As time flies by, this sentence is true. Eight years passed in a flash, and the Han Dynasty ushered in the ten years of Zhongping.

In these eight years, the Han Dynasty has changed from chaos in the early years to peace. Although everyone knows that this kind of calm is only temporary, it is more important for the people of the people of Li to seize this temporary peace and resume their former life.

Of course, the lives of these civilians are irrelevant to those superior princes. For them, the most important thing is to fight endlessly for those rights.

Since eight years ago, because of the internal contradictions in Yizhou, Liu Zhang finally surrendered to Sun Jian of the eastern Wu Dynasty with the support of Fazheng and other poor children. After that, Liu Yao of Yangzhou simply ripped off the last piece of shame cloth and officially declared that Yangzhou and Yuzhou would turn to Dongwu. Sun Jian of the eastern Wu Dynasty truly completed the unification of the whole South and once again became the most powerful vassal in the world.

After that, Sun Jian, who controlled the whole south, began to reorganize the great families in Yizhou. Although the great families of Yizhou are deeply rooted in Yizhou, there are poor disciples of Yizhou inside and a powerful army of Sun Jian outside. Facing the tough Sun Jian, Yizhou has to bow down and accept Sun Jian's arrangement honestly.

Sun Jian developed vigorously in the south, and Cao Cao was not willing to be outdone in the north. At first, Cao Cao ignored the past suspicion and persuaded Xu Rong, who was suspected by Dong min, the leader of Chang'an, to seize Bingzhou without a single soldier. Then, Cao Cao united with Ma Teng and Han Sui in Xiliang and attacked Dong min on both sides, forcing Dong min to retreat in Chang'an city. And Dong Zhuo's other son-in-law, the cattle left behind in Xiliang, died in the hands of Ma Chao, Ma Teng's eldest son. Zhang Ji, a general of Xiliang who stayed in Xiliang, was persuaded to surrender by Xu Rong. He took his nephew and tens of thousands of Xiliang troops in his hands and joined Cao Cao. Dong min, who was once a powerful vassal, now can only hide in Chang'an city.

However, after learning that Sun Jian had thoroughly reorganized the Yizhou aristocratic family and calmed down various elements of insecurity in his own territory, Cao Cao lost his patience to wait, and joined several elite troops in the north to attack Chang'an City by force. Although the city of Chang'an was high and thick, the morale of the Xiliang army, which was the symbol of the unification of the north, had been broken away. The battle, which symbolized the unification of the north, lasted only three hours and ended with Cao's army breaking through the city gate.

At the same time, the palace of Chang'an appeared thick smoke. A fire burned the magnificent palace of Chang'an to rubble. When the fire went out, Cao Jun, who had invaded the city, found a charred body sitting on a black charcoal chair.

After the complete elimination of Dong min, Cao Cao absorbed the troops of Ma Teng, Han Sui, Zhang Ji and Xu Rong, and truly completed the unification of the northern military and political affairs. After that, Cao Cao moved his capital to Chang'an, and began to build the Han Dynasty Group in his mind. Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, had been completely ignored by Cao Cao.

However, as Liu Xie grew up day by day, the son of Han, who had been known as intelligent since childhood, began to be unwilling to be deprived of his power by Cao Cao. Finally, in the eighth year of Zhongping of the Han Dynasty, together with empress Fu, together with Tian Feng, a counsellor under Cao Cao's tent, and Ji Ping, an imperial physician, conspired to launch a riot, intending to poison Cao Cao. However, Jia Xu, a counselor under Cao Cao's charge, saw through it.

This operation, known as Chang'an change, ended in Cao Cao's victory. Thousands of households were involved in Chang'an City, and Tian Feng and Jiping, the masterminds, were executed at the street corner by Cao Cao. However, Liu Xie, the son of the Han Dynasty, could not even keep his wife, empress Fu. He watched his wife strangled to death with white silk by soldiers like Cao Cao.

Of course, this is just a small episode of the decline of the Han Dynasty. In the ninth year of Zhongping, Cao Cao was nominated as the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, and he was named the king of Wei and received the ceremony of Jiuxi. In the same year, Sun Jian presented himself to the emperor of the Han Dynasty and was promoted to the throne of Wu. As a result, the world of Han Dynasty was divided into two parts by Cao Cao and sun Jiantang.

Cao Cao started a series of operations immediately after unifying the north. First of all, Xia Houdun, a general under the tent, was appointed as the governor of the capital, commanding all the troops and horses of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Xia Houyuan was appointed governor of Xiliang and led Liangzhou. Cao Cao's younger brother, Cao Ren, was appointed as the governor of Yanzhou, commanding Yanzhou's army to guard against Xuzhou and Yangzhou. Cao Hong, Cao Cao's younger brother, was appointed governor general of Bingzhou. Cao Zhang, the son of Cao Cao and known as Huang Xu'er, was appointed governor of Qingzhou to assist Cao Ren against Xuzhou. Cao Cao's nephew, Cao Xiu, was appointed governor of Jizhou and was in charge of Jizhou. Cao Cao's adopted son Cao Zhen was appointed governor general of Youzhou. Cao Cao himself took charge of Yongzhou, and sent General Li Dian and Yu Jin to guard Qishan pass. On the whole territory of Cao Cao in the north, the "Cao" flag with white characters on a black background is floating.

As for the officials under Cao Cao, the first one was Jia Xu, Cao Cao's think-tank. Cao Cao described him as a Taiwei and named him the Marquis of Guannei. After Cao Cao came to power, he used a large number of civil servants, including Zhong Yao, Chen Qun, Cui Yan, Wang Lang, Dong Zhao and other celebrities. Among them, the most remarkable one is that Cao Cao used a famous scholar of the Sima family in Hanoi.

Different from Cao Cao's cronyism, Sun Jian, who was promoted to King Wu, followed Cao Cao and made a personnel transfer. First of all, naturally, he transferred his son sun CE back. And the four old generals who followed Sun Jian's expedition to the north and South all returned to Jianye and began to enjoy their old age. Chen Ren, however, continued to serve as the governor of Dongwu. As the commander-in-chief of the Dongwu army, no one in Dongwu raised any objection to Chen Ren's appointment. At the same time, the new force under Sun Jian's account began to show its edge.First of all, Gan Ning and Tai Shici, who joined Sun Jian after Chen Ren, formally took over the invincible water army of the eastern Wu Dynasty and became the commander of the water army of the eastern Wu Dynasty with the retirement of Huang Gai. Taishici finally got rid of the status of governor and was appointed commander of the army of Dongwu by Sun Jian, who could directly administer all the armies except Jiangdong new army. Although Xu Chu, who joined Sun Jian's army with Gan Ning and Tai Shici at the same time, was still the commander-in-chief of Sun Jian's garrison, no one dared to belittle this simple and honest general in the upper and lower parts of the eastern Wu Kingdom.

Then there were a group of generals trained by Chen Ren himself. Bao Bao was appointed governor of Xuzhou instead of sun CE, although Bao Bao may not be as brave as sun CE. However, after several battles with Cao Ren and Cao Zhang, no one in the Cao army dared to belittle the previously unknown general.

Several leaders and generals of the former Jiangdong new army were also transferred from the new army, and were dispatched by Sun Jian to guard all parts of Dongwu. Zhao Yun, the former leader of thunderstorm riding, was appointed governor of Hanzhong by Sun Jian. He took charge of Hanzhong and directly faced Cao Cao's Yongzhou army. After several tentative confrontations with Yu Jin and Li Dian, the Qingqi led by Zhao Yun made Yu Jin and Li Dian dare not step out of Qishan mountain again.

After several years of training by Chen Ren, LV Meng, the leader of Yuanshan Sabre camp, not only began to be good at military use, but also had a lot of calmness. He was appointed governor of Runan by Sun Jian. Ding Feng, the former leader of Feixing camp, was appointed as Shouchun prefect by Sun Jian. Together with LV Meng, he helped Xuzhou governor Bao Bao defend Cao Ren of Yanzhou. As the former leader of the Feilong camp, the strongest battalion of the new army, Ling Cao was appointed as the governor of Chengdu by Sun Jian. He and Dong Chen, who was appointed as prefect of Bajun, jointly dealt with the southern barbarians to the south of Yizhou.

Although Huang Zhong, a veteran of the Jingzhou Army Corps, refused to obey him all the time, Sun Jian sent him back to Jianye to provide for the aged along with Yizhou general Yan Yan. The Jingzhou army was led by Liu Pan, and Jingzhou general Wen pin sent the troops to Hangu pass. Cao Cao had to send heavy troops to Weinan, which was a small city, so as to prevent wenpin and Jingzhou army from suddenly driving into Chang'an.

In addition, Zhou Yu, Zhang Dan and other important officials have been transferred back to Jianye and started to establish Sun Jian's core system. After several years of training and testing, those new officials who were deliberately trained by Sun Jian were sent to various posts. Moreover, after years of governance, the new officials trained by Sun Jian did not fail to live up to Sun Jian's high expectations. They managed the whole South in an orderly way. The southern people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the territory under Sun Jian's rule became more and more rich.

In terms of military affairs, the new Jiangdong army, as the trump card of the kingdom of Soochow, has been expanded again. Although the original five leaders and generals have been transferred to other places, the generals who succeed them have done no less than them. Duan Yu, the former deputy leader of thunderstorm riding, took over the post of Zhao Yun as the leader of thunderstorm riding. He Qi, the deputy leader of yuanshandao camp, also became the leader of Shandao camp, commanding the Shandao camp. Ling Tong, the son of Ling Cao, was the leader of Feixing camp. On his first day in office, the young general was convinced by his subordinates. Wenbo, the former deputy leader of Longjiang camp, was appointed as the leader. Wenci, Wenbo's younger brother, was directly promoted to be the other division Sima of the new army. He was responsible for managing all the affairs of the new army when Chen Ren was away. The two brothers, who lived in distress at that time, have now become the hot new nobles in Jianye city. Chen Ren specially arranged Cheng Zi, Cheng Pu's son, as the leader of the latest siege camp.

The kuiji army, which was originally trained by zumao, was completely broken up by Sun Jian's general regiment. The army was scattered to various places in the eastern Wu Kingdom to supplement the guards, especially Hanzhong and Yizhou, which finally belonged to Sun Jian. However, zumao has no opinion about this arrangement. At the beginning of training such a huge army, it was because zumao had nothing to do in Kuaiji and fiddled with it when he was bored. Now zumao has no battle to fight. As for how to deal with this army, zumao still obeyed Sun Jian's arrangement. Since the commander-in-chief has no opinion, those who serve as soldiers naturally have no other opinions. It's the same when they are soldiers!

At the beginning of the tenth year of Zhongping, a new year has begun, but it means that the Han Dynasty, which has been quiet for many years, has begun to enter a new turmoil.