At this time, the news that Zhu Ling was killed and the East China Sea was captured had not been sent to Linzi. Cao Zhang naturally did not know that the waste in his mouth had already gone to the local government. Cao Zhang still angrily scolded Zhu Ling. The message from Cao Cao yesterday told him to be careful of Xuzhou's attack. Today, he received a call for help from Philadelphia and Tengcheng. Although Cao Zhang was the second son, and when he was a child, he once told him that his wish was to be a great general, but this did not affect Cao Zhang's peeping into Cao Cao's position.

In Qingzhou these years, Cao Zhang has been trying to show his ability and prove to Cao Cao that he is an excellent ruler. Cao Zhangcao can't make such a big mistake in front of him.

"Newspaper!" Just when Cao Zhang was angry, a sergeant rushed to Cao Zhang and knelt down, clasped his fist and said, "report to the general! General Cao Xiu is here

"Oh?" Cao Zhang suppressed his anger and said to the sergeant, "please do not hurry up!"

After a while, a hearty laugh came, and a man with a smile came from the door. It was Cao Cao's son, Cao Zhang's cousin, Cao Xiu. Cao Xiu laughed and said, "Ziwen! Long time no see! Are you all right? "

"Oh! Wenlie! Don't talk to me When Cao Zhang saw Cao Xiu, a smile appeared on his face and welcomed him into the hall. When Cao Xiu was young, he was arranged by Cao Cao to live with his son. Therefore, Cao Zhang and others were familiar with Cao Xiu. In addition, Cao Xiu was heroic, led the army all the year round, and had a good relationship with Cao Zhang. Therefore, compared with Cao Zhang's literati brothers, Cao Xiu was closer to Cao Zhang.

"Oh?" As soon as Cao Xiu entered the door, he looked up at the broken table and looked at Cao Zhang with a smile.

Cao Chang also saw his own masterpiece. He could not help but get a red face. Luckily, his face was blocked by his beard. Cao Zhang quickly asked his servants to clean up the pieces of those tables and replaced them with a new one. Then he said to Cao Xiu, "let Wenlie laugh at you!"

"Ziwen! You really have to restrain your temper. How can you say that you are also a member of the party now? If you are so impulsive, you are easy to make mistakes Cao Xiu was much older than Cao Zhang and had a good relationship with him, so Cao Xiu had no scruples when he taught him a lesson.

Cao Zhang secretly complained to Cao Xiu: I don't know who was talking all day to challenge Chen Ren. You were more impulsive than me! However, Cao Zhang didn't dare to say that. After inviting Cao Xiu to the table, Cao Zhang sat beside him with a bitter smile and said, "ah! You think I want to, but this bunch of bunnies below is so outrageous! Especially that Zhu Ling, I promoted him, he didn't work hard! The Xuzhou army all came to Philadelphia and Tengcheng, but he didn't react at all in the East China Sea! "

"Oh?" Cao Xiu was not surprised by the Xuzhou army's attack. He came here at the command of Cao Cao and brought a large army to support Cao Zhang. I just didn't expect the Xuzhou army to come so fast, which was totally beyond his imagination. Cao Xiu quickly asked, "Ziwen, do you know who is leading the army?"

Cao Zhang frowned. Obviously, as soon as he saw that Philadelphia and Teng city were attacked, Cao Zhang was furious before he finished reading it. Now when Cao Xiu asked about it, Cao Zhang had to run to the bottom of the table to find the information that had fallen. When he looked at it, he replied, "the other soldiers are divided into two ways. Bao Baoqin of Xuzhou took 100000 troops to attack Philadelphia. It seems that Sun Yi, sun Jian's third son, attacked Tengcheng! He has fifty thousand men with him Sun Yi's name is not as loud as his elder brother sun CE. Therefore, the soldiers from Teng city are just vague guesses.

"Ziwen! I'm afraid there is a trick in this! " Cao Xiu thought for a moment, then suddenly frowned and said to Cao Zhang carefully.

"Eh?" Cao Zhang was stunned and looked at Cao Xiu suspiciously. The situation is bad enough now. Is there anything else?

Cao Xiu touched the short beard just left on his chin and said, "this attack in Xuzhou is not a small fight on the border in the past. We have already torn our face with Dongwu. It is very likely that Soochow will directly send troops to annex Qingzhou at this time! Although the attack on Philadelphia and Teng city has unexpected effect, but leaving a key town in the East China Sea behind him, is it not putting a knife on his back? That Bao Bao was deeply trusted by Sun Jian and Chen Ren. How could he do this Now Cao Xiu is not the impulsive little boy ten years ago. He is calm and steady, and has some style of Cao Cao.

Listening to Cao Xiu's analysis, Cao Zhang also felt that something was wrong. He asked quickly, "what's the idea of Bao Bao, as seen by Wen lie?"

Cao Xiu lowered his head, stood up and walked back and forth in the hall several times. Suddenly, he said, "the Lord mentioned in his letter to me that general Cao Ren was ordered to attack Xuzhou, but he was destroyed by Chen Yang, Chen Ren's son. So Chen Yang should be in Xuzhou. If Chen Yang were in Xuzhou, Chen Yang would not have participated in the war if he attacked Qingzhou this time? Ziwen, did the military intelligence mention Chen Yang or a 15-year-old general? "

Cao Zhang quickly picked up the brocade and looked at it carefully again. Then he shook his head and said, "there is no mention of a 15-year-old general. Even that Sun Yi is over 20 years old."Cao Xiu's eyes lit up and suddenly called out, "yes! It must be! Ziwen! Zhu Ling, the general of Donghai City, must have been caught by the other party's plan to lead the snake out of the cave! "

Cao Zhang was startled by Cao Xiu, making his head full of fog. Cao Xiu explained: "according to general Cao Ren, Chen Yang's martial arts skills are extraordinary. Bao Bao, as the army of Xuzhou, came to attack Qingzhou this time. It's impossible not to take such a strong general with him. But if you were you, would you leave the general alone? Therefore, according to my guess, this Baoding made another arrangement for Chen Yang. This time, the Xuzhou army came to attack not two groups of people, but three routes! This third road must be led by Chen Yang, the son of Chen Ren! As for the goal, it is Donghai city! "

"But the East China Sea is closest to Xuzhou, but up to now, we have not received any warning from Donghai city?" Cao Zhang frowned and looked at Cao Xiu. It was obvious that Cao Zhang's brain was not enough.

Cao Xiu shook his head and said, "I have also read the military situation of general Cao Ren's attack on Xuzhou. Especially in the offensive and defensive war of Xiaopei City, Chen Yang is not only superior in martial arts, but also as smart as his father. He is a very crafty man. The Xuzhou army can only send more than 300000 troops, and if it wants to guard against Yanzhou, it can only deploy 200000 people at most. The Bao Bao took 100000, Sun Yi took 50000, and the rest was only 50000 for Chen Yang. As far as I know, there are 50000 guards in Donghai City, right? "

Cao Zhang nodded. There was nothing to hide. There was no secret for Cao Zhang and Cao Xiu. Cao Xiu continued: "the siege war is different from the field battle. The defending side should always have an advantage. As the eldest son of Chen Ren, Chen Yang is known all over the world. As the eldest son of Chen Ren, Chen Yang can't help but know that he has no more than three times the troops of the garrison side. If he wants to attack the city forcefully, it is almost impossible to succeed. Therefore, Chen Yang did not choose to attack the East China Sea immediately, but was observing the changes in the East China Sea

"Change? What changes? " Cao Zhang was more and more confused by Cao Xiu, and seemed to boast Chen Yang to the sky in Cao Xiu's mouth, which made Cao Zhang very unhappy.

"If I guess correctly." Cao Xiu suddenly pointed to the information in Cao Zhang's hands and said, "this information should have been sent to Donghai City, right?"

"Er, yes!" Cao Zhang nodded and said, "nearly one fifth of the troops of Qingzhou are stationed in the East China Sea. When Xuzhou attacks, it is natural that they will first seek help from the nearer East China Sea."

Cao Xiu punched his fist and said, "ah! Therefore, Donghai must have been caught in Chen Yang's conspiracy! Chen Yang must have been lying in ambush outside Donghai city early, waiting for Zhu Ling to lead his troops out of the city. At that time, Chen Yang only needs to be intercepted. Although there are 50000 garrisons in the East China Sea, Zhu Ling will certainly not bring all the 50000 people out. When he meets Chen Yang's 50000 elite, the Donghai garrison will surely be defeated! How can Donghai City, which has lost a large number of garrisons, resist the Xuzhou army with high morale? "

After listening to Cao Xiu's analysis, Cao Zhang also understood, but Guangming Bai was useless. It is estimated that Chen Yang was sitting comfortably in the Donghai city by this time. Cao Zhang immediately seemed to have lost his soul. His face was pale and he fell directly on his seat. If Donghai city still exists, Cao Zhang still has the confidence to drive the Xuzhou army out of Qingzhou. But if Donghai city is gone, Cao Zhang will have to fight with Xuzhou army for a long time. Even if Cao Xiu came to help, it would take at least a year for Cao Zhang to defeat the Xuzhou army. Among Cao Cao's many sons, Cao Zhang used to boast of martial arts, but now he suffers from the most excellent martial arts. I'm afraid his evaluation in Cao Cao's mind will be much lower.

How could Cao Xiu not see the little Jiu in Cao Zhang's heart? Cao Xiu sighed to himself as he looked at him. Although Cao Xiu is Cao Cao's favorite nephew, this matter is related to the choice of Cao Cao's successor. Although Cao Xiu is also Cao Cao's family, Cao Xiu is still not good at interfering in this matter. What kind of person is Cao Cao? After so many years, how can Cao Xiu not understand? If Cao Xiu is just doing things with his head down, Cao Cao will certainly treat him kindly. But if Cao Xiu interferes with Cao Cao's sons, he will soon be killed by Cao Cao. Although Cao Xiu and Cao Zhang have a good friendship, Cao Xiu can only say sorry to Cao Zhang on this matter.