"Stinky boy! Your knife can be sold to our uncle. It's a blessing of your last life! Take out the knife The servant was a little impatient and went forward a few steps. It seemed that if Chen Yang didn't say a word again, he would start.

Lu Xun frowned. He still thinks that this is the servant of that family. How dare he be so arrogant? But Chen Yang showed a look of fear, waved his hands and said, "don't don't don't do it! You said it! It turns out that this is my blessing! If I had known, I would have taken it out! Who doesn't want it In a hurry, he reached into his arms and muttered: "this? no This one? Neither! Why so many! "

Listening to Chen Yang's mumbling, Lu Xun, who had just been angry with these domineering domestic servants, couldn't help laughing. Chen Yang's arms were full of all kinds of things that he wanted from other people when he was not free from his childhood.

At this time, the man who had been hiding behind the servant could not help it. Finally, he came out of the servant's room. He was even fatter than the shopkeeper of Leishi restaurant in Lingbi city. At the sight of the commander behind the scenes, Lu Xun frowned, never seen it! When did Pengcheng have such a man?

The fat man swaggered up to the front, his head was almost up to the sky, and he snorted to Chen Yang: "boy! I want to buy your knife! If you are sensible, hand in the knife quickly

Chen Yang waved his hand to the fat man, but his other hand was still in his arms. Chen Yang's mouth kept saying, "don't worry! This master! Don't worry! I found it soon! oh dear! I have too many things here! Hello, Hello! Little nephew! Come here With that, he tried his best to beckon Lu Xun standing in the crowd.

Lu Xun has a bitter smile on his face. He can see that Chen Yang is preparing to deal with these arrogant guys. It is lucky that these people will be able to leave a breath at that time. But Lu Xun didn't dare to listen to Chen Yang's words, so he walked quickly to Chen Yang's side. The fat man and the servants didn't expect that the young boy would have a companion, but when he saw it, he was a boy in white about the same size as him, and they were all relieved. However, when the fat man saw Lu Xun, he was a little stunned. He felt a little confused in his eyes. He felt that the boy in white who came out from behind was familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen him.

Lu Xun smiles at Chen Yang and says, "uncle, what can I do for you?"

Chen Yang glanced at Lu Xun and said, "put your hands up, we can't delay the work of the Lord!" With that, he put Lu Xun's two hands together, and then put his hand into his arms. However, this time, he didn't take them out all the time. Instead, he took the things out of his arms.

The next moment, the people around, including the fat man and the servant, were stunned again. The first thing Chen Yang took out of his arms and put it on Lu Xun's hand was a white jade horse and several necklaces. This is not a common jade horse and necklace! The necklaces are all made of pure gold and inlaid with more than ten blood red agates. Although they are not comparable to the gems on the Qibao Dao, they are also valuable treasures! Look at the jade horse again. It is crystal clear. Under the sunlight, it can completely see through to the other side. Moreover, there seems to be a layer of smoke flowing in the middle of the jade horse, which adds a few mysterious feelings.

If the first thing Chen Yang took out surprised everyone, then the next thing Chen Yang took out would almost make the people around him crazy. He saw Chen Yang take his hand from his arms again, took a look at it, and threw it in Lu Xun's hand, which made the jade horse jingle. There was only one thing this time, but it was a red gem the size of a human head, shining. Moreover, the red color was different from ordinary ruby. It was a kind of red like blood, which was dazzling red. Several women around, when they saw the ruby field, were already dizzy.

Lu Xun looked at the reaction of the people around him, but he didn't mean to laugh at them. When he saw Chen Yang's collection for the first time, he was not much better than these people. He still remembered that he was slapped by his teacher sun CE and scolded him as worthless. According to the truth, no matter how rich Dongwu is, it shouldn't have so many rare treasures, let alone Chen Yang.

However, that was after the Dongwu Navy returned from Youzhou. As early as when he sent zumao to Youzhou, Chen Ren began to admonish Sun Jian about building large ships, which could run on the waves for a long time. After seeing the convenience brought by the sea, Sun Jian was also interested in the mysterious and unpredictable sea, so he took Chen Ren's advice and started to build a giant ship. By the time the Dongwu Navy had completed the task of transporting zumao back from Youzhou, the construction of the giant ship had been completed, and a certain number of ships had been built. Under the command of Sun Jian, the Dongwu Navy started the first real sea going of the Chinese under the leadership of Huang Gai.

After four years, Huang Gai returned to the sea again after four years. When he came back, only six of the ten ships were left, and only 40000 people were left in the 100000 Navy. However, this time, they came back with full loads, including the blood ruby and several agate necklaces in Lu Xun's hands, as well as many other treasures. How can Chen Yang, who is fond of collecting money, let go of these treasures. This is what we have achieved today, when Huang Gai and Sun Jian tried to whet and bully Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai and other naval generals.sea! Thinking of this, Lu Xun couldn't help but sink into a fantasy. According to Chen Ren, Huang Gai went to a small part of the sea this time, and there were many places he didn't go to. For example, at the other end of the sea, there were people who lived a life of blood and hair. Their skin was black, even blacker than the wood burned by fire. The legendary Dashi kingdom can be reached from the sea without crossing the desert, but it has to take a long way. Lu Xun is still fascinated by Chen Ren's description of the sea. He is looking forward to taking those huge ships to the sea for a swim!

Lu Xun was daydreaming there, but Chen Yang around him did not stop. In the shouts of surprise from the people around him, he was still taking out his treasure, which was more and more rare and precious. If Chen Ren is here at this time, he will call his baby son xiaodingdang!

The servants couldn't help but rush to Chen Yang and Lu Xun and snatch all these treasures. However, their master was no better. Didn't you see that the fat man even flowed out of his mouth?

The fat man wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and cried, "OK! Don't pull it out! I've bought everything in your arms! "

"Buy?" Lu Xun, startled by the big fat man's cry, looked at the fat man with disdain. Let alone such a local rich man that Pengcheng had never met, even Sun Jian did not dare to say that he could buy them all! After so many years of hard work, Chen Yang is now the number one millionaire in the world.

Maybe he knew that he was guilty. The fat man's face was red, but with so many treasures in front of him, the fat man couldn't care to think that the boy with so many treasures in front of him could not be ordinary people. Then he saw the fat man's eyebrows raised and said to his servant, "go and help these two little brothers pick up the things first, and then we can talk about the price slowly." And those domestic servants have long been greedy. Although the master is behind him, these treasures can't be put into their own pockets, but to touch these rare treasures is enough for them to show off for a lifetime.

"Ah! Hold on! There's another baby! Wait Chen Yang waved his hand, and the other hand was still in his arms. "Master! I'll tell you! This treasure is worth more than all these treasures add up

What? Something more valuable than these rare treasures combined? All the people present couldn't believe it. But what Chen Yanggang had just pulled out was placed there. Why did Chen Yang cheat them? This time, all people are staring at Chen Yang's hand in his arms.

"Ah! I found it All of a sudden, Chen Yang called, and all the people were looking at Chen Yang intently, waiting for him to take out that rare treasure. Chen Yang slowly took out his hand, as if holding something, stretched out in front of his eyes, and suddenly opened his hand.

"Ah?" Everyone's eyes were about to pop out, but when they saw what Chen Yang had in his hands, they could not help but show disappointment on their faces. Some even swore angrily, accusing Chen Yang of cheating their feelings.

It turns out that what Chen Yang is holding is a common small brand, but it is not the small iron card of Leishi restaurant. The small iron card that helped Chen Yang and Lu Xun eat and drink together along the way is now buried among a lot of treasures in Lu Xun's hands. The brand in Chen Yang's hand is about the size of Ba's palm. Although it is also an iron card, it is bright and bright, with a red rope tied to it.

"Stinky boy! You dare to play tricks on me Those domestic servants obviously belonged to the kind of people who were somewhat angry or even angry. At the beginning of talking to Chen Yang, the domestic servant immediately waved his fist and hit Chen Yang. Look at that posture, we must smash Chen Yang's charming smiling face!