Chen? Lu? The sweat of fat shopkeeper's hard to wipe dry came out again. These two surnames are very good in Dongwu. The Lu family in Jiangdong is the last remaining family of the four great families in Jiangdong. Although the Lu family did not fight for power and power under Sun Jian's instruction, no one would underestimate their deterrent power in Soochow. Lu Jun, the head of the Lu family, is now the prefect of Kuaiji, and those children of the Lu family have already occupied a large proportion of the grass-roots officials in the eastern Wu Dynasty.

The Chen family, not to mention, can hold the iron brand of Lei's restaurant. Apart from the Chen family of Chen Ren, the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty, which Chen family can be so good. You know, Lei's restaurant is also stained with the light of the Chen family, so it has today's situation.

Perhaps the people who dare to pretend to be fat in the Wu family have no idea of pretending to be fat. Fat shopkeeper immediately to two people line a big gift, send two people to leave.

Just when Chen Yang and Lu Xun left Leishi restaurant, the middle-aged man and his party of four had already arrived in the south suburb of Lingbi city. The middle-aged man and old seven each rode a tall horse in front of him, while the old nine was driving a carriage closely behind him. Naturally, the woman with white gauze mask was sitting in the carriage of the carriage.

After more than half an hour's March, the middle-aged man in front of him suddenly frowned, grabbed the mount and threw his hand at him. Lao Qi and Jiu stopped the horses immediately and put their hands on the weapons beside them.

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the front. Although they were walking the official road, the road ahead was very narrow, and there were some shrubs and grass on both sides of the road. The middle-aged man faintly felt the murderous spirit coming out from both sides of the road. This kind of murderous spirit has been felt by the middle-aged man many times, and every time he saved his life.

"Go back! Come on The middle-aged man decisively issued the order, turn the horse's head, and then go back.

However, at the moment when the middle-aged man just turned his horse's head, several dark shadows flashed out from both sides of the road and shot directly at the middle-aged man, the seventh and the ninth. The middle-aged man's face changed greatly. He quickly pulled out the broadsword hanging on the horse's back to block the black shadow. Without exception, old seven and nine also took out their weapons in their hands. Lao Jiu simply took up his long gun and stood on the top of the carriage to resist the dark shadows shooting at the carriage.

"Jingling!" The sound of a few clear sounds sounded, only a few chopped arrows fell to the ground, the original just those black shadows are just a few arrows. But the speed of these arrows doesn't seem to be shot from a long bow. It should be the kind of crossbow used by assassins to kill.

The middle-aged man raised his sword and drank in front of the grass and asked, "who is it?"

"The one who killed you!" A voice with a little hoarseness sounded, and then a few dark shadows flashed out from the grass and shrubbery, and fell directly in front of and around the middle-aged men's party, surrounded by the middle-aged men and others. However, there were five men in black with different heights, each with different weapons.

After a brief surprise, the middle-aged man regained his composure immediately. He looked at the five men in black with a sneer and said, "I can't believe that Cao Cao has such a great courage that he dare to extend his hands and feet to Soochow!"

"Gaga, gaga!" Standing in front of the middle-aged man, the man in black with a dagger seemed to be a leader. He said with a measured smile: "Dong Huang! You didn't think of it, did you? Do you think you can escape the palm of Prime Minister Cao by hiding in Dongwu? Stop dreaming! Or go back with our brothers. Maybe Cao Cheng will be merciful and spare your life! "

It turns out that this middle-aged man is no other than Dong Huang, the nephew of Dong Zhuo and Dong min! The woman with a white veil in the carriage is Dong Bai, Dong Zhuo's granddaughter. At that time, Dong Zhuo was seriously ill, and Dong Huang intended to replace Dong Zhuo, but he was not supported by Li Ru and Xu Rong. Dong Zhuo simply transferred Dong Huang to Bingzhou and practiced under Xu Rong for a period of time. After that, Dong min took office and consolidated his rights with the help of Li Ru, which brought Dong Huang back to Chang'an. After this lesson, Dong Huang also learned to be obedient. He no longer expected to seek the position of Dong min, but was willing to go to his eldest son of the Dong family.

Before the destruction of Chang'an City, Dong min gave Dong Huang the only blood of Dong Zhuo, that is Dong Bai, Dong Zhuo's granddaughter, and let Dong Huang escape from Chang'an with a few elite soldiers. Dong Huang, who has just escaped from Chang'an with Dong Bai, originally wanted to return to Xiliang to avenge Dong min, but then he got the news that Dong Zhuo's eldest daughter was also captured by Ma Teng. Dong Huang and Dong Bai, who were homeless, had to flee to the south while facing Cao Cao Cao's pursuit at all times. They finally arrived in the territory of Soochow. Only Lao Qi and Lao Jiu were left behind.

After arriving in Dongwu, Dong Huang was a little relaxed. He always thought that this was the territory of Dongwu after all. Cao Cao should not dare to send pursuers to Dongwu at the risk of offending Sun Jian. However, he did not expect that although Cao Cao did not send a large army to pursue him, he sent assassins instead. Facing the assassin's question, Dong Huang gave a cold smile: "don't think about it! Although I, Dong Huang, are not as heroic as the second and third uncles, but I am also a good man in the West. How can I take refuge in Cao Cao and survive? "It seems to have known that Dong Huang would answer this question for a long time. The assassin sneered darkly. The laughter was like a rusty saw grinding on an iron tool. Dong Huang and others got goose bumps. The assassin said, "since you are so ungrateful, I'm not to blame! Go on

With the assassin's violent drinking, the other four assassins in black all jumped up and rushed to the seventh and ninth respectively. The two men joined hands to deal with one. However, the assassin leader picked Dong Huang alone, obviously he didn't pay attention to the dandy of Chang'an city.

In the face of the other party's contempt, Dong Huang didn't say anything. He took the dagger and cut off the assassin's head. Seeing that the action and skill were no less than the seven and nine fighting behind, it was a great surprise to the assassin leader. Although the assassin leader had just said so much, Cao Cao did not dare to send people into the territory of Dongwu to pursue Dong Huang. Besides, Dong min is dead, and the Northern Affairs have been decided. Even if Dong Huang and Dong Bai escape, there will be no harm to Cao Cao, so Cao Cao will leave him.

However, the reward set by Cao Cao has not been revoked. The assassins of the five members in this line are just Ren Xia in the river and lake. Seeing the rich reward of Cao Cao, he is envious, and regardless of the amount, he directly pursues him. Originally, their plan was to let the four men entangle the two soldiers with better skills, and then the assassin leader himself would solve the problem to Dong Huang as soon as possible, and then solve the two family soldiers one by one. Finally, there was a weak woman Dong Bai, which was not captured. But they never thought that Dong Huang's martial arts were far beyond their imagination. After a few moves, the assassin leader and Dong Huang were able to judge that they could not deal with Dong Huang alone.

In fact, this is not surprising. In recent years, Dong Huang has been hiding in the north. He has to deal with the pursuers sent by Cao Cao almost every day. In addition, Dong Huang's physical fitness is good, but under Dong Zhuo's indulgence, he abandoned his martial arts, which made him look useless. On the way to escape, Dong Huang wandered on the line of life and death every day. He received more training than he had in the first half of his life. How could his skill be so poor.

Seeing that his leader was forced into danger by Dong Huang and maintained by his light body method, an assassin in black who besieged Lao Jiu turned his eyes and thought. His long sword in the hand of luck forced Lao Jiu back, turned his head and said to his companions, "hold on first! I'll go there and help Finish saying also regardless of companion answer or not, leave him to kill to old seven.

The remaining assassin in black was stunned at first, but when he saw Lao Jiu coming up again, he was scared and sweating. In a hurry, he put Emei stab in his hand and caught the spear from Laojiu stab, and narrowly avoided the shot. Now it's useless to complain again. We have to ask God to worship Buddha and let our companions come to help us earlier.

On the other side, Lao Qi and the remaining two assassins in black are equally matched. Lao Qi was the leader of Dong Zhuo's army at that time. Although the two assassins of the other side were excellent, they were not afraid of any one against the other. Even if they were one to two, they would not be defeated. A ghost knife in Lao Qi's hand was dancing in the air, while one of his opponents was chopping left and right with a mountain axe, while the other was throwing a long whip to help his companions to find the back moves of Lao Qi.

Old seven ducked his head to avoid the long whip's sneak attack. Facing the chopping axe, Lao Qi was not vague at all. His ghost head knife was directly chopped up. He was stunned to split the assassin in black who made the axe even retreat several steps. Lao Qi raised his ghost head knife and just wanted to pursue him, but the sound of the broken air behind him reminded him that the tricky long whip came again. He had no choice but to give up the pursuit and return to deal with the whip. However, what Lao Qi didn't expect was that after he turned around, what came to him was not the long whip that made him headache, but a bright long sword. It turned out that the assassin in black who came from Lao Jiu killed him.

Although he was surprised, his rich combat experience made him return to normal soon. First, a sword flashed over his side, and his dagger in his hand chopped at the head of the assassin in black who made the sword. At this time, the whip was really attacked, and it was directly thrown to the front door of Lao Qi. There was a silver hook on the tail of the whip. If it was hit by this whip, Lao Qi would be killed on the spot. Helpless, old seven only to the front of the knife to block, the whip to hit back, and the back that makes the axe of the black assassin again attacked.