"Well." Chen Yang called sun Shangxiang out for a long time, but he couldn't say a word. He was holding on to the back of his head. Chen Yang also knew that he was impulsive in Dong Bai's affairs. Especially for this self-made wife, Chen Yang's heart is also a little guilty.

Sun Shangxiang could not help laughing at Chen Yang's appearance, and said to Chen Yang, "this time you are going to fight with Uncle Bao and third brother?" When asked about this sentence, sun Shangxiang could not help but reveal a trace of concern. Judging from his age, Chen Yang is about to be crowned, which means that Chen Yang will become an adult. I am afraid that after returning from this expedition, he will crown Chen Yangju. Sun Shangxiang is going to marry Chen Yang after Chen Yang's crown ceremony. Thinking of this, sun Shangxiang can't help but blush.

This is the first time that Chen Yang looked at sun Shangxiang from such a close distance since he was sensible. He realized that sun Shangxiang's appearance was not much worse than Dong Bai. When Chen Yang looked at sun Shangxiang carefully, he did not forget to answer sun Shangxiang's question: "Well! This is my first real expedition! "

When sun Shangxiang heard Chen Yang's answer, he couldn't help but be a bit stunned. In times of chaos, a good man should make his way around the world. If Chen Yang is as mediocre as sun Kuang and sun Lang, it is just that he is so excellent, which means that Chen Yang is bound to work hard all year round. Didn't Sun Jian, sun Shangxiang's father, and sun CE, his eldest brother, have been like this before?

At the thought of this, sun Shangxiang could not help but show his concern and said, "then you must be careful!" But as soon as finish this sentence, the blush on pretty face is thick some.

"Well!" Chen Yang nodded his head and looked at the guest room. He hesitated and said to sun Shangxiang: "that, Xiaobai is..."

Sun Shangxiang immediately covered Chen Yang's mouth with his hand, looked at Chen Yang and said in a low voice: "don't explain, I understand! In two days, I will take Xiaobai sister back to Jianye. Don't worry! I will take good care of Xiaobai After that, sun Shangxiang realized that her hand was close to Chen Yang's lips, and the heat from Chen Yang's mouth and nose was directly sprayed on her palm.

Before the shy sun Shangxiang retracts his hand, Chen Yang grabs it and feels the heat of Chen Yang's palm. Sun Shangxiang's cheek is red through. Chen Yang looked at sun Shangxiang with his charming eyes and said, "wait for me! I will return triumphantly With that, Chen Yang took sun Shangxiang in his arms.

Sun Shangxiang, who was hugged tightly, was still a little surprised at the beginning. This was the first time that she was so close to Chen Yang that she subconsciously tried to push Chen Yang away. However, she was held tightly by Chen Yang and couldn't push away at all. Feeling the man's smell in Chen Yang's chest, sun Shangxiang's struggle became more and more powerless. Finally, he simply fell into Chen Yang's arms and whispered, "we must come back! I'm waiting for you

The city of Chang'an, the capital of the west, has experienced many ups and downs. The flag fluttering on the head of the city has changed from the original "Dong" character to the present "Cao" character. Although the city is still the same, its owner has changed to someone else. However, today's Chang'an city is much better than that under the rule of Dong Zhuo and Dong min, and the noise in the streets has begun to recover.

In the prime minister's house, the atmosphere was somewhat oppressive. The news that Cao Ren's army had been defeated in Xuzhou had just come back. Cao Ren also took the initiative to come to Chang'an to plead guilty. At this time, he was kneeling in the Council Hall of the prime minister's office. Of course, with him kneeling, there are Zhang Liao, man Chong and Lu brothers and other generals.

At the top of the table is Cao Cao, the leader of the north. As Cao Cao has been in the position of Prime Minister for more and more time, his majesty has become more and more important. Now sitting here, the momentum emanating from him is enough to make the officials below dare not move at will.

"Zixiao, according to what you said, this time it was because of Chen Ren's son that this action was defeated?" With one hand holding his head, Cao Cao leaned on a small Hu stool beside the seat and asked Cao Ren, who was kneeling down.

A drop of cold sweat on Cao Ren's forehead slowly slipped from his forehead to his chin. He did not think that he was Cao Cao's younger brother, so that Cao Cao could turn a blind eye to his mistakes. Cao Ren quickly clasped his fist and replied, "my Lord! This time, the reason was that several assassins who violated the Lord's ban without authorization, were greedy for money to chase down Dong Huang and his party. Only in this way did Soochow notice the trend of our army. After that, Chen Yang, the son of Chen Ren, and Lu Xun, the son of Lu Jun, were also sun CE's students, which should be Chen Ren's disciple. It is because of these two sons that our army's operation this time has finally failed. "

"In the final analysis, it's Chen Ren." Cao Cao rubbed his forehead with some headache. As he grew older and older, his body was not as good as before, and gout came out. Now when he thought of Chen Ren, Cao Cao's head was aching faintly. Cao Cao waved his hand and said to Cao Ren, "although the main reason for the defeat is not entirely due to you, as a commander-in-chief and an old general of our army, you will be defeated by two young boys! In this way, you will be punished to demote one grade of official post, and then take the post of governor of Yanzhou. Later, you will go down to the lower level and order 30 times of flogging! ""Here it is Strictly speaking, Cao Cao's punishment to Cao Ren is relatively light. After all, Cao Ren is still an excellent general of the Cao family. Cao Renyi clasped his fist, and then went straight back to ask Cao Cao to give him punishment. For Zhang Liao and others behind him, Cao Cao also made corresponding punishments, such as salary. After all, Cao Ren is the commander-in-chief and has already undertaken most of the responsibilities. These subordinates only symbolically assume some secondary responsibilities.

However, Cao Cao was very interested in Chen Yang, the son of Chen Ren, who had lost the war. According to the previous intelligence, Zhang Liao once had a hand with Chen Yang, and asked Zhang Liao, "Wenyuan, I heard that you had a fight with Chen Ren's son. How do you feel about this son?"

Zhang Liao just sat down, heard Cao Cao's words and asked, he immediately stood up and clasped his fist at Cao Cao and replied: "report back to my Lord, the last general has only fought with this son once, but according to the last general's view, although this son is only 15 or 16 years old, his martial arts are no longer under the last general! I'm ashamed to say that if I hadn't been interrupted in the first battle outside Xiaopei, I'm afraid that I would eventually be defeated by this son! "

"Oh?" Cao Cao's interest was immediately raised. The intelligence only briefly explained that Zhang Liao and Chen Yang were in a decisive battle. However, he did not expect that Zhang Liao would admit that he was not Chen Yang's opponent. This also surprised Cao Cao.

And several generals sitting next to Zhang Liao are also showing the appearance of disbelief. They all know Zhang Liao's martial arts. Now Zhang Liao even says that he is not the opponent of Chen Yang, who is only 15 or 6 years old. It can be imagined that in a few more years, Chen Yang will certainly grow up to be no less powerful than his father. In particular, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the two top generals, had some friendship with Chen Ren at that time, but they didn't expect Chen Ren's son to be so outstanding.

At this time, man Chong on the other side also got up and said, "Lord! If his subordinates have not guessed wrong, Chen Yang may not only have excellent martial arts skills, but also his father Chen Ren Chen Ren has become famous now. Cao Cao has already seen through Chen Ren's way of hiding his clumsy skills. In Cao Cao's eyes, I'm afraid Chen Ren's wisdom is more frightening than his martial arts.

Man Chong continued to explain: "after this retreat, his subordinates specially captured several soldiers who were fighting with Chen Yang at that time, and inquired about the process of the war at that time. Chen Yang was calm and calm when guarding the city. His skill of guarding the city was no worse than that of Bao Bao. Moreover, when general Song Xian withdrew his troops, he even thought of pursuing general Song Xian with thousands of cavalry. Although this move is a bit risky, it is just this move that has become the key to the defeat of our army! "

Cao Cao also nodded, which he had learned in the previous intelligence. Now Cao Cao has a headache because of this. If Chen Yang is just a member of the force general, pour also, did not expect unexpectedly and Chen any kind, is a literary and military all-round talent, this is the most terrible. But now that the problem has come out, no matter how much headache it is, Cao Cao turned to Jia Xu, his most trusted counselor: "Sir, now that the Xuzhou plan has failed, how should we deal with it next?"

However, Jia Xu frowned and thought all the time. Before that, Jia Xu offered the Xuzhou plan to Cao Cao, which was to surprise the eastern Wu. Cao jiuren was defeated completely, but he didn't have a plan. Jia Xu bowed his hand to Cao Cao and said, "my Lord! Now that the Lord has torn his face with Soochow, I'm afraid the next thing we have to face is the counterattack of Soochow. We should make countermeasures as soon as possible! "

"Well!" Of course, Cao Cao understood what Jia Xu said. In fact, Cao Cao's question was not to blame Jia Xu. Jia Xu's Xuzhou strategy was indeed a good strategy, but it failed for various reasons. It can only be said that the plan is made by man and the task is done by heaven!

Jia Xu knew that Cao Cao was waiting for him to continue, so he did not stop and said, "the counterattack of Soochow is only in three places in my view! The first is Zhao Yun in Hanzhong. However, the Lord has arranged two generals Li Dian and Yu Jin to guard Qishan mountain, which is protected by the natural danger of Qishan mountain. Zhao Yun is also the best at cavalry attack, so the Lord should not worry about this way; the second is Hangu pass, where Jingzhou army can be stationed in Hangu pass and take Chang'an directly. However, Hanguguan has already penetrated into the Northern Wei territory. If Jingzhou army really marches from Hanguguan to Yongzhou, the Lord only needs to send an army to cut off its back, and the Jingzhou army will be defeated, so the Lord doesn't need to be concerned. Thirdly, it's the Xuzhou army, but his subordinates can't determine whether the Xuzhou army is marching towards Yanzhou or attacking Qingzhou, so he can't give it to the Lord A clear solution. "