The two deputy generals were immediately stunned. Li immediately asked, "young master, are you just supporting the South and north of the city? Don't you care about the west of the city In the opinion of Deputy General Li, Bao Bao and Wu he have experienced many battles. In fact, the most important thing to worry about is the East and west of the city. Otherwise, Baobao would not send someone to support Chengdong. I believe that Baobao also sent reinforcements. Although Chen Yang unexpectedly and excellently beat back Cao Jun, but think of Chen Yang's father is the world's first general Chen Ren, it is the so-called tiger father has no dog son, this is also relieved. But Lu Xun's face was white and tender. If he was to recite poems and make mistakes, Deputy General Li still believed that he could defend the city better than Bao Bao, even if he killed him.

Chen Yang was too lazy to explain and said, "there is Bo Yan in the west of the city. There is no problem. Uncle Bao is in the north of the city. He will certainly be the target of the Cao army's attack. Although uncle Bao is powerful, he still has more troops to protect. Why don't you go soon? " The last sentence was asked to deputy general he.

Deputy general he looked puzzled. He could reasonably be said to be a staunch supporter of Chen Ren. He should give his wholehearted and full support to Chen Yang, Chen Ren's eldest son. However, deputy general he did not dare to agree to move the horses privately.

Before he lost the token, he immediately took the token out of his sleeve! Go

Deputy general he looked at it, but it was Bao Bao's token. Suddenly, he was full of fog. He had been staying by Bao Bao's side, but he didn't see Bao Bao giving the token to Chen Yang! However, Chen Yang's urging again left deputy general he no time to think. In the Dongwu army, obedience to orders is the basic rule of conduct for soldiers. He immediately took the token, gave Chen Yang a fist and turned around and went down the city.

While conveying Chen Yang's order, Deputy General Li asked, "young master, what are you going to do with the cavalry?" In the siege, the cavalry did not play a role either in the siege or in the garrison, so Bao Bao Bao, who had decided to take over the city, immediately let the cavalry dismount and merge into the infantry.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "what else can we do? Out of town, of course

"Ah?" Deputy General Li was stunned and left the city? There are nearly 500000 Cao troops outside the city! Deputy General Li said in a hurry: "you can't do it! There are too many Cao troops outside the city. Besides, there are only 3000 Cao troops. How much can it do? "

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang, with a mysterious smile on his face, said: "my father once said that war can't depend entirely on the number of soldiers. Sometimes, even a soldier can become the key to victory."

Deputy General Li was immediately stunned by Chen Yang's words. Moreover, Chen Ren once said this sentence, which undoubtedly makes Vice General Li's words to Chen Ren be true. Taking advantage of this stupefied effort, those cavalry have all been counted out. Chen Yang waved his big hand and said, "all follow me!" He took the 3000 men and horses to the city. When Vice General Li returned to God, Chen Yang had already gone down the wall.

When Chen Yang arrived at the gate of the city with three thousand cavalry, assistant general he also came with three thousand horses. At the command of Chen Yang, all the cavalry mounted one after another. These cavalry are naturally very excited, after all, as cavalry these days did not sit on the horse, always feel like missing something. Now they are on the horse again, which makes them regain their confidence as cavalry.

"Young master! Do you really want to take these three thousand cavalry out of the city? " Deputy general he thought clearly about Chen Yang's intention to take his horses along the way, but Chen Yang had a token in his hand, and he had to obey military orders.

With a smile, Chen Yang led a horse and directly turned over to the horse. He waved his hand and said, "an! Ann! There's no problem. Didn't my father rush through the 100000 army with 1000 people? I have three thousand men and horses, and the help of the garrison on the wall. There must be no problem! " After that, he took out the long gun that had been hanging there from behind, and threw it in his hand, which was quite like Chen Ren's posture.

Deputy general he was one of the thousand soldiers who killed Shanyue with Chen Ren. Chen Yang said that he was very enthusiastic. He even turned over and said to Chen Yang, "young master! Then please allow the last general to go out of the city with you to kill the enemy

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang laughed, but nodded to agree with the request of deputy general he, turned his horse's head, and drank to the soldiers who had been ready at the gate of the city: "open the city gate!"

"Cheep!" With a sharp friction, the gate slowly opened. Chen Yang waved his spear and yelled, "come with me!" Even when he took the lead to rush out of the gate, he followed Chen Yang and led more than 3000 cavalry through the gate.

At the head of the city, Deputy General Li looked at Chen Yang's back, which was slowly disappearing. He could not help but praise himself: "it is really the tiger father who has no dog son! The governor has a successor! " After some feeling, Deputy General Li has not forgotten to send reinforcements to the South and north of the city according to Chen Yang's command. Although Chen Yang said that there was Lu Xun in the west of the city, he did not have to worry about it, but he sent a sergeant to the west of the city to listen to the news.

"What?" In the north of the city, Bao Bao had just repulsed a wave of Zhang Liao's attack. He saw that not only the reinforcements sent to the east of the city had been transferred back, but also more than 5000 reinforcements had been brought out from the east of the city. He immediately asked the captain who led the troops. But when he learned that it was Chen Yang who took his token and led the garrison in the east of the city to repel Cao Jun, he couldn't help laughing and crying. Of course, he knew that he had never given Chen Yang any token. Needless to say, Chen Yang must have stolen it from his camp. However, Bao Bao didn't expect that Chen Yang could defeat Cao Jun, and he was worthy of Chen Ren's eldest son!At this time, a large group of people came immediately, but it was the reinforcements sent by Baobao to the west of the city. Like the east of the city, it not only brought back the reinforcements sent by Baobao, but also thousands more. Bao Bao couldn't help laughing bitterly at the sight of Bao Bao. He was really fearless! This time, he lost his old face, and the two posterity beat back the enemy's attack one step ahead of him.

At the same time, Zhang Liao sent a large army out of the city and started a new round of attack. Different from Song Xian, who was eager for success, Zhang Liao used waves of attacks, slowly consuming Bao Bao's garrison force. After all, Cao's army had too much advantage in the number of people. However, at this time, the Bao Bao was different from before. It was supported by two younger generations, which made Bao Bao a little embarrassed. Bao Bao's eyes flashed and said, "boys! All up! Today, we want to let these Cao troops know that our Xuzhou army is powerful! "

However, Bao Bao, who was stimulated by the achievements of Chen Yang and Lu Xun, forgot to ask about Chen Yang's whereabouts. If he knew that Chen Yang had rushed out of the city with 3000 cavalry, he would not have the heart to defend the city here.

Back to Chen Yang, he rushed out of the East Gate with 3000 cavalry, and the target was directly directed at Song Xian, who was in the process of rectifying the defeated soldiers. Song Xian didn't think that the other party would dare to attack the city, and was still trying to rectify the defeated Cao army.

"Look, general!" A deputy general next to Song Xian suddenly pointed to the direction of Xiaopei city and said, "it seems that someone is there!"

Song Xian quickly turned around, but his eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief. From the direction of the city gate, there came a cavalry troop, obviously the Dongwu army, but this cavalry was only a few thousand. My God, is there something wrong with the general in the east of the city? Although the Cao army has just been withdrawn, there are still about 90000 people! Thousands of people want to attack 90000?

Song Xian immediately felt that he was despised. The unknown anger in his chest rubbed upward, and immediately yelled at the Army: "all of them, line up for me! Line up However, Song Xian obviously didn't realize how much influence Cao's army had in the war. Although under Song Xian's command, he was forced to line up, but in the eyes of the soldiers, there was no fighting spirit.

Naturally, Chen Yang and he's deputy general were the ones who led the troops. At this time, Chen Yang had already swept away. Because he was ill for the first time, he recovered completely. Holding a long gun, he ran directly to Song Xian. Perhaps in Song Xian's eyes, Chen Yang's current behavior is tantamount to death, but Chen Yang thinks this is a great opportunity. Just at the head of the city, Chen Yang found that the state of Cao's troops was obviously no longer good. He had no fighting spirit and military spirit. He realized that this was an excellent opportunity, so he suddenly proposed to lead troops to attack.

In fact, if Song Xian knew how to use military force, he should set up an array and sit down to attack Chen Yang with his cavalry. After all, the number of cavalry on the other side is too small. As long as the formation is kept, this 3000 strong cavalry will never get any benefits. However, Song Xian was totally overwhelmed by the other party's contempt. He even ordered the attack. Moreover, he took the lead and came running with a long gun.

Seeing that Song Xian chose to fight against him, Chen Yang had a chill in his eyes, but a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. The gun in his hand was directly in his chest, and his legs were clamped, which accelerated the speed of his mount. He rushed to Song Xian in a murderous manner. Song Xian took a few steps to catch up with Chen Yang, who was in the front of the other side only when the two armies were still a hundred paces away. I don't know why. It's a hairy boy in front of him, but Song Xian looks at the young general who has rushed to kill him, but his heart is constantly climbing with fear. Especially in contact with each other's cold eyes, Song Xian could not help but shiver.