After Liu Pan finished this sentence, he still didn't enjoy it. He called out to the sky: "this time, it's saved!"

After waiting for Liu Pan to vent his anger, Wen pin quickly asked, "general, what's the matter?" Wei Yan and the middle-aged general also looked at Liu Pan with doubts on their faces. Although the brocade bag was brought by the middle-aged general, Liu Pan didn't look at it. How dare the middle-aged general dare to open it privately.

Liu Pan grinned and raised the intelligence in his hand and said: "Jianye came to report that most governor himself came to support us with Jiangdong new army."

"Great!" The three generals all cheered at the same time. Not to mention Chen Ren's going out to fight in person, the Jiangdong new army, which is called the first army in the world, is enough to give them a shot in the arm.

However, after a brief cheer, Wei Yan suddenly frowned and said to Liu Pan, "general! It will take at least one month for Dadu governor to start from Jianye to Hangu pass! Can we hold up until then? " Wei Yan's calculation was correct. The shortest distance from Jianye to Hanguguan is naturally through Yangzhou and Yuzhou. But the problem is that most of Yuzhou's territory is now in the hands of Cao's army. If one city is captured by another, it will certainly not work within a month.

But can Hanguguan sustain for a month in the attack of Cao Cao and Xia Houdun? This is a very practical question. If we can't keep Hangu pass before Chen Ren's troops arrive, all other things will be unnecessary.

Liu Pan shook hands tightly and said to the three, "ladies and gentlemen! We must keep Hangu pass well this time! As long as it can support for a month! The Lord has entrusted Hangu pass to us. We can't lose it! "

After listening to Liu Pan's words, Wen pin immediately patted his chest and said, "general, don't worry! As long as I'm employed to work in Hangu pass for one day, Cao's men will never set foot on Hangu pass! "

Wei Yan also nodded, clasped his fist at Liu Pan and said, "I will help the general guard the pass! If thief Cao wants to enter the pass, he will step on the corpse of some! "

Although the remaining middle-aged general did not speak, his expression told others that his determination would not be much worse than the other three. He joined the Jingzhou Legion the year before last. His surname was Chen, and his name was Shuzhi. His martial arts skills were not inferior to those of civil servants. Although he had joined the Jingzhou Legion for a short time, he was deeply trusted by Liu Pan.

"Good!" Liu Pan firmly looked at the Cao army camp not far away from the pass and said: "from today on, we will let the world really know our Jingzhou army!"

In the winter of the 10th year of Zhongping of the Han Dynasty, Xia Houdun, the governor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, led the Cao army to the east of Hanguguan from Runan city. Cao Cao also began to attack Hangu pass.

However, in the face of Cao Cao's two-sided attack, the Jingzhou Legion who stayed in Hangu pass chose to defend according to the pass. However, Cao Cao seems to have known for a long time that the Jingzhou Legion would do so. Even the weapons for attacking the city were all ready, but it was the catapult designed by Liu Ye, Cao Cao's adviser.

In a flash, ten days have passed. Hangu pass is worthy of being a famous dangerous pass in the world. Under the fierce attack of the catapult, although it has been greatly damaged, it can still maintain its tenacious defense ability. In addition, every time the Cao army retreated, the Jingzhou army would immediately use the materials in the pass to repair Hangu pass, which ensured that Cao's repeated attacks on Hangu pass ended in failure.

At the pass, the Jingzhou army, which had just repulsed the Cao army's attack, was resting and recovering its strength. It's only noon now, and Cao's army will certainly launch another attack today.

Liu Pan was standing firmly at the pass and looked out of the pass. He and Wei Yan were responsible for the attack of the 700000 army led by Cao Cao in the west, while Wen pin and Chen Dao were responsible for dealing with the 500000 army in the East. In the past ten days, Liu Pan's heart was not relaxed, although he successfully beat back Cao Jun's attack every time. Because he knew that Cao Cao was just trying, and Cao Cao's trial was almost over. The real attack of Cao Cao would not take long to start.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Cao's army outside the pass began to beat the drum again. The soldiers of Jingzhou army who had just had a rest at the pass immediately stood up and firmly grasped all the weapons around them in their hands.

Looking at the motive of Cao's camp outside the pass, Liu Pan suddenly jumped in his heart and began to shout to the soldiers around him: "all prepare for the big shield! Prepare the shield These large shields were originally used by Jingzhou Army Infantry to release bows and arrows, but on the first day of the Cao army's siege, the power of the catapults was revealed. Liu Pan immediately put these shields on the gateway to resist the stones projected by the catapults. Fortunately, only the army led by Cao Cao in the West was equipped with a catapult, so only Liu Pan was needed for protection. Otherwise, these big shields were not enough.

As soon as Liu Pan's voice fell, he heard loud noises coming from Cao's barracks on the opposite side. He saw small black spots flying out of the camp in the distance. As these little black spots fly closer and closer, the soldiers at the crossing can also see the true features of these small black spots, which are huge stones.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

Suddenly, dozens of loud noises were heard. Almost all of these stones fell on the pass. All of a sudden, the stones flew across the gate. Fortunately, Liu Pan gave orders in time to let the soldiers use big shields to protect them. But Rao is so, there are still dozens of soldiers were injured by flying stones, and the wall just repaired yesterday night was also smashed into a crack.Liu Pan, who was knocked down by his own soldiers, stood up again, shook off the stones on his body, and raised his head again to look out of the pass. Every time Cao Cao began to attack, he would use a catapult to attack first. Liu Pan was not surprised.

"General Liu! General Liu Wei Yan's cry came from behind. When Cao Cao retreated, Liu Pan let Wei Yan, who had been working all night, have a rest for a while. After Cao Cao attacked, he still got up and didn't know whether he was asleep.

Liu Pantou did not return, and he called out directly: "Wen Chang! Here I am

Following the sound, Wei Yan comes to Liu Pan's back. Liu Pan looks at it. Sure enough, Wei Yan's two big black circles are still there. Liu Pan said directly, "Wen Chang! You'd better go down and have a rest! I'm here! It's OK! "

Wei Yan shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter! I'm not sleepy After saying that, he turned his head and looked out of the pass. Suddenly he frowned and said, "it seems that Cao Cao can't help it. It seems that he is trapped in the camp of Bingzhou army."

"Trapped in the camp!" Liu Pan also frowned and squinted at the grass army camp in front of him. Sure enough, out of the camp of Cao army, a black armored infantry, armed with shield and broadsword, was marching in a neat line to Hangu pass. It was the trapped camp that Lu Bu had seen before!

Although Liu is not good at fighting, it seems that Liu is good at fighting

Wei Yan couldn't figure out why. He just frowned at the legendary camp that could compete with the Dragon general camp, but he didn't know what medicine Cao Cao was selling!

"Anyway! Be prepared to defend! Let's see what's going on Liu Pan is really do not understand, but still ordered to prepare those garrison equipment are carried on the barrier.

The so-called siege equipment, in fact, did not exist in Hangu pass. They were all made according to Chen Ren's suggestion. Among them are the catapult and the small catapult.

In fact, the catapult, in fact, is a kind of large crossbow, but under the crossbow there is a bracket and four wheels for easy movement. The catapult has a long range of attack and strong attack power. It is a wonderful weapon to defend the wall. But this kind of catapult also has a disadvantage, that is, it needs special arrows, ordinary arrows are not long enough.

As for the small-sized catapult, it is similar to the one designed by Liu Ye for Cao Cao, but this is not a copy of Liu Ye's design in the eastern Wu Dynasty. This kind of catapult was designed when the siege camp was just set up more than ten years ago. However, at that time, only a few shots were fired, Lv Bu was scared to escape, so it was not used. Later, after being mentioned by Chen Ren, these catapults were made smaller and smaller and placed at the head of the city. They could be used as city guarding equipment. Only in this way can we have the present small-scale stone throwing vehicles.

However, due to the smaller size of the catapult, the attack distance of the catapult has also been greatly shortened, which is only about ten steps away from the ordinary bow and arrow. However, this kind of small catapult has an advantage, that is, it has a strong range of attack. When a stone hits the ground, it can cause great damage to the surrounding soldiers.

Before that, Cao Pang didn't use strong weapons to attack Liu. But this time saw Cao Cao even fall into the camp sent out, Liu Pan's heart really felt a little uneasy.

Wei Yan was also nervous, but he calmly arranged for the soldiers at the gate to place all the garrison equipment, and he also did not forget to cover all the garrison equipment with coarse cloth to avoid exposing the target. This also can launch a sudden attack at the most critical time, causing the greatest damage to Cao Jun.

Outside the Shanhaiguan Pass, after nearly 100000 trapped people stepped out of the camp, a group of people slowly came out of the camp of Cao's army. However, Liu Pan and Wei Yan were very unfamiliar with this army. The whole army was dressed in light brown armour and had neither guns nor knives, nor shields. It's just something on the back, but because the distance is too far, they can't see clearly. They looked at each other and shook their heads, saying that they had never seen the army.