Cao immediately asked, "sir! Li Ru is the first think tank under Dong min! What's more, Wen Yuan has just said that Dong min was elected by Li Ru and others at that time. Even if Dong min is ungrateful, Li Ru still has an identity. He is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law! How could Dong min kill Li ru? "

Jia Xu shook his head: "Lord! Although Dong min is not as smooth as Dong Zhuo, he is also very cruel. Although Li Ru is his niece in law, once Li Ru violates Dong min's taboo, Dong min will not worry about Li Ru's identity! "

"Dong min's taboo?" Cao Cao read along, suddenly his eyes brightened, and asked Jia Xu, "Sir, is it that this person who sent people to assassinate Li and Guo Si is not someone else, but this Li ru?"